Friday^ April 19, 1940. THE IMLOT, Southern I’incs and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Thre# Have comfort with ALTCAiATIC HEAl C€NTCCL ESTIMATKS GLAULY OlVEX OIL BURNERS IRON firp:mkn (Aiitoiiiutio Coal Burners) KSSO-HEAT FUEL OIL L. V. OTALLAGHAN (M.l MUINf; AM) I1P:AT!NG contkactoh rWephone 5311 SoiitliPrii Vines mt:: Every Homemakei Should See This Picture Starring JOAN MARSH and JOHN KING Ki A TICKETS to “BLAME IT ON LOVE” See below Hotpoint’s new Cai- rod is faster, more efficient, more dura ble than ever. New easily removable re flector can be washed tike a pie tin. THE CENTURY. Lamp and iimtr availablo at tlight additionalcott. ELECTRIC RANGE 4ApUll SPECIAL This lii^ Family Size * Hotpoint Range For as low as $1.29 per week. Quality Features Measured Heat siiii(|>Ufirs cooking, eliminate!; Tuel waste. All roreeluin Enamel. Thrc« Select-a-IIeat CalriKl Units with 5 measuretl heats. Oversize 6-qt. Thrift Cooker. All-Purpose Oven. One-piecc top of stain, resistant enamel. GET FREE TICKETS FOR “BLAME IT ON LOVE" at Simons Electric Company O’Callaghan Building East Connecticut Avenue THE PASSING YEARS BV C’IIAKl.ES MACAl’LEV Third Week in April lii>3» Marcel Folley, oldest citizens of county, dies. County nets $527 from fines for slot machines. Frank W, Webster I'e - elected school superintendent. 19.S5 Spiing- Blossom Festival ^ voted a great succcss. "\fr.s. Richard Tarlton entertains at her home on Ashe street honoring Miss Emily Richard-wn." 1930 BfKly of Waller Hines Pago mov ed to oak.topped hill of Old Bethes- tia. F.v.Myn Loifort. Guests included Mis sKvolyn Lcifoit. Ouest.'s incUiUeil tile Missos Dorothy Stiitz, Dorothy Case anil Doris Kddy.” 19'i5 New Kn^land Picnic. Famnu.s an- ■ nual cvi'ut will be held at Manly Springs May 1st. J ;dge Reserves Decision in Uat- tapas-Lindsey Case. I'J'il Nearly JIOO.OOO B'ire. A InrRC por tion of main business section of So\ithcrn Pinos burned to the ground. Perkins '.uitel, Tarbell block ard L(i- cey block wiped out. Dr. William P. Swett dies of heart lailure while warning guests of The Southland of their danger. itltilXili.TKA T<> IT l.lltK.MlV ,\T I’lVKlJl.l I’F A bridge party for the benefit of the Pinebluff Library will be ht?ld at the studio of Mrs. H. A. Me. Neill in Pinctjluff on Monday 22, at 2:30 p. ni. Tea will be served in the garden. Tickets for the bridge are 50 cents and for the tea 25 cents. Reservations may be made by calling Ml'S. Charles U Warner, Plans are being completed for the Better Homes Week in Pinebluff, The Home Demonstration Club is sponsoring a Clean-Up Week. On Sunday. April 28, a Convnunity ser vice will be held in the Methodist church at 7:30 p. m. On Tuesday af- ttrnoon and evening there will be a Hobby Show in the clubhouse. Wed nesday will be Firemens Day. A Flower .«how will be held at the clubhouse on ThiU'sday afternoon and evening, and the weeks program will end with a Pet Parade on Saturday- morning, ■ Raleigh, Mias Lois McLeod of Aber.' c'een ami Mr. and Mrs. Theron AIc- Leod of Greensboro visited their par. cnts, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. MtLef>d Sunday. (Jilbert Clarke, who has been with the Fruit Inspection service in Tex- ' as, is on a vacation with his parents, I Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Clark. He will j go to the eastern pait of the state from here for the early berries, j Mr. and Mrs. George R. of i Raleigh and Mrs.'s mother, Mrs, j W. R. Galey of Graham, spent Sun-, 1 day here. EVEI.YN EDSON Notary i*ublic Telephone Oflice N. H. Ave Dr. Thomas E. Walker CHIKOI’RACTOR Southern Fines Telephone 6782 n AI/I KU Ull.L 111,11) I The will of Beverly L. Walti r ha.i' been filed for probate in flie offire of I (he Clt'i k of Court of Moore county, Ml'S. Walters is nanv'd as the bene- ficiary. I'JK Chief of Police John T. Dillehay away suddenly after a brief illness. .\t tilt regidar meeting of tl'<‘ Civic Club one of the important ac tions taken was to eiect a bubble fountain and drinking trough on Pennsylvania avenue, below Broad street. 1!)I0 ' “Kelly Cops The Cup. Tom Kelly is the fir:^t ti> have his name inscrib. eii on the President’s Cup. Di-. K. W. Bush loses by 1 up in 10 holes.” “The genial News Depot man cel ebrates his birthday, in the midst of a congenial company of his best friends.” The Rev. F. M. Gardner, of Bos ton, accepts invitation to pulpit o£ the Southern Pines Baptist Church, 1005 "North Carolina Sand. D. A. Pease has a collection of 500 colors. Four hundred and fifty color's gathered within one mile of Southern Pines. “John Powell had ripe strawber ries on the 17th. Willis Young says this doesn't beat la.^l year's record made by E. M. Hayes who hail ber ries at least ten days earlier.” i!»m) “Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stevick ot Mendina, Ohio, are at the Blue cot tage, and intend to make a protracted stay at Southern Pines." "L. T. Sutherland, wife nnd son have gone to their northern home af ter spending the winter at Southern Pines.” ’ 1895 "The Central House. One of the most homelike houses in the South. A cuisine that pleases every guest. Adv. Virginia Thomas NOTARY PUBUC E- H. Lorenson Office TELEPHONE 5774 E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storage Quneml (Directom 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 6t6|-SOUTHERN PINES To serve those who call upon oa to the best ot our Ability ud nith tho'tf^htful telmeM !■ the bMis upon which our organlzstlMi ia foraMd. H. O. MoELAOT Han»fer I JA( KSON SI»RINGS The Kov, and Mrs. W, H. Brown I visited their duughte , Mr.=(. F.ifort IThonia.'i, and their new grand.son at' Pt. Pi-ters Hospital. Charlotte on' Wednesday. | Mr. and .Mrs. N. A. Graham of Canveron visited Misses .Vgnes and Blanche Graham Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baliinger of F.enncttsville, S. C., called on friend.s , here Sunday afternoon. They moved away three years ago. having occu. pied the Whitley building. ' Blanche Brooks returned to Mr.9. Markham's Sunday after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs.; Vallie Cox in Bennettsville^ S. C. j Sam McDuffie spent the week-end at home, from Tarboro where he hold.'i a position with the ABC board. i Martin Leon Blue is at home from *he Moore County Hospital where he ^ had his appendix removed two week:; ago. Mr. and Mi's. Alton McLeod of I WIU.YS SALES UP 89^:; THOUSANDS MORE ENJOY THE CAR WITH A* 30-MIIE-PER-GAU0N ECONOMY RECORD AND, lOOJIGD MILE GIURANIEEI ' “Thousands of people are finding out that they can enjoy all of the luxury and pleasure of a new car for practically pocket money,” states Mr. Frazer. “For the 1940 Willys is not only the very lowest priced full-size car on the market, it is theONLYpassengercarwith athreeyear or 100,000 mile guarantee, a Gilmore- Yosemite Run Record of 30.05 miles per gallon; operat ing costs as low as one cent a mile—and lowest payments and insurance. Ask your 'X’illys dealer about this great guarantee, and drive our new car.” ★ First three months available rcKistrafions on 1940 moiid compaied to same period of 1939* SAVE UP TO $170 ON K'EW CAR! Wiiiyfi, in most slaUs. i& priced from $100 to $170 below th« some models of other populof cars. It is the lowest priced full-size cor in the woHdl KOBI.\’SO.NS SERVICE STATION N.X.-ill s\l.i:s Teleplmne 78M SI,\< LA1K (iA.S and OlL.S C'eeil Kohinson, I’roj), South l-'.ntranee. Southern Tines, I'. S. I \ A six-bottlc carton of Coca-Cola is so easy to buy and to carry home. And it brings pure, wholesome re freshment within easy reach of you and your family. The taste of Coca-Cola has a charm all its own and you’ll like the happy after-sense of refreshment. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA.COIA CO. BY COCA-COLA BOTTLINXl COMPANY, ABERDEEN, N- C-