fiLgO Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Caro!!tt« Friday, October 24, 1S41- Pinebluff Personals Ifrs. J. J. FoUey returned to her | Fred Tyrrell of Waterbury, Conn., are guests at the home of Mrs, J. J, Fol- ley. Mrs. Aubrey Pruett left Tuesday Wednesday after spending the A»<)»>‘r in White Plains. N. Y. Mi-.s. Raymond Thompson left for K-r hijun^e in Clarksville, Va., Sunday., for her home in Norwalk, Conn., after 111 Thompaoa is here on maneuvers.' spending 10 days visiting her broth- IM. and Mrs. M. B. Chambliss and ] er, John Fiddner. 3i»il Mrs. McNeille of Camp, Little Henry McArthur returned to Stewikrt, Ga,, are occupying Mrs. liot-; his home in Fayetteville, Sunday af- Hitchins’ house on Grape street, j ter spending three months with his »lrs Andy Aicroft of Youngstown, grandmother, Mrs. \Vm. Keith. «. Mil Clarence Wallace of Cory, ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Suttonfield are Pw. visiting their parents. Mr. spending the week in Charlotte visit- .w»(T Mr.s. A. G. Wallace this week. ' ing relatives. Williams returned Wednesday Airs. Earl Lampley and J. R. rfti'r .-fpending the summer in Youngs-1 Lampley spent Sunday in Norwood. O, I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams and H<*nry Addor Jr., left last week for Mrs. Luther Tyner spent t'riday in Raven Gap, Oa., where he will enter Charlotte. Mayor and Mrs. John M. Foushee of Chapel Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sut,tonfield Thursday, Word has been received of the marriage of Carolin Wolfe and Douglas W’arncr. Jr., of Summit, N. J., Oct. 11. Mr. Warner is the son of Mrs. Norman Van Boskirck. jch<i<)l. Mi.sst's Marg.iret and Francis ■fKC<mnor, Mis.s Mary Kelly, Mrs. Owy(,'r of Hew York City, and Mrs, RlJPflJRE' Shield Exp<‘rt Here Again J. MKINH.XUni, wUUly known of Chii'iigo, will |H‘rsonaIly he Ai IXv<“tt<‘ville', N. at the Prince NIAGARA Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dean have re- OharlPs Hotol, Frid:<y only, ()et. 31st. turned to their home here after spend- front I I*. M. to 4 r. M. anil 6 P. M. the summer in northern states, to H P. M. i Born to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Jones MR MEINHARDI says: The Mein- on October 8, a fine 9-pound baby Shield is a tremendous improve- iS’*’’*- The young lady's name is Judy mont—well known for producing ^^fs. Jones’ mother, Mrs. Min- •tciliate results. It prevents the Rup-' Godfrey, who has been here for turi' from protruding in 10 days on I week, returned to her home Che flvvrage—regardless of size or lo- iJonesboro, EUREKA In New School Plant This is the sixth week of school at Eureka and teachers and pupils are happy to be in the new building. It isn’t completely finished inside, but everybody is cheerfully enduring the inconvenience because a new build ing has been needed so long. For years, after the main dormi tory was lost by -fire which caused the loss of boarding students, and the vocational departments and brought the high school average at tendance to a dangerously low mark, patrons and friends "held their breath” for fear their school would bo absorbed by larger schools. The new Ix-autiful structure of brick gives a feeling of enduring per manence for Eureka school. Now the attendance has gone up and up until there is a big margin over the re quirements for the school to stay on the accredited list. Miss Sarah Ruth Currie from Jackson Springs is the only new member of the faculty. This is her first year as a teacher but her pupils say they have to come across with good work. Worth L. Kiser, the principal, is very much liked, as well as Mrs. Kiser. of Rupture and no matter how Hard you work or strain. It has no feg straps. (No Surgery or Injec- «oii Treatments used.) Mr. Meinhardi been coming here for 15 years. Caution; If neglected — Rupture majr cause w-eakness, backache, con- Mrs. L. D. Williams and Claribel spent Monday in Raleigh. Mrs. A. C. Wood was called to Ral eigh Monday on account of the death of her uncle, Levi Gargis, a veteran policeman of that city. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. King left Tues «Upation. nervouane.<i3, stomach pains, I day for their home in Florida after a Hie. or sudden death from strangula- 1»n. Men having large Rupturea which •ave returned after Surgical Opera- two-week visit with their daughter, Mrs. V. W. Driggers. Among those attending the State Fair in Raleigh were Mrs. V. U. Drig- F.ureka Woman's Club At a recent meeting of Eureka's Woman’s Club. Miss Flora McDonald, county home agent, gave some help ful points in furniture selection, and explained one phase of the defense program in which the homemaker may play an important part. Mrs. Walter McCaskill, chairman of the clothing project, told members how to arrange gray hair (“silver threads’ adorned many heads at the meeting) and what colors to wear with it. or Injection Treatments are also | gf^^s and son, W'endell; Mr. and Mrs. dtnrff When all others fall _ see I c J. King. J. V. Snipes, Curtis Wil- KKlNHAiUJI. He will be pleased to Hams, Virginia, Lois, Edward and Al- m.strate to you privately Without bert Morgan; Ola Cameron, Bryce (Only men invited.) W'hite FOR BARGAINS FURNITURE See Alton D. McLean Opposite Hotel Aberdeen and Burlein Garner; Bumey Garner and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wilson. Mrs. Janie Register is visiting her mother, Mrs. Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Day and son. Billy, returned to their home after a i two months’ visit in Tampa, Fla. j Mrs R. A. Smith spent last week in Raleigh. Mr. Smith joined her Sun- !day to visit relatives. UNUSUAL GIFTS Made in North Carolina Mary Chess Cosmetics HOLLY-PINE SHOP Bank Building: Southern Pines N. C. Indiana Avenue Extension SOUTHERN PINIXS A Country Day and Boarding School for Girls and Boys, w'ith Kindergarten t Musis—Handicrafts—Organized Sports MRS. MILLICENT A. HAYES, Principal KOmuttsttutnnxtn:::::: Voung People .Away Many young people are away from home nowadays and they are much missed. Fred Blue, Hulon Blue and William Hendren are at State College. Lois McLeod and Nancy Blue are at W'. C. U. N. C. Mary Hendred is at Cullow- hee; Louise Hendren at King’s Bus iness College in Raleigh, Frank Blue at Mars Hill, and Windora Hardy at Norfolk, studying beauty culture. Mary pnd Margaret Kelly and Lu cille McLeod are teaching. Mary at Roxboro, Margaret at view, and Lucille at West End. R. A. Boger, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Boger, is in the Naval Reserve. He is chief pharmacist’s second mate, located at Naval Hospital in Char leston, S. C. Eubert McLeod, son of W. M. McLeod, is 2nd Lieutenant in the Quartermaster division in Atlan ta. Both young men recently visited their families; Pvt. Max Blue at Fort Bragg has been assigned to mechanical work. Pvt. Nelson Blue is at Will Rogers’ Air Base in Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. William Hendren had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R B. Britt and two daughters; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Britt and Mr. Hendrix of Lumberton, and Miss Margaret Kelly of Lakeview. Mrs. A. L. Blue is home from Moore County hospital after an ap pendicitis operation, and young peo ple at the church hope she will be able to be with them again .soon. Mrs. Cliff King, who works with Mrs. Blue, has been carrying on. Blaine King's friends will be glad to know he is also home from the hos pital after a serious operation. Blaine has put up a gallant fight to get well and bears his illness cheerfully. DANCE AT SCOTTIE’S Saturday Night, October 25 A1 Deal and his Carolinians 8 to 2 Open Sunday at 11 A. M. SCOTTIL’S TAVLRN One-Half Mile South of Southern Pines CARTHAGE Misses Ruth Tyson and Harriett McGraw, of W. C- U. N. C., spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Page, Jr., Bobby III, of Aberdeen, and Mrs. Chas. T. Grier spent Sunday in Chap el Hill. Dr. Harold Thompson arrived in town Thursday evening from Ches ter, S. C., to visit Mrs. Thompson. With Mr. and Mrs. Blair E. Beasley Dr. and Mrs. Thompson spent the week-end In China Grove. Miss Rozelle WSlIiamson, of Ral eigh, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wil liamson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Sinclair, Jr., spent Sunday in Haw^ River, visiting Mrs. Sinclair’s mother, Mrs. E. L. Thompson. Eldon S. Adams and children, Dix on and Hazel Ann. spent Saturday in Dover visiting Mrs. F. E. Dixon. Mrs. James Frazier. Mrs. Holt Mc Neill and Annie Ruth Strader made a business trip to Fayetteville Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Gentry Womack of Greensboro spent Sunday with Mrs. Fred Womack. Among those attending the State Fair in Raleigh Thursday were W. B. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Clegg, Mr. and Mrs. John Currie. Dixon Adams, Charles McDonald. Charles Under wood, Julian Farrar, Johnny Spencer, Billy and George Davidson, Norman Caldwell and Lassie Scott. Mrs. Eldon Adams attended the District No. 10 Conference of N. C. Congress of Parents and Teachers which was held in the Southwood High School in Kinston Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Blue and Misses Grace and Hilda Blue and Willian Blue, of Chapel Hill, spent the week-end in Fayetteville as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pinkston. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Farrar, of Apex, were dinner guests Sund&y of Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Farrar. | Miss Betty Barringer of ,Flora , Macdonald College spent the week- j end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. ; Charles Barringer. j Mrs. Emma Cole, Misses Mary Gil bert and Josephine Cole spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Lineberry, of Mebane. Mrs. J. B. Muse and Miss Sara Muse spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. K. use. of Mebane. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McDonald'an nounce the birth of a daughter Sat urday evening. Winners Announced in Tennis TCurney Sister fought sister in the high school tennis tournament which end ed (kls week with Mar>' Grey defeat ing Helen Grey, 6-4, 4-6, 8-6, in tlie girls' first flight, and Audrey Brown overcoming Sussanne Kelly, 6-1, 6-0, In the girls' second flight. First flight included grades 9, 10, 11, and 12: the second flight con sisted of players from the seventh and eighth grades. Boys' winners were; first flight, Norris Hodgkins over Wtalter Blue, Jr., 4-6, 6-4, 8-6; second flight, Dav id Worsham over Secrest Heftner, 6-2, 6-4, Medals were awarded the winners. 0. C. Combs Becomes Sandhills Constable O. C. Combs, who is Pinebluff’s chief of police, has recently been sworn in as constable for Sandhills Township, a post to which he wa»f ap pointed by the Moore County Board of Commissioners. During the period of Army maneuvers in this section. Chief Combs w-as given a raise by the town commissioners of Pinebluff, who supported his appointment as constable for the town, which covers the lower end of the county. The Junior Willing Workers will meet Monday evening, October 27, at 8 o'clock, with Mrs. W. L, Baker on North Bennett street. for that man in uniform -SEND A CARTON OF CAMELS SPECIAL WRAPPER Your dealer has a special wrapping and mailing service to save you trouble... THS cioAnsm OF COSTUCK TOBACCOS PROMI*T MODERATE DRY CLEANINX; SERVICE THE ALET C. JENSEN Telephone 5651 Southern Pines RCA 1942 Twin Speaker Radios, $28.95 at Hayes.’ Dr. J. I. Neal VETERINARIAN Southern Pines, N, C, Sunrise Theatre Southern Pines, N. C. Saturday October 25th—Matinee at ‘2:00 P. M.—Night 7:15 & 9:00 P. M. Donald Barry in APACHE KID. Also Leon Errol Comedy a/id Chapter No. 5 The Spider Re turns. Sunday, October 26th—Matinee at 3:00 P. M. Night 7:15 and 9:00 P. M. Florence Rice & I^eif Erickson in BLONDE FROM SINGAPORE. Also Shorts. To relieve Misei*y of COIDS LhluM Tablets Salve Xoae Drops Cough Drops Try "Rul>-.My-TI»m”—a-, wonderful I.inlment Monday & Tuesday, Oct. 27 & 28. Time 7:15 and 9:15 P. M. Edward G. Robinson & Ida Lupino in SEA WOLF. Also Ntews & Shorts. Wednesday, Oct. 29th. Time: 7:15 & 9:00 P. M. Brenda Joyce & Jane Darwell in PRIVATE NURSE and also shorts. 3 Stooge Comedy. Thursday & Friday, Octi. 30 & 31. Time; 7:15 & 9:10 P. M. Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamoar & Bob Hope in ROAD TO ZANZIBAR. Also News & Shorts. \\mt Ht*0> Telephone 6161 J. N. Powell, Inc. Funeral Home 24 hour Ambulance Service D. AI. Blue, Jr. Manager Southern Pines PRKAREDNESS PROGRAM tot irrriR baking i dovbl*^9ting for new bookl«t, con taining dozjns ot bright ideas to im- grove your bakliw. Adctr«ss.’Rlmford I PowdT, Box V, Rumford. R. I. Baking I Welcome Winter Guests and Army Officers We are Glad to offer you Complete banking services— Checking- Accounts Safety Deposit Travelers Cheqfues Bank of Pinehurst Pinehurst, N. C.

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