Page SiK THE PJLOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina FrirlftV, May **, Que.-itionnaires Mailed ! I’o 100 More May 2d| ! Youtlr- From All I’arts of' County On Latest List of Uraft Hoard Military service questionnaires were mailed t ■ the following in Moure t'ouiity ou May 2J: Rilaiii WiU‘>n Xorton. Manly: Hoo.«“v.''lt Gt'.il'.'im, Camrron, Rt. 1; (•'rx-J Perkins, Lake%-ie\v; Claud U>no -Coot'f', Hem;): William Herbert lack.soii, Jr., Hemp; Graham Wilson uea, C^irtliage, Rt. 3; Lonnie Bruce Baui.'i, Camei'on: Lawrence Joe Dowd, I'iaehurst; Dewey Lee Horner, Heai|», Kt. 1, Ralph Brower, Eag:le Spniis:., Clarence H;i^twell Kdson, Southein Pmes: Joseph Brinkley Parker,; Joseph Bryant Mc- Crim^iicm, Hemp, Rt. 1; Buster .lonoi, Vasa, fn. 2: Moody James BoHwortli. Pinehuist; John McKind- ley L<‘(‘, Aberdeen, Rt. 1; Ruffis Al. ton Wsrren, Southern Pines; Tyler McLeuJjn, Pinehurst; Malcolm Ivor Hill, Ro'jthera Pines; Haroli Aubrey JtfcAlli.ster, Pinehurst; William Ed gar Ce- pnd he'd start up his old joloppy atj Shadowed exactly the same time each morning; ^ Lg^^is Seward, white, of Niagara, 35 minutes past seven and he'd be off anj Roy Crenshaw, white, fornverly for the garage which he hoped to own of Scotland county but temporarily a part of in a year or' two. | lesident of Hemp, were placed in the Then, three weeks ago, he got a ^ Moore county jail Saturday charged letter from the War Department. His with breaking and entering and lar- draft number had been called and J ceny, and officers feel that their ar- yesterday he came over to say good-! . est is the first step in solving a bye. i wholesale theft of chickens and meat. "How do you feel about it?" I According to a Moore county dep- asked him, watching to see if there | uty, chicken thieves have been work- was any sign of disappointment on his | )ng In Scotland, Hoke, Moore and face. I Montgomery counties for the past six "Fine." he said, "Just fine.’’ | to eight weeks and up to the arrest of “But your job,” I went on. j the two suspects, no officer in any It wUl be here when I get back, one of the counties had been able to And maybe I was getting Into a rut. apprehend anyone. The officers felt Maybe need to be away from It a ^ that there was an organized band, but while. Besides It's only for a year-; did not know where it was operating And a year ...” j fiom. He looked out across our yard^ Seward, who was arrested in Pine- w ith its early Spring green to the hurst, and Crenshaw, who was taken vacant lot next door where he’d play-; in Hemp, had been shadowed for a ed ball when he was a kid and still! week before their arrest, the officer ABERDEEN , bips in play each time. Mrs. John Sloan and Mrs. J. B. Edwanis were B. Edwards was hostess at visiting points of Interest In Virginia. ’ at bridge on Tuesday afternoon and Dr. S. A. Maxwell is spending TTis again Tuesday evening with four ta- Mrs. R. G. Farrell left last Sunday vveek in Knoxville, Tenn. for Raleigh where she will .spend some' Mrs. J. Talbot ohn.son, Mrs. J. W. time with relatives. | Bowman, Mrs. Norfleet Pleasants and scoie winners. Miss Mary Schwarbeig of Lincoln-1 Doub are attending the. Mrs- «hor. ton Is the guest of Mrs. J. Talbot ^tate meeting of Federation of Wo-‘ seven tables of bridge at t e - Johnson, j men’s Clubs In Winston-Salem this deen Community House oatuuiay week. I ternmin. Mrs. Purvis Ferree held high score, with Mrs. Dan Allred second i high, Mrs. H. E, Bowman has as her guest this w'eek Mrs, Scott Johnson of New York aty. Mr. and Mrs H. L. Edge returned Monday after .spending several days in Norfolk, Va. Howard Gulon of Charlotte was a visitor in Aberdeen Saturday and Sun day. Mils. T. S. Melvlri and Mrs. W- W. Norriss were hostesses to the Worn- ] an's Club when It held Its regular < monthly meeting at the Methodist Sunday School rooms on Wednesday Mrs, Georg# Martin and Miss afternoon. Nylon Strung Bancroft Louise Martin returned Sunday after Mrs. Knox Matthews was hostess tennis rackets at Hayes,’ did sometimes when he got tarly enough. home I ijald. There is one indictment from ’ Hoke county, and ■will be more than 1 I "A year isn’t much to give to a | one from Moore, he disclosed, but de country that gives a fellow as much j ciliied to give out any particulars, as this one does. My folks never had; saying that the investigation is still much money, as you know. But I got' under way, a gixid education. Then, when I j wanted a job at the garage instead N'OMEN’S FIELD ARMY’ of running the dairy as Dad does, | DEt’l...\BES C.XXCEK WAR .Mr. Hughes gave me a chance. I guess I've made god. I've helped in ■ ‘‘Fight Cancer With Knowledge' the office the last six months besides the challenging appeal of the Wo- working on cars, I've been able to i Field Army of the American do things for the folks and save Society for the Control of Cancer, .some money besides and I've had a Emest Poate of Southern Pines lot of fun ... , leads the local unit of the Field ^ „ I "I '-'ant other boys to have the Army, and contributions to aid the ihnRV on n opportunities I've had I cause may be sent to her . . oh, like a chance to play ball' The knowledge that persons should when they're kids, to go to school ^’ave, according to the American So- I IS long a.s they want to and to work: ^he Control of Cancer, em- imru.etKian, Sout ern Pines; Hugh things they like and to save mon-1 P^asizes two points: 1. The great importance of hav. ir.g complete physical examinations once a year, however well one may O N R ON ROOFING AND PAINTS G U F» SOON lhng?I Neill MoKKeithen Caldwell, Abordc-n; Dimp LeonJa Wi’liams, South .“i n Pines; William Wallace MariiliJi Styie.s, Pinebluff; Neal Den ton Brower. Henij), Rt. 1; Albert Janie.'i Davidson. Oartnage, Rt. 2; Hugli VTesley Hunter, Cameron; Jjhn Ru;ifictl Blue, Cameron, Rt. 1; Her man Gilbert MacL»an, ^emp; Gur ney Et I; Janies Paul Blue, Carthage; Ma>rv/^‘ll Haney Harris. Aberdeen; Tn3niii.>, Woodrow Lawhon, Carthage, Rt John Ernest Walden, Pine- liur:it,' WlvU Edward Kennedy, Hjgh- ey. If my going Into the army Is go ing to help keep those opportunities. I'm willing. Besides,” he added, I grinning, "I want to own that ga rage some day and the only way I „ can bo sure of It is to help keep ilaeford Cockman, Carthage, » lu.-j ^ , r,, /I ... I country the kmd where men are free to own busine.sscs and to go ahead as far as their abilities will take them.’’ So. It looks as if we’d be setting our clocks by Jimmy again some feel. Women over 35 should have an examination of the two sites where the disease so often occurs — the breast and womb woml)—twice a | >'ear, I 2. Men and women ."should know | the symptoms that may mean can-1 cer Is present. They are u.sually pain-, less. If any of the following cancer ■ a countiy whose Industrial system persistent lump or thickening, | .■el:ome? the man of ability. particularly In the breast; any ir- j _ ^ regular bleeding or discharge from ■ any body opening; any poisistent and unexplained Indigestion; any sore Sl’>LMEK SCHOOL fall.i, ^‘>>'"ny ^ek Lmeberry, Cam- hard work and ambition d-'’»iger .signals or symptoms appear, . cron, ut 1, James Calvin McCoy,] ^ succeed in ** competent physician at once;!< AlK'n.1.'’,n; John Martin Hunter, Cam-| eroii; ICuKox VV'xidrtAv Rollins, Lakc- viev.'; Otti.i Stedo Ritter, Halll.son;! j!)us|iei' Ribert Fallln, Jonesboro, Rt ! .T; t Alton Vest, West End. Rt.' 1; U’lil;.' Alesander, Aber-^ that does not heal normally, cspec- deeii. t.. 1; V. tUiam Wesley Sham-i^j Macdonald college will be- Jongue, mouth or bill HIM Hem;), Rt. 1; Bennie Hani.igj,, and will include a ’*P®; change in the form'll Vas., .Shelby Janies Haymore, Carth- six weeks’ session, ending on July '"'" growth of a mole or wart. « age, lit 2; Owen West Mc.Ulister,j 11. The Sunuiier School will serve L";ulo Kan.^oin.; I'.ege studerts high school giadu- Ch.Mh- Francis Burett. Hemp, Rt., ,ies wishing summer courses, and 2; U>i' James Bennett, Carthage,j |each r.s .vorking for the raising of jRt I. tM.'.'ard Jeffei’son uoins. Car-. ceitificates. It is also pleased to serve th.ig',’. Ut, :i; Hugh D. McFayden, ,iU wishing different courses Va .-,. Kt 2; Thomas We.sley Marley,'of .summer study for their own 6 Charlie Weldon Chri.scoe,I pleasure and profit. Rt tfic..*. W'est E:id We have a Big- Supply on hand at To-Day’s Prices but new shipments will be at a Substantial Increase. SIPE’S PAINTS and SHERWIN-WILLIAMS The same is true of JOHNS-MANVILLE Roofing* PINEHURST WAREHOUSES, Inc. Pinehurst W'e Deliver Telephone 3412 :: ♦♦ •* :: :: »4 H :: Niw^lMnniiUiiinliB 3; John Daniels Wal-| , Rt. 1: Henry Clai- I'oe. Hemp; Laj'y Shaw, Cam eron, fit 1; MaiTin Stacy Wicker,; E'.igene Jackson Harring ton. C'rttiage, Star Rt.; Joseph Wil-' Ibuni l^i.llips, Glendon; Claud .t'.elson Balt .-I, Carthage. Rt. 3; Paul Junior, tnnfhuf-st; William David Mc- ^Ore(V>*'. Camoran; Janiea Evert Ross, C8.iir'r;»n, Rt. 1; Eatl Geneva Martin, CsMlng'; Jim-S ILirtin I’atterson, Springs, Rt. 1; Harold Leiglil >11 Field.s, Carthage, Star Rt ; .Shelton B^ugene Williams, Sou thern Pines; Arthur James, Cmfii:»ge, Rt. 2;' Janies Milton Holt, Camel on, Rt. ‘J. A great lot of S2.00 and $2.50 fic tion 89 Haye.s.’ cts each; 6 for $1.50 at ikttsb M>itliers Day Cards and books for ■pre.ieiila at Hayes.’ 'ifiliilluA'Mew Kiiul o^Goaui Die lou/eaT-tUce'Tyd NO OlHER CAR IN THE LOWEST PRICE FIELD GIVES YOU THESE IMPORTANT FEATURES: Up to 30 Milas a GallonI And from SCO to 600 miles on a taok- ful.,. reported The Wld«tt S«at> i :; No other lowest-price car caa match Nashj Front seat’i nearly five feet wide! Coll Springs All-Around ;;i the smoothest kind of ride a car can give you! Only lowest-price car offering iti Ea*i«*t Steering. ; : Only Nash has Two-way Roller Steering. Hugs the curve*. Far easier to drive and park.- More Comfort Featurat .Nash alone caa offer Weather Eye Conditioned Air, "Sedan Sleeper” Bed, One-Piece Welded Body; No Wonder NASh j New Buyers At A Rate 3 TIMES FASTER ThanAny Other Low-Price Car! • It’s no longer a trend —it’s a landslide to Nash!... Drive //.Just cr._ , .nt of gasoline will change all your ideas of what a lowest- price car can be. You’ll see how this big Nash delivers from 25 to 30 miles a gallon at highway speeds. You’ll see why owners say: "As a salesman, I average 150 miles daily behind the wheel. Records show I’m getting over 25 miles a gallon, saving on oil, tires and even license plates.” "Gentlemen, it’s a honey. On a re cent trip to Stockton, I averaged 32 miles a gallon, speeding along at 45 miles an hour in overdrive.” Follow the thousands who are, changing to Nash each week. Come in—and drive it! $ THIS BIG 4-DOOR SEDAN Delivered at Factory Prices include standard equipment «nd Federal lax. Weather Eye. "Sedan Sleeper ^ ^ Bed, Fourth Speed Forward. « WhiteSideWallTirej,Bumper 'r Guardn are Optional E«tras. OTHER MODELS AS lOW AS Priat subitctlt ib*nv v/itix"' ’ aodrederiu ux« 1720 ROBINSON’S SERVICE STATION South Entrance Highway No. 1 Southern Pines, N. C. E 1880 H