Friday, November 8, 1940. THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Catolina Pagf Klv* The Candy Par Excellence Louis Sherry $1.00 and $2.00 per Pound for those of discriminating taste Broad Street Pharmacy U I.. Hart, Proprietor “Always—the Best in Drugs’’ Phone 5411 Southern Pines The Week in Southern Pines Returning from an extended tour f Florida, Miss Ellen Fullerton and Miss Sarah Fullerton, of Frankford, rhiladelphiii, Miss Mary E. Coyle of West Philadelphia, and Mrs. Annie Ford of Wilmington, Del., were the guests of Miss Mary R. Callan last week. Earl E. Merrill has accepted a po sition with Barr's Pharmacy at Vir ginia Beach, Va., and with his fam ily ha.s moved there. Mi.s.s Helen Burch of Canada ha.s Mrs. Royer Thayer arrived last Thursday night from Bethlehem. N. H„ where she spent the summer. Mrs. C. L. Hayes returned on Sunday from New York where she spent ten days selecting wares for her .shop. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maples and family are spending this week in P.ff.nfort, S. C., visiting their daught er, Mrs. S. D. Bowers. Ki^wnrc Cox left Friday for Lynch- b ,ig, Va., to attend the tri-state con- arrived for the winter and is the ve,ition of magicians, euest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Colon Osborne, Jr., Mrs. F W. Van Camp. Misa Burch ha.s accepted a position with the C. T Patch Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. Clemment W'ronn, Jr., of Chapel Hill, accompanied by Mr. VV'renn's mother, Mr. Virgil I! Looking Forward Chi'istmas i.-^ just around the corner. We are offerin.!? New items in Rumpps fine lenther. Fi‘G(lai‘t the Stationery styled from French imports, R. C. A. Radios and Record Players J^ortable Tyi)ewriters. Please order your Christmas Cards with personal Copy early, you will g’et a better choice. Books for all ag’es and tastes, an especially fine line of Books and j>’ames for children. I Hayes’SandhillsBook Shop Telephone 55(51 SonthernPincs student at Gii’lford College, spent the week-end v.ith hi.s parent. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Osborne. Mi.s'.s Lula Belle Medford of W'ay- no.-5Ville returned to Southe*'n Pines last Saturday and has resumed hei Clark are on a motor trip through ion at Agnes Dorothy's Beauty the North Carolina mountains. j£:noi). Mrs. Elmer Donald.son and daught-l B. Pottle and son Frank arriv- er Luella are spending this week with ctl Tuesday from Jeffer.son Highlands, Mrs. Don.ildson's daughter, Mrs. Al^N. M., and, will start preparations to .\rmond i>t Loxinctcn. topon the Hollywood. Mrs. Joe Pubem.v .=!r.. has leased Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Thomas and son.', the Charles Block house for the Joe, Joe. Jr., and Gerald, attended the j ■ica.son. i circus at Charlotte last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvil Ray have The Willing Workers of the Bap- Jj moved to Fayetteville. tist Chiirch will meet on Tue.sday, || yiiF. Edgnr Gaddy of Florence. S. Novrniber 12 at 3:00 p. m. at the •; C.. l.ft la.Kt week a'ter spending a|!'onie of Mrs. J. G. Harrington, 11 jH i'.vi't k vi.'-itiii}? hot cnt.'i, Mr. and North May stu-et ' I J!r,'5. T. T. Ward. j “Pete" Kaylor and Carlyle Cam- •• ' W. D. Hackney of Camden, S. C., r-ron attended the Diike-Gcorgia Tech t\ ; f pent tl'.'- \Vi k-cnd with his family football g.ime at Durham hint Jiat- j; here. nrdrv. •• I Mrs. Frfdei iek Gardner of | Mins Ana Anglade of j; I Winthrnp P.enth, Mass., arrived Puerto Rico and Jane Grant Mann. « I Tht'r.sUay iinO ha.-- op ned her homo I'oth students at Meredith College.' foi' the Reason. lialeigh, spent the week-end with »♦ Mi.s.s Cl.rihel Wa!ii:ims, daughter Jane's mother. Mrs. Nellie Wells h of Mr. and Mis. L. D. Williams, who Mann. |SJ sp>nt the sumjnfr months in Beth- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moiell arrived ,}; : lehem. N. H., ainived home on Sun- Simday from a summer spent at H jdiiy. Peacfdale, R, I. ;♦ ! Mr, and Mrs. John I'. Cameron re- The ^rembers of the Junior League j || j 111! ned on Sunday from a summe“ cf the Brownson Memorial Prcsby-■ ; spent at Bethl hem. N. H. SWEATERS All wool Pullovers, with or without sleeve.s—$].S5 to $5 Ca.shmeres, natural or colons—$8.75 Button front and zipper front Coat Styles $1.95 to $10 Hansen Glov'es Pigskin, Mocha, silk'lined, Capeskin, unlined, cotton- lined, fur lined, wool lined. Knit Rack.s with |)i^'skin palms. Fancy wool knit, Strinj? knit with brushed wool lining’. $1.00 to $5.00 TC© SHCP SOUTHERN PINES U •• u n •• •• — » n II •• u II ; « II r Whenever the time, whenever the need, you tan ALWAYS dejnnd on us for the he-'t in AC- CUKACV, SKKVU E and rincE. SANDHILL DRUG fO., INC. Service and Dependahilily WE DELIVER PROMPTLY Telephone (iOfi.'J Southern Pines terian Churcb enjoyed a Halloween ;j The Ktv. and Mr:- chaiies Park-' party last Saturday night in the! rr of Charldtte were week-end giiestt) American Legion hut on Maine ave-1 of tiie Rev. and Mrs M. M. Adams mje. Games were played an Hallo-1 Ij rnd all were dinner guests of Mr, we'cn stunts enjoyed. Favors were :: ■ind Mrs. J. S. Fleynold.s at the Jef- plentiful and last btit not least, the;;} fer.son Inn on Sundry. ' rt fre.shments were vei-y much en- « ! Mrs. Denny noonnn. lier .son Denny, I joyed by the 45 members and visi-; - Jr.. her dautrl/ers, Pegry and Patricia, tors present for the fun. I ;• jand Mr.«. XcKman's rrr.ther, Mrs. An-, ^ DuRant spent H ; nie Wa'.k r of Seaitlt Wash., anivetl week-end visiting friends in ij jon to be th“ gue.sts of Mr. Q,a,.]otte. ' H Mr. and Mrs. ]\Iorris.s Moore of In- j; d:&napoli.s, Ind., were wtek-end guests ;• Dr. nnd Mrs. Thomas IC. Walker.: I; Mooi't’ 'iccoil) j ’******************^*^*********************************************************************************-^ Real Estate Bargain nd M s. llorbevt Ciaieron and fam- I il.v for a week or ten days. Mrs. I W'alker is the motluir of Mrs. P. Ftank Buchan and Mrs. Herbert Cameron. Mrs. W, C. Mudgett entertained at 1 ridge on Monday at her home, and several guests came in foi tea. Mr. and Mrs, R.ilph Chandler, Jr.. spent the week-end here visiting tlieir rarents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cluind- Midland Dress Shop Featuring' Ladies’ Ready to Wear, Hats, Accessories. Children’s Dresses, Coats, Sweaters. Mrs. D. E. Crosby West Broad Street Ad.j()ininj; Baker's Market o'. Mr. and Mrs. II IN DowntownSouthernPines Coi’ner lot 90 feet on New York Avenue and 100 feet on East Broad Street—near Municipal Buildinp: and Postoffice. WILL CONSIDER REASONABLE OFFERS * Address •• »• S. H. Calhoun, Stratford, Conn. || Iiy Mrs. Walker and son, left by mo-, m; trr on Monday foi Indianapolis | || v here Mrs. Walker plan.« to visit heri :j mother for two or three -vveck.=i. ! j The regular meeting of tlie Wo- j j man's Society of the Chureli of Wide | uninnnniu TheV ALET D. C. JENSEN Be Comfortable THIS WINTER Let us give you an estimate on installing an Automatic Esso Oil Burner. Sold, guar anteed and fueled by the makers of Esso gasoline. L. V. O’CALLAGHAN II PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR Telephone 5341 Southern PInei ler and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. DuRant. Fellowship win be hel„ at the hom | The Women'.s Circle of the Knowle.^ on Mav. ,, ■ 1 n 1 * • (Ireet on Thursday, November 14tn lirown.soii Memorial Presbyterian ('hurch met on Monday right at the o'clock. 1 home of Mrs. Lewis Merrill with' T>r. and Mrs. R. A. Gilreath and Mrs. Pea) I Xevins as joint hostes.s. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Waters have tak- Mrs. Xevins had charge of tiie pro- en apartments in the home cf -.Iis gram and led the meeting, and Miss W’. J. Brown on Page .street, Ev’elyii Kdson read the Scripture.! Capt. and Mi.s. Boyd have taken an Twelve members were proiient. | apartment in the home of R.'.V. Tate John Huggles of R.ileigh spent .sev- Mrs. Flora Gray Smith and daught- cral days this week visiting his fa- pr Gra.v of Bedford. Pa., have arnved ther, A. S. f;uggles. jfor the season nnd havo tak n an A. B. Hurst has arrived from Myr- apartment in The Gertrude, tie Beach and has accepted a position jj,. jiis, C. W. Kellar.i of .IS assistant manager of Mack's j N. J.. arrived for the .«ea- Ktore. Cleaners and Prcssers to the i;;nntlhills PROTECTEI) Your clofhinsr is inMired ajcatnst los.s from the lime it leaves your door. Telephone 5631 Southern Pines son on Wednesday and are o:c;ipy- The Monday Afternoon Bridge Club i,;j, the D. H. Turner home, met with Mrs. Hugli Betterley. Mr.s. ^ Bal'ii.i.ire J. J. Spring' was a returned for the sensin and After spending some time with his ^ occupying one of tho Pino Needles daughter Mrs. Albert Adams, f.„{(-agcs Fifield left for his home in Con-1 , „ , , iv, - . ^ . T.T u T.r . MV. and Mrs. James Boyd and their cord and Contoocook, N. H., on Wed- ^ . ’ daughter, Miss Nancy, have returned ncsday night. i „ -- J rr- 1 11 from Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallaneaux nnd Mrs. J. B. Gifford spent Monday Thi-re will be a bridge partj fol- in High Point. lowed by tea at the Civic Club this The members of the Reliance ciuh;starting at 2:30, to which met on Monday night with Mrs. H.! ''esidents aie cordially invited. W. Zimmerman with Miss Blanche | Prizei, Mis. Hojt Sherman as joint hostess. Fourteen^®*’''"'" members were present and plans were charge, discussed for making money with money v.'hich to purchase things for Thanks giving baskets and Christmas .stock ings. It was decided to sponsor a food «ale before Thanksgiving. Mrs. Joe Steed, president, presided at the meeting, Mrs. P. P. Pelton spent last Friday in Raleigh. | Forget YOUil Washday Worries Just Gall 6101 Have your clothes washed with a mild and sterilizinjr soap that has been lested and re-tested by the finest laboratories in the country. Remember To Call 6101 SOUTHERN PINES LAUNDRY CO. “The Laundry Does It Best” Telephone filOl ^ Southern Pines Advertise in The Pilot for RcstiUs. J. F. PECHE will be here tuning pianos about November 12. Call Mrs. Clatid Hafer for Appointment. F-IigHland L^odge A Ql lET HOME LIKE FAMILY HOTEL Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Near th e Pines SEASON (XTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST MRS. M. H. GREARSON Telephone 693S Southern Pines, N. C. Highland Pines Inn Cheerful homelike atmosphere, sjjlendid dining rooina service. Delightful surroundings. Weymouth Heights near Country Culb. Good Parking space. Season November to May. W. f. FLYNN, Manager Southern Pines, N. C I