FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCl LATION & ADVEUTISING THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL, 19 NX). 19, ^ >^A«THAOE &ACI.e SPAING9 ALAKEVItSW WR3T CNO MANUKV JACXSOH 9PRIH09 soctthcrn PtnCS ASHLEY MfttCHTS A»C(^OCXH PlMCeUjFP PILOT .MOOKE I'OI NTY’S l.EADINf; NEWS-WEEKLY of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina. Friday, April 5, 1910 FIVE CENTi BEVERLY WALTER, HERO OF WORLD WAR, DIES AT 41 Well Known Sandhills Sports man, Gassed in France, Twice ' Cited for Bravery RESIDENT HERE 20 YEARS Funeral services were held yes- terday afternoon for Beverly Walter, World War veteran—and victim— who died Tuesday night in Moore County Hospital after an illness of two weeks. Mr. Walter was 41 years old, and since the war had made his residence in the Sandhills, playing a prominent part in sports activities, especially in polo, hunting- and racing. At the time of his death he was as sistant secretary of the projected North Carolina Preparatory School for Boys. I “Bev," as everyone knew him, had suffered much since the war, prob ably more than liis friends appreciat ed. He had been a patient in the hos pital on several occasions. It was while serving as an ambulance driv er in France that he was gassed. Driving thioagh a sector under gas attack with wounded men in his car, he rcfii.sed to put on his gas mask in order to save time in t.ush- ing his charge.s to ho.spitals. On a previous occasion he had led an escape with wounded soldiers from a hospital under German siege. “Bov" ■was twice cited for heroism and sac rifices by the P'reni’h government. I’olo Knthusiast Here in the Sandhills he took an active part in polo back in the days when John Tuckerman, Richard Lov. ering, the late “Jack" Latting and others of the cottage colony had a team took on all comers. "Bev'' played regularly for years, and was deeply interested in the revival of the game in Pinehurst this past fall. He used to hunt regularly with the Moore County Hounds in Southern Pines. Last year he was a.ssistant secretary of the Sandhills Steeple chase and Racing Association, and two sea.son.s ago was active in local amateur theatricals. He had interest, ed him.self in various business ven tures in the section, as well as in sports, being engaged in peach grow- ing for some time. He has been most active in connection with launching the new boys' school here for the past year or so. A son of Frank and Emma Duryea Walter of Washington, D. C„ Mr. Walter was thrice married. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Frances Bancroft Braine W'alter, and by three children, two by his second marriage. Also surviving are a broJ.h- er, Frank, and four sisters. The Rev. Dr. T. A. Cheatham of the Village Chapel in Pinehurst conducted im pressive services at the chapel yes terday afternoon, fellow members of Sandhills ,post, American Legipn, serving as pallbearers. Burial will be in the National Cemetery at Arling. ton, Va. Ball Nets $2,867 Hospital Auxiiary Members Give Vote of Thanks To Committee Members of the Moore County Hospital Auxiliary heard the good news at Wednesday's meeting that a net sum of $2,866.75 had been raised by the Hospital Ball held recently at the Pinehurst Country. Mrs. Burt Hunt, chairman, and her Ball committee were given a ris ing vote of thanks for the suc cessful management of the enjoy, able and profitable affair. Plans were launched at the meeting to start a library of tech nical books for the student nurses of the hospital in the near fu. ture. 1,000 EXPECTED FOR CONVENTION OF ROTARY CLIBS Two Candidates Announce for District Governor To Suc ceed Rev- A- V* Gibson PROMINENT SPEAKERS LOCAL GLEE CLUB WINS HONORS IN DISTRICT CONTEST Two candidates, Ed. K. Willis of Concord and Hal W. Little of Wades- boro, have announced for the office of District Rotaiy Governor, to be elected at the annual convention of the 188th district, to be held on May 1.2 at Pinehurst. Approximately 1,000 Rotarians and Rotary Anns Auxiliary of Fayetteville Presbytery to Mee Between 500 and 600 Women of Seven Counties Gather Next Week in Aberdeen Between 500 and 600 women of Fayetteville Presbytery are expect, ed to attend the 51st annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary to be held next Tuesday and Wednesday at the Bethesda Presbyterian Chutch in Aberdeen. A splendid two-day pro. gram has been prepared for the oc casion, with many visiting speakers. Mrs. P. P. McCain of Sanatorium, president, will preside. Seven coun ties are included in this Presbytery. The session will open at 10:00 from all .sections of the state are Tuesday morning with greet- oxpected to attend. , ‘^e hostess district by _ .. , . ' Mr.s. L. L .Woolley and Mrs. Robert Both Willis and Little have been , .... ^ ^ . Stewart anu a response by Mrs. John promment in Rotray activities for , , _ „ ^ ■ many years, each having .served as president of his club. Both are con c’ucting active campaigns. The 'fiev. A. V. Gibson of S.mford ' L. Alexander. Reports of Presbyterial ('fficers and committees will follow, and at 11 :l)0 o'clock the Ftev. S. H. Seventh StralKht Victory (Juaii- fies School For State .Music Festival in (Jreensbont is the retiring di.strict governor and H- 30, will pieside over the convention. The election of the new district governor will take place at a business se.ssion to be held Wednesday, ami the nomi nee will he announrd on Thursday. Plans for the convention are rapid- The Glee Club of the Southern I.v noaring completion. Heading the Pines High School ha.s again brought speakers will be Dr. Amos Squires home the honors from the District "f O.swego. N. Y.. head surgeon at elimination contest in Durham. Kvery Sing Prison, and representative contest entered for the past seven Rotai.v International. years has resulted in Victrtry and hon- Washington Kditor Speaker ^ and he with Mrs McKelway or for these young musical aspirants.^ B. M. McKelway of Washington, and Mis. A. V. Gib.son The events entered this year were IX C.. editor of the Washington f.'ve- Sanford will sing during the pro- more numerous than in previous; ning Star, and Peter K. Kmmons Reports on the Alexander years. In addition to entering the, of Scranton, Pa., will also speak, in Home and the Synod's educational in- contests for Mixed Chorus and Girls addition to a number of prominent .otitntions will be read bv Mrs. A. Glee Club, this year the students cn. , North Carolina Rotarians. Jones York and Mrs. D. A. McCor- tered their Boys' Glee Club, Girls'J Registration for the conference lespeetivelv. W'Mlnesda.v’s 1‘rogriim Wedne.sdav's session will be held and reports on Training School and Diphanage work will be heard at noon. The afterno on.session will be clevoted to further reports, including that of the delegate to the Synodi- (al auxiliary, Mrs. Loewood McCal- lum, and of repi esentatives at Mon- treat. Mrs. X. .M. MeLean and Mrs. Wat.s(jn Rutler. The Rev. A. J McKelway of Pine- hiiist will be in charge of the wor. ‘ hip period at the Tuesday evening Deer Caught in Cc. Found Dying: from Strugs:les to Free Itself in Garage of Grover McCrimmon Trio a clarinet and a piano solo. The j will begin on Wednesday morning. Girls' Trio was compo.sed of Kniily'May 1. followed by n ses- Fowler Dana Utley and Mary Belle Price. The clarinet soloist was Lloyd Woolley under the tutorship of Kd- ward Stiiewalt, and the piano soloist, ."ion. Governor Gibson w ill deliver his annual address VVednesilay morning at Old Bethesda Church, and on the as the principal speaker. McKelway will speak at the Um- program are Miss Fodie Buie, adult Helen Hilderman, a pupil of Mrs. icheon Wedne.sday; Emmons will speak at the annual banquet Wednes day night: and Dr. Squires will speak at the closing banquet, honoring the retiring governor, on Thursday at Claude Hafer. Miss Selma Stegall is (Jirertor of the Glee clubs. Highest ratings in the contest were the Mixed Choru.s, the Girls’ Glee Club, thj* Boys' Glee Club, and | noon the piano and clarinet solos. Second place was won by the Trio . The contest in Durham was a dis- ndviser; Mrs. Victor Tyler Home Mi.ssions; Mrs. R. L. Murray White Cro.s.s work; Mrs. H. C. McLaugh lin. foreign missions^ Mrs. L. L Giun- tham, religious eilucation work and Dr. Aline McKenzie, birthday objec- tivo. The Rev. Dr. Frank A. Drown of Suehoufu, China, will make an ad- ... on foreign missions and Miss expected to accompany their bus- , . * Linnse Clanton of Charlotte, president That old Model T has been used for a lot of things, but never before that anyone’s heard of as a deer trap. Grover McCrimmon, a farmer on the outskirts of Southern Pines, went to his garage Tuesday morning to get his car out. There, with his front legs caught between bumper and ra. ilator, was a buck about a year old. It was in a serious condition as the lesult of its struggles to free Itself, and died from exertion and loss of blood before Mr, McCrimmon could get aid. Mr. McCrimmon had heard dogs l arking the night before .and believes the deer was frightened into tlv- open-door garage. Alex Field, Moore coiinly's game warden, saw the animal before it wa.s extricaleci from its unique trap, in you're i.nclinc'd not to believed the Ktoiy. Another deer met death week on the Aberdeen ;uul Uockfisli Kail, road, of Aberdeen. Grazing with ethers near the track.s, it was fright ened by a passing train and leaped in the wrong direction, landing between locomotive and tender. CENSUS TAKING IN COUNTY TO START AT ONCE >Irs. Lewis and .’Mrs. Loathani •\rc Appointed For Southern Pine.s—Others Named Several hundred Rotary Ann.s are bands to the convention. Special en- trict elimination contest in prepara-itertf»inment and piogiam fe.itmes^ ^ nie.ssage and pre.sent life meniber- tion for the State Music Festival in Greensboro, sponsored by the Wo- JmAn's College. All Southern Pines entrants in the Durham contest are to compete In the finals at Greens boro. School Officials at State Board Meeting FORlVffiR SHERIFF FRYE MAXU'ELL. M^VNAGER HERE Many From Moore County Go To Chapel Hill For Gathering will be provided for the ladies. One ispecial entertair.knent this, year will be a square dance to be | sfhedule<l held in connection with the Govern.) or’s Ball. A String banj from West | Jefferson, home of Rotary President Ed Anderson, will play. of the State Synodical, will deliver a nie.ssage and pre.sent life member ship. The annual election of officers for 11:45 Wedne.sday morning following Mr. Fulton's Bi. Almet Jenks Elected Steeplechase Head Succeeds James Boyd as Presi dent of Sandhills Associa tion. Meet Here Successful After a picnic lunch in Bethesda churchyard at 1:00 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. Wilson Fairley will talk on “Stewardship" at 2:10, followed byi'^' Shn\\\ Ben H. Wood, Char- annual reports from the districts and'Morrison Howie, Mrs. Bruce Lewis has ben named cen.sus enumerator for the west side | of Broad street, Mrs. Lillian G. Lea-j tham for the east side, in Southern | Pines, and they will start their work of interrogating the citizens within the next few days. The appointment of the following census enumerators for various dis tricts of Mooie county has been an nounced, but the list is not complete: William H. McNeill, Mrs. Fannie A. Downing. Mrs. Zeb. V. Blue. Char les B Garrett. N Woodrow Mclnnis, Tracy L Reynolds, James W. Poe. Jean Swett, Daniel A. McLauchlin, Former Sheriff R. G. Frye was this wek named as Moore county manager for A. J. Maxwell In his campaign for the Democratic nomina. tlon as governor. Sheriff Frye's as- eoclatlon with the campaign mater ially strengthens Mr. Maxwell's al ready strong position In Moore, and assures a hard but fair fight for leadership In the May 25 primary. With one of the largest family connections in this section^ and with the experience acquired in many successful political battles, Sheriff Frye will prove most valuable to the Maxwell forces. The Maxwell county organizations throughout the state are reported In excellent shape. State Manager Bur. gln Pennell has devoted almost bis entire attention to this phase of the campaign, while Mr. Maxwell him self has visited every section of the state on his speech-making toura. His speaking engagements next week extend from Manteo on Monday night to West Jefferson on Thursday night. Moore county was well represent ed at yesterday's meeting of the North Carolina State School Board Association, held in Chapel Hill, at which time educational problems were discussed by leaders throughout the state. Dr. Horace E. Stacy of Lumberton presided at the sess'ons and made the feature address In the morning. Dr. Howard Dawson being the afternoon speaker. Nearly 1,000 delegates representing every county in the state attended. From this county went Dr. George G. Herr, chairman of the Southern Pines School Board, and Superintend ent Philip Weaver of Southern Pines; John Graham of Aberden, chairman of the County School Board: County Superintendent H. I«ee Thomas; John F. Taylor, Pinehurst board chairman, and Superintendent J. W. Harbison of Pinehurst, and school board mem- bers from Cameron, Vass and West End. Charged with entering the house of Miss Thurla Cole of Cameron twice within a week, Jethro Jackson, colored, was In Recorder’s Court Mon day bound to Superior Court on each of the two breaking and entering counts. For stealing a watch on his first entrance on March 19, he wa^ given two months on the roads. Almet Jenks of Southern Pine.s was elected president of the Sandhills Steeplechase and Racing Association at the annual meeting of the Execu tive Committee held last Friday morning in the office of Col. George P. Hawes in Pinehurst. Mr. Jenks succeeds James Boyd, who has serv ed for two years and asked to be re- lieved. Reports were read showing the recent race meeting here was a succcess from all standpoints. Mr. Boyd and George Watt.s Hill of Durham W'ere elected Vice-presi dents, Col. Hawes re-elected troasur. er, Nelson C. Hyde secretary and 'Richard Wallach, Jr. ,racing secre. tary. Mr. Wallach was given a vote of thanks for his management of the 1940 steeplechases. FORT BR.'VOG VS. PINEHVRST ON POLO FIELD SUNDAY Port Bragg and Pinehurst polo teams will clash Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock on the No. 2 field in Pinehurst. Playing for Bragg will be Capt. Dave E?rsklne, Lieut. Alex Graham, Lieut. Tom Cooper and Capt. Paul Miller. Pinehurst will present Mercer Hicks, R. B. Green, Merr”.l Fink and B. R. Brown. Public Invited; tickets at gate. other new and unfinished business. Mrs. R. N. Page of Aberdeen will preside over the installation service, the adjournment will follow the Rev. Rev. E. L. Barbei'’s benediction. Officers of the Fayetteville Pres bytery are; Mrs. R. N. Page, honor ary president; Mrs. McCain, presi. dent; Mrs. Charles Ross of Lilling- ton, vice-president; Mrs. J. O. Me- Clelland of Maxton, recording secre tary; Mrs. F. L. Eubanks of Sana torium, corresponding secretary; Mrs. L. A. McLaurin of Hemp, treasurer, and Mrs. Charles Rankin of Fayette, ville, historian. FACTION FIGHTER WINS FEATURE C.XMDEN R.VCE Paul Mellon’s Faction Fighter won The Carolina Cup, feature race on the card at the annual race meet, ing In Camden, S. C., last Saturday, and Carleton Palmer’s Gll Bias was the only Southern Pines entry to get into the money on the seven race card, coming in third in this event. Mansfield Park, owned by Paul Daly of New York and trained here by G. A. Laing, refused a fence while in the lead and never made up his lost distance. Many from the Sandhills witnessed the races. Claude F. Leavitt, William E. Gra ham and Mayer A. Ginsburg. Mr. McNeill will have territory north of Carthage and Mrs. Down ing the town of Carthage. Mrs, Blue is to work from Eureka to Cailhage. Mr. Reynolds will be in Ritter's town ship and Mr. Pcie in Deep River, and Miss Swett will work around Cam eron. Alton Shaw Is to have Vass; Mr. Pleasants, Aberdeen; Mr. Graham the rural section around Jackson Springs, and Mr. Ginsburg a part of Mineral Springs township includ ing Pinehurst, West End and Taylor- town. , CIVIC CLl'B TO SHOW PICTURES OF HOLLAND M.J.McLEANOF CARTHAGE IS OUT ’^OR LEGISLATURE Moore County Native Makes It Threp-Cornered Race For Clegg’s Seat FAVORS AID TO CONVICTS Malcolm J. McLean of Carthage announced this week for Representa tives in the State Legislature from Moore county, assuring a three-cor- nered race for the post now held by ftu.ssell Clegg of Mr. Clegg is expected to stand for re-election, and J. Hawley Poole, of West End, a former Representative, has already announced, Mr. McLean is a Moore county native, having been born and rear ed in Greenwood township. From an educational standpoint, he is well fitted for the po.sition to which ho a.'-pires, having made a study of the biographle.s of stiitesmen, both American and P’uropean, and of such woi'k.s as ’'The American Common, we.ilth" and "Modern Democracies ' by the late L. ■■ d Bryce, the essa.vs find political writings of J.imes, Royce, Hyde, Peabody, Malhe'.vs and others. In a statement to the press this week Mr. McLean outlined a number ot ideas which he will promote if elected. He favor.s authoii/.ing the State Convict Board to give employ ment to convicts desiring It upon their completion of their sentences, a move he believes would reclaim most of them as good citizens. He would ''encourage and promote gen eral expansion in undeveloped fields of activity, for which there is wa.ste- ful opportunity in this state, that In the of time would give gain ful employment to thousands of men and would greatly enhance the value of eveiy community." He favors providing for retired school tenchers through an adequate pension system, to be accomplished by readjusting upward teacher sal. aries so that their pensions can be built up out of their pay. He is not in favor of changing any existing laws which are satisfactory, nor of increasing taxes. He thinks the high way system .should be extended to provide good road.“ for wide stretches of territory not now properly serv. ed. Mad Dog Runs Wild in Vass; Three Bitten All Dogs in Town Ordered Con fined and Many Have Pets Killed LOOAI*S DEFEAT HEMP The Southern Pines High School baseball team defeated Hemp In a ;IoB© game, 1 to 0, on the local dia mond Tuesday afternoon. This evening, Friday at the Civ. ic Club, Southern Pines, Mr. and Mrs. John B^rerlngton will show colored pictures of Holland, with a talk by Mr. E^rerington, an artist in the tak- Ing and coloring of pictures and an Interesting raconteur. Featured will be scenes of an airplane trip over Holland and sailing on the Zuider Zee. The program wll start at 8:00 o’clock, and there will be a 35 cent charge, with the public Invited. “Poetry" will be the subject of next Friday’s program, with Miss Meade Seawell of Carthage and Donald Par. son of Pinehurst .author of "Glass "Flowers,” discussing the subject and Mr. Parson reading from his works. Tea will be served, and there will j be no charge for anyone. had its worst mad dog scare of the season last week when a stray dog came Into town and contacted a large percent of the canine population before it was finally killed. This wa.s the second mad dog killed here with, in the month. A day or two after the dog was killed ,a puppy on the farm of T. Frank Cameron three or four miles out from Vas.s bit Mrs. Cameron, Miss Jennie Cameron and a little Oakley girl who resides on the place. The in juries Inflicted were minor, but alarm, ing, due to the presence of mad dogs In the section, so the puppy was killed and his head sent to Raleigh. There was no evidence of rabies, the report stated, but those bitten de cided to take the Pasteur treatment to be on the safe side. The town Board ordered that all dogs be confined for a certain period, A number of pets that were known to have been in contact with the rabid dog were promptly killed, at the re quest of the owners. ALUMNI OF FARM LIFE SCHOOL TO HAVE BANQUET The Ahimnl Association of Farm Life School will hold its annual ban quet tomorrow, ((Saturday evening, April 6th, at 8:00 o’clock in the Com munity house at the school All for mer pupils and teachers are invited to be present.

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