Page Two THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, March 22, 1940. THE PILOT Published each Kriday by THE PILOT, Incorporated, Southern IHnett, N. C. NELSON C. II%UE Editor DAN S. Ray, General Manager CHARLES MACAULEY Advertising Manager ■•bn K. Butter, Beniiie Cameron Smith. AMocifttei THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE rpT^s SubHcriptlon Rites: Oae Year ■Iz Months ... nu«e Months *2.00 $1.00 50 iltl HUUnnnu:; ffiFfZ IHPUSTRy ^ ORIOINAl INVtSTMENT Of *f0,000 IS NEEDED TO CREATE A NtVV JOB— SPtST NtARLV A BILLION DOLLARS FOR NIW PIANTS AftO fQUlPMCNT SlHCe 193^. Bntered at the Postoffice at South- kin Pines, N. C., as second class mail matter. A FLAW IN OI R STATE ADV ERTISING North Carolina peaches are sold on northern markets as Georgia peaches. North Carolina porkers be come “Smithfield Hams” when they get away from here. North Carolina tobacco is known over the world as Virgin ia tobacco. North Carolina Irish potatoes reach the market as Idaho po- tatcjcsj I There isn't a manufactured or grown Jirodui^ of this state i carrying the name of North Carolina. And we're spending a (juarter of a million dollars a year in ad vertising the state. Lee Gravely, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor, thinks it’s time some It takes THE lift WORK OF APPROSlMAlEty /OOO BCBS TO produce a SIN6LB POUND Of HOtili! A «(ITHOO Of MAKINS reXTue FiB£RS fRom the farmsrs SMPLUS CORN HAS RECENTiy BEEN PATENTEP. <-vV M- smziRim OHCE ACIUAliy MAO A navy AMD AN •apmikali’ m 1799 A «v4A netT ivmiAf/PfO Af* kH6iiSH mUARfST m THi Sf/tVK£ Of irnrz£»LAHC' MTItOiLO i*Kf luSlCH AS A ASA'SSr fk'lNCN . ^!»Auy scurnfcj In the ust 25 years STATt TAXES HAVE INCREASED ABOUT 1000 fiea ccnt- AMD rOOAy 3 OUT Cf 4 Of THBSe TAX OOUARS ISA HIOOBH TAX. Seek Improved No. 1 Highway Thru State Group Urges Kecoast ruci ion from Virginia Line South To Raleigh Concerteed action to bring about the reconstruction of U. S. High, way No. 1 from the Virginia line south to Raleigh was undertaken Tuesday at a conference held in Hen derson by representatives of five towns and cities. The confeience, presided over by Fred Allen, Jr., secretary of the Hen. derson Chamber of Commerce, result, ed in appointment of a 10-man com mittee to appeal to the State High way and Public Works Commission. Proponents of the movement as serted that U. S. No. 1 was the state’s principal cairier of the profitable ^orth-South tourist traffic and should be widened and repaired to match the route in Virginia. MRS. JOH.V Hl'MPHRY DIES .AT HER HOME HERE GRAINS cr %ANt) Lee Gravely, candidate for the, horses and felimbed aboard. w ;I.sLltuie| candidate Giles Y. Newton of Gib. that created an advertising pro- EVKLYN EDSON Notary Public relephone Office N. II. Ave -^1 1- ' Congress has delved into gram for iSorth Caiolina, a pro- ascertained that North gram, which concededly Carolina has had 2r>S Representatives brought thousands ot touilstS|j^ Wa.shington since the first one, spending ^millions of dollais Williamson, took his .seat 150 the state. years ago. The state now has eleven. ECONOMY BLOC BUSY IN CONGRf:SS Stiange as it seems. Hoover Taft, they declared, who is making a talk in Pinehurst of the Death certificates for eight per-1 were received among the February reports; made to the State Board of Health’s ' Division of Vital Statistics, of which i _ ’ I Dr. R. T. Stimpson is the Director, i This was the largest number of j such certificate.s received during any i ' single month within the memory of ' veteran employees in the Division, Delicious Home Cooked Chicken Dinner Sunday at Skyline Phone “189 •Arch Coleman |1 KASTEK SlHiCKSTIONS Acce.s.sories for vour costume. New Striped Silk Bags, others in many materials. Spring shades Archer Hosiery. Doeskin and Pigskin Ciloves. Costume Jewelry. I ,,..v eight centenarians whose . March 28th. is a Democrat. In fact, deaths were reported, six were color- Believe it or not, there is a the Young Democrats determined economy bloc woik- county that evening, ing in Congress and, so tar at "vvhat's funny about that? Don’t least, it has produced some re ■|two negatives make an affirmative, suits. There is, however, consid- .gyj, Leiand McKeithen. ed and two white. The oldest was Mary Parks, colored, of Wilkes county listed as having been 112, whose death was recently reported in the press. She froze to death, her certificate said. erable (luestion as to whetlier it will win out in the end—the ad- a fellow who had had something vocates of more spending are besides Coca Cola at Saturday’s Stee. many and strong, and they are pjechase races caught one of the; massing solidly behind the farm! 1 Qii>*pci ' . . , Mt. and \Tts. Herman McNoal and Spearhead of the economV!Mrs. Carl Munch and Miss dr-'ve is naturally in the! of Representatives, where ii WELCH GIFT SHOP •• H Southern Pines, N. C. *• F’OOD SAL.E Going Out of Business Sale We must clean our shelves and vacate the building. Price no object no w. PINEBLUFF ; and might prove failures as Dorothy Munch returned to their fighting ■' ^ Pork Chops Hams Fowls End Cuts Armours Star Home Killed Lb.—15c Half or whole, lb 21c Lb.—21c , units. Further, they home here Friday after .spending sev. continue, ships become obsolete eral weeks in Daytona, Fla. Dwight Ives, Jr., of Rosewell spent Constitutional mandate, all ap- propriations legislation must „ A oriffinate Tt« Ipidprs havp ma whether a large num-, the week-end with his parents. ?eS reduced ProPOser™^ relatively small ships is Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kirck of New a J reau ed prop . ed appro- ^^re efflrctive than a small London w'ere quests at the home of pnations for a number of bu- i-omion were guests at tne home of reaiis and numosps I atest re giant first-line craft Mr. adn. Mrs. J. R. Lampley Sunday, reaus and p rpo. es. l..atest re ^ settled. And, they Mr and Mrs h a Geisor of PUi duction was a paring of close to' „„„ $3,000,000 in the Interior De- ^ ^ ’ partment Supply bill-which in- ;-«age. volved the complete knifinc of a Asia, the victors will be so^ Robert Stawart and Lee Buchan voivea tne complete Kniting ot a exhausted that they would be in ^pgnt Mondav in Charlotte visitine- projected $2.'jO,000 expenditure nnQj+Jnn ir. cftnVv n= cvon Monday m charlotte vi.sitmg no position to attack us even it Miss Kate Stewart at the Charlotte they wanted to. Therefore, they sanatorium. for Admiral Byrd’s current Ant arctic Expedition. So far, cuts in the budget made by various House committees have come close to the .$300,000,000 point. Whether or not those in fav or of coat-cutting will be able to resist the pressure in favor of loosing the floodgates of the Federal Treasury is now an in teresting matter for speculation. By the time this is read, Con gress will probably have got around to considering the Naval Expansion Bill, with its proposed $653,000,000 appropriation. Up until recently it seemed almost a certainty that this measure would go through without a hitch, and that the fleet would be given all it asked. As the' polls show, sentiment in this country for building a defense structure of unprecedented peace-time strength is extreme ly strong. The American people, looking nervously at unpredict able Europe, are apparently ea ger to possess a navy that is more than adequate to defeat any conceivable invader or com bination of invaders. At the fsame time, a certain amount of doubt has arised as to whether the proposed bill is completely necessary Mrs. Thomas Lockie and daught- scale er Anna of West Edmunston, sum up, there is no need for naval expansion on the scale er Anna of West Edmunston N Y., now proposed. Similar argu- g^e guests of Mrs, v w.m cMinn. ments are used against propos-; Mr. and Mrs. Ermon Pickier and als for the purchase of tremen-, Mrs. j. w. pickier spent w»dne.sday dous quantities of new militarj' Albemarle, airplanes which, as everyone; Mr. and Mrs. Clair Winship and son knows, may become outmoded F.iimore, n. y„ and Miss overnight. Erma Robins of Wellsville, N. Y., Congressional controversy | are guests at the Unwood, over farm appropriations is now i Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Kings reaching the limelight. The Sen- ^ Mountain were Sunday guests of the ate appropriations committee! Rev. and Mrs. W. a. Parsons, has approved a billion-dollar Mrs. Isac Welch_ Miss Lena Nor- farm bill which, if passed, will ton, Mrs. Thomas Lochabile, Mrs A. entirely wipe out the $300,000,- N. McMinn, Mr. and Mrs. Norman 000 total cut in the budget made Van Boskerick, Miss Anne Warner by the House, and may make and Belk Troxitman w-ere among new taxes necessary. It seems attending a dinner party at Market Savings Butter, Armour Clover Bloom, lb, 34c Bacon, Morrell’s Palace, lb 19c Pot Roast, steer Beef, lb 15c Hamburger Steak, lb 13c Pigs Liver, lb 13c Tom’s All Pork (Home Made) Sausage, lb 14c Boiled Ham, lb .....39 Broilers and Fryers, Home KUIed Ib 24c Closing Out Prices Cross and Blackwell Tomato Juice, 10 oz. cans 4c lieechnut Catsup, large size 14c Fancy Maine Com, No, 2 Can, .Mar ble Brand, 3 for 23c Golden, Yellow Corn, 15 oz. can ,5c Pimentoe.s, 4 oz. 10c value 5c Tomato Paste, 4 for 25c Burnetts Lemon Extract, 2 oz. 35c, value 15c Scott Towes, Special 9c certain that thr farm bill will pass the Senate in the form ap proved by its committee. Fore cast is that it will also finally be passed by both branches with but minor changes. But the economy bloc will undoubtedly seek to pare it somewhat. Outlook is that something of will go to the magazine fund. The a compromise will be reached so hostesses were Miss Anna Mae Dehl, far ais spending in general is Mrs. J. J. Foiiey, Mrs. j. D. Mangum concerned. Some bureaus will and Mrs. Tugwell. At the conclusion get less money, but expenditures of the play the hostesses served re. which affe(jt large numbers of freshments ' the voters, and in which, as a Va. Oysters Pints 23c Qts 39c Heinz Soup All Kinds Large size, 3 for 33c Peaches Sun-Shine Brand i Large Can, 3 for 35c the home of Mrs. Cecil Farrell in Aberdeen Sunday. The Pinebluff Library Association held a benefit card party at the home of Anna Mae Dehl on | Tuesday afternoon. The game was I played at four tables. Prizes going for! top score at each table. The proceeds 'ne bill’s opponents point out! result, all elective officials have' that the new ships to be laun ched would not be completed for years. Some of the ships are of i last year. LraRARY TO CLOSE a political stake, will be large—| The Southern Pines Library will though perhaps not as large as | be closed March 22d through March j 25th, it was announced yesterday. FLOUR FLOUR SALT PORK Every bag guaranteed Fat Backs, 4 lbs. 25c 24 lbs. 75c Rib Meat, 3 lbs. . 25c We List Only a Few ... Linen White, qts 14c Pride Washing Powder large, 43 oz. size 2 for 15c Friends Yellow Eye Beans, 28 oz. tall can, 2 for 23c Morreir Stew Beef, 22 oz. I.,arge can 15c Jello—all flavors, 4 for 19c Ferndell Soups, a.ssorted 5c French’s Bird Seed and gravel 5c PURE LARD 2 Ib. pkt.‘ 18c Good Table Meal, 10 Ib. bag 19c A-Gradc Scratch Feed, 25 Ib, bag 55c A-Grade Laying Mash, 25 Ib. bag ... 69c Shipstuff, 100 Ib. Bag, 16 percent $1.65 Domino Tablet Sugar, 2 Ib size 19c Apricots. No. 2 1-2 Large can 15c Steak, Salmons, 8 oz. cans 10c Bro*'ms, 2 for 25c Cha«!P & Sanborn Coffee Drip or Regular Lh. Pnt.—21c National Biscuit* Shredded Wheat Soecial (Extra) 9c Rinso Large Size 18c BAKER’S MARKET* Dial 5681 FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Dial 5681