tT V C r ' P / MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING MEWS-WEEKLY VOL. 20, NO. 42. FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION, & ADVERTISING V V A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of Moore County and the Sai. ^ 11 Territory Southern Pines, North Carolina, Fiiday, September 19, 1941. FIVE CENTS Towns Name Committees To Plan Accommodations For Soldiers In Sandhills Tro<*p IVIovements Under Way in This Area, as First Phase of Maneuvers liegin TOWN MEETINGS ARE HELD With the Army in their midsi, Moore County towns almost frantical ly romplcted this week prepp rations for the taking care of “on leave" soldiers from “No Man’s Land" dur ing the two months of maneuvers in this battleground of 16 North and South Carolina counties. With the assistanfp of USO and Federal Security Agency officials from Washington and from the Car olina Maneuver Headquarters in Mon roe, towns appointed committees to care for civilian problems to ho con fronted. Pwlget Warns of Problems Ma'«t and complete warn ing of what may be expected and of liow to prepare for the unexpected was offered by Major Paul Padget of Fort Bragg Tuesday night, when he nddressed a town meeting in the Southern Pinos High School Auditor ium, and outlined four major prob lems to be confronted. Physical accommodations for sol diers and officers on leave; sanitary protection, adequate civilian supplies, ■nd control of prostitution were list ed as the four major considerations by Major Padget. Meanwhile, Southern Pines began to gainer Its resources to meet an expected overflow of soldiers from the active maneuver area. Towm officials met with A W. Gar nett of the Federal Security Agency and with Nathaniel Mason of the Unit cd Service Organizations to make final preparations for maneuvers. Under a special committee of town commissioners composed of Mayor Dimcan Matthews, L. V. O'Callaglian, Hugh Botterley ana E. C. Stevens, additional committees wnll function- Kinds of comm,ittees and chairmen are: Necessary comforts, to provide showers, drinking water, toilets, beds, etc., Commissioner O'Callaghan. Community facilities, to provide placcs to lounge, equipped with sta tionery, ink, pens, tables, magazines, etc., Mrs. B, Levis Prizer. Inventory committee — to make brief inventory of resources in and near towns to be used for recrea tional purposes. Town Clerk Howard Burns. Home and Church hospitality com mittee—provide invitations to homes, special church services, picnics, so cials, etc., all church pastors arc be ing asked to serve for this work. Publicity and information—to pro vide bulletin of events, information Centers, etc.—Clerk Bums. Commercial Recreation—informing shopkeepers to keep abundant sup plies of commodities in demand by soldiers, Paul Butler. Athletic Events_to provide as many such events for soldiers as pos sible, Dante Montesantl. Social EJvents, such as dances, con certs, etc., Mrs. Clarence Edson, Mrs O. L. Broom ,and Mrs. Paul Butler, In Pinehurst, Aberdeen and Pine- bluff similar activities were under way. A large number of Pinehurst citi zens attended a meeting in the Com munity Church to make plans for ac commodating the influx of soldiers. I. C. Sledge was general chairman of tht meeting and W. A. Leland Mc- Kelthen, secretary. The following committee chairmen were named, to select other miembers of their com mittees for handling their particular problem; Finance Committee, L. L- Biddle II; necessary comforts committee, Gor don M. Cameron; Inventory and in formation, James W. Tufta; home and church hospitality, the Uev. A. J. McKelway; publicity committee, Francis T. Keating; commcrcia' rec reation, A. P. Thompson, athleti: events, Cheater I. WIllianM. and so- (Pleat» turn to pag» eight) Singer stranger. Singing at Episcopal Church, Revealed As Professional Softly, it began, and then in creased in volume untM the whole Episcopal congregation was en thralled last Sunday, as a stranger, in the choir rendered the "Lord's Prayer, in rich, resonant tones of a professional. The stranger was John Elliott Macmillan who will bo heard this fall on Eddie Cantor’s radio pro gram, under the name Jchn El liott, his stage name. lilr. and Mrs. Macmillian have been staying at Resthaven Apartments, but de parted Thursday for New York, where Mr. Macmillian was called on business. He is rehearsing now for the fall show. HIGHLAND PINKS TO OPEN OCT. V FLYNN MANAGER Jasper Hussey Rides A Winner Court Holds Operating Company to Continue Management Under Lease Terms SEASON STARTING EARLY y.- Highland Pines Inn announced thi.s week its opening October 1, about a month earlier this season than usual, under management ot W’illiam E. Flynn snd the Highland Pinos Inn. (Inc., operating company. This announcement followed a Su perior court order issued in Carthafe earlier this week that the operating company should continue as lessee of the resort hotel, de.»pite efforts o^ the When his mule was proclaimed the Champion Mule at the owning company the Highland Park Livestock Show. Ja.-?per Hussey, route 2 Hemp, leaped upon Hotel Company,'to cancel the pres-1 triumphantly ai’ound tho judging ring, ent lease i Judges showed no hesitation m selecting this sleek, powerful The order was issued by .ludge j.; animal as the best single mule, any age. Will Pless, Jr., after the owning' i company had sued tor cancellation of Southern Pines and Aberdeen its lease with the operating company. I _ f • * • alleging that lease terms had not, Jft Play^’Ofl I Of ChampiOllSltip I * SCHOOL SEEKING FEDERAL MONEY FOR NEW PLA.NT Application Made for $25,000 Irom PWA, (»f Army Children Enrollment PLANS BEING COMPLETED YDC MACHINERY RUNS SMOOTHLY New Slate of Officers Goes in Without Opposition; Dis pute Over Endorsements Softball Teams Engaged in Se ries to Determine Season’s Top Ranking 'oeen fulfilled. The Highland Pines Inn, Inc., in its answers, declared ic had more than fulfilled its obliga tions. The court still has not ruled on the cancellation of the lease. Court action resulted from a change southern Pines and Aberdeen soft in control of the Highland Park Ho- ^ „ , . . ^ . , _ .. ball clubs were in a fight to the fIn tel Company this summer, when new; officers and board of directors were, Sandhills League Cham- elected. The owning company at-} P'onship. as The Pilot went to press tempted to have the court appoint a this w-eek, with Aberdeen having a lecelver to operate the Hotel until [one-go me advantage, after snatching such a time as the determination of the lease status could be made. Judge Pless denied this application. The well-oiled machinery of the Moore County Young Democratic aub turned out Clifton Blue of Aber- operating company , , „ , , „ to post with the court surety the second half of the softball season to the amount of $10,000, with pro-|'ast Friday when Waller Harper’s vision that lease of the Highland single in the last half of the last in- an S-7 victory from the locals Wed nesday. Southern Pines went to the top for deen as the Club’s new president for this year, and jammed only once dur ing the meeting when a squabble arose over the question of “to endorse or not to endorse” candidates for certain State offices. Without opposition candidates for ♦he YDC offices were elected follow ing nomination. Miss Jean Swett of Cameron and Douglas David of Pine- bluff were re- elected to the offices of vice-president, while Mrs. Richard Hassell of Southern Pines went in as secretary. Calvin Simmons of Glen- don was elected treasurer. Large “Off-Vear” Crowd P'or an "off-year," a large crowd of Young Democrats, with a few of the older party members scattered about, took part in the elections last week in Moore County Court House. Question of endorsement of candi dates for offices in the State organi zation was raised when Billy Clegg of Carthage offered a motion, which in cluded endorsement of Ralph Monger, Jr., of Sanford as secretary and of Ralph Gardner of Shelby for re-elec tion as president. Only Monger Endorseil As opposition arose to this move ment, the meeting became involved In parliamentary procedures, involv ing motions to table, substitute mo tions, amendments to motions and points of order. Finally, Eddie Burns of Carthage offered a motion that v/as carried, and left the meeting on record as endorsing Monger and none else. Praise for the Democratic party, and "Inspiration” for the Young Democrats was offered by impromptu speakers including "Senator” E. M. McLean of Aberdeen, J. Hawley Poole of West End, M G. Boyette of Car thage, and H. Lee Thomas, Moore’s superintendent of schools. A number of the club members in dicated that they would be in attend ance at the State YDC meeting in Winston-Salem this week-end, and the new president was designated to head the delegation. LEGION OPENING HUT TO SOLDIERS D. Williams Inducted as Com mander of Sandhills Post; Wife Heads Auxiliary Tines Inn, Inc., would continua un- ning brought in two runs against der Its present terms until the court Pinehurst to clinch the game and soc- niled on the application for cancella-, ond-half with a one run lead, tion. I A"! the neighboring teams went into The decision of Judge Pless was a five-game play-off for the .season that "the defendants file lii this championship Monday night, Soiith- court, within 12 days from this 15th )ern Pines waded into the Aberdeen day of September, 1941, a justified players to take an 11-7 victory, but ■ Wilson and Dan McNeill, •sun tv." oroviUed iVbordeen came back with a vsn- '’■'^^•comnianders; L. V. OCahaghan, finance officer; the Rev. A. J. Mo- Sandhills Legionnaires will hold open house during week-ends of the maneuver period, it was decided at a meeting of the Sandhills American i.eglon Post this week. The Legion Hut will be available to soldiers on maneuvers for resting, reading, and writing letters. The main room of the Hut will be re-arranged and writing paper, newspapers and magazines made available. District Commander J. F. Sinclair was present at the meeting and in stalled new officers for the coming year: L. D Williams, Commander; bond, 'vith solvent .sun-ty." provided "such rent as many accrue under gennce Tuesday to win 13 to three, terms of the lease" is paid. | Wednesday’s game saw Southern The bond is conditioned upon the | Pints take a four to two lead in the court’s decision as to whether "said, first inning, and then drop behind le''..%f was properly cancellcd or ny on^ run until the seventh, when members during the whether it "is still in full force and Southern Pines was leading by one , highest for .some time, effect.” ! tally. A last inning rally by Aberdeen Membership ^ committee comprises Highland Park Hotel Company lists brought in two runs to win Kelway, chaplain; and E. A. Andrews, seigeant-at-arms. •Report on membership showed that vice-commander Tom Wilson, Haynes Application for $25,000 in Federal PW.V defense f'lnd.s was made this week by the Southern Pines School to supplement promised county funds for building a new school plant here. Although planned for several years, and virtually assured over a year ago, the new building will probably not be started until next summer; when not than $30,000 in county funds will be available. Because nearly 10 per cent of the total school enrollment is comprised of "Army children’ this season, the Southern Pines School di.strict is eli- iible for special Federal funds tc supplement its expenses. About $150,- 000,000 in PWA funds have been al located for erection of hospitals, wa ter plants, schools and other public essentials in defense areas. It is to this fund that the Southern Pines School has applied for its share. The application of the local school has the approval of Col. Elliot, Fort Bragg commander, and of T. R. Owen of Fayetteville, construction engineer for PWA. Dr. G. G. Herr, chairman of the Southern Pines School Board, said this week that architect’s plans for the proposed structure are being completed by William Diotrl'’k, Ral eigh architect, who has planned many modem school juildings in tic State. Although County officials have as sured the school district of at least $50,000, the school board is attempt ing to get additional funds in order that all improvements necessary to relieve the classroom congestion which has been increasing yearly may be made. Site of the new building will ba directly across Ridge Street from the present school grounds. A'thougli prospects now are that construction will not begin until next suraraer, there is some possibility that, if the Federal funds are granted date of be ginning construction may be pushed ahead. rHVnCH FOR SOLDIKRS The Church of Wide Fellowship is converting most of the Church’s base ment into a "•ecreatlon and reading center for soldiers during the maneu vers. A reading and writing room will be in the front, with a dressing room and showers In the rear. ’Three show ers will be available. as directors and officers. Dr. Wil-i IC Aberdeen wins Thursday night; Campbell and Don Cur- liam C. Mudgett, E. C. Stevens, N. L.'(The Pilot goes to press Thursday | Hodgkins, D. G. Stutz, Garland A., afternoon) the season's over, with | Mooting' jointly with the Post was Pierce, tind Dr. E. W. Bush. Named Aberdeen on top. If Southern Pines the Woman's Auxiliary, which induct- with the Highland Pines Inn, Inc, were D G. Stutz, Garland A. Pierce and Jack Thompson, who is caretak er of the Inn. Hyde Takes Position With Syracuse Paper Former Editor and Publisher of The Pilot Returns to Her- ald-.Tournal Staff wins, then Friday’s game will decide the season. A double-header is sche duled for Thursday at Pinehurst when the Asheboro soft-ball club will take on the Moore County All-stars, (Please turn to pagt right) ed Mrs L. D. Williams as president for the forthcoming year, but post poned induction of other officers un til next meeting. The Auxiliary join ed with the Post in planning for en tertainment of soldiers. Tombstone epitaphs, ancient and modern, reveal humor, pathos and Nelson C. Hyde, former editor and philosophy, but Sandhill Kiwan- publisher of The Pilot, has accefitod humorous ones a position on the editorial staff of,,^^^ ^ c. Hal', of Woman’s the Syracuse. N. Y., Herald-Joumal, University of North Carolina, one of the largest newspapers in up-^^,jj^,g collecting famous "last state New York with a daily circula-: tion in excess of 115,000. Mr. Hyde| p,.Qf Hall’s search for the odd and was associated with the same Paper; graveyard epitaphs has before coming to Southern Pines, j ^ ^nd writing a dally feature column. | sciences, he told Kiwanians Wednes- Mr and Mrs. Hyde and their son ^^y including InvesUgaUon of such Timmy will make their home at 1650 James street, Syracuse- Mrs. Hyde Is the former Martha Pleasants of Al>er- deen. Tombstone Epitaph Collector ^Slays^ Kiwanians With Quotes Mrs. Gilman Pierce Dies In Leominster Mrs. Gilman Pierce mother of Gar- “The more l.e got, the less he spent. •‘The more he got, the more ho craved; “If he’s gone to heaven, we’ll all be saved.’’ To the lawyers. Prof. Hall suggest ed this one: ‘‘Here he lies a.