|(7.‘ MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWSWEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 19, NO. 32. LAKBVieW dpRinoo ; 1340 PI LOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING •V r ' O' o '0, of the Sandhill Tei!V of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina. Friday, July 5, 1940. GOAL OF $4,000 FOR RED CROSS REACHED HERE National Headquarters Sends Thanks and Conffratulations To Mrs. Hunt Clifford Barnes, prominent young man of Carthage, is in the Moore County Hospital recovering from an operation for the removal of twelve brass thumb tacks from his stomach and six from his intestines. Young Bames, who was working The $4,000 goal in Moore county carthage store, was holding the lor the American Red Cross has been | tacks in his mouth while putting up crossed, County Chairman Mrs. Alice go^ae signs last Friday morning. JAY-CEES RAISE $61.55 Ill-Fated! Clifford Barnes Follows Up Other Mishaps by Swallow ing 18 Tacks Burt Hunt announced this week, ask ing The Pilot at the same time to ex press her thanks for the splendid co- Someone entered and spoke to him and with his attention diverted, he started to answer and swallowed the operation of the public. In answer to t^cks. He was given a blood trans- n telegram sent to national head quarters when the fund went over the top, William Carl Hunt, acting manager of the Eastern Area wrote: "Your telegram of June 27 brings good news and I heartily congratu late your chapter on the fine spirit aroused by the chapter loaders throughout the county. A good exara- fusion Saturday and another Mon day, and while still quite weak, he is thought to be getting along as well as could be expected. Hospital expeiiences are nothing unusual for Clifford, for during the past few months he ha.s had more than his share of ill luck. Ho at tended Phieffer College at Misenhei- ple set by Moore county will be September, fell help to all the surrounding chapters. i injured his I am notifying our Public Informa-; physidan warned him to tion Service of your success. extremely careful on account of "With appreciation of all that has .short while later ho slip- been done by the campaign commit-|p^,j pavement. At Ea.ster, tee and also the good work of the was .struck by an automobile. Production Committee in helping the (Clifford's friends are hoping that he Red Cro.ss live up to its original pur- "nailed' his hoodoo, pose of extending aid in times of young Barnes is a son of Mr. war, I am—' etc. | Mrs. C F Barnes of Carthage The recent theatre project of the' — Southern Pines Junior Chamber H/IAOI/l?^ Commerce in which "Mutiny on the HJlj/Vvv'iJ 1 Bounty” was shown at the Carolina Theatre netted a profit of $61.55 for the Red Cross, the sponsors announc ed this week. A check for this amount has been delivered to Mrs. Hunt by the Jay-Cees. five centb SOFTBALL LEAGUE ORGANIZED; FIVE TEAMS IN FIEI,D Aberdeen, Ptnebluff, Pinehurst and Two Southern Pines Clubs Competing SCHEDULE IS ANNOUNCED Chester I. Williams of Pinehurst announces that plans have been com pleted for the formation of a Sand hills Soft-ball League. There will be five teams in the league, represent ing Pinehurst, Aberdeen, Plnebluff, and Southern Pines with two teams. A committee consisting of one man for each team will be selected to adopt rules governing the games and run the affalts of the league. The Attitude of Defeatism in U. S. ! JOHNSON OFFERS Must Be Routed, Says Lorensonj ‘gQXWOOD COURT’ ~ * TO BOYS’SCHOOL New President Tells Rotarians It’s Time To Stop Our Drifting Existence personnel of this committee will be announced as soon as it has been ■ a" know. Overcoming defeatism and passive acceptance of a drifting, day-to-day existence In America was put forth by E, H. Lorenson as a challenge to his fellow members of the Southern Pines Rotary Club in his acceptance speech as president of the organiza tion, last Friday in the Southern Pipes Country Club. Other officers in stalled at the meeting were Otis Broom, vice-president; J. D. Arey, Jr., secretaiy, and M. F. Grantham, treasurer. These, together with Past President C. J. Simons, C. L. Austin and \Y. Duncan Matthews comprise the board of directoi’s. "The world today is confronted, by a complete' Aberdeen Votes Yes Approves Nine-Month School Term, Twelve Grades by 152 Majority Aberdeen and Plnebluff citizens voted overwhelmingly last Satur day for a nine-month school term, twelve grades, and the wheels have been set in motion to effect the reorganization. With a registra- tior of 288 eligible to vote, 200 cast their ballots for the extended term, 48 against, with 44 not vot ing. All sections of the school dis trict voted favorably. IN ABERDEEN TO OPEN ON SEPT. 17 mer season of 1940 has been drawn up by Mr, Williams and a copy has Iveii furnished the manager of each team. This schedule lists a total of picked. change," said Mr. Lorenson. “A The league schedule for the sum- change from pa.ssive pacifism to ac-1 tive aggression. It is a mistake for u.s to a.ssume that active aggression is, of necessity, wrong. It can be a tremendous weapon for the creation 1(5 games for each team. All "ames' instead of the destruction are called for 5:30 p. m. and will be consider to be good, played each Wednesday and Friday.' "The French retired behind their The full schedule is li.s^ed below. , Maginot psychology of defense The Soft-ball has taken a real place in' nation, as a whole, were the spoi'ts calendar of the Sandhills sacrifice peisonal com- aection, according to Mr. Williams, | They weie unwilling to put up who manages the Pinehurst team, "‘‘•h minor personal inconveniences During the past month his team has order to preserve their personal played 13 games, winning eight and liberty. You know the result. "Today it is popular to think and SOUTHERN PINES LAUNDRY SOLD TONICKJ.KATZIS I'ormer Operator of Successful Husiness in Goldslxtro IJuys Cctnlrollins Interest IS WORLD WAR VETERAN Trustees To Consider Tender of $150,000 Estate on Edge of Pinehurst BUILDINGS, TEN ACRES The trustees of the North Caro lina Preparatory School for Boys, Inc., according to the announcement of the executive secretary, have receiv ed the offer of a donation of the beautiful “Boxwood Court" estate in Pinehurst, from its owner, Eldridge Johnson of Camden, N. J. Ml'. Johnson, who for a number of years was a winter resident of Pine hurst, in making the offer of this '■aluable property, has expressed hi.s wish that it should "serve some wor thwhile and useful purpose.’ The original cost of this estate was over $150,000. It is in an excellent state of repair, and Is assessed for taxes In Moore county at $50,000. It consists of nearly ten acres of land, covered with magnificent long-leaf pines, ornamental shrubs and hand some tile.roofed buildings. Headmaster-elect Thrmas Burton has made a careful inspection of the Members of the Junior Chamber Dates for 1940 Marketing Seas- •-•xprcssed gratification over this showing, especially since the neces- ."!)ty for haste prevented the advance publicity usually given a project of this kind. President Paul Butler of the Jay-Cees said that special ap- The A'oerdeen and Carthage tobac co markets will open this year on September 17th, along with Sanford predation is due to Charles W. Pic-1 and others In the Middle Belt. The quet for donating the u.se of the j opening date for the auction season theatre, its equipment and personnel,, ggj at the meeting of the on Set at U. S. Ass’n. Annual Meeting I propeity and .says that he considers Nick J. Katzis, a native of Greece; it thoroughly adaptable to the pur- V-ut an American resident for many poses of tne school, the building years, has acquired the controlling! forming the nucleus of permanent interest in the Southern Pines Laun-, administrative offices, headmasters tendance has shown a steady in- ta.K of nuutary ana navai ueren.se. c!ry. It was announced this weel. ! homo, library, garage, and overflow j We must make our.selves Impregna-! Katzis comes to Southern doimitones. There will bo no admission chargeAdmittedly we are woefully weak urines from Goldsboro where he long ^ xhe property is on the outer edge for the leagiTe games and one and all in *^he matter of armament, but we'operated a most successful laundry, of the village of Pinehurst in the are invited and urged to attend. Al,*^* weaker in the all important will-1 Several months ago he received word (liroction of flreensboro, and faces the conclusion of the regular schedulei ingress to undergo personal lncon.;fiom Greece that his mother ^ on State highway No. 2. Adjoining the two leading teams will play a best venience, and personal sacrifice, In or. | very 111 and desired his return. He are several hundred acres of unde- two out of three series for the cham-' “ation, as a whole, may sold out his Goldsboro business and yeloped property suitable for expan- pionship ! unified once again into an active, | .‘■tarted for his native land, but hiS sion. Games were played Wednesday be-^-Sgressive, economic entity, driving; mother died before he reached there., Board of Control, to which tween Aberdeen and Pinehurst and U ristably toward the goal of a bet-1 Returning to the United States Mr.' the tender of this property Is made, tlie Southern Pines Utilities and Pine- t®*" fuller existence for all of Katzis looked around for a new field ^ jg the executive body of the corpor- the Junior Civic Club for its coopera tion in the sale of tickets, and all those who attended the benefit per formance. Burnap Apartments, 2 Residences Sold Here Aberdfen Tobacco Warehouse man Acquires Property; H.O.L.C. House Sold One apartment house, two residen tial sales and one rental in Southern Pines were annouced this week by real estate agets. The Stevens Estate has sold the Bumap Apartments on East Vermont cvenue to W. F. Carter, tobacco ware- liouseman of Aberdeen. Mr. Carter also acquired the Powell house on U. S. Highway No. 1 in Pinedene.- J. M. Windham handled both transac- ^ , I How it feels to jump off a 137-foot E. C. Stevens announces the salei , ^ ^ , - T 1., -Dino cliff into the Pacific ocean, to leap of the John Adams house in Pine- > dene to C. H. Daugherty, associated Tobacco Association of the United States, held last week In White Sul phur Springs, Va. Openings of the other belts will be as follows: Geoi'gia on August 8, Bor der belt August 20, Eastern or New Bright belt September 24, and dark fired Virginia markets on November 25. The opening here Is a week later than last year, and all belt openings were set later than under the 1939 schedule. At the White Sulphur meeting J. W. Dunnington of Farmvllle. Vt., was elected president of the associa- tion for 1940, and L. L. Gravely of (Please turn to page four) bluff. Schedule. Friday, July 5—Aberdeen vs. Sou thern Pines Utilities at Southern Pines; Southern Pines All-Stars vs. Pinehurst at Pinehurst. Wednesday, July 10 — Southern Pines Utilities vs. Southern Pines Stars at Southern Pines; Plnebluff vs. Aberdeen at Plnebluff. Friday, July 12—Plnebluff vs. Southern Pines All-Stars at Pine- bluff; Southern Pines Utilities vs. Pinehurst at Southern Pines. Wednesday, July 17 — Southern Pines All-Stars vs. Aberdeen at Aberdeen; Pinehurst vs, Plnebluff at Plnebluff. Friday, July 19—Pinehurst vs. Aberdeen at Aberdeen; Southern (Please turn to page eight) us. "This sounds very well. No one time, those having control of the will disagree with such a clear cut Southern Pines Laundry heard of objective. It Is spectacular; It is de-^hlm and sent a committee to Golds- sirable, beyond a doubt. j boro to inquire into his management "But, have we the pIain,old-fash-; there. According to D. Wado Ste- loned guts, each and every one of us, ^ vick, secretary-treasurer of the local to cany through and put our best; company, they Xound him "one of the efforts Into the unspectacular, te-' best equipped laundry men In the dlous, and sometimes trying details! state. He will be able to give South- whlch go to make up the foundation | prn Pines the best In laundry service.” for his endeavors. At about the same atlon, repiesenting the group of 100 of such an order ? "It is also fashionable and popu lar to decry the insidious fifth column Continuing, Mr. Stevick said: "It will take a little while for Mr. Kat zis to organize his new business, dur- activltles. But fifth column activities ing which time he asks the Indul- Fortner Movie Stunt Man Tells Of 137~Foot Leap Into Pacific here with Paul Van Camp. Mr. Daugh erty has already moved into this H. O.L.C. house. The Stevens office has also leased to Mrs. Sidney L. Wind ham the V. B. Johnson house on May street. MOORE BOYS OFF FOR CCC CAMP IN CALIFORNIA from bridges to the roofs of moving trains, to turn somersaults with au- toinobiles, and enact other thrilling stunts for the movies was recounted to the Sandhills Kiwanis Club Wed- resday noon by John Weld, author and former stunt man in Hollywood. Mr. Weld Is spending several weeks (Please turn to page four) Seaboard May Operate Air Transport System Applies for Service From Bos ton to Miami and To New Orleans technic Institute he set out, at 16, to see the world. Except for a voyage to Europe, as a bell boy on a United States liner, most of his "seeing” was confined to America. "I worked at a number of jobs,” says Mr. Weld, "Including pitching steel in Kansas City, selling candy through New England and soap through New York state. I landed in The forward move by the Seaboard Rallw'ay In applying for permission to operate an air transport system from Boston to Miami and from Bos ton to New Orleans with intermediate a novel soon to be published by Scribner’s. The following white boys from It was back in the silent film days Moore county were accepted for CCC j that Mr. Weld, "because I was hun- servlce following examination at Fort gry,” accepted a job as a stunt man Bragg Monday, and will go to Califor-| in Hollywood. One of his first assign, nia: Huey Matthews Barber and ments was the leap from a cliff Into William Leon Yow of Carthage; Dan 14 feet of water, and he told most ‘for In Southern Pines while completing ^ew York in jRr-iary, 1922 with 15 cents in my pockot, determined to go on the stage. I wrote a vaudeville C. Short, Jr.. Pinehurst; Jame3 War- len Brady, Marshall Graham Hussey, Junior Henderson Ward and Jack Burlln Hussey of'High Falls; Austin James Johnson, Robert Glenn Hatch er and Walter Riley, of Aberdeen; John Henson Kimball, Charlie Junior Honeycutt, James Edward Blake and Alton Malachi Stevenson, of Vass; Jimmie Howell Davis of Eagle Springs; EJdward Pate and John R. Mulholland, of Southern Pines; John Pleasant Richardson of Carthage ■Route'3; John Ellia Hussey of Hemp. act and made my only appearance on the stage of the famous Palace Thea tre. In February, 1923 I went to Cal ifornia in ohe of the early jalopies. In Los Angeles I was engaged by* a stops at large and impoi'tant cities, has created quite a stir in travel and business centers. The New York Herald-TriJQune called this latest progressive step by the Seaboard "unprecedented;” oth er papers spoke favorably of the pro posed Seaboard Airways, bringing out the fact that the Seaboard offlcals recognized the desire of the traveling public for supplemental and addltlon- gence and cooperation of the public. Any suggestions or constructive criticism will be appreciated.” Mr Katzis is a World War veteran and an active member of the Ameri can Legion He is a Shriner and a member of the Knights of Pythias. He has already taken charge here and will make this his home. 4-H Club Members To Encamp Near Hoffman Moore, Lee and Montgomery Girls Go to Millstone Camp Week of July 29 Sponsor-Trustees of the school which, in turn, i.s composed of leading educa tors, professional and business men and women of North Carolina. The members of the board are: Struthers Burt, chairman. Southern Pines; Alexander H. Graham, vice- chairman, Hillsboro; Dr. Paul P. Mc Cain, secretary. Sanatorium; the Rev. Thaddeus A. Cheatham, treasur er, Pinehurst: the Rev, Francis M. Osborne, executive secretary, South ern Pines; T. Ashley Haywood, Rock ingham; Col. J. W. Harrelson, Ral eigh; Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey, Raleigh; Frank O. Sherrill, Charlotte, and J. Ed Minis, High Point. Two Hurt When Car Skids on Midland Road Stancil and Riley, On Way To Ambulance Unit Meeting, Overturn on Curve Four-H Club members from Moore, Lee and Montgomery counties .are looking forward with eagerness to their joint club encampment, which will be held the week of July 2S tc August 2 at Millstone camp near Hoffman, one of the permanent State 4-H Club camps operated by the Ex tension Service of State College. The Millstone camp is under the direction of Tom Cash, athletic direc tor of the Hamlet school.s. Mr. Cash is assisted by a handicraft instructor. amusingly of the adventure, which I received only $60.” Weld is the author of “Don’t You j from trains and trestles and jumped Cry for Me” recfently Issued by | out of the first airplane I ever went Scribner’s, the thrilling story of the 1 up in.” migration’rtf the 1840a to "the Prom-1 Mr. and Mrs. Weld have been in ifed Land of California.” He has had! Southern Pines for the past month an interesting life. Bom in 1905 in | end say they would like to stay in- Pirmlngham, Alabama, he was sent at definitely. But they have a home in the age of twelve to a ranch in Col- crada where he worked as a "half cattle-hand and chore boy.” After at tending two military schools spending a year at Alabama Poly- al transportation to serve Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Texas and Ten nessee. No Information is as yet available motion picture company to ‘double’ in j regarding the number of Douglas a forester and an assistant In sw Im- a film, and worked for three years aa DC-3 and DC-4 planes to be pur- mlng. Camp cooks are from the reg- a stunt man. During this time I leapt j chased by the Seaboard, if the appli- ular staff of the State College cafe- ' cation Is okayed by the Civil Aero- terla. nautic Authority. With the formation The cost of the week in camp will of Seaboard Airways, direct air scr- be $4.,50 In cash, or $2.50 in cash and vice would be provided for the first the remainder in food, a list of which time between Birmingham and New will be furnished members In a short Orleans; between Boston, South Flor-, time. A school bus starting from Ida and Gulf of Mexlso cities; between Carthage will be used to carry all Raleigh, N. C., Charlotte, N. C., Co- Moore county girls who do not have lumbla, S. C., and Savannah, Ga.; | transportation. Any 4-H Club mem- snd between the largest city in Flor-| ber who does'not receive a notice of Ida, Jacksonville; Tampa, West Palm; the camp should get in touch with Beach and Miami. j Miss Flora McDonald, home agent. California and plan to leave the last of this month. In the meantime, both are working hard on a new book, Mrs. Weld doing research work and t>’plng her husband’s manuscripts. Preston Stancil, mechanic of the Osborne Motor Company, Southern Pines, suffered severe laceration of the forehead, and Henry Riley, son of Mrs. Alice Burt Hunt, Southern Pine«, minor cuts when Riley’s car skidded on the curve of the double load where the hospital road forks near Pinehurst on Tuesday evening. Both received first aid at the Moore County Hospital. The car was badly damaged. Riley was taking Stancil to the meeting of the Moore Coujjty Ambu lance Unit where Stancil wag to talk to the young ladies on the care and maintenance of their ambulance. Due to the rain, the road was slippery and the car skidded into the bridle path at the curve, turning over. RESIDENCE ON C.VRTHAOE RO.VD BURNS TO GROUND The Nance Blue residence on the Southern Plnes-Carthage road, not far from the County Home, was to tally destroyed by fire Tuesday night around 9:45 o’clock. The flames sped through the dwelling at lighnlng pace, and It was only with great difficulty thtlt the family escaped, saving few possessions.

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