-,*.-5 .»K^.--.« iV n /111 MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY TH '41 I LOT FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION, & ADVERTISING f* - f:s Talked Besides the regular soldier reading and lounge centers established by churches and other community or ganizations, almost every establish ment has "put out” to take care of the demands. Two dances, one last Friday for privates and one Wednesday for offi- 1 cers, were given in Southern Pines in the Straka building, with Mrs. Clar ence Edson, Mrs. Otis Broom and Mrs. Paul Butler in charge. Regular Wednesday and Friday dances are scheduled for the coming week. To make the dances successful, co operation was enlisted at all sides. George Straka, owner of the build ing, provided the necessary facilitiea (Please turn to page ten) County Red Cross to Get New Office Although Moore County Red Cross Chapter has lined up a new home, the headquarters for the next two weeks will be in the same place they have been—under the Catherine Pierson shop, Mrs. Alice Burt Hunt, chairman, said. As soon as some renovating is completed, the County Red Cross headquarters will move into the up stairs ot tlie building which houses the Southern Pines police department end the A. B. C. store. ’The present headquarters are open Tuesdays and Fridays from 10 a. m. until noon, Mrs. Hunt added, and any one seeking to help work on county material may call at those times. Louise Blue Tapped Into Honor Society, Miss Louise Blue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blue of Southern Pines^ was one of the seven Queens College, Charlotte, students who were tapped Wednesday into membership of Alpha Kappa Gamma, national honorary leadership fraternity. Miss Blue served as president of her sophomore class, treasurer of the Student Christian Association, memiber of Valkyrie, honorary coun cil, vice-president of the Athletic as sociation, member of the dean’s list and of the Alpha Gamma Delta na tional panhellenic social sorority. Local Men Hunt Bears and Get 300-Pounder When bear hunting season opened, Howard McNeill and George Colton headed down to Little Alligator Riv er, near South Carolina to try theit luck. Last Thursday, luck turned up. Me. Neill shot a 300-pounder—good-sized for any man's bear.