!) MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY TH A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of VOL. go, NO. 46. N. (TX FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION, & ADVERTISING Moore County an!!l o/" ^andhill Territory Southern Pines, North Carolina, Friday, October 17, 1911. FIVE CENTS FIRE CONSUMES HALF OF BLOCK IN COUNTY SEAT Soldiers and Civilians Get Fire- Fighting Practice on Law Building Blaze OLDEST PUBLIC BUILDING A sweeping blaze, which raged for throe hours Sunday before it was brought under control by firemen from four towns with the help of Un cle Sam's soldiers, completely de stroyed the two-story Law building in Carthage and lent realism to the mock battle being fought by the Army in this area. A soldier discovered and reported the fire at the northwest side of the stoplight corner about 6 o'clock Sun day morning and many of; Uncle Pam's uniformed men joined in the fire-fighting with the volunteers from Carthage, Southern Pines, Pinehurst and Sanford, all of whose departments responded to the emergency call. Flpe Alarm Disrupted Of undetermined origin, the fire liad made such headway before it was discovered that it disrupted the elec tric power system so that Carthage’s iire siren could not sound the alarm. Although the telephone system also was damaged by the blaze, the tele phone operator was able to give a ring to most of the local firemen, af ter the fire was reported, and get them down to the scene of the blaze. Southern Pines’ department was called about 7 o’clock, after the ex tent of the inferno was realized, and Chief L. V. O’Callaghan led a force of one truck and five men to the Fceno. Firemen Ted Kennedy, Elmer Renegar, Stanley Dunn, Bill Bryant and Frank Kaylor responded to the early morning call. Only Skeleton lieft The fire completely gutted the brick-walled building, leaving only the skeleton bricks standing gaunt and bare after the blaze was extin guished. Two of the walls were pulled down to prevent their collapaling without warning. The Law building carried around ?8,000 insurance, it was reported, which is considered about half its worth. Housed in the structure were the Wallace Brothers grocery, Park and Fry imdertaking establishment, a barber shop, beauty parlor, law of fices of S. R. Hoyle, county attor ney, the Junior Order lodge and the United Insurance Agency. It was the oldest public building in Carth age, having been erected in 1899. An old building, constructed of heart pine, one-fourth was owmed by each T. C. Black of Jonesboro, the D. A. McDonald Estate of Carthage, the Carthage Methodist Church, and one-fourth by Mrs. Louella Muse of Carthage and the late Miss Ethel Kelly of Jonesboro. The entire stock of the stores and other establishments was destroyed, with only part insurance being car ried. At late as Monday night, there was still smoldering and smoke at the scene of the blaze. The sidewalks and streets were roped off to protect pe destrians and motorists from any pos sible collapse of the walls not yet pulled down. Taste of Real Battle In fighting a blaze within a town, soldiers on maneuvers and civilians got a taste, though perhaps a bitter and unnecessary one, of some of the emergencies in real wartime. Import ance of firefighting in modem war fare was brought sharply to civil and military attention during the Fascist revolt in Spain, e.specially during bombardments of Loyalist Madrid. This has been further emphasized since the fascist aggression spread over E:ngland. Since German bomb ings began in England, resources of English civilians and soldiers have ■been called upon to halt the spread of blazes caused by incendiaries and other bombs. It is perhaps ironic that a town bearing the ancient and honored name of Carthage, whose namesake was the scene of famous battles, should have inadvertently become the guinea pig for soldier and civilian fire-fighting in this maneuver area. Although the building ablaze was destroyed, ef forts of civilian and soldier firemen saved the r?st of the business block of the county seat, despite the fact tliat other buildings adjoin the de stroyed building. Soldiers, Townspeople Enjoy Concert Battling such elements as roaring airplanes, tooting automobiles, whistling, chugging trains and chattering children, the crack Band of the 207th Coast Artillery, anti-aircraft, captured the pleasure of Southern Pines audience with its open-air concert in the Town Park last Sunday. Under direction of Capt. Francis W. Sutherland, the band of the famous Seventh (now 207th) presented a varied program of light classics with an injection of approved "boogie-woogie" by the “Zombies" of the group. Shown here is just a part of the crowd which encircled the musicians dur ing the afternoon. Capt. Sutherland visits often at the Highland Pines ho tel, where Mrs. Sutherland is staying during maneuvers. Defendants In Lottery Case Given Suspended Sentences CIVIC CLUB OPEN FOR SOLDIER USE Hall to be Used for Dancing; Plan to Have Supper and Dance Saturday Night At their first business meeting of the season, members of the Southern Pines Civic Club voted to throw open their hall for use by soldiers and to serve supper to the Army men this Saturday from 5:30 to 7 o'clock at ■nwderate cost, with dancing to fol low in the evening. Miss Florence Campbell, president, was in charge of the meeting. The Civic Club hall was made avail able for dancing and other recrea tion on Wednesday, Friday, and Sat urday nights. The first two nights wiil be under the local Soldier Recreation committee, and the Saturday night open house w-ill be planned by a Civic Club committee consisting of rMs. D. D. Shields Cameron, Mrs. George B. Schoolcraft, Miss Laura Kelsey and Mrs. James Milliken. The Girl Scout troop of the Civic Club has begun its first aid study every Wednesday afternoon in the clubhouse, with Miss Eleanor Barron, Mrs. John Howarth and Mrs. Roy Grinnell in charge. Following precedent of the last two years, the members voted to open the club for the Southern Pines Red Cross to use five days each week for sew ing and knitting headquarters. The Club noted with regret the loss of two members during the sum mer, I'.rs. Maude Grearson, long ac tive member, and Lewis Stoner, an honorary life member. Store in Carthage Robbed Duringr Nigh< LeRoy Lee’s Employees Fine Safe Open and Cash Reg isters Rifled Restitution of $700 to Aberdeen Fire Department Brings Leniency Plea When employees of LeRoy Lee’s Stores in Carthage opened up for the day's business Monday morning, they found the safe open, cash registers rifled and all of the cash missing. Mr. Lee reports that between $700 and $800 was taken. How entrance to the store was gain ed is not known and there appears to be no clue as to the identity of the thief. Everything in the store, which carries thousands of articles from 5c to $1.00, was in order and nothing was missed from the stock of goods. Officers are busy attempting to solve the case. MOVED TO OEOROIA. Major and Mrs. Lloyd O. Yost have moved from Maxwell Field, Montgorvi- ery, Ala., to Valdosta, Ga., where Ma jor Yost continues his air training work for the U. 8. Army. He former ly was mana&er of Knollwood Air port. Finis was written to one of the dramas resulting from the Sandhills Fair held in Aberdeen the last week in September when three of four per sons charged with framing a lottery drawing were convicted in Recorder’s Court Monday and given suspended sentences ranging up to six months. Leniency for Mrs. Nina Scott, D. J. Roland and Catherine Robertson (Mrs. Harvey Hanford) was recom mended by private prosecutors for the Aberdeen Fire Department because the defendants had repaid $700 to be refunded to purchasers of tickets for the framed-up lottery. Shooter Out on Bond Meanwhile, Lacy Scott, husband of Mrs. Scott, was released from jail on fl,000 bond and bound over to Super ior Court on a charge of assault with intent to kill. Scott is charged with firing a shotgun load into the stomach of Jimmy (Tarzani White, one of the showmen at the fair, after an argu ment with several of the men. Pend ing outcome of White’s condition, con sidered dangerously critical for a time, Scott was held without bond. Conviction of the three lottery de fendants followed evidence to the ef fect that they, with the help of one Jack F^ircell, now fighting extradition in Florida, framed up drawings for grand prizes" on the last evening of the Fair. Principal state witness was McBryde Albright of Kernersville who was to be one of the car-winners in the trumped up drawing. Catherine Robert.ed.’ Objec tives in Southern Pines and Pine hurst were also targets of artillery fire as the Blues continued their con quering march over the Sandhills. Actually, this maneuver was only a tactical effort on the part of two di visions, with the Red Army, for the most part, simulated. The type of maneuver demonstrated ’Tuesday is not won or lost by opposing forces, according to the Army tactical sec tion. The action on the Sandhills front was in reality merely a “problem" maneuver. After the day's problem had carried out, the Sixth Corps troops moved southward to Camden and Rockingham, and the troop mdv^ ment continued throughout the night. Beginning around November 1, ac cording to certain advices, the tacti cal problems will give way to an ac tual combat problem. Involving all troops in this area. When this man euver begins, it will be the first time that such an unplanned, free-for-all battle has been waged between man euvering forces. Previously, most maneuvers have been concerned with such problems aa were carried out in the Sandhills earlier this week. Activities Disrupted Despite the “play" elenient in the Army maneuver, the rolling of trucks and movements of men were enough to disrupt for the day many normal (Pleast turn to pagt eight) Singrer’s Name Means Something" to Piequet So Theatre Manager Gets John Elliott to Sing in His Church Choir Whe» Charlie Piequet learned there was a singer stopping in Southern Pines by name of John Elliott, under contract to Metro Goldwyr; Mayer, he pricked up his ears and imm<^i*tely looked him up to discover whether it could be the same John Elliott whom he had met and heard at the National Theatre Owners’ Convention in Phil adelphia a few years ago. In Southern Pines, it's always a small world, as far as meeting peo ple you know, and John Elliott Mac millan (who drops the Macmillan for stage, radio and screen purposes) who with Mrs. Macmillan, is staying at Resthaven, turned out to be the young man of his past acquaintance. As a result, John Elliott will appear as guest soloist Sunday at the Church of Wide Fellowship where Charlie Piequet is musical director. After hearing him in Philadelphia, the local theatre manager booked sev eral pictures in which the singer ap peared. The Macmillans have been staying in Southern Pines for several weeks, although John Elliott makes frequent trips to New York for re hearsal in a new radio show.