MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NliWS-WEEKLY S|B A Paper Dsvoted to the Upbuilding of VOL. 20, NO. 41. FIRST IN NEWS, ’ CIRCULATION, & ADVERTISING Moore County and thf^,.'"'ndhill Territory Southern Pines. North Carolina, Frida.v, September 12, 1941. FIVE CENTS New Hand at Old Covered Wagon J*’our Sandhills Kiwanis delegates returned from the Carolinas District Convention in Myrtle Beach, S. C., this week, jubilant over their success- fi'l conipaign to bring the 1942 con vention to Pinehurst. Sandhills representatives at the I :jyifcj|||j|i|iiL^ b(ach meeting were President I. C * Sledge of Pinehurst, J. Talbot John- Governor and Mrs. J. M. Broughton tasted the flavor of Aberdeen. Charles Picquct of the olden days, while at Hemp Livestock Show, by taking a i-^''''thern Pines and Pinehurst, and little ride in the old covered wagon, brought to the affair by Rufus jH^nry Dorn of Southern Pines. Hussey, route 2 Hemp. This vehicle has seen its days of service | Novenii>er as a means of transportation of farm families to town and as a, convention uiii dwelling place wliile the families were going to and from their destinations. A trip to Pinehurst and vicinity for the Hussey family used to take three days, and this wagon served as their overnight shelter. LOCAL KIWANIANS WILL ENTERTAIN 1942 CONVENTION Plans for Civilian Defense To Be Discussed Tuesday Carolinas District Meeting at Myrtle Beach Votes for Pinehurst for ’42 MET HERE 10 YEARS AGO Funeral Friday Clifton Blue Seeking To Head Moore Young Democratic Club Opposition May Develop, How-(nij| Tp^li Ml?17TlMr ever; Large Moore Group At- ItiLL lllNll SET FOR FRIDAY Moore County Young Democrats turned out in good num.ber8 at the Eighth Congressional District Rally in Sanford last Friday night, and held an Informal caucus to prepare for the Moore County Rally Thursday night, September 11, in Carthage. Clifton Blue of Aberdeen, editor of The Sandhill Citizei*, was given top chances for getting the county YDC presidency at Thursday's meeting, when delegates were to be elected to the State Convention. Burgin Warns of War ’resbyterian Auxiliaries to Have Group Conference in Pine hurst, Sept. 19 SEEK AIRPLANE SPOTTERS Civilian defense nipasures, in prep aration for the October-Nov<?mber Army maneuver?, advanced along several fronts here last week, aa an old-fashioned town meeting was call ed for next Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock in the High School Auditor ium. The Southern Pines Hoard of Com- mi.'isioners devoted a large part of their monthly session Wednesday I ight to making preparations for the town’s responsibilities during tho maneuver period. An active committee composed of Commissioners H. J. Betterly, K. C. Stevens, and L. V. O'Callaghan was appointed by Mayor Uuncan Alattnews to shoulder as much of the town's re- spon.sibilities in the maneuvers as possible and to delegate others to as- .'••st in making adequate sanitary and other preparations. Howarth To Preside Meanwhile, under the initiative of the local Junior Chamber of Com- accepted Middle Belt Markets Open Withorganization got Highest Averages; New Buy- movement to call at town pra Fnfpr Auctinnx Imeetmgs to addressed by Major V. <= . V, , . . ... era l<.nier AUCllons Tadgett of Fort Bragg Medical unit, he Sandhills club first played host bring approx imately 500 delegates from Kiwanis ciub.s throughout the two Carolinas to the Sandhills section next fall, the convention date being tentatively set lor the first week in November. Asheville was the only other city reeking the convention, but the Sand hills delegation defeated the moun tain city’s delegates’ efforts to get the vote. Delegate Johnson of Aber deen extended the invitation to th« convention delegates who w:’th a standing vote. It was 10 years ago this fall that Town Meeting Called; Commis sioners Prepare to Meet Maneuver Problems FATIIKK W. J. DILLOX FARMERS PLEASED WITH LEAF SALES ♦ North Carolina (O. Max Gardner) and the Governor of South Carolina (I. C. Plans for the annual District Six | eiackwood) both addres.<jed the dele- Group Co.iftrence of Presbyterian | ^.^^ned against “defeat- Church Woman’s Auxilial'y, to to a Carolinas Convention al Pine- ^'^‘^dle Belt tobacco markets, | John Howarth, Southern Pines Ciy- hurst. At that time, the Governor of ‘"eluding Carthage, Aberdeen and ''-an Defense chairman, is slated to 3anford, opened their season's sales Tuesday, with averages higher than they have been ui many years, but V .th offerings continued through the week. fii'K .DILLON DIES OF ILLNESS; FUNERAL FRIDAY Pioneer Catholic Priest to Be Buried at Pinehurst Church, His Last Charge CAME TO SECTION IN 1911 WTiat the one Governor said to vene in Pinehurst Community Church Ltj,er was kept a Kiwanis secret, next Friday, September 19, were an nounced this week by Mrs. Howard | Convention .\ Memory N". Butler, chairman. Apparently the 1931 convention re- Over 100 representatives from « highspot in the memory of Presbyterian Auxiliaries in the coun-j** large majority at Reminding Young Democrats of the 1 ty are expected to attend the full-day j Beach voted for the Sandhills party policies were Congressman W. j conference, beginning at 9:30 a. m.Ashevil’e. O. Burgin of Lexington, speaking for j Theme of this year's meeting id “My the National administration and Its; Utmost for Christ." foreign policy, while Nathan Yelton,: Program for the conference is as new secretary of the State School j follows; Registration, 9’30 a. m.; call to order, 10 a. m,, with worship service by Mrs. M. C. McDonald of West End, followed by roll call Re- be in charge of the meeting. At this Tuesday meeting, it is hop ed that as much information concern- light ' ii'S what to expect during the maneu- |\ rs will be obtained and that the va- George D. Carter and Sons, operat-I'"‘ous agencies and individuals plan ing the McConnell Warehouse in Car- to make facilities available to thage reported the highest opening 1 during the period will work day average they had ever enjoyed, 1 out a plan to coordinate their activi- vvith the official price reportel at i Spotters B«‘ing Sought Another civilian angle to the man euvers was being shaped up, as ODmmission^ performed the usual lit any of achievements by the Democrat ic party in t^ie State. “Many people question whether the United States is drawing closer to war,'’ Congressman Burgin asserted. “But I say to you that this is not the question. War is coming closer and closer to us." Advocating aid to Soviet Russia and Britain, Congressman Burgin stated that “some people think more of pol itics than of the safety of our coun try." Dr. Ralph McDonald, erstwhile op position leader to the “machine” but now an important cog, was at the rally to acknowledge introduction and to saifr^ only that he was "standing behind the administration’s foreign and domestic policies.” Wien the rally was thrown open, only business raised was endorsement of Sanford’s Ralph Monger, Jr., for secretary and of Ijeonidas Hux of Halifax for president of the State organization. New\on Clegg, Jr., of Carthage presided. Moore County Delegation The Moore County delegation was headed by two-term President W. A. LelanS McKeithen of Pinehurst, vice- president Douglas David of Pinebluff and secretary-treasurer Frank Mc- Casklll of Pinehurst. Others from Moore County »icluded Hubert McCasMll. S. L. ■Kansdale, Vorth Faircloth, W. I. (Shorty) Bar ber. all of Pinehurst: Herman H. Grlram, Myrtle McCaakill, Myrtle Frye, Newton Cl igg. Billy CTegg, and John Lang of Carthage; Clifton Blue of Aberdeen: Shields Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton McDonald, Barrett Harris, Alton Matthews, George Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Thompson, Jr., all of Southern Pines; Atlas Eastwood and L. A. Westcott of Lakevlew, Monroe Chappell of Vass, Jack Phillips of Cameron and Roy McSwaln of Hemp. 535.11. Throughout the belt, $30 per hun- kired pounds was the usual chant of- ^ The Pilot received a wire from the;,^yg^ ig^f, with buyers j George Wallace of Pinehurst worked delegates Tuesday stating: “Kiwanis ,Imperial and Export entering the'tviward completion of organizations of Convention 1942 comes to Pinehurst t(,e first time this seas-1 volunteer air plane "spotters" to be C arolina Hotel. ! stationed at 16 strategic spots J. Maryon Saunders of Chapel Hill, opening day, Aberdeen sold out I throughout the county, executive secretary of the U. N. C. igq.ooO pounds at an aver-1 john Howarth, who is chief observ- Alumni Association, was elected dis- around S30 and Carthage re-|er for Southern Pines, said that the ports will then be made by secre-,lrict governor for the forthcoming 224.006 pounds of leaf auc- spotting area will be centerod at the taries in charge of the following top- year and D. B. Teague, Sanford attor- average of tower, just off the old Pinehur-st- ney. was named lieutenant governor ^35 Sanford, nearly 300,000 pounds Kuuthern Pines road. According to irs: Mrs. A. A. McEachern of Fay etteville, Assembly’s Home Missions; Mrs. C. CSbbs of Erwin, treasurer’s report; Mrs, Victor Tyler of Aberdeen, White Cross; Mrs. J. W, McLauchlin of Raeford, historian; Mrs. J. H. Sut- tonfield of Pinebluff, literature; Mrs. Louis LaMottc of Maxton, religious education; Miss Eleanor Williams of Fayetteville, Synods Educational In stitutions. Reports from the various church Auxiliaries will be made as follows: Bethesda, Mrs L. J. Dawkins; Brownson Memorial, Mrs. D. E. Bail ey: Community Church, Mrs T. P. for this district. Youngr Prizer Enlists In Canadian Air Force were cleared off the floors. | present plans, the day will be divided Growers expressed pleasure at the:,pto eight three-hour shifts, with prices being paid this season and most throe observers to each shift. From Edward Prizer, son of Mrs. E. Lev is Prizer and the late Dr. Prizer of Southern Pines, received honorable! dischaige from the U. S. Marines thij week, at his request, in order that he .^^^g higher prices, could enlist in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Young Prizer, who was a student farmers declared, “ever>’body seems pretty well satisfied.” Hot weather scorchcd mucii of the leaf in the fields, and offerings throughout the belt were much light er than usual; but the lack of heavy offerings seemed offset by the pres at the University of North Carolina, Cheney; Culdee, Mrs. Walter I [completed his platoon leaders course of training for Marines at Philadel phia and was to report to a RCAF training center in Canada, September 10. Eureka, Mrs. Ida Blue; Jackson Springs, Mrs. A. H. Mcfiall; Lake- vicw, Mrs. R. G. Rosser; Manly, Miss Mary Scott Newton; Vass, Mrs. M. M, Chappell; West End, Miss Treva Auman, Relationship of AiKiliary to Church will be discussed by Mrs. Ar thur McNeill. Following adjournment for lunch, Capt. Ralph E. McCaskill of Fort Bragg will address the conference on “Defense.” Other program for the afternoon will be reports of Chris tian Social Service, Mrs. L. L. Mc- Googan, St, Pauls; on Montreat, Miss Treva Auman of West End; Presby- torial President’s message, Mrs. P. p. McCain of Sanitorium; and Sab bath observance by the Rev A. J. McKelway. Local Girl To Take Part in Conference Among student leaders taking part in a pre-college conference at Wom an’s College of the University of North Carolina from September 10 to 13 will be Miss Catherine Hilderman of Southern Pinea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hildennan. PAINT OI.D BUILDING 9 a. m. uiitil 6 p, m., women spotters are to be on duty, and men will take over from 6 p. m. until 9 a. m. Miss Eleanor Barron is in charge of or ganizing the women, A meeting is pet for Friday night at 7 ;30 o'clock at the Country Club to complete prepar ations for spotting in the Southern Pines Area. Cadwallader Benedict, chief observ er for Pinebluff, said organization for The Old Sandhill Citizen Building, j gpotting area was progressing, next to the present Pilot office, hasj^yj^„^pp crews for all undergone a “face-lifting” at the hands of its present occupant, H. A. Lewis, who gave the stone building a complete new white paint job. Farm Family Loses All in Fire; Valuable Braille Books Burned 10 spotting areas in the county com plete by next week. Purpose of these ‘.•^potters” is to lest out a prsyam for an air raid alarms throughout the country. The whole country has been laid off into sections, in which there will be “spotting” areas. During maneuvers, it is the duty of the volunteer spotters Precious volumes in Braille, includ- Digest lor many years, all in Braille, to report by telephone ail airplanes Rihle comnrisine'several Braille books from the Con- hf'ard or Boen from the spotting area. mg a complete Bible, compris g Washington, D. I These reports will be relayed from about 30 volumes in this blind mans^ Raleigh to various Army air fields, reading language, as well as all other ^ ^„d a new stove, i instructions for obsenrers on personal belongings of the John Rich- The Braille volumes and records were | reporting are bein^istribute . oore I Pntintv in th^ anH “Pnllv ** erdson family were destroyed lastjEari Richardson’s, a son who Is ® L- Jg, Saturday night when a fire, start- graduate of the State School for thej ing around midnight, completely dc- ; Blind in Raleigh. A daughter. Era stroyed the Richardson Home on Mae, is at present attending this route 1 E^agle Springs, near Hemp, school. Also lost w«re glasses be- Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, three of longing to Mrs. Richa»dson and Earl their children and a relative, all of' liichardson, botfi of whom depend whom were asleep In the house at ^ largely upon them for any sight, the time the fire was discovered, nar- In their plight, the Richardsons rowly escaped serious injury, as | were assisted by neighbors and friends Father W. J. Dillon, pioneer Catho lic priest in this section of North Carolina, will be laid to rest Friday vioming beside the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Pinehurst, his last charge. He died Saturday at St. Fran cis Hospital in Pittsburgh!, Pa,, after long illness. He was 66 years old. Bishop Eugene J. McGuiness of Haleigh will give the final absolution nt funeral services to be conducted in the Pinehurst Church Friday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Solemn high requiem niass will bp in charge of the Rev. Gerald Dillon, O, P., a nephew, with the Rev. Edward V. Clancy, O. P., of St. Monica's in Raleigh as Deacon and Frater Dillon, O. P.. of the Dom inican House of Studies in Washing- ‘on as sub-deacon. The Rt. Rev. Ar thur R. Freeman, vicar general of the diocese, from Kinston, will be preacher. Built In This Section The fifth oldest priest in the Dio cese of Raleigh, Father Dillon is credited with having established the C.Ttholic Church in many towns of this section. Under his charge, the I.aurinburg Church j\as built, the rec ti ry in Fayetteville enlarged, the Southern Pines Rectory and Church enlarged, and the rectory. Church and Priest Rest House in Pinehurst was built. At the time of his death, Father Dillon was Diocesan consultor. Be fore coming to North Carolina, he studied at St. John’s College in Brook lyn, and then attended Belmont Abbey Seminary at Belmont, N. C,. from 1006 to 1910, After being ordained priest on June 6, 1910, he was first rent to the Wilmington missions, where he remained about six months before being made pastor in Fayette- \ille. Pastor Here Many Years For 14 years he was pa.stor of St. Anthony's Church in Southern Pines and, since 1923, had been .serving the Pinehurst Catholic Church, which was a mission until October 7, 1935, vhen Father Dillon was made pastor there, and Father Thomas Williams f'ucceeded him as pastor of the lo cal Church. Widely known and admired throughout this section of North Carolina Father Dillon will be given the respect of the community Friday, when most businesses in Southern Pines and Pinehurst will close their doors during the funeral hour. For many years. Father Dillon was the only priest from Cheraw, S. C., to Ral eigh, and from Fayetteville to Char lotte, Today, there are churches and school in Fayetteville, church in Hamlet, Laurinburg, Albemarle, Pine bluff, Sanford. Southern Pines, and Pinehurst, directly or indirectly due to his work. Surviving are two nephews, the Rev, Gerald Dillon, O, P., president of Provincetown College, Rhode Is land, and Frater Dillon, O. P., of Washington; and one sister. Active palll)earers are to be A. Montesanti, L. V. O’Callaghan, Bar rett Harris, Joe Montesanti, Jerry Ashton and Dr. G. G. Herr. walls were collapsing when they es-!who provided lodging, clothing and caped from the inferno, clad only in other necessities to tide them over sleeping garments. the emergency. Mr. Richardson la a Among valued belonging were the farmer, and there are six Richardson Braille Bible, copies of The Readers children. Mrs. Creel Resijrns From The Pilot Staff Rest and Be<*reation Churches, civic organizations, and other groups during this week began to make provisions for placcs where soldiers, on leave from maneuvers, could rest, read and write. Town officials grappled with two major problems: adequate sewerage facilities and water supply, and co ordination of traffic control and law enforcement. Attention was also giv en to making pub’s buildings avail able for soldiers as recreation halls. 'The Pilot r*gfretfully announces this week the resignation of Mrs. Vir ginia Creel of Pinebluff who for two years has served in those many and varied capacities incumbent upon one »ho goes to make up the staff of a weekly newspaper and print shop. Mrs- Creel resigned in order to occept a position with Mid-Sou<h Mo lars in Aberdeen. Beginning Monday, September 15, Mrs. Mary C. Thompson will assume those duties formerly performed by Mrs. Creel, including the handUkg of Southern Pines personal and social news.

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