Friday, October 24, 1941. THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina Page Flv* WOMAN’S CLUB AT VASS ENTERTAINS Cameron Orjicanization is Guest at Party; District Pres ident Speaks Honoring the Woman's Club of Cameron, tlu? Viias Woman’s Club in- tertainoii at a lovi'ly puriy at Hold Charmella Wednosday evening with -Mrs. W. K. Nichols of Coats, presi- ilont of the Ninth District North Car olina I'Vdt-ration of Women's Clubs, and lady members of the Vass-Lako- viow school 1 acuity as special guest.«. Decorations of ferns, ivy and fall i lowers made the reception ro(>ni niosl attractive. The group joined in singinu "Amer ica,'’ after which Airs. P. A. Wil.son. president of the local club, wolccnicd the guests anoks, thp designer, were iwarded prizes. Other priz'^-winners during the eve ning were Mrs H. Cone McPherson, Mrs. A. K, Thomp.son and Mrs. Pete Phillips. Refreshments of jellied cheese sal ad, Ritz crackers, sandwiches, cup cakes and tea wore served. During the refreshment period, Mrs. J. A. Phillips of Cameron gave an original poem as a to the hostess club, to which Mrs. Wilson responded. Guests of the local club wori?, from the Cameron Club. Mrs. J. C Kelly, Mrs. Georgia Matthews, Mrs. Jewell Hemphill, Mrs. C. M. Voyles, Mrs. Belle MfKeithen, Miss Mary McLeod, Mrs. J. A. Phillips, Mrs. A. P. Phillips, Mrs. J. D, McLean. Miss Vera Mc Lean, Mrs. O. B. Pullen, Kath arine McDonalth Mrs. L. B. McKeith- en, Mrs. W. B. Parker, Mrs. J. E. Snow, Mrs. H. D. Tally, Mrs. H. C ?.^cPherson, Mrs J. W. Rogers, Mrs. A. M. Snipes and Mrs. Raymond From the Vass-Lakeview faculty: Miss W'. Worsley, Mrs. Krank Swett, Miss Eva Kirkman, Miss Valeria Wo mack, Miss Mary Emma Thomas, Miss Louise Leslie, Katharine Graham and Mrs. Ruth Lang Gard ner. Other guests were Mrs. W. FJ. Nichols. Mrs. J. B. Harris, Miss Del- cie Terry, Miss Nettie Pearl Tilly and Miss Virginia Senter, all of Coats, and Miss Mattie McDuffie of Vass. Honor roll for the first month of school at Cameron was ariounced this week by R. F. Lowry, principal of Cameron High School. Following is the honor roll: Fourth Grade: Betty Lou Thomas. Rachcl Badgett, Kathenne Wood, Joyce Hardy, Magdalene Johnson, Stewart Arnold. Sixth Grade: Nancy Thomas, An nie Lee Hopkins. Seventh Gradp; C:irolly Cuthrie, Rachel Holder, Joyce Howell, Rebec ca Thomas. Eighth Grade: Clinton Cameron. Dillard Hopkins, Bert Smith, Peggy Comer. Marion, Estelle South ern. Alex Thomas. Ninth Gr.ide: J. W. Camer;-n. H.iyes Harbour, P.illy Womack, Mary F. C’iimcron, Olga B, Cameron. Sibyl Cf oper, Ruth Hardy, Ruby Line jerry, .Marjorie Smith, Rachel ThcVnas, Wanda Tucker, Hazel McDonald, Tenth Grade: Esther Bilyeu, Mabel without biidly needc’d supplies, Contri-1 J'vce l.sgett, Johnsie K.'lly, button.-^ t wards replacing these lost t MeDnnald, Evelyn Ptiitts, (Jpat nrticles will be gratefully received by| Whitaker, the Committee, and should be sent to the treasurer, Mrs. I-’rank McClure, '.Southern f’ines. 2")e will buy 2 rubbi-r sheets. 30c will buy a kimona. i .'SOe will buy a light crib blanket. $1.00 will buy a warmer one. OOe will buy a ba.‘00 .vards of diapi'r eloth. This is a .serious loss. The money to pay for these articles was contrib uted by the people of the county, for the people of the county. The loss president, who spoke on women’s part i.-: theiis. ITnless it can be made up many mothers and babies will di Honor Roll Given For Cameron School iOUDON JOHNSTON Kl’NKH.XL TO BK HKLI> IN IMNKlll IWI Funeral for Gordon Johnston of Washington, D. C., who died Wed- r.esday of a ruptured appendix, will be conducted by the Rev. A. J. Mc- Kelway at the Pinehurst Community Church Friday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock. Johnston was 26 years old. and connected with United Ogar Company. Surviving are his widow, formerly Miss Elizabeth McDonald of Pine-i hurst, whom he married a year and! seven months ago, his mother, Mrs.' Bella Johnston of Chase City, Va., a! sister and two brothers. Burial will be in McDonald cemetery on Linden Road. Week’s Newsin Army Circles COTTON I!KI‘()UT Census nport shows that 370 bales of cotton were ginned in Moore I County from the 1911 crop up to Oc-' tober 1, as compared with 480 bales’ for the crop of iniO, it was reported: this week by William D. Smith of' Vass, special agent. I Mrs. Philip P. DorrZ of Fort Dodge, Iowa, arrived Thursday to vis-! it her sister, Mrs. George B. School-! craft and Capt. Schoolcraft. | Mrs. Andrew Curitan left Tuesday night for Covington, Ky., to attend the dedication of an organ in the F’irst Methodist Church there. The organ has been presented to the Church by Mrs. Curitan’s aunt and uncle in memory of her mother. The Army Officers' Wives met Wednesday at the Southern Pines Country Club for the semi-monthly' lunc hiMin. About ‘10 membi-rs and guests were present and six tables of 1)1 idge were in play after lunch. The next meeting will be held No-i vemlX'r at the Country Club. Pwoser-' vations can be made by calling Jlr.^;. A. E. Murphy at the Chib. Lieut. George B. Schoolcraft ha* been promoted to the lank of Captain. Lieut, and Mrs. Harry CorrniUii rf' Boston,, are at the Colonial lit*- in Southern Pines. They were inur' ried a .short time ago in Bt ston an^* Mrs. Corman has just joined LIriit. Cormiin, who is stationed at the Ai« Port. Mrs. Staunton F'atker ot Soiithrrfc Pines .spent last week-end in Rm'fc Hill, S. C.. with Lieut. Parker v\ho i> on maneuvers in that arnd with relatives. Miss Julia McNairy of Greon.sboro, was week-end gu-st of Miss Friinces Plea.sants. Mrs. William Cartc'r, Jr. is .spend ing this we!; in Greensboro. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Bowman visit ed Mr. and Mrs. FMgar Bowman in Maxton last Sunday. Mrs. Lula Ellis returned to her home in High Point last week after visiting Mr. and Mrs. F:. P. Capps. Mrs. George Blackmore, of Dallas, Texas is visiting her father, H. A. Page, Jr. Mrs. George Martin was hostess to her bridge club and several invited guests at her home on Pine street last Friday. Fligh score prize for the club was won by Mrs. E. T. McKeithen. Guest prize went to Mrs. .S. A. Wor.sley. Mrs. R. S. Gwyn and Miss Janette Leach came in for refreshments. At a meeting of the Community House A.ssociation, at the Commu/- ity House last Thursday, plans W'ere made for installing a heating system. Mayor Forrest Lockey was made President of the A.s.sociation and Mrs. H. A. Page, Jr., was elected House Chairman. A get-together meeting for the sol diers at the school auditoriumi last Saturday evening was cpiite a success. Games were played under the direc tion of Mr. Batchelor, and the Rev. FI L. Barber led the group singing. The Ladies of the touTi sponsored an Officers Ball at the Community House last Saturday evening, which W'as one of the most enjoyable af fairs of the season. Around a hun dred guests were present. Mrs. Dan Farrell entertained her bridge club at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Gaither Crutchfield and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds were special guests. Mrs. Crutchfield won the guest prize and Mrs. Robert Farrell held high score for the club. The Home and Garden Club, after cMsbanding for the summer months, held its first Fall meetings at the Community Tuesday with Mrs. R. S. Gwyn as After a fhort business session, the program was given by Mrs. Lean Soymoui and Mrs. W. T. Huntley. Mrs. Sey mour talked on “Gardening," and Mrs. Huntley's subject was "Clean up, rake-up and repair." The next meeting will be with Mrs. Leon Sey mour. a'(‘n ei’ine jnersoii I Interior l)esi^>’ner Wishe.s to Announce that her \voi*ksho])s are o])en for the convenience of hei* clients and that Mrs. Margaret Gage and Mr. C. 0. Thompson are AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION Concert and Lecture Course of Flora Macdonald College Red Springs, N. C. EGON PETRI Noted Dutch Pianist Mon., Oct. 27—8:00 P. M. Tues., Oct. 28—7:30 P. M. Season Tickets $3.00 Individual Admis.<5ion $1.00 Season’s Schedule IL R. Kiiickerhooker, foreign correspondent, Nov. 17th Budapest String Quartet, Dec. 8th Vincent Sheean, Author, Jan. 10, 1942 Lansing Hatfield, Bass-Baritone, April 13th, 1942 All Programs Begin at 8 o’clock in the College Auditorium. smtttttnrtxmttaxtitiamtitttmin ORGAN MUSIC SUNDAYS The Village Chapel in Pinehurst is presenting a series of organ programs ach Sunday afternoon at 3;3( '’clock. Robert Rodwell is organist rhe public is invited. Advertite in Th« Pilot for Perfect Health Pays larger dividends than any other investment. Really restful sleep is one of the requisites of good health. Wake up smiling every day on a Beauty-Rest mattress and box Springs. BUY TODAY AND REST TONIGHT See our fine selection—single and double sizes — a variety of colors Pinehurst Warehouses, Inc. Pinehurst (In Southern Pines, Phone 7283) Phone 3412