Friday, July 5, 1940. THE PILOT, Southern nnes and Aberdeen, North Carolina Pace Thm NIAGARA THE PASSING YEARS BY CHARLES M-ACAULEV First Week of July I & A.M. VVm. C. Mudgett, W. M., Alton M. Cameron, S. W.; Ernest W. Bush, J. W., S. B. Richardson. Treasurer, R. L. Chandler, secretary. Miss Gussie Cameron left last week for Montreal wbere she will spend the I summer. , , - George H. Colby left Saturday to spend the remainder of the summer in Maine. | Miss Fay Smith returned to her home in Raleigh after spending a^ week visiting the Morgan children. I Miss Patricia Ray is spending some I time visiting relatives in Chapel West End on July 4th. Locals lose Fourth of July in Southern Pines, jjlll . morning game 3-2v Take afternoon ' The whole town celebrates. The fire- Mr. and Mi-s. Haywood Bobbitt struggle 5-4. , ; > works display excellent. Credit due to announce the birth of a daughter on^ serious accidents marred the a. Ogden Jones and H. J. Pinchon. 19S9 j Sandhills team divides honors with 1921 June 28. I celebration of the Fourth in thei Southern Pines Ukes High Falls Carl Covington of Durham spent county. ' into camp. Score 12 to 5. last week with his family near here. I DuRant, vice-president and Mrs. D. S. Ray and Miss Elizabeth' general manager of the Central Car- mS are spending this week in Asheboro. [ *^^^na Telephone Company, returns Killed in automobile accident. Mar- Miss Anita Frank celebrated her from Newton, Iowa, to make his head- tin Scarborough meet death when 14th birthday June 29 with a party at Quarters here, the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. J'rank. Various ^ games were played after which the^ guests were served lemonade, candy, ice cream and cake. Those enjoying! to 1935 John Duckworth dies in effort save boy friend. Schools to open on September 5 the occasion were Evelyn and Gladys"'-^ faculty of 17. Snipes, Virginia, Lois and EdviardI B. Richardson and daug’jters Municipal Park. ; car overturns at East Broad street ; and Maine Avenue. Mrs. Nettle Ayres and Mra. Irene Millar were hostess to a number of their friends at the home of Mrs. Ayres. Boy Scouts give ice cream social at LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX 1930 Morgan, Buriein and Bryce Garner, ^‘^ses Dorothy and Ruth anII spend Jane, Roland and Arthur Ferguson, Charleston. James and Dorothy Wilson. Earl Henry left Saturday for a vacation trip to northern points. j bounty gains 7,021 in 10 years cen Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Garner and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Dar-1 nell attended the home coming at Bethlehem Church near Carthage 1910 Southern Pines has quiet Fourth, with fine weather, Golf tournament, ball game, fireworks, and band con- j certs. Carthage 5 runs, Southern Sunday. f>us shows. i Friends of Mre. Irene Millar ten-i Pines 2 runs. dered her a surprise birthday party! Flint’s safe robbed. Customer from at her home last Friday evening. j out of town is alleged to have taken Southern Pines Lodge installs of- $n8 from safe, fleers. Lloyd Bredbeck, Master; Bruce Ftom designs by A. S. Newcomb, Dr. J. I. Neal VETERINARIAN Southern Pines, N, C, Cameron W.; L. C D.; H W. Dorn, S.S; B Wood, J. S.; F, Wilson, Pilot; Lloyd Wooley, Secre tary; Lloyd Clark, Treasurer. S. W.; A. C. Thompson, J. contractors Crain and New'tbn em- Keith, S.D.; A. B Sally, J. ployed by the Southern! Pines Bui!3- Ing Company, are erecting a bunga low for Dr. W. C. Mudgett 1911 666 Checks MALARIA in 7 days and relieves COLDS sy-mptoms first day Liquid — Tablets — Salve Nose Drops Trj- “Rub.My.Tl.<«n”—a Wonderful Liniment. Lightning strikes buildings of Mr. AIcDaniel twice in one week—does I heavy damage second time. I The secretaryship of the Sandhill j Board of Trade has been filled by the j appointment of Mr. Clyde L. Davis. 1905 Representing the Senior and Ju nior ESndeavor Societies of Southern Pines, at the International Christian Endeavor Convention at Baltimore, are Miss Anna L. Eaton and Master Wade Stevick. The Fourth was a. prolonged and continuous joy to "Young America' Having qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Vic tor R. Swezy, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is ter notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southern Pines, N. C., on or before the 30th day of May, (341, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 30th day of May, 1940. LENA R. SWEZY, Executrix of the Estate of Victor R Swezy, Deceased. M31-Jy5. NOTICE Htfving quadified as executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Mil lard H. Turner, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims cgalnst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of May, 1941, or thish Notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AH persons in debted to this estate will please make immediate payment. FANNIE H. TURNER, M31, Jly 5, Executrix. NOTICE OF SALE $14,000 TOWN OF SOl'THERN FIXES, NORTH t'AKOLIN'.\. KEM'^M E ANTICIPATION NOTES FOR DF:BT SERVICE LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the Laist Will and Testaanent oi Elizabeth Tumure Livermore, de ceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons % having claims against the estate of )aid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of W. A. Leland McKeithen, Attorney, Pine- hurst, N. C., on or before June 15, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pa}rment. This 12th of June, 1940. GEORGE K. LIVERMORE, Executor of The Last Will and Tes tament of Elizabeth Turnure Liver more, Deceased. W. A. Leland McKeithen, Atty. J14-Jy 19. NOTICE S.ALE PEAC H C BOP I By the latest classification Post- I master J. N. Powell's salary has been in Southern Pines. Bernai-d Leavitt, raised from $1,800 to $1,900. 1921 The annual election of officers of Southern Pines Lodge No. 484 A.F. ^rk COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND BOYS With Kindergarten WILL RE-OPEN MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 Music - Handicraft ■ All Sports Resident Pupils Received Illustrated Booklet MRS. MILLICENT A. HAYES Southern Pines, North Carolina College Preparatory and other courses arranged for older girls. Sealed bids will be received until 11 o’clock A. M., July 16, 1940. by the undersigned at its office in the city of Raleigh for $14,000 Revenue An ticipation Notes of the Town of Southern Pines. N. C., dated July 1. 1940, and maturing $7,000 January 1, 1941 and $7,000 March 1, 1941. i. ^ „ without option of prior payment. Isham Edgerton and Dolph Ruggles There will be no auction. Interest were in charge of the Artillery from j payable at maturity. Bidders are in- which a brickbat whizzed through a' '"ited to name the Interest rate (not window by the head of the telephone operator. 1900 A party composed of H. L. Per sons, Bert and Louis Couch, Frank Holcomb. James Swett and Alger Shaw explored the streams of the Thagardsville section last week. The Fourth of July was a quiet day in Southern Pine.s, and the only roise we heard was a few firecrack ers at night. EVELYN EDSON Notary Public Telephone Office N. H. Are Virginia Ormsby NOTARY PUBLIC E- H. Lorenson Office TELEPHONE 5774 \ exceeding 6 percent), and the place and bank therein of payment. There will be (2» notes in the denomina tion of $7,000 each. The notes will be awarded, at not less than par and accrued interest, to the bidder offering to purchase the notes at the lowest Interest cost to the town, such cost to be determined by deducting the premium bid from the total amount of interest on the notes computed fiom their date to maturity. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check upon an incorporated bank or trust company payable un conditionally to the order of the State Treasurer of North Carolina for .$70.00. The right to reject all bids is reserved. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION By: W. E. Easterling, Secretary NOTICE OF SALE a Declaration of Independence* too! ili Vify beginning, Hectrieity liai l>Mn writing » declaration of inde- *0w>di>ct for people everjrwhere. In- fl«pend*nc« for the homemaker* and dieir families from the discomfort* and drudgery of old-time living . . . Inde pendence for business and industry from the hampering effects of slow and costly methods of pro- dtiction. It is a declaration of independence that is still being t i written, amended and improved, as the benefits of clectric services are extend ed and new uses discovered and ck> veloped. It is unencKng. We ^re proud of the part we have played in the development of Urban. Farm, Commercial, and In dustrial Independence through Cheap EUectricity in the terri tory served by our company. Electricitj' is Che^ . HAVE ¥on Ckanged? Pursuant to a judgment entered |n an action pending in Moore Superior Court entitled, "Moore County vs. H. L. Graves, et als,’’ the undersigned Commissioner appointed In said judg ment for said purpose will, on Friday, July 26, 1940, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Courthouse Door in Moore Countjr* expose to sale to the highest bid der for cash all that certain lots or parcels of land lying and being in Carthage Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and described as fol lows: 126 acres Morrison Land, for bet ter description see Book of Deeds 104, page 279, office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County. 76 acres Barrett Lan^, being Lot No. 4 in Division of Barrett lands. For better description see Book of Orders and Decrees No. 4, page 219, office of the Clerk of The Superior Court of Moore County. 2 lots Peace land, for better de scription see Book of Deeds 119, Page 52, office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County. 1 lot McNeill, for a better deaci:}p- tlon of which see Book of Deeds 116, page 181, office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County. This the 24th day of June, 1940. S. R. KOYLE, J28-Jly 19 Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE The undersigned receiver solicits and will receive sealed bids up to noon Saturday, July 6, 1940, for the purchase of the entire peacTi crop of the year 1940 on what is known as the Hernan Vetterlein Orchard, lo cated about three miles in a south easterly direction from the Town of Aberdeen. These bids should be mail ed to the undersigned in care of Mr. U. L, Spence, Carthage, North Caro lina, and a deposit should accompany the bid payable to the receiver in an amount equal to 10 percent of the bid. Such portion of the peaches that may mature and be gathered by the receiver and di.sposed of prior to the 6th day of July. 1940. will not be in cluded in the sale. The terms of sale will be Qish and the receiver reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The succes.sful bidder must comply promptly with his bid upon notlfica- fion of the acceptance of his bid by the receiver. Persons desiring Information with respect to this subject can commun icate with Mr. D. P. Troutman. Aber deen, North Carolina. This June 25, 1940. P. M. THERRKLL, Receiver. J28J15. NOl'ICE LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE VNDER EXECmON Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Evelyn G. McDonald, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of July, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 1st day of July, 1940. W. DtTNCAN MATTHEWS, Administrator of the Estate of Bve- lyn G. McDonald, Deceased. J15-A9. I, I. C. Sledge, Secretary of Pine- hurst Warehouses, Incorporated, do hereby certify that at a meeting of the stockholders of Pinehurst Ware houses, Incorporated, a corporation created and existing under fh“ laws of North Carolina, with its princi pal place of business In Pinehurst North Carolina, duly called and held at the office of the corporation on the 25th day of June, 1940, at which all the outstanding stock of said corpor ation was represented and present, said stockholders unanimously passed and adopted a resolution in words and figures following, to-wit: RESOLVED: That the written vol untary assent and proposal of the ow'ners of all the present outstand ing stock of Pinehurst Warehouses. Incorporated, in the aggregate par value amount of $60,000.00, to sur render the whole amount of such outstanding stock to the corporation and accept in lieu thereof, but wtih- out further compensation from the corporation, certificates of stock of the corporation to the par value of only one-sixth of the said par value of such stock now outstanding, for the purpose of reducing the present amount of such outstanding stock to the sum of $10,000.00, be accepted, approved and confirmed; and the president and secretary of the cor poratlon are authorized and direct ed to take into possession all the certificates of stock now issued and outstanding and make cancellation thereof upon the stock books of the corporation and at the same time re issue to such owners new certificates of stock for only one-sixth In par value of the amount of the certifi cates of stock so surrendered to thi; corporation and cancelled; to the end that at the consummation of such cancellation and re-lssue the corpor ation shall have outstanding a total Issue of stock in the sum of $10,000.00 Instead of $60,000.00: PROVIDED, That the directors and proper offi cers of the corporation shall have full authority and power, in their judgment and discretion, to sell any portion of the capital stock of the corporation so cancelled upon the books of the corporation at a price not less than par and re-lssue certif- Icates of stock therefor to the pur chaser, the purchase price to be paid to the corporation as an asset of the corporation for the regular operation of its business. This 25th day of June, 1940. I. C. SLE3DGE, Secretary. J28-J112 NORTH CABOUNA, MOORE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF E.VECUTION SALE Stm-ens Limber Company, Plaintiff Vs. TIrgil Johnston, Defendant. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Moore County in the above entitled action, I will on Monday July 15, 1940 at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court House door of said County, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, to .satisfy said execution all the right, title, and Interest which the said Vir. gil Johnston, the defendant has Irf the following real estate, to-wit; That tract or parcel of land situ ate and being in McNeill Township, Moore County, North Carolina known and designated as Lots No. 1 and 36 as shown on a map entitled "Prop erty of P. F. Buchan, Southern Pines, N. C., November 20. 1927, J. B. Swett, C. E.”, said map being duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County in Book of Maps 2, Page 50, to which reference Is hereby made for a description of the .same by metes and bounds, the same being the Identical property conveyed to Virgil Johnston by deed dated Sep tember 18, 1937, and executed by P. F. Buchan and wife, Helen C. Buch an, to Virgil Johnston and recorded in the Public Registry for Moore County. C. J. MCDONALD, Sheriff of Moore County. This 12th day of June, 1940. J21-Jy 12. NOTICE OF AD.MINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of 9nmuel Bumo, late of Moore County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same tq the undersigned at his place of on Bricigers Street, Ham let,, N. C., on or before the 6th day of June, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This 6th day of June, 1940. H. FLETCHER NELSON, Administrator of Samuel Bumo, ceased. J14-Jy-19. notice of S.VLE UNDER • EXECUTION de- Under and by virtue of ian execu tion directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Moore County on a judgment in favor of Bank of Pinehurst against S. J. Stutts, and an execution from the Superior Court of Buncombe County in favor of Bank of Pinehurst against S. J. Stutts, 1 will, on Monday, the 15th day of July. 1940, at 12:00 m. at the courthouse door of said county and town of Car thage, sell to the highest bidder for cash, under the said two executions, all the right, title, Interest and prop erty which the said defendant, S. J. ?tutts, has In the following describ ed real estate situate In Moore Coun ty, North Carolina, to-wit: First Tract; Beginning at a stake on the south edge of the Publick Road leading from the State High way near Alex Black’s Residence to Doubs Chapel Church. Same being K. D. McKlnzle’s 2nd corner of a 3- acre tract that he now lives on, run ning thence as his line S. 37 deg. 30 min. W’. 5.78 ch. to a point in the field, thence N. 25 W. 4.75 chs. to a point in the field, same being the 4th comer of the, 3 acre tract. Thence S. 46 W. 10.20 chs. to a stake and pts.. Garrison’s corner, also a corner of the J. H. Caddell Estate; thence S. 73 deg. 30 min. E. 14 chs. to a Spanish oak near the head of a branch by 2 post oak pts.; thence N. 74 B. 10 chs. to a stake on the south edge of the aforementioned Road; thence along said Road N. 49 W. 13.25 chs. to the first station, containing ISJ acres, more or less—it being the •outh west portion of the old Henderson Muse "Home tract.” \ Second Tract: Lots Nos. 16 and 19 located and shown on a map of J. A. O. Kelly, surveyor, entitled "The Adams and Bums Addition togthe Town of Carthage.” Third Tract: The west 48 feet on Lot No, 527, and the north 25 feet on Lot No. 528 conveyed to S. J. Stutts by J. R. McQueen, Commissioner, in a deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, in Book of Deeds No. 95 at page 616, to which said deed reference is made for further description thereof. This 12th day of June, 1940. C. J, MCDONALD, I14-Jy5 Sheriff of Moore County.