MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLV A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 20, m 2. Aberdeen ~ ^XXARTHAOK *i SPAIN68 JAO<90H 9PRIN09 - yplN»5UJFF Uhc PILOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North^;V Mina Southern Pines, North Carolina, Friday, December 13, 1910. Pinehurst KEEP COUNTY AT TOP IN STATE, 1940 Sandhills Sportsman Bags Buck That Beat Him in Wrestling Bout \3Lit\lj OflLIj OLUU/\ll nut Couldn’t Hold On.—Shot IMoore Leads in Per Capita Con tributions. and Funds Are Sorelv Needed Fells Him COUNTY SCHOOLS TO GIVE VOCATION COLORED GOAL IS $500 The 1940 Chri.stmns Soal Sale is on in full force, and fortunately so for the Moore County Tuberculosis Com mittee. For the first time in the committee’s history, there is not enough in the treasury at the mo. nicnt to meet the November bill at the State Sanatorium, The little seals only a penny apiece—will quickly remedy this situation if the pennies are forthcoming, and there’s from now until Christmas for the generous people of the county to do their part. The school children are doing theirs, Mrs. T. A, Cheatham, county chairman, announces. She’s visited the schools in every nook and cran ny and finds the youngsters saving their pennies. At one colored school they’ve all forsworn candy for a week, to give their pennies. The col- oied population, with a goal of $500 this year, is doing splendidly. P. R. Brown, chairman, in a letter sent to his fellow- workers among the color ed people, called attention to Moore county’s standing at the head of the 100 counties of the state in per cap ita contributions. Moore has led the last two years, year with 6.7 per cent, with 5.1 for Forsyth county next. "Let us notice another condition, with reference to tuberculosis in our i county,” WTote Brown, "Of the 13 in dividuals receiving treatment in the sanatorium, eleven are negroes. Our group is receiving support from this afssociation. and as loyal citizens of this great state, we should rally to the campaign and help to assist the Many individuals still without med ical care.” T,.' ads Counties of State The record of Moore as head of the ,«:tate in per capita contributions is due largely to the generosity of res idents of and visitors to Pinehurst and Southern Pines, Mrs, Cheatham pointed out—people who have given large sums toward the work. But she expressed deep gratification at the enthusiatic cooperation of all sec tions of the county, and hopes to see Moore again lead the state by a wide margin this year. Anyone who wishes to contribute and who is uncertain of who his or her local chairman is may send checks directly to Mrs. T. A. Cheat ham. Pinehurst, and they will be credited to the town from which they come. Mrs. Cheatham called attention to the fact that in 1936 the association took care of 16 incurables, of whom twelve died. "This year we have had the smallest number, and only five have died,” she said. "We are doing more thorough w'ork, more follow-up work, more preventative work, and thi.s requires more money. But we are making steady progress In the elimination of tuberculosis from the county." Buy your Christmas Seals and helpi Bagging deer is no new experience for Bob Parks, S.^ndhills farmer and vetofan sportsman, but recently he bagged a buck after catching it, losing a wrestling match and losing Iiis gun in the melee. That's the story .sent to The Pilot by the 'Kev, Frank S. Blue of Kal- i eigh, formerly of Cai-thage. I I Parks, the Rev. Mr. Blue and party were hunting together at the | time, While sitting on a pine stump, j Parks heard the yapping of hounds | behind him and looked back just in time to see a deer bounding over his head. Ducking the flying hooves. Parks reached up and grabbed the buck by a hind leg:. The speed of the leaping, 75 pound' deer snatched the big 218-pound i farmer off his perch. Deer and man plunged headlong into a pine thick et, the buck kicking' and wresting himself free. Parks scrambled to his feet, picked up his gun and fired three times in rapid order. Twice he missed, but the third shot dropped the buck several yards away. When the hunter took time to check the swift events, he found his right hand bleeding. Other wise, he had lost neither his head, Daily Except Sunday Southern Pines I’ostoffice To Remain Open Next Two Saturday Afternoons The Southern Pinos Postoffice will be open all day every day ex cept Sundays from now until Christmas, Postmaster P, Frank Buchan announced yesteixlay. Their usual Saturday afternoon holiday is being passed up this week and next by the postoffice staff in the interest and for the convenience of the public. Charles W.Picquet Awaracd 1940 Kiwanis Builder’s Cup; IRAINING COURSES Gov.Hoey Club’s Honor Guest To Provide Education for Youths in Industries Under National Projrram Man of the Year FIRST GYMKHANA OF SEASON TO BE HELD HERE TODAY Many Entries Expected For Card of Five Events at Southern Pines Country Club Horses, horses, horses! They'll be out in force this after noon, Friday, at the Southern Pines Country Club, for the first gymk- ^ana of the season here. Hunter and SEVEN COl'RSES LISTED An eight weeks coui'se in vocation al training will bo offered under the supervision of each rural iiigh school of Moore county between now and tlie first of July, under the National Defense Program, County Superin tendent H. Lee Thomas announced this weeit. Applications have already been made by Caithage, Cameron, Vass-, Lakeview, Hemp and Pinkney high ! schools, and other high schools not ill city administrative units wi.shing; to make application for vocational i I training courses should do so at once Mr, Thomas | The courses will be offered to out ' of school rural boys from 17 to 25, years of age, inclusive, and will be j under the supervision of T. E. Brown, j director of vocational education, Ral- \ eigh. Young men interested in tak-1 ir,g one of the courses should apply | to the local school principal. The vocational education for na-1 tional defense program includes the I'ollowing courses: 1, Operation and Two Hundred Attend Annual Alumni Hanquet and Ladies’ Night at Pine Needles HOEV PRAISES SANDHILLS CHARLES W. PK’QUET I , ... I repair of tractors trucks and auto- his hat, his glasses nor a generous classes w.H feature ^ Blacksmithing, includ- cud of chewing tobacco,, |event_ bu there 11 also be some com-; horse-shoeing; 3. Farm machin. “Boys, I hope it will never happen ^ ‘ J' doughnut race on operation, care, etc.; 4. Con- again,” Parks said as plated the creditable prize. he contem-' musical ! chairs. The show ring at the club is in fine Christmas Lights Blaze On Broad St. Parkway Jay-Cees, Sponsoring Decora tions. Also To Give Prizes for Homes and Stores On Tuesday night the Christmas season in Southern Pines was official ly opened, with the turning on of the lights on the trees along the parkway on Broad street, an annual project of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. These lights will burn nightly until the first of the year. Participants for cash prizes tn the residential and commercial lighting contests sponsored by the Jay-Cees are urged to remember that the judging will be on any night between the 19th and 24th of this month and all decorations should be up not la ter than teh 18th. Dr. A. Mac L. Brown ; shape for the first of the series of 1 gymkhanas and hunter trials to be siruction, maintenance and repair: 6. Operation, repai'' and care of electrical equipment: 7. Concrete construction and stone work, 1 !• h fu J ,.1. ^ single school may give one or Dips in rrankMn Pa there, and with the community ^ **• * I oiiiviiii, Id. •'all of the courses if equipment and ' available, but Mr. Former Resident of Southern gala one. Pair jumping will be Pfnes Had Heen In 111 Health will be put For ‘spve/'jil Ypar« : jumping competition. There will be . ^ ror nC't'fcll 1 ears ... , two or three, and these will be select- ^Tn open hunter over the outside ‘ , ' T-. J . , ^ , ed on the basis of the needs of the Dr Alpxflndpr \racL<'od Brown 72 rroudick H. Burk6 is in' Aitxanuer Mrtci^ruu oumn, rommunity. A must run 15 clit’d at hi« homo in Fi’ftnklin Pa on • tn^ affair, and I)6nnis , i ▼ uuu ai XUS nuiiu in x'litimiiii. x eaker I Governor Hoey, as always, made a (ptivring talk, his first .speech since j becoming 63 years young on Wed- ^ nesday. He paid high tribute to the Its Amateur Night tonight. The contribution of the Sandhills to the Southern Pines Rotary Club is stag-1 welfare and prosperity of North ing its second iniiual •'llajor Blows” | Carolina, and of the contribution of party at the High School .\uditorium, ‘ the Kiwanis Club to the Sandhills. W. and if its anything like the first af-iA. Leland McKethen, county .solici- fair a year ago. it's a foregone sue-1 tor and president of the Moore cess. It shouldn't be missed, espec-1 County Young Democrats, presented ially as the small admis.sion fee goes, I he Governor. John M. Howarth, into the club's charity fund and the ’ president of the Sandhills Kiwanians, club does a lot of good with it. j presided at the meeting, but turned Among features on tonight's card 'the reins over to Mr. Picquet as mas- of “Major Blows' Amachoors” will | ter of ceremonies. The entertainment be seen and heard George Harlis, boy [ program included music by the soprano of Sanford who won second,Dunes Club orchestra, a perform- for unchanged boys’ voices in the ence by the Dunes floor show. ROTARY PRESENTS LOCAL TALE.NT IN “AMATEUR NIGHT” “Maj(tr Illows” To Trot Out Performers From Four To Arthur Newcomb Tonight On Monday night, December 23rd at 7 ;30 o'clock the Sunday School of the Brownson Memorial Church wrill sponsor a Christmas program to which the public is cordially invited. After the program, which is under the leadership of a committee com prising Miss Evelyn Edson, Mrs, D, E. Bailey, W. E. Blue and the teach ers of the various clases, Santa Claus will arrive to present the kiddies with Christmas goodie.s. Come and bring the children. JOHN K. ELX.IS, FORMERLY OF .XBERDEEX, DIES AT 70 John K. Ellis, 70, husband of the former Miss Lula Pleasants of Aber deen, died at his home in High Point last Friday. Funeral services were held on Sunday at the home of hla sister-in-law, Mrs. Havyn Capps, in Aberdeen. Mr. Ellis was a former railroad man in Aberdeen and had a wide acqtiaiiitance hare. Robert Rodwell, organist of the Pinehurst Village Chapel, will give an organ concert on the Alfred >Tull Ramage Memorial organ at the Pine hurst Community Church Tuesday night, December 17th at 8:15. Mr. Rodwell will be assisted in the prog ram by a Junior Choir from the First Presbyterian Church of San ford, directed by Miss Frances Mc- Iver and accompanied by Mrs, L. R, Sugg, organist of the Sanford church. The public is cordially in vited to this concert at which an of. fering will be received, the entire net : State Music Contest this year. Then there’ll be Sandra Harris, aged four, one of Southern Pines’ newly acquir ed Army children, who is going to sing, as is Georgiana Rogers, anoth er Army lassie. Arias Mirzhonoff is going to do a tap dance and sing a song, and Don and Elizabeth Kirk patrick, children of Capt. Frank S. Kirkpatrick, U. S. A., are doing a brother and sister singing act. And if you’ve never seen the hula danced as it should be, Julia Scott will rem- jedy that situation. We might add that JuKa ’s eight. Arthur Newcomn is one the pro gram for a French Canadian dialect poem about Christmas, another num ber that should not be missed. E. H. Lorenson, president of the Rotary Club is going to play the part of through the courtesy of Karl An drews and James Warman. The ban quet W'as held in the new and at tractive Pne Needles dining room, and after the demi tasses the crowd repaired to the clubhouse for danc ing. Robert L. Hart was chairman of the Banquet Committee. Mr. Picquet joins a distinguished group of citizens of Moore county as a possesor of a Kiwanis Builder’s Cup, emblematic of unselfish and con structive service to the community. Awards have previously been made to John R. McQueen, Leonard Tufts, Simeon B. Chapin, Bion H. Butler, P. Frank Buchan, Dr. H. E, Bowman, Paul Dana, Mrs, Thaddeus A, Cheat ham and Dr. Clement Monroe. proceeds of which will be applied to Churxih w’ill be “Graham Cracker McNamee,” the Annual Community Christmas Ba.sket Fund. | This concert will be of tremendous ff>*^*'cer. The gates open at I or something like that as interest to music lovers because of Wr. Rodwell’s well known profic iency as a musician, especially in the technique of the organ, and the fact that this is his first concert in this section of the country since he has been organist of the Village Chapel. At the console of the Aeolian organ lie will have at his disposal a wide range of variety in color, tone and power. Mr. Rodwell's wide experience in public performance on the organ has enabled him to prepare a pro- the an 8:00 o’clock. CHORUS OF 30 VOICES TO SING “PRINCE OF PE.VCE’ A chorus of 30 voices, conducted by Charles W. Picquet, will sing a Chri.stmas cantata, "The Prince of Peace," by John Spencer Camp, on Sunday evening, December 22nd, in the Chorus of Wide Fellowship. This is a community chorus composed of singers from Pinehurst, Southern gram of definite coherence yet offer- j Pines and Knollwood, and has been ing great contrasts. For instance, there are offered such contrasts as these: Toccato and Fugue in D Min or by Bach and Departing Day by Mueller ;and again, Scherzlno by Weaver contrasted with Ave Maria by Na«:ler and Hymn of Glory by Yon. drilling under Mr. Picquet's direc tion for several weeks. The cantata will begin at 8:00 o'clock and will take about one hour. Remember the day and hour—eight o’clock the Sun day before Christmas. Be careful I It’s Friday the 13th. Jay-Cee Banquet At Dunes Club Monday President of State Junior Cham ber of Commerce Will Be the Principal Speaker ‘The annual banquet of the Jun ior Chamber of Commerce will be held at the Dunes Club next Mon day night, December 16th, Paul C. Butler, president of the local organ ization, has announced. George D. Lentz, president of the North Carolina Junjor Chamber of Commerce, will be" present and will be the main speaker. Several other Jay-Cee dignitaries from other clubs are expected to be present. The Jay-Cees annual banquet brings to an unofficial close a year of continued achievement under the leadership of Mr. Butler and his ad ministration, and will Inaugurate a new year of activity for this civic group, under the guidance of J, D. Arey, Jr., preaident-elect