Page Four THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen. North Carolina Friday, April 5, 1940. TO SHOW t'ATHKDK.VLS OF (U.O KNCiLAM) SINDVV MtiHT The Week in Aberdeen “The Cathedrals of Old England” and Mrs. Charles T. Creel spending their spring holiday here will be the sacred lecture title when and daughter Dt)lie spent Sunday in with their parents, Mr .and Mrs. R. John Everington, lecturer-artist of Biscoe, visiting Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. c. Zimmerman. “The Everington Travel Hour"’ Creel. comes to the Chuhch of Wide Fellow. Mr.«. Frank Shamburger entertain, ship next Sunday evening at 8:00 p. ed on Monday afternoon at the home m. Mr. F.verington will bring a de- of Mrs. J. R. Page for her house Miss Frances Pleasants spent the week-end with friends in Greensboro. James Little is moving this week light/ful hour among the beautiful guests. .Mrs. J. \V. Dickie, formerly John .McCrimmon house on Bethesda Road, and historic shrines of England in a Soiithein Pines. The house was Vicarious pilgrimage to the earliest beautifully decorated with Spring F'neniis of Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis known worshipping places and altars flowers. .Mrs. G. C. Seymour met the 'eKret to learn guests at the door. Mrs. June Page ship began. Beautifully colored pictures will where .Mrs. Talbot Johnson and Mrs. carry one to the ancient churches Keid Page poured tea and coffee, anti cathedrals which have been the Goodbyes were said to Mrs. P. J. pride of England for centuries .ilUis-; Chester. trating the Christian faith and de-, Mrs. Stewart Weaver was host- votion of our Fathers as that faith to the Home and Garden Club on tended the Missionary Conference at was expressed in these poems of Tuesday. The piogram was given by Henderson Tuesday of the serious illness of Mr. Ellis, ! directed them to the dining room. ^^e High Point Hos pital ' ‘ .... . -- Ellis deen. Mrs. Thomas B. Wilder. Mrs. .S. A. Maxwell and Mrs. A. L Biirney at- March Weather .Average Temperature For .MonEMPLOYMENT FI NDS Members of the Sandhills Kiwanis Club learned about Unemployment Compensation from the State r'.irector, E. W. Price, on Wednesday at their weekly meeting in the Southern Pines Country Club. In fact Mr. Price went fully into the subject of Social Se curity and all its branches, of which unemployment insurance is but one. He told of what had been accom- pli.shed in North Carolina in the past three years: $33,000,000 has been taken in to the unemployment fund. $13,000,000 paid out. leaving a $20,- 000,000 fund against the future. March of 1939 surprised the Sand hills with an average temperature 5,4 degrees above normal. For anoth er surprise, March of 1940 record ed an average temperature of 7.5 de grees below normal. Nineteen days of the month were all clear, eight days cloudy, five days with rain, and one day with snow. The total rainfall for the month was 2.21 inches, ,65 inches less than nor mal. The deficiency for the month is now 2.40 inches . Ten days of the month registered <0 or above, the highest 78 degrees on the 18th. The lowest temperature for the month was 18 degrees record, ed oix the 25th and 26th. Spring came in at noon on the 20th, a flear day, maximum temperature 73. minimum 41. Easter Sunday, the 24th, with a low temperature of 25 degrees gave the Sandhills a snowfall of four in ches, the first Easter Sunday snow, fall in the memory of the oldest in habitant. The records do show ten inches of snow the day before Easter Sunday^ April 4th. 1915. Long time Max .Min. Aver, ••ver. . 65,6 41,7 53,6 J939 71 42 66.1 1940 62 30 46.1 :: WELL KNOW.V KESIDE.NTS OF SOI THEKN IMXES >\EI) Dr. J. I. Neal VETERINARIAN Southern Pines, N, C, BAKERS’ FOOD STORE DIAL 5681 Southern Pines, N- €• ‘Deliverv Service EVERY HOUR DIAL 5681 Going Out of Business Sale In a Few Days. Our Doors Will Be Closed. Buy Now—Bank the Difference. Pork Chops BROOMS Rinse Powders Electric Cut 45c Value ...25c .\ny Thickness Special, lb.—15c 35c Value 25c Value 15c 10c Large Size—18c Parky Krafts Oleo, lb. 15c Bacon, .Morrells Palace, lb- 19c Toms, all Pork (Home Made) Sausage, 2 Ib- , 25c Armour Clover Bloom Butter, lb- 33c Fowls, (Home-Killed) lb 21c Stew Beef (Good Grade) lb- 10c Armours’ Cooked Brains, 12 oz- can ..,.13c Crosse and Blackwell Orange Mar- melade 15c Crosse and Blackwell Prune, Date Nut and Chocolate Nut Bread 10c Ralston ( Food) 21c Beech-Nut Catsup, 14 oz- Large size. 2 for 25c Quaker Puffed Rice, 3 for 25c Libbs No- 2 can Green Jumbo peas ,,10c French .\mmonia, 10 oz- size 5c Toilet Tissue, 2 for 5c Fredi Fiah Beech-nut National Bis!S V Prime Rib Roast 29c Chuck Roast 19c Round Steak 33c Sirloin Steak 39c Porter House Steak 45c Lobe Roast, boneless 29c Boneless Stew Meat 19c Short Ribs Beef 15c Brisket Stewing Beef .. 12c National Economy Pork Sale! .\ Producer-Consumer Campaign Small, Lean—SMOKED Picnics lb 13c COI NTRY SMOKED S.\USAGE, lb- 21c F.VT lUCKS, lb 7 l-2c RIB MEAT, lb 8 1-3 c Hey Kids! Let’s Play Marbles! 100 Genuine “Marble King” NARBLES for 10c and Five Wrappers From Triple-Fresh Pride Bread FREE—While They Last! A bag of 10 marbles with two wrappers of Our Pride Bread—Get Yours Today! Butter “ Pure Lard bulk 3 lbs 20c Honey Nut oleo 2 lbs 19c Tomatoes3 17c Land O’l^kes ^ American, lb- SALMON pT 2 27c Dog Food j: 4 can? 15c FRUIT Cocktail 10c Hurff’s Tomato Soup, 2 large cans 15c Colonial Sour Pitted Cherries, No- 2 can ....10c Pender’s Asst. Layer Cakes, I-lb- size 19c Lipton’s Finest Tea, 1-4 lb- pkg- 23c Anslo Corned White House Apple BEEF 2 cans 3Sc Jelly312ozjars2Sc