\ j Page EkKhl THE PILOT, Sottthcrn Pines, North Carolina Friday, March 7. 194X ^ IKIiURCHESI Bntvvnson Memorial Presbyterian (.•lurch, the Rer. 8. L. Barber, Pas- church for 15 minute intervals be- "ore the Blessed Sacrament solemnly enthroned on the altar.. Saint Anthony’s Catholic Church- lor. Sunday. March 99. 1941—Church I Masses this Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30 .School «t 9:46 .a..m.. Morning. W|Dr-1 with the Forty Houre Devotion^ at tl.’OO a. m., with sermon by Junior L«ague at 2:00 p. M. antt ITouag People's League {it 0:30 p. •« The regular monthly business meet. *>ig of thif Baptist Church and cover- Alsti .supper will be held Thurs. Msrch 13lh at 7:00 o’clock. This Vttr ht- a celebration supper and all •Jemhors aiu urged to be present. at the 10:30 Mass; Benediction and Sermon Sunday. Monday and Tueaday evening at 7:30; Dally Mass at 7:00; Stations of the Crown and Benediction Friday evening at 7:30; Confessions will be heard on Satur- (iay afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 and from 7:30 to 8:30. “Man” Is the subject of the lesson- sermon at the Christian Science f*ie fnenda of the church are also' Church. East New Hampshire avenue, >>artily inWted. Sunday morning, March 9th at 11:00 ' , i o’clock. Sunday School convenes at the same hour. The Wednesday even. first and I Emi)i3.auet Episcopal Church. Rev. F Craignill Brown. B. A.. B. D., Rec-1 >"8^ meetings are on the t.*r, Sunday, March 9, 1941—Church third Wednesdays of the month a «n union a(i 8:00 a. m. Church School! 8 00 o’clock. The Reading oom, 9:;10 V m.. Morning Prayer at i is located In the ohurch is •»». 00 a m.; Wednesday, March 12th, joP"" Wednesday afternoons from 3:00 ,to 5:00 o’clock. WAN TS What will you trade for the down payment and installation on a new 1940 Frlgldalre Range. Balance easy payments. The Trade Store TOR SALE: New 5-room house U. S J. near Aberdeen with Steam 'heat Myers Automatic Water aysteni large attic and basement, four acre lot. Write P. O. Box 900, Southern Pines, N. C. WANTED GIRL to look after small boy and assist with housework for 3 or 4 weeks, beginning March 25th. Apply XX. care The Pilot m HMy Communion at 10:00 fevenuig Pr.iyer at 4:45 p. m. wirch 11th. The Litany at > i { iThe Ri‘V. Joseph Hart of the Con.'m.; Morning Church Worship, ser- j^'-egation of the Most Holy Redeem- ^ nion by the pastor, at 11:00 a a. m.. Friday, 4:45 p. The Church of Wide Fellowship, Voigt O. Taylor, pastor—Services Sunday: Church School at 9:45 a m. I er will conJuct the Forty Hour Devo- 'Vesper Service at 5:00 p. m. with tijn to be held in Saint Anthony's special music by the choir and a ser- Cburch beginning at 10:30 Sunday mon by Dr. T. A. Cheathana of the iming ,\nd closing Tuesday evening Village Chapel, Pinehurst; Youth »• 7:30. During the Foity Hours spec-1 Fellowship League at 7:00 p. m., and •u I services will be conducted each' the Fellowship Forum Evening Ser- •lOrning at 7:00 o’clock and in the j vice at 7:00 p. m. On Tuesday nights e\'<'ning it 7:30. During the rest of, the public is invited to the Lenten t‘i<» days of this devotion the members 1 fellowship, worship and study se- •f the parish will remain in the ries. “Styled Loveliness^ “June Preston Frocks'’ 1 2. a. Tot 1 to 6x Neweal Fashions Lovely* Colors Guaranteed Seams. Misses Sizes 7 to 4. Quality Fabrics 5. True Cut Sizes 6. Neat Hems 14 ‘^^uaranteed To Wash and Wear” NIelvin Oros., Inc. | “Trading Center of the Sandhills’’ « Abertloen and Southern I*ines | Aberdeen theatrE Saturday, March 8 Matinee 3:00 P. M. Night at 7:15 and 9:00 ‘n’HE BORDER LEGION” Roy Rogers ' Carol Hughes ' George “Gabby” Hayes Another GREAT story from the pen of ZANE GREY Wonday ind Tuesday, March 10,11 Wight at 7:15 and 9:10 “HUDSON’S BAY” Paul Muni . ♦ Vii^nia Fiild Laird Cregar Gene Tierney NigelBmcc John Sutton Wednesday, March 12 ; Matinee 3:00 P. M. i Night at 7:15 and 9:00 CASH AWARD NIGHT Free Consolation ‘ ‘THE MAD DOCTOR” HqhiI Rathbone Ellen Drew Vera Vague John Howard < • ♦Thursday ani Friday, March 13, 14 ^ Night at 7:15 and 10:00 “COME LIVE WITH ME” James Stewart \ ' Ian Hunter \ * Veriee Teasdale SEE how to Wj HedyLamarr Donald Meek FOR RH2'fT- Sunny upstairs front bedrix>m, opposite bath- Light housekeeping. Conveniences if de sired. Apply 32 E. Penn. Avenue. WANTED POSI’nON as Chauffeur or Clerk by young man, high school graduate with 2 years experience. Apply CTC, care The Pilot. COTTAGE TO LET: Exceptionally well furnished six room cottage, nicely situated, two car garage. Turner's Real Estate, Insurance Agency, Office building. Southern Pines. FOR RENT: A newly renovated six- room unfurnisheH house. Hot air heat and fire place. See Mrs. Lena R. Sweezy, 9 South May street. FOR SALE: 4 baby Billy Goats. Make great pets. Phone .5223. Robert Bailey. FOR RE!NT: 2-room heated apart ment. The Ellington. 31 West Ver mont avenue. FOR RENT: One heated bed it)om. Lilian A. Roberts, Comer Penn. Avenue and Ashe stret. EGISTERM5 Cocker Spaniel Pup pies for Sale at Skyline, 3 miles north U. S. No. 1. FOR RENT—Seven-room home on Southern Plnes-Carthage road 2 miles north of airport. Reasonable. Write D., care The Pilot. — M7 L E (; A L~l^f^I '^RTH CAROLINA, lOORE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE too an unkissed bride! ( Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust rxecuted by M. Yate.«i Poc and wife, Ratsie D. Poe, of Moore County, ''orth Carolina, to W. Duncan Mat thews, Ti-ustee, said deed of trust being dated May 10, 1938, and record ed in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County in Book 63 rage 511, to which reference is here by made, the debt secured by gaid deed of trust being past due and un- uaid and the powers of sale contained therein havlffg Ufecome operative, the undersigned T.-ustee will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at tht Court House door of Moore County at Carthage, North Carolina at the hour of Noon on the 31st day of March, 1941, the follow, ing described real estate lying and being In McNeill. Township, Moore County North Carolina, and describ ed and defined a.s follows, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: Lot Number Nine (9) In Block' K and Three (3) as shown on a map entitled, "A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, Moore County,^ North Carolina,” which map is recorded In the Office 6t the Reg ister of Deeds at Carthage, N, C. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Massa chusetts Avenue distant eight hun dred and sixty-one (861) feet and one < 1) inch from th^ forner formed By the intersection of the easterly side of Massachusetts Avenue with the southerly side of Ridge Street, ad- ioining the land of Adams, running thence, easterly and along Adams 'and two hundred fifty feet; thence, -southerly and parallel with Massa chusetts Avenue one hundred feet; thence, westerly and parallel with Adams line two hundred and fifty feet; thence, northerly and along the easterly side of Ma.ssachusetts Ave nue one hundred feet to the point or place of beerlnning. Subject, however, to the followinsr restrictions ie. there ■is 11 not be more than one house erected on the plot herein conveyed, and such house shall contain only one family, no horses, cows, or pigs shall be kept on the aforementioned plot. These restrictions shall remain in full force until January 1st, 1950. W. DUNCAN MATTHEWS, Trustee. This 1st day of March, 1941. M7-28. In Pinehurst "In “Nice Girls?.’’ the attraction at Pinehurst Sunday night, March 9, at 8:30 and Monday, March 10th, at 3:00 and 8:30. Deanna Durbin con tinuus to delight with her singing and to grow up In point of material dealt with, performing here, more at, actiess, a role that would tax most of the maturer leading ladies in mo tion pictures. Herein ^ne is surround- T(.rnded by such talent as Frdnchot Tone, Walter Brennan, 'Rob Bench, ley, Helen Broderick, and Elizabeth l.isdon, to name the elder side of the ci'tl first, with R''».ft Stack as the young man of the principal romance Hard Boiled Canary.” the attrac tion at Pinehurst Wednesday, March 12th, at 3:00 and 8:30 p. m., is a picture for lovers of music, orches tral, instnmiental and vocal, featur ing above the profession actors In the cast some scores of children trained at the music center in Inter- lachen, Mich., plus Richard Bonelll, Richard Hagemen and Irra Pettlna of grand opera. Another exceedingly entertaining attraction is "Footsteps In The Dark,” coming to Pinehurst Friday, March 14th, at 3:00 and 8:30 p. m., starring Errol Flynn, with Brenda Marshall, Ralph Bellamy, Alan Hale, Allen Jenkins, Lucile Watson, Grant Mitchell and a host of others. Here is a mystery-comedy that, in its own way, seems likely to have the succes ^hat the first “Thin Man's picture did, with the result that a series may be due. “Footsteps In The Dark" is neat combination of smart comedy and a real murder my.stery. In Southern 'I’ines The attraction at Southern Pines Monday and Tuesday, March 10, 11, with a Tuesday matinee, is a return engagement of that engiossing pic. ture, “The Trial of Mary Dugan,” starring Robert Young- and Laraine' Day" I And on Wedhesday and Thursday, j March 12, 13, with a Thursday mat inee. the best of all the Hardy Fam- | ly .series, “Andy Hardy's Private Secretary will delight anybody who so fortunate as to be at the ' theatre. A new member of the cast j is Kathryn Grayson, a charming, young lady, wtih a glorious voice. What is described by the critics not the prdaac«rs) as "the gayest j comedy of the Gay 90's yet made” is "Strawberi’y Blonde,” the attraction at Southern Pines Friday and Satur day. March 14, 15, w’ith a Saturday matinee. Robustly human, blessed with a swell combination of direction and writing topped off with 100 per cent performances from a superb j cast, “Strawberry Blonde" is auto matically a winner. James Gagney's nerformance will prove one of the ■'pst liked in hlg career and there is Olivia de HavUand, who makes it very easy for the spectator to be lieve in love. PATCH’S SOUTHERN PINES. N- C Here’s the Summers Favorite Frock — Smart enough for town wear, casual enough for sports and country. $0.9S Many other smart models in solid color and stripes—Smartest Play Suits — Slacks and Shorts. BOID, RADIO PROGR.\MK ON Am EACH SUNDAY (Continued from page one} fare; and more important, an oppor. tunity to perform a much-needed pub- .\Y Vesper services, Sunday afternoon at 5:00 o’clock, will be begun this Sunday at the Church of Wide Fel lowship. Dr. T. A. Cheatham of the Village Chapel, Pinehurst, will be the speaker, and the service will feature music by the choir under the direc tion of Charles W. Plcquet. ' ... RITA HAYWORTH AtAN HUE • MCX CARSON • 6E0RSE TOIIAS •MM I, MOM. W«1SN . • WUmER Um-rM Ml rmm Fri. & Sat, Mch. 14, 1S-8:15 Matinee Saturday at 3:00 [ »■ A. K, TO MEET i The Alfred Moore chapter, Dau ghters of the ..Tiherican Revolution will meet at the home of Mrs. j’ Talbot Johnson in Aberdeen next Tuesday aftetlioon at 2:30 o’clock, with Mrs. E L. Barber assisting the hostess. Visiting Daughters will be I welcomed. I PLOV'.TSRS. ^-.i^ueta. Funeral set adverUsements in The pieces. M. G. Backer, Southern' PHot are Two Cents per word, mln- Pines. Phone 8261 tf Imum 25 cents, cash with copy.