Page Six THE I’lIiOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, April 5, 19^0. Gov. Hoey Endorses Cancer C’ontrol Week llrjfes Support of Kducational CunipaiKn of Women’s Field Army Governor Clyde R. Hoey this week frave his hearty endorsement to the annual educational and enlistment catnpaig-n of the VV’omen's Field Army in a statement made public by Mrs. D. S. Coltrane. State com- taander. Governor Hoey said: “The month of April has been des ignated by Presidentil and Congres sional authorization as Cancer Con trol Month for the entire United States and the General Assembly of North Carolina has joined the na tional authorities in authorizing the observance of this month by the peo ple of North Carolina. "I am directing the attention of the public to the importance of this E. V. PERKIN80N General Contractor Storagre campaign for the discovery, treat-j ment anu cure of cancer. The whole medical authority unite in advising that most of the cases of cancer are curable if discovered in time and therefore that an early examination [or cancer and prompt attention giv-, en to the danger signals apparent j constitute the best possible protec-j tion against this plague. •‘The whole field force of public health are engaged in directing the public mind to the danger of can- cci infection and to the imperative need for early attention and treat ment when any of the symptoms aie discovered. I join heartily in enipha. sizing the fine work which the Wo men's Field Army has been accom plishing and I call upon all the people of this State to give support to the campaign and to assist in raising the funds to carry on this educational program for the general protection of the whole public. Since cancer ranks second among diseases as the destroy- ei of human life and since this disease has steadily increased its toll in re cent years, it is of utmost import ance that we give full assistance to the women in this educational cam paign which will be conducted throughout the month of April.” THE PASSING YEARS BV CIIAKLI-:s .M.\('AI LKY First Week of .\prll C'AKOIAN .AIAUV NMCKKK TO WKl> KI('11.\K1> ATIIl'^KTOX I'lhJ-l* snmm :: H «• REAL ESTATE City Homes—Larpe and Small Hotels, Apartment House.s, Business Property. COUNTRY ESTATES Farms-—all sizes- Timberlands- Inexpensive Land Suit able for Huntinu' Preserves- See J. M. WINDHAM, Land Agency Hart [Juildinff Southern Pines V} Have comfort with ALTC/HATIC UCAl CCNTCCL KSTIM \TI':s (il.ADLY (UVKV OIL lil RNERS IRON FIREMEN (Aiiloniatic Coal IJiirners) ESSO-IIEAT El EL OIL L. V. OTALLAGHAN PLl MHINt; AM) HE.XTINC CONTU.VCTOR Telephone 5341 Southern I’ines :: i ••! :: I ♦ • I *« I •* I ** I ** H' II •• r. I «« «• I: •* II »• H II II :: 5% LOANS FOR REPAIRS Anything in any Improvement, Addition or Repair can be Financed. No mortgage requi'^ed, no specifications or no inspec- ‘ tion fees- All you pay is five per cent on the amount of your loan, and you have from one to three years to pay it back in monthly installments- SEE US ABOUT ANY REQUIREMENTS YOU HAVE Southern Pines Warehouse, Inc. EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER Southern Pines, N. C. Phone 7131 1939 Slot machines in county seized by sheriff pending decisions to legality. Spring Music Festival presented at the Church of Wide Fellowship with a chorus of 100 mixed voices. 1933 Spring Blossom Festival Opens in Southern Pines. Full program for gala event here all week.” Miss Evelyn Edson spent last week in Raleigh as the guest of Miss Edith Poate.” 1930 Joseph C. Lincoln^ noted author, guest at the Highland Pines Inn. "The largest gallery that ever fol lowed a golf match in the Sandhills trailed along wUh the four women stars last Saturday. 3.000 spectators followed the players, Glenna Collett, Virginia Van Wie, Maureen Orcutt and Helen Hicks.” 1923 Working For Route 50 Chamber of Commerce Sends Delegation to Ral eigh to Figl.t for Hard Surface. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Milam of Richmond, Va.^ are visiting Mrs. Ag nes R. Hamlin. 1921 "Miss Bessie Chandler, of Salem College, spent Faster with her par- ents." Work begun on a home for Mrs. Helen Buyd Dull, on recently purchas ed plot on the Boyd esatte. ‘The beautiful bungalow on Ka.«t Broad .' "Kxfiting Kini.sli to the Firemen'.-^ Carnival." "Annual rt'union of the Maine fi Iki’. Loyal son.' and daughters of the I'ine Tiee State foregather, en. i joy fine pru^jrain. ^rei't eacli other anil make the s^tranger feel at home.” 1910 Merting of Board of Conunission- er.'^. .Vniong bills ordeied paid was that of I. F. Chandler, 'streets lights for FebniHiy.' "Bi nedicts v.';. Bachelors. The mar. ned men and single men battle through tin innings Hayes umpired nnil hail his trouble.s—at one time a majority of both teams all kicked at once until the scene reminded one o!' a meeting of the town commis- .‘iioners di^'tu.s.sing the water rate," 190.5 On the first day of April Capt. ■\. M. Clarke commended to the memoiy of the public his successor, the new po.=;tmaster, B, W. Leavitt. "Stoi'k Law Matters liegistrar Fugg says that at noon tfiday 87 voters had legi.'^tered out of a ti.lal ot 10.". If you want to vote on the 18th_ you must regi.ster before sun down Saturday." HMtll "The contract for the election of ;iie residence of K. M. Fulton has been awarded to Junge & Beck and and W .J. Stewait of Southern Pines. Meeting of fruit growers of South ern Pines held at Odd Fellow's Hall 1895 "Hotel Ozone. Term.s $2.50 per day, MO to $15 per week. Special rates for families and for four months and over. R. .\I. Couth, Proprietor.” Adv. At an Easter tea at her home in Cambridge, Mass., Mrs. Charles Cur rie Wicker announced the engage, ment of her daughter, Miss Carolyn Mary Wicker to Richard Atherton Field. Miss W'icker is the great grand daughter of Henry F. Miller, found, er of the Henry F. Miller and Sons Fiano Company of Boston, and Major Evarts Worcester Farr of Littleton, N. H., and granddaughter of the late Edwin Child Miller of Boston and EJvander Anderson Wicker of Pinehurst. Miss Wicker is a graduate of the Cambridge High and Latic School and Simmons College School of Li brary Science, class of 1938. She is living in New York where she is working for the New York Public Library. Mr. Field is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Field of Watertown, Mass., and Stoddard, N. H. He was graduated from the Stevens Insti tute of Technology in the class ol J934 and is a member of Delta Tau Delta fratern'ty Mr. Field is asso ciated with the Whitehead Metal Co. in Cambridge. Mrs. Wicker and her late husband resided in Southern Pines for several years, at one time operating Wood land Lodge. Vir. Wicker was also as sociated in business here with Harry A. Lewis. Speed was the major cau.she of highway deaths in North Carolina in 1939^ records of the Highway Saf ety Division show. Dr. Thomas E. Walker CHIROPUACTOR Southern I’ines ’I'eli'pliouc (!782 (■IIK\ KOI.KT SALKS SHOW The increase totalled 50.9 per cent GAIN \ K.\K .VCiOjCvcr the same period last month, to tal sales being 33,510, William E. HolK.i, general sales manager, an- p.cunced. New car sales gained 23.4 per cent over the first ten days of March he said. The period showed a 28.4 per cent gain over the second ten days of March, 1939, when 9,303 fewer units were retailed. Continued gains over the second- best February in the history of the company are reported by Chevrolet, with J' of its dealnrs' new pafsenger car and truck sales fig- uief for the second ten days of M«rch. F' REE For Six Months AMERICAN RADIATOR CO. Air Conditioning Service Warm Air Furnaces Install Now First Payment October 15, 1940 ELJtlER E. DAVIS Phone 6074 Southern Pines EVELYN i:nSON Notary rublic Telephone Ollice N. H. ^rk COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND BOYS With Kindergarten Music - Handicrafts - All Sports He.sident Pupils Received Illustrated Booklet :\IRS. MILLK'ENT A. HAYES Southern Pines, N*.;r(h Carolina l or ( ol!('t;(> rr(';)urat!>ry and other courses for older girls apply (o Mrs. ( iihurn nruco. St. Hilda's or to Mrs. Haves :: •• • • •• •• :: •• •« :: This g/mn\ whicky it f/ 1^ QUARTS 80^ PINTS SMIUUIIK lOi (IT** lOOT AND YEARS " ^ 90 PROOF BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY DitTiLLCD AND •OTTLCO tV THB K. TAYLOR OISTILUNO CO. riUNMfOfrT. •■eon^iUTCO UlMTUCt^V H t P*t Off CO^VB'CHT TNtt COKPOAATlOM (» MtlTNCM TMI •UCCCMOn TO MOfI COWMCCTCO WITH TMI MAKtM or OLD TAV4.0R WHISKT AMO TNtf wtmmy it not tni ^moouct W.V.V.-.-.A' I* v»“. Above is the Buick Special 4-door touring sedan 8996^ Distilled and Bottled by THE K.TAYLOR DISTILLING CO. talking here to those thou- T T sands who have not yet achieved their lifetime ambition to own a liuick. We want to show you how the Buick Special pictured here swings wide the door on a golden opportunity. Step into this sleek sweetheart. Your treadle foot touches off a trigger-quick Dynaflash straight-eight engine with a brand-new smoothness born of micro- poiscd-bahncing cftcr assembly. You’ve g.)t the same easy, finger-flick as i;: r'.osI cosily Buick. And the suiiic rccoil-uiountcd Knee-Action soaking up bumps before they reach your hand on the steerin;^ wheel. You’ve got tl',2 same stout BuiCoil Springs as every other Buick, and they’ll never need lubrication. Look out through the easy-vision Safety Plate Glass in every window. Check up on the equipment: Two-Way Direction Signal with automatic cut-ofF, built-in automatic chukc, oil-fiher, high-capacity water pump—they’re all there. And, when you count in the included equipment, the Special costs no more than some sixes with lower advertised prices. So look into this brilliant beauty and “step up” to the car you’ve always wanted. Prloos begin at You can take a trial drive any time just by asking your Buick dealer. »orBii«lnoNsr«„po lra>uf,,rtation hased on , WAT, statf and local "".' A optional ''iu,p„u-nt and accaso- >0 change ■wuhout „otlc, m EXEMnAI OF OfNERAt MOTORS VAiUi MARTIN MOTOR COMPANY SOUTH STREET ABERDEEN, N- C-