Page Ei^ht THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, April 25, 1941. iOiUKHBi \l the Brownaon Memorial Pres- bytei'iati Church, Rev. E. L. Barber,^ psstor. Services Sunday: Chuichj Sciiool at 9;4o; Morning Worship j v.'iMi senuan by the pastor at 11:00;| Junior League at 2:00 p. m. andj roung Peoples League at 6:30 p m. Pinebluff Personals TUe Chuich of VV^ide Fellowship, Pemiett street and New Hampshire atf!?Hue. the Rev. Voigt O. Taylor, Services Sunday. April 27; aiinch School at 9:45 a. m.; Morn- Church Worship at 11:00 a. m.; ,Ycmlh League at 7:00 p m., and Fellowship Forum Eh^ening Service tkl 7.00 p. tn. At the 11:00 o’clock sei vice the sermon will be by the pas- t«i. and G. S. Reznor will sing| ■“‘pjV.’ning and Morning,” by Max S|iicker. “Probation After Death” is the subject of the lesson sermon at the Cjiiiistian Science Church, E. New Hampshire Avenue, Sunday momiiig •Aj.iil 13 at 11:00 o’clock. Sunday | convenes at the same hour, j T»ie Wednesday evening meeting is) Oil Uie 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the I ifeioi.lh at 8:00 o'clock. The Reading | 'b«3ui, which is located in thei chuifh, is-open Wedn-esday afternoons j 'fn»m 3:00 until 5:00 o’clock. At the Baptist Church Sunday: Bible classes and Sunday School at i0:00 a. ni.; sermon by the pastor At 11:00 a m , subject, “The Soul is Be,•{I,” B T. U. for all ages at 7:00 [I. jii, and evening devotion with 15- The annual flower show of the Hme Demjtnstration Club will be hi Id on Friday, May 2nd at the club house from 3:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 p m. All entries must l>e in by 11:00 a. "m. Friday morning. The classes are as follows: 1, Mixed flowers; 2, Wild Flow’ers; 3, Tones of one color; 4, Flow’ers in old fashion ed containers: 5, mlnisflure nosegays or sweetheart bouquets; 6, Similated hooked lugs or bedspreads; 7, Pot ted plants in blooms; 8, an original entry. Flowers may be removed at 9:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ussery of Pinebluff announce the birth of a son at Moore County Hospital on Monday, April 21st. Mrs. Kenneth Hupple of Swissvale, 0a.. is visiting her aunt, Miss A. M. Diehl. Mrs Frank Gregory and chUdren left Saturday for their summer home in Ferndale, N. Y.,» after spending the winter in town. Mrs. M. F. Butner is spending the week in Siloaun) with her mother, Mrs. J. S. Sitterson. Lieut, and Mrs. Harold Becker of Syracuse, N. Y., were guests at the home of Capt. and Mrs. Walter Zion last week. Miss Kate Stewart, Miss Louise Britton and Miss Florence Worth are £ipending some time this week in Washington, N. C., visiting the tulip gardens. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Halbert of I'nin.s^j sermon "by the pastor at 7:45 p. m. Line Up For That “Hotter ‘WeatHer” Men’s Rayon Pants—AH Colors—Styles—Sizes. Price $3.00—$3.25—$4.00 a pair. Men's Slack Suits, All Colors—Styles—Sizes, Price $3.00 for the whole suit. ,Men’«i Sport Shirts—Spring and Summer Wear, Prices 50c—79c—$1.00 each. Lincoln Dress Shirts for $1.00, Manhattan Dress Shirts for $2.00. Melvin Bros., Inc. “Trading Center of the Sandhills” Next Door to Dorn’s Southern Pines, N. C. Aberdeen theatrE CHANGE IN SCHEDULE Keginning Monday, April ZHth shows will begin at 7:30 each aight—-Saturday’s matinee 3:00—Night at 7:UU—J<:45 and 10:30. Saturday, April 26 Matinee 3:00 P. M. Night at 7:15 and 9:00 “BACK IN THE SADDLE” Gene Autry Mary Lee Smiley Burnette Addison Richards “LATE SHOW” Saturday Night at 10:30 “A GIRL, A GUY AND A GOB” / George Murphy Edmond O'Brien Lucille Ball Henry Travers Mondays and Tuesday, April 28 and 29 Night at 7:30 and 9:30 “HIGH SIERRA” Humphrey Bogart Joan Leslie Alan Curtis Ida Lupino Arthur Kennedy Henry Travers Wednesday, April 30 Matinee 3:00 P. M. Night at 7:30 and 9:15 CASH AWARD NIGHT Free Consolation “BLONDE INSPIRATION” John Shelton Donald Meek Virginia Grey Reginald Owen Thursday, May 1 (Only) Night at 7:30 and 9:15 “SCATTERGOOD BAINES’ Guy Kihbee Carol Hughes Lee (Lassies) White Friday, May 2 (Only) Night 7:30 and 9:30 “NO, NO, NANETTE” Anna Neagle Roland Young Richard Carlson Victor Mature Staten Island have purchased the Haywood Cottage on Philadelphia avenue. Cap't. and Mrs. Walter Zion and children and guests, Lieut, and Mrs. Beecher visited the gardens at Char leston, S. C., last week The Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Parker and A. G Wallace spent Tuesday in Raeford attending the yearly district confer ence of the Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker spent several days with Mrs. Parker’s mo ther, Mrs. J. B. Little enroute to Amherst, Mass., from.Florida. Mrs. John Norris of Troy is spend ing some time with her sister, Mrs J. W. Pickier, Mr. and Mi-s. C. L. Van Tacky re turned to their home in Titusville, Pa., after spending several weeks as guests of Charlie Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Pope spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs- Burr Banton enroute to their home in Maplewood, N. J., from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Al fred, N. Y., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Giggie. Mr. and Mrs. Reece Pickier of Edenton, spent several days here last week due to the death of Mr. Pick- ler’s father. Mrs M. L. Carpenter was a guest at the home of her son, W. K. Car penter last week. Miss Lena Stewart is leaving this week for Washington, D. C., where she has accepted a position. JACKSON SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Thomas and daughter Margaret visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Culp in Albemarle Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cuirie of Laur el Hill spent Sunday with Misses Agnes and Blanche Graham. Mrs. Whit Purvis and children have returned to Graham after a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Henderson. Mrs. Sallie Hinson has returned home after having spent the winter months in Groveland, Fla., with her sister, Mrs. E5. E. Edge. Mr. and Mrs. Lydig Hoyt, who spent the winter months as their winter residence at the Tuckerman plantation have returned to Staats- burg, N. Y. Mrs. Joe Thomas and sons, Joe, Jr. and Gerald of Southern Pines, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bruton and Geraldine and Miss Blanche Brooks drove over to Fort Bragg Sunday afternoon. Ltttlo Patricia Ann Melvin was hostess to a number of her friends last Saturday on her sixth birth day. Mr and Mis. O. E. Burtz and Mrs. C. H. Carter and son Ernest of Summerville, S. C., visited relatives here over the week-end. Each new Bette Davis vehicle is an event, and “The Great Lie,” the at traction at Pinehurst, Sunday night, April 27th and Monday, April 28th, at 3:00 and 8:30 p. m., is no excep tion. Indeed it is as fine as anything she has ever done, and while It will be accorded enthusiastic praise on the part of women, it will also please men w'ho seek the finest in enter tainment. Oddly enough, the picture be]ongs to Mary Astor for hers is the meatiest role, and she plays it to the hilt. This, however, does not detract from the quality of Miss Davis’ performance, which she enacts with the customary depth and persuasion that have won her spec ial acclaim on numerous occasions. Co-star George Brent, is completely satisfactory, while Hattie McDaniel deserves credit for a characteriza tion in line with her exceptional tal ents. GOVERNOR TO ADDRESS S.\TE FORESTERS HERE James Roosevelt’s Tong heralded first production, “Pot O’ Gold” is the attraction at Pinehurst Wednesday, April 30th, at 3:00 and 8:30 p. m. Horace Heidt and his orchestra, fea tured in the film, form one of the most popular of America’3 dance bands. The Pot O’ Gold” progi am has one of the largest radio listening followings on the air. James Stewart and Paulette Goddard, the stars, have respectively a recently collect ed Academy Award for the best per formance of 1940, and a recent lole in “The Great Dictator” to make their names most prominent in the screen w’orld. The picture itself is a fast-stepping, laugh provoking, song laden concoction, light but highly en tertaining screen fare- That thrill you got the first time you heard a melody come out of the earphones of your crystal set twenty years ago will be amplified a dozen times by the thrill you’ll get reliving that experience with Alice Faye, John Payne, Jack uaKie and Cesar Rom ero, in “The Great American Broad cast,’’ the attraction at Pinehurst, Friday, May 2nd at 3:00 and 8:30 p. m. Just as “Tin Pan Alley” took you behind the scenes of the song- writing business, so will “The Great American Broadcast” initiate you into the gay, tuneful story of the courageous, talented people who first filled the airways with song and laughter. It’s aji intensely moving story that's told the tale of the en terprising foursome unfolded to the accompaniment of songs laughter and specialty numbers which .com bine to make it an outstandizSg mu sical film. With the sensational dance routines of the famed Nicholas Brothrs; the inimitable c«medy turns of the W^ere Brothers; and the un forgettable renditions of Radio’s own, “The Four Inkspots,” the film hits new entertainment heights. fContinued from page one) there will be dancing in the ball room. On Saturday morning's program will be J. L. Skinner, executive sec retary of the North Carolina Asso ciation of County Commissioners, who will discuss “Forestry and its Importance in County Governmnt;’ W J. Damtoft, president. Southern Pulpwood Conservation Association, 'Forestry in the Pulpwood Industry,” and Dr. J. E. Foster, of the State Agricultural Experiment Station, Forestry and Grazing.” For Saturday afternoon a field trip and inspection tour through the Goodwin plantation, just out from Carthage, has been arranged. This plantation features, aside from the varied plantings, selective cuttings, thinnings, prunings, and other silvi cultural items of interest to the tim- berland owners. Arrangements have been made, through the courtesy of Judge W. A. Way, owner of the Car olina Orchid Growers, for those per sons in attendance at the convention to secure pasess for a tour through his orchid establishment, located on the Pinehurst-Southem Pines high way. More than a dozen very attractive exhibits have been engaged for dis play in the lobby of the hotel. CIVIC CLUB GROUP TO HE.AR ABOUT “UNION NOW’ Return engagements of outstand ing attractions fill the week at Sou- them Pines, with Bert WTieeler, Con stance Moore and Phil Regan is “Las Vegas Night” on Monday and Tues day, April 28, 29, with a Tuesday matinee; followed by Merle Oberon, Melvyn Douglas and Burgess Mere dith in Ernst Lubitsch’s production, “That Uncertain Feeling,” on Wed nesday and Thursday, April 30th and May 1st, with a Thursday rhatinee, and with the return engagement of Charlie Chaplin's “The Great Dicta tor” on Friday and Saturday. May 2. 3, with a Saturday matinee. G.ALLOW.4Y EXHIBITION NETTS $125 FOR BRITISH RELIEF SOUTHERN PINES, N- C \\ The Rev. F. Craighill Brown and Mrs. Ernest Ives will explain Clar ence Streit’s “Federal Union” plan to members and guests of the South- 3m Pines Civic Club this afternoon, Friday, at 3:00 o’clock. Tea will be served, and visitors will be welcom ed. ■ The exhibition of the Harold Gal loway collection of prints at Miss Catherine Pierson’s Shop, Southern Pines, last week netted $125 for Brit ish War Relief. Miss Pierson an nounces that Mr. Galloway left a small collection of prints with her for sale for the benefit of the fund. WAN XS Classified advertisements in The Pilot are Two Cents per word, min imum 25 cents, cash with copy. FOR SALE: Dining table, buffet. Writing desk; cut glass, etched goblets and Sherbet glasses; good china and several pieces of anti que china. 10 North Ridge street. WANTED: White Woman to help with housework five days week. Corner Ridge and Pennsylvania. Lieut. Stansbury. KODAK Films developed and print ed—25c. Sandhills Photo Shop, N Ashe St. FLOWERS, Bouquets, Funeral set pieces. M. G. Backer, Southern Pines. Phone 8261 tf The American Golfer I in Fine Chambray in grand plain colors and stripes. These will be found in our Sportswear Depart ment on the second floor. %e.93 Also Slacks, Shorts, Jackets, Mechanics Suits, in the smart blue denim. CAROLINA THEATRES Pinehurst - Southern Pines Pffcsent AT PINEHURST BETTE >. BRENT MAKY ASTOR Lmah VATSON • Hmw IkDANIIl ■/hr. kjr Z tDMUND i:0Ul.DING A WARNER BROS.-f/AST s^rL. CTVtE Sunday Night, Apr. 27th, 8:30 Monday, April 28th, 3:00 and 8:30 tm POT O Also: Mickey Mouse in “The Bill Poster.” Wednesday, April 30 3:00 and 8:30 P. M. «,«Fht X.0AK1E JCHN PAYN! ;:ESAR ROMERC AT SOUTHERN PINES 11^ Mon. & Tue., Apr. 28, 29, 8:15 Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 SOL LESSER pmmt$ OBERON DOUGLAS fEEUNG BimCISS MEREDITN Als«: Mickey Mouse in “Tugboat Mickey” Wed. & Thu., Apr. 30, May 1, 8:15 Matinee Thursday at 3:00 Abo: Mickey Mouse in **Put Put Trouble” Friday, May 2nd 3:00 and 8:30 Fri. & Sat., May 2, 3, 8:15 Matinee Saturday at 3:00

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