CAROLINA ROOM DFC >2 6 1940 MOORE COI NTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY nr HIT? J. JL XJC/ A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding ^ ^<CAItTH*OfL ^ eMtL.t SPftlNOS ^-'^'/lakevisw B.HO HAHUSV jack SON SPRItlOfl ASHi-BY, HCICMTS AecRocx>< ^PiMtBWUFr PILOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory i," 'is, Carolina VOL. 20, NO. 3. Aberdeen Southern Pines, North Carolina, Friday, December 20, 1940, Pinehurst P. T. KELSEY TAKES OVER GAVEL OF CLUB GYMKHANA, HORSE SHOW. 100-MILE RIDE DATES SET John M. Howarfh Winds Up Sue- Southern Pines Plans Husy Sche- cessful Year as President.— I dule for the Equestrian Dur- DonaW (Jrant Is Speaker , inp: the Winter Season SEES HITLKK CHECKED DEC. .‘JIST FIRST DATE I’leston T. Kelsey of .Southern Dates for events in Southern riiies bocame the ISth pre-sident of)Fines during’ the winter sea.son were the .Sandhills Kiwanis Club on Wed- ■— ejhnu.- r.osday, taking over the gavel at t)ie final meeting of the year, held in The Gray Fox in The Presi dent's button which has been passed on each year since the club's organ ization at the Mid-Pines Club in 1922 was placed on Mr. Kelsey’s lapel by the retiring president, John M. Ho- V'arth. The members gave Mr Ho- v.iirth a rising vote of thanks for a successful year. Donald Grant, of Dornoch, Scot land where the Sandhills' own Don ald Ross came from, was the speak er at the meeting and gave heart to the Kiwanians and their guests on the subject of the war, Mr. Grant believes that Germany is well check ed in ETngland by the Royal Air Force, that Spain's trade alliance with Britain has Mr. Hitler check ed in the direction of Gibraltar, leav ing the East for his battleground. And there, due to the stubborn re sistance of Greece, the friendship of Turkey toward Great Britain, the fact that the feeling in Egypt is on the side of the British, and that Italy doesn't want to fight, never did, and has no love of Germany, Mr. Grant believe.s Hitler will find his hands, full. ' ■set at a meeting of the .Show Committee held in the Municipal Building on Monday, at which Fred erick H. Burke, chairman, presided. The fi>".st big gymkhana and "jumperee" la to be held the last day of the year, on Tue.sday, Decem- | ber 31st, and will provide a card of | iix or seven events of a varied na-1 ture, featured by jumping both j inside the,_^ ring and over the i outside course. A preliminary, or| ‘ warm-up” gymkhana held last week, but this was an informal event, though a great success. The annual Southern Pines Horse Show was set for February 21st, and | will be an all-day affair, with classes for ail types of horses and riders. | Luncheon will be served at the Coun- j try Club between the morning and > afternoon events. Mr. Burke appoint ed Mrs. George B. Johnson, Miss Ellen j V ale and Ralph K. Trix to assist him on the Elxecutive committee for | the show, and other committees will i be headed by E. C. Stevens, Miss Nancy John.son, Howard Bums, Nick Crotty and the Rev. J, Fred Stimson. Novelty In South At the same meeting a decision was tcached to hold, for the finst time in I > ■'The eastern couiitiics have taken'the South, a 100-niiie ride during the great courage from the victorious week of April 3ii. This event has riarch of the Greeks; they now have | hccn successfully staged in the north hope of .successfully retaining their; nnd west and has attracted and .voveicignties with the aid of Britain. 11 Iciers from far afield, as well as They prefer Britisli friendsliip to Nazi hundreds of spet tators. Horses en- clomination; they know which .sidejtered must do 40 mile.s the first day, their breai! is buttered on." 1*10 miles the second, and 20 the third, Mr. Grant talked also last night 'nn<i are judged for their condition as before the Forum, follow-|\vell as for completing each day's i:.g a buffet .supper at the Country i t ( witliin a proscribed time. Club, j All local horse events, including the , I Hunter Trials to be held at the time i f oniinitli'fs :Nuined jof the annual steeplechase racc meet, i President Kelsey's fij'st act as 1941 u u i j • m • ' 1 should draw record entries this win- ' head of the Kiwanis Club was the I. , • ^ i , ter due to the large number stabled i rppointment of his committees to' , Sandhills at the present time. < serve during the coming year. He|^ named the following chairmen: Agriculture. George C. Burke, At tendance and Reception, Roy F. Grin- neli; Boy.s and Girls Work, J. Vance Rowe; Finance, I. C. Sledge; Inter- Club Relation.s, R. L. Chandler; Ki- v.'anis Education, Dr. W. E. Overcash; Publicity, Howard F. Burns; Mem-j bership, Robert L. Hart; Music, Char les W. Picquet; Public Affairs, G. C. Seymour; Roads, J. Talbot Johnson; Sandhilleers, W. D. Sabiston; Sup port of Churches, E. C. Stevens; Un derprivileged Children, John F. Tay lor; Venereal Disease Control, J. T. Overton; Vocational Guidance, John M. Howarth; Program, G. E. Horne. The next meeting of the club will be on January 1st at the Southern Pines Country Club, at which time Oran Tuttle of Selmp, lieutenant governor of this district, will pay an official visit. penerals Devers, Crane Attend Reception Here Tea Dance Honorinsf Army Offi- ' cers and Wives of Sandhills at Mid-Pines Saturday Amy officers and their wives re siding in the Sandhills will be the honored guest of the Southern Pines Chamber of Commerce at a tea dance to be given tomorrow, Saturday af ternoon at 4:30 o’clock at the Mid- Pinei. Club. Officers of the Cham ber and their wives will act as hosts, and in the receiving line will be Major General John L. Devers, com manding officer of Fort Bragg, and Mrs. Devers; Brigadier General and Mrs. J. A. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Struthers Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Preston T. Kel sey, Mayor and Mrs. Dorsey C. Stuta and Jackson H. BoytL o - - gymkhana which starts off the sche dule on the 31st of this month, with similar events to follow periodically, lleserved parking spaces for the sea son are now on sale by E. C. Stevens. B.WKS IX COUNTV CLOSED ON CHBIS’TMA.S .\ND DEC. 26 The Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany, Southern Pines, and the Bank of Pinehurst, with branches in Aber deen and Carthage, will be closed all day next Wednesday, Christmas Day, and also on Thursday, December 26th, which has been declared a legal holiday by Governor Hoey. Santa’s Ride Bv R. C. Lawrence Wins Gold Watch Old Santa dwell.s in Smokies park In cabin much like Noah’s ark. Now once again he roiise.s ui>—that’s queer? “Oh ,vi*s!’’ .says he “the YULH hore!’' So then he dons his suit .so ro(t With cap of fur upon his head, llis sleigh he !)uil<ls up MitcheH's way. Ilis deer on Pisj?ah munch tiioir hay. From bounteous stores his )>ack he fills With ffoodies for hi.-; Jacks and .Jills. Then fares he forth to ('himiiey Kock To practice thei’e until the clock Strikes twelve! Back to Murphy now he’ll go To start from there for Manteo, And visit every home and child From mountain peak to ocean wild. In Gaston’s town he’ll surely pause The cripples must see Santa Claus; And for its precious Tiny Tims Awaiting cure for little limbs, He’ll have an extra pretty toy For every single girl and boy. And at the orphan’.s home he’ll stop, To leave a dollie or a top, Or a pretty for each lass or lad Taking the place of Mother and Dad. The hospitals, too, he will not fail. He’ll even stop at every jail; For when one is ill or very .sad Old Santa wants to make them glad, GRAND MAN! Then like a flash away he bounds Only six hours to make his rounds! A mile per tinkle is his slwest gait A house per jingle his normal rate; And then through all the country.side, He dives into each chiinney wide. Or through the keyhole in the doo'r, Of every home, both rich and poor, What glet! ' But help my soul! ’tis almost day! With another visit yet to jiay To Raleigh’s town to bles.s tlie State, My! my! 'tis growing very late. So just as day begins to daw'n. As sciuirvels scamper on capitol lawn Old Santa cracks his whip once more And reins his reindeer at the door. “Uay for Chri.stma.‘i!" he merrily cries. And out conie.s Governor, all sur)>rise To see St. Nicholas standing there While spreading gladness everywhere. The Governor bows in grand salute, Old Santa gives his horn a toot. Then pulls a string that ope’s his pack. And wliat do you think, like a jimiping jack, Comes tumbling out of Santa’s .sack? Just listen! For every person, old ajid j'Oiing, The grandest story ever sung, “Peace on earth, good will to man,” Happy contentment for kith and kin. Health and prosperity in fullest measure, Bounteous joy and wholesome pleasure. This was his gift for Carolina. Now could there anything be finer? FIVE CENTS SOUTH APPEALS TO PRESIDENT FOR AID TO BRITAIN Regional Conference Here .Vdopts Strong Resolution in Face of “.Military Cri.'^is” rUGE N’ECESS.\RY HELP A.s.sorting that "it i.s both ami fatal to half protect our inter-," the .Southern Regional Confer- cntc of the Southern Policy com mittee in session at the Mid-Pines Club last Saturday, urged "immediate full capacity mobilization of all nec- t.ssary resources to aid Great Brit_ ain. The declaration, addiessed to Pres ident Roosevelt and Congress and signed by a group of 30 southern ed ucators, newspaper publishers, indus- tralists, economists, and authors, warned that the United States must ‘ chooSf and choose quickly” or events may “take the choice away from us.” The declaration read; “We believe that our country is faced with a crisis almost impossible j to exaggerate. The head of the Ger- i " c! I "lan Government has declared that I Retiring President of Southern ^ government's intention to destroy Jdemocr'acy. Before the march of that BUTLER PAUL C IPAUL C. BUTLER WINS J.C. AWARD FOR CIVIC SERVICE Pines Junior Chamber of Com merce Pre.seRted Watch j government and its partners four- . A * VI natlon.s have already fallen. ANNUAL liAN^ET MONDAY I CommonwLith of For se.vice and devotion to his Stations remains in arms against it. community and his organization, "If they go under, there is no rea- , Paul C. Butler was awarded the 1940 that, flushed with vic- i trophy of the Southern Pines Junior ‘"' •V- t'’*' German government wilS frivo up its declared intention. W'heth- er immediately attacked or not. we .siiail at best live on suffrance in a world triumphantly dominated by a I Chamber of Commeice at its annual 'i banquet held last Monday evening in 1 The Dunes Club. Mr. Butler is the 1 retiiing president of tho organiza lion, and has successfully guided it P'^ve.nment contemptuous of all that we believe and eager to destroy it either from within or from without. “On the othei’ hand, if Germany's aim.s should be frustrated, is there any American who wovild not fee! a sense of relief, of freedom to live in (;ur own way, to fulfil our democratic f'cstiny without threat, attack or in terference ? Must Ch'ioHP tjuiekl.v “Between these two possibilities we must choose and choose quickly or events may take the choice away through a year of progress for it- .■■fclf and for Southern Pines, The award was in the foin> of a goi i watch, and was precntcd in fit ting words by R, N. Hassell, setre- tiuy-elect of the organization. Mr. Hutler responded with due apprecia tion of the honor conferred upon him. The banquet wa.s a glowing suc- Opened with the singing of "God America” led by B. C. Doyle, the invocation by the Rev. K. Craighili Brown followed. President' f»'om us. Eutler welcomed the ladies and oth-; “We have seen thus slowly and ! cr guests of the evening who were, dimly, have abandoned the illusory j introduced by the incoming president, j .safety of isolation, begun to appre- jGhristmas Gift Bureau Solves Problem of Needy Churches, Schools, Civic Bodies Cooperate To See That Santa Claus Visits All You Can Laugh 4gain All Disney Program, With Snow White, Three Pigs et al, on December 28 Southern Pines’ first “Planned I If you like Walt Disney’s cartoon J. D. Arey, Jr. M. F. Grantham pre- .sented the jjrincipal .speaker of the evening, George D. Lentz of Winston- Salem, president of the North Caro- hna Junior Chambers of Commerce, who gave the local group a picture ol what theorganization was doing throughout state and nation. There are now 1,200 Junior Chambers in the country, he said, with 125,000 members. He told of the numerous worthwhile projects of these groups, in charity, church, civic, Boy Scout and other lines. I Dancing to the music of the Dunes Club orchestra followed the dinner, irnd the club’s floor .show was pre- Christmas” is working out very well, j according to those responsible for the'who doesn’t—there’s a treat in store | — ■ . r'nmlina Theatre In' fiims and we don’t know anyone j Rented and greatly enjoyed. Closed on Christmas But Postofficfj Will Be Open Late Christmas Eve for Package Deliveries The Southern Pines postoffice will be closed all day on Christ mas, delivering only special deliv ery mall and perishables. First clasB mail will not be placed in the boxes. On Christmas Eve, the postoffice will remain open late that all packages may be called for. Mail will be despatched on Christmas Day as usual. Postmaster P. Frank Buchan announced last yesterday that ar rangements had been made to open the postoffice this Sunday after noon from 2:00 until 5:00 o’clock for the receipt of outgoing par cels and mail. “This will permit the public to mail their Saturday purchases Sunday in time to reach their destinations by Christmas,” Mr. Buchan said. Mall for local residents will not be handled on Sunday afternoon, be stated. ciate not only the courage but the value of the British Navy and Air Force, and agreed to .sell a large amount of W'ar material. "But events move faster than we do. If some a.ssistance to the British Commonwealth is to oui' interest and in harmony with our sense of right, then all assistance necessary to check the menace is more so. It is hoth foolish and fatal to half protect our interests. The British cannot be expected to win or to be particularly heartened by what we are able to sell them out of even our present pro duction. “To preserve ourselves and the British Commonwealth in spirit and in truth demands that we recog^niee that these two remaining strong de mocracies have a common enemy as according to those responsiuie lui Christmas Gift Bureau. This bureau, for you at the Carolina Theatre in' p f cr clearing house, for gift.s for the Pinehurst itin Saturday night, De- vJrganiZeS in poor and needy, is sponsored by all cumber 28th. It will be an all-Disney Carthage; 20 MembcrS | well as common instit r local churches, civic organizations, j program, with "Snow White” featur- ^ | dom utions of free- .'chools and clubs. Its purpose is to j ing the bill, and w'ith these shorts you ^ ' ^^ ^rford Elected see that no deserving family goes have vmdoubtedly already laughed I President; Home Speaker at without a Santa Claus on Christmas over and have been wanting to seej Meeting t.ay, and, too, that there is no du-Jngain: “The Three Little Pigs,” “Fer-1 ^oore county"^ .second Rotary plication of giving. Its headquarters deinand the Bull,” and "nonald club. With the Southern Pines or- is the office of E. H. Lorenson. 'Duck.” ganization acting as sponsor, a club desiring to give to the poor The evening is for the benefit of the been formed in Carthage and .Should do so through the Bureau. Moore County Maternal Welfare, held its organization meeting last Should they have certain families to Committee, which has done such a'Fridav niEht its first ree-ular meet- whom they wish to give directly, they fine job in the county that maternal :,ng Wednesday noon of Thi" week, should let the Bureau know. Such in- deaths have been reduced from 161 charter memberships are to be ac- formation will be treated in strict per 1,000 in 1935 to none in 1939.icepted up to January 1st. confidence. ^ Ticket.s for the performance are on | The Rev. W. L. Warford was elect- Money and gifts given thi-ough the sale at the Franjean shop in Southern cd ore.sident and Princioal Beaslev Bureau are given to families whose Pines, Madame et La Jeur.e FiUe andipf the Carthage School is secretlry. needs are known. Giving cooperative- Colony shops in Pinehurst. ^The club has close to 20 members protects families from the em- — i Wednes- 1>’ . tarrassment of receiving from many sources. The Christmas Bureau la main tained by volunteers, giving gladly of their services to provide Christmas in a kindly and helpful spirit for On Christmas Eve from 7:30 until i day 10:45 o’clock, and gaain during thei “ same period on Christmas night, Christmas carols will be simg from I loud speakers placed on two build- ^ ings on Broad street, Southern Pines, "It demands that, wherever requir ed, every activity shall be subordi nated to immediate full.capacity mobilization of all necessary resour ces. "It demands that we recognize that We are faced by a military crisis and that speed and coordination are the cssence of military effectiveness. "We cannot see the future. But we know that no easy road lies ahead. Political, economic and military de cisions of the gravest sort will have to be made. For them the people will have to rely on their responsible leaders and firmly support them. But there is one thing the people can do. That is prepare. Here we believe that Holly Inn in Pinehurst, was th'e j our leaders—perhaps unduly impress- speaker and during the course of an cd by the busy minority groups, some G. E- Horne, manager of the In a Kinuiy »im —-o- -- those in the community unable to' sponsored by the Junior Chamber of pHvide for themselves. ‘Commerce. *r ' interesting talk he took occasion to I welcome the new service club on be half of the Sandhills Kiwanis' Club, oldest of these national organiza tions In the county. of which are deluded, some financed by Individuals hostile to our way of life or by foreign governments—have as yet failed to gauge the temper of (PUate turn to pagt fiv*)

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