FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING T'xjru A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding &ACL.C SPAiNCd VASS '/lAK E\JtEW JAC^90H 3P«9lhOS SOOTMCRN PlHCS A^HUSy MKICHTS A6K(^0CE>« I ^piNEBUjpp PILOT MOOKE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina VOL. 19, NO, 20, Southern Pines and Aberdeen,North Carolina, Friday, April 12, FIVE CENTS G. H. MAURICE TO SERVE HOSPITAL | FOR THIRD TERM, On Europu’s Last Crossing East- bound, Mauretania’s West.—In ^ I^tndon Hlackoul Re-clectfcd I’resident at Annual; ,,, Here for hia first time since he was iMectins; Other Officers, . . r, * ^ ’ I niarcHinoti in Europe at the start of Directors t nosen j present war, Alvin Morrell Bent. ley, 3(1. Senior at the University of Slichigan, is visiting' his mother, Mrs. „ , I Carleton Wicker at her home on George H. Maurice of Eagle,,,,. , , ,, I Kiclge street. Morrell had the unique Ppnngs was elected president of the; . , , „iv, ,,i I cxpc! lence of making the eastbound Moore Coinity Hospital for his third , ,, ^: •’ ^ croHHing of the Atlantic on the successive term at the annual meet- ^ , . . , ,, / Gorman liner to carry pas.'^enger.s, i Ing of the board of directors held at. ,, , and of returning on the la.“!t west, the hospital on Tuesd.iy night. All , ‘ .1 pas.sage of the sliip Maure-1 officers vi'ere re-elerted, and all di-L . . , , i „ ,!,i ,,r, I tani.T. which ha.s since been tied up Marooned in Europe at Outbreak BRYDEN iNAMED Of War, Bentley Here on Visit DEPUTY Political A* Active year reported Busy Career Ends >aign Warms As Gubernaii;^', ' Aspirants Name County'Ji-ieutenants rectors with two exceptions. Reports of officers and meniher.s of the man aging and medical staffs showed the in.stitution to be in excellent condi tion. Simeon B. Chapin was le.elected honoiary president, Mrs. James H. Andrews of Southern Pines and G. C. Seymour of Aberdeen vice-presidents, in Xow York haibor until its dash for Australia some ten days ago. The young alumnus of Southern Pines High School was two days out on the German liner Ruropa when the crisi.s came in Kurop • Though sche- diile I . . . , A L r..ll treasurer .and Col. George P. Hawes, Jr., Pinehuret, a.ssistant treasurer. The dii'ectorate is com.posed of L. L. Biddle, II, Paul Dana, Col. Hawes AN(il S Ji. t’.V.MKUON ANGUS B. CAMERON, 1 , EX-COUNTY SCHOOL H. Frederick Lcsh, Mrs. A. J. Mc-;R(.ntley was faced with the immed-, HEAD, DIES AT 68' after a blacked-out run at full speed down the Norwegian coast, followed for a time by a British crui.ser. Xo sooner landed in Germany,' Keyway, S. Donald Sherrerd, Hie hard Tufts and John F. Taylor of Pine hurst, Mr. Taylor suceeding Verner Z. Reed, Jr.; Mr.s. Andrew Jack.son H. Boyd, James Royd, Struthei's Burt, Nelson C. Hyde, D. G. Stutz, Kenneth B. Trousdell and Eugene C. iate problem of getting out of the country. Acquaintance.s of Ihe trip over aided him as far as Copen hagen where he was able to catch a plane for London, arr./ing there just as war was declared. He wa.s in London’s fiiiit hlack-out, there Stevens of Southern Pines, Mr. Ste-! for the first air raid alarm and for vens succeeding Mrs. John L. Given | the evacuation of children and elder, of Pinehurst; John Currie, High- ly citizens. The gas mask issued him falls; John B'iddner, Pinebluff; Mrs. in London is here with him as a sou- Prominont Citizen and Former State Legislator Was Hi Several Weeks Fort UrauK Commandant Given Second Hijjhest Position in r S. Forces 1 DISTINtJriSHED UECOHD The second highest position in the r.ation’s armed forces was awarded . v\eek to Brig. Gen. William, I’rydi'n, commandant of Ki)rt Bragg. I Serretnry of War Hnrry H. Wood- j ring announced that Oneral Bryden ; has boon designati'd to become Dep. , Illy Chief of .Staff of the fnited I States Army, effective .Jure 1. He, wi!l succee