UNITCO STATES WINGS OMDS VOL. 22, NO. 9 FATHER WILUAMS GOES TO KINSTON; HERE SINCE 1935 To Kinston Southern Pines. North (l^arolina, tVidav, January 30, 1942. ■ I/C/JNIO Farewell “Open House” Being Given Catholic Priest at Parish Hall Thursday WAS ACTIVE IN COMMUNITY' Father Thomas A. Williams, since 1S35 pastor of St. Anthony's Catho lic Church here, was this week ad. vancpd to a pastorate in Kinston lo he in charge of the Church of the Holy Trinity there. Ho is to be succeedcd here by the Rev. Herbert A. Harkins of Hiph Point, it was unofficially reported. To pay trib<ite to the youthful priest whose work hero has reached many phases of community life, his |>arishi- oners are holding an open house Thursday evening, January 29, at the Parish Hall on Broad street to bid him farewell. Especially invited are the Mayor and town commissioners, scout executives and scoutmasters of the county, as well as members of the scout fi;;iops, the school board and ether local pastors. .Aoflve With B«> Scouf.s Father Williams ha.s boon especial-i 1y active in Boy Scout work while in, Southern Pines and is scoutmaster ofi Troop 63. besides beinp State Chap lain of the Catholic Youth Council., Much of the scouting which has been developed in the county during recent years has been due to his efforts in I this field. I During his stay here, the Church of the Holy Child in Pinebluff was I built and the mission there was im.j fier his charge. In his own church, he; has been active in building the active i congregation to its present number of 167, not including approximately pn equal number of Army families v.-ho are included. Many improvements have been' made to the Church, and the Parish' hall during his stay. Ho also has been ] school chaplain for Notre Dame | Academy, which was established herei by the Sisters of Notrp Dame do Na. mur. Fathers Williams came here^to S'.^o-^ SEAWELL CLAIMS ‘AMBITION’ LIES BACK OF CHARGES Innes-Taylor Gets '' Medal For Rescue Of Drowniu^"" /oman N<?(ionai Foundation Awards l/ocal Man Medal for Hravery for Plunge into Pamlico Sound Last July to Save Mrs. Charles Ludwig from Death I Carthage Attorney Issues State- i ment on Eve of Trial Deny ing Federal Charges TRIAL TO START MONDAY I On the eve of a special term of Federal Court in Rockingham to hear charges against H. F. Seawell, Jr.. of Captain Alan Innes-Taylor plunge mto the cold waters of Pamlico Sound last July 16 to save the life of a drowning woman this week Drought him an award from the Car negie Hero Fund, citing him for an act of bravery. Captain Innes.Taylor has had ex periences wi‘h the Royal Canadian i took hold of her. Mrs. Ludwig be. camp dazed. "The launch was swung in a larg» circle; and Innes-Taylor wondering how long ho could keep afloat, swam towing Mrs. Ludwig 25 to 35 feet to- ■vard it. He then trod water, support ing her. “The launch was maneuvered to a TEST BLACKOUTS IN THREE TOWNS ARE SUCCESSFll. Pinehurst, Aberdeen and Vass Declare Trials Are Near 100 Percent Perfect ST. LIGHTS TROUBLESOME Air Force, the Byrd expedition, the 1 point near Innes-Taylor, who repeat. Carthage for alleged mishandling of j Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but edly called to huiTy. A life preserv- funds while acting as a referee in ^ it was the first time that the man, | or at the end of a line was thrown to bankniptcy. the Carthage attorney,| who now makes Southern Pines his, him, and he and Mrs, Ludwig were, known as "Chub," this week issued home, had ever been called upon to | pulled to the lanuch and aided onto it. a statement claiming the actioT | rc.scue a drowning person. He dived Innes.Taylor was gasping and was against him was brought for "the l overboard to rescue Mrs. Charles | greatly fatigued. Mrs. Ludwig fainted purpose of humiliating and embar.; Ludwig, wife of a Cincinnati, Ohio, but was revived.” rassing mo." | newspaperman, ’ The Captain, who makes his home f.\thf:k TH(m \s a uii.ijam.s The court .session is slated to begin j Cnmmission Tells Story in Rockingham, Monday, February, "Mrs. Ludwig fell from the deck 2, under Judge K. Yates W^ebb ofjof a moving launch into Pamlico Shelby. The special term was called j .Sound 15 miles from shore, where the at the request of Judge Johnston, water was 22 feet deep. Innes.Taylor, Refugees Kefiigees frr.m the war zone in Hawaii arrived here thin w«“ek to stay with Mr. and Mrs. .Alton Scott. Mr. St'ott’s cousin, Mrs. .A. .A. Merlani, and two children, Hurold and Thomas, arrived here Tiiesda.v, having been evacuate<l from Hickam Field whore Mas. ter .Sergeant Merlani Is stationed. Th«‘y were at Hlekani Flel<l dur ing the l>«*4‘eml>er 7tli attack and machine gun bullets and siirap. nel went into the house in which they were living, hut none of the family wa.s Injured. fully clothed, dived from the launch. fiwam 75 feet to Mrs. Ludwig, and I for braveiy. SCHOOL BUSSES WILL GET TIRES A. GUNTHER DIES; WAS VASS MAYOR I. Hayes, who .several years ago appointed Seawell as referee in bank ruptcy for this district and who Is .scheduled to preside at the regular teem of Federal Court in March. Two bills of indictment drawn last June charged Seawell with ninp cases , of false reports and two embezzle ments. These he immediately denied in a public statement, which pointed out that no individual or corporation [{ationing Board Approves 10 brought charges. His statement this. Certificates for Board of week was similar. ,, , _ , , AttomeVs s.atement | Education; Others Issued ''o not like to i.ssue statements to newspapers about matters that are to be tried in court. I can say this, however, that no firm, person, cor poration, partner.ship, trustee, law. yer or anyone else has contended or is contending that I owe them a penny in regard to any matters that have ever ponded before me in bankruptcy," his statement .said on Fairway Road near the Country ('lub, has related several of his ex. periences before local civic clubs, but he has never talked much locally about this action for which he was awarded the bronze Carenegie medal LIBRARY CONCERT GREATLY ENJOYED Piano and Violin Presentation Attracts Large .\udience of Sandhills Folks Tire rationing in Moore County continued this week with a number of applications being approved by the Tire Rationing B«>ard. including 10 certificates i.ssued to the Moore County Board of Education for bus tires and tubes for use on the school bu.sses. The Board meets each Thursday in The entire matter seems to be a' the rourthouse to consider applica- matter of personal ambition on thel'iffs for purchase of tires and tubes, Pvopiilivo nf Va««j nip«i all someone in the Attorney Gen- Hnd an office is maintained other days irst Executive of Vass Dies government is con. with a .secretary to assist in filling tSon S Mome^ in fiorina, , ponding that I have charged more in | out applications, VV’as Scientific Farmer the administration of estates than fj Following applications were ap. i .should have charged. 'proved by the board: The death in Kustis, Fla,, of A. Oun-l “Without any warning, any ques-l Foster J. Dawkins, Aberdeen, two mavor of Vass and for'or any notic-e, the government car tires and tubes: Mrs. ll.rst and h'is ''‘ar.s a scientific farmer in the coun- proceeded to get bills of indictment, Maggie Lee Kelly, Carthage, one pas. o f f was reported late last week to again.st me which on their face ap- spnger car tire; W. R. Kennedy Moore County except Pinehurst and' ‘ . that part of Hoke County, west of Sanatorium. He was ordained in Bos ton by Cardinal O'Connell in 19.33 an<l,years served as secretary of Bishop Wm. J. i funeral .services were comlucted in ^ Hafey for 11 months, before going to; where burial was made. He them to the Nazareth Orphanage, just outside of January newsp.npers for the purpose of trving UaleiKh, as a member of the N. C.' Mr. Gunther came to this section , , preiudice the matter and make it . , D.minl Oscir Apostolate. • before IHOO from Worcester, Mass., j- teirihle crime ha.'? ‘ *• ’ ? T . Feather Williams is taking the placei ■••('ttling first in Southern Pinos and hpp„ cnmmittod. ' Caddell. Carthage, two tractor tiror C T Patch here Purely for the purpose of Hemp four pas.senger car tires; Buf- 'Mr Gunther had been living in re- humiliating and embarrassing me, if Brothers, Carthago, threo truck with his .son, Otto, and ^ i‘iros and tubos; John Allen, Hemp, “I understand that the attorney; t^uck tire and tube; O. T. Parks, vho is handling the ca.se has made j,, Hallison, three truck tires and tubes; Also Carl Lee Davis, .Star, four of Rt. Rev. A. R. Freeman, who goes to Charlotte from Kinston, then buying what is now known as (he Duncan Matthews place doing "The entire matter has developed .1 mbit ion and and tubes and two truck tiros and tubes; Southern Pines Warehouse, into one of personal .iniuiiinii iin-i „ -in/i His mother. Mrs. Mary A. \Villiams, lruok farming^ Those in attorney Glendon! one who has lived with him during his! 1'Ut‘W him said lie was the best liorti- stay here, will go with him to Kin- culturist that had come to the com. ston. niunity. He grew lettuce for northern n.arki ts, had a peach orchard and tube; Carl Oldham, tiuck tiro and tube. .hidffe Rowe’s Son Now Flyinir Cadet •Aberdeen Bov Wins ,\ppoin1mcnt lo Navy Flylncr School in Jacksonville. Fla. ,Tosenh V. Rowe, Jr., ,so’i of Mr. ;ind Mrs. J. \’’nnce Howe of A her. fieen. has won an appointment to the 1,'avy's flking .school at .Tark.sonvllle, Fla., after being in training at the Naval Re.servo Air Paso in Atlanta, it was learned this week. Cadet Rowe. 22. attended .Aberdeen High School and went three years t i the ITniversity of North Carolina, be- fi're enlisting in the Navy on ,Sep- tembo’’ ?7, Youncr Rowe passed his elimination course at the Air P.i.se in .Atlanta, where he held a rat ing of seaman, .second cli.lis. j.rew blackberries, before dewberries liad been introduced in this .^ei tion. He was elected V’as.s’ first mayor signing in the fall of lOin to becom'' in 1907 and shortly after that moved candidate for the State Legislature. to Louisburg, While in Vass he was I /iiarrie<i to Mi.ss Lula Frisbic o! I .Maine and their son, Otto, was born there, Mrs. Gunthor died in Louis. Inirg, after which Mr. Gunther niov- i d to Florida, In recejit years, he had bi on blind. W'. !■). Smith, V'a.ss man, comment- -a conference id that he “liked to talk with Mr Gunther because I could learn from the purpose of comiileting organiza- hini." .’'or the government, as no one else is interested in the matter from a fi. , , nancial .standnolnt or otherwi.se," his Permission to purchase obso e i statement concluded. tires was given to T. l , . " Senwell held the position of bank- .Vberdeen and Mis. M. •. ■! rymp rniitcy referoi' for nearly 1.T years, re. Carthage. Scout Executives To Plan Cub Dens Dr. McLeod P^lected Medical Society Head Three Sandhills towns underwent trial blackouts Tue.sday, including the unincorporated resort village of Pine hurst, which obtained special per mission from the county commission, ers to exercise certain emergency powers during such trials—and the real thing, if it should ever occur, Aberdeen and Vass also tested their blacking-out abilities, although none of the three experiments were related or coincidental. Officials in Aberdeen declared the blackout there 100 percent success, ful, except for the same trouble that Southern Pines has had during it.s two trials—the strong beam of a train liq^ht going through town dur. ing the light.s out period. In Vass, the blackout began at 8;15, and in .Comparatively few seconds, every light in the business section and c'oso residential section had been ex tinguished. However, several families in the outer .sections of the town limits fail ed to hear the alarm at first, but darkened their homes when notified by wardens that the blackout was on. Traffic along the highway was allowed to continue. The blackout l.isted about l.'i minutes. In Pinehurst, chief air raid warden L. L. Biddle expres.sed gratification for the cooperation .shown in achiev ing a complete blacking out of the town, shortly after the .ilarm was sounded. He especially mentioned the speed with which air raid wardens put out the .street lights of the city. Most of these are controlled by indiv idual switches and at the .sound of the alarm, it was necessarv for war dens to speed for the switches and cut out the lights simultaneously. Two failed to respond, but Police Chief Dei's got them shortly after the alarm sounded. The Aberdeen blackout lasted thir. ty minutes, beginning at 8:15, and was declared 100 per cent by M. B. Pleas- rints, chief air raid warden. A large Sandhills audioncp received with delight the piano and violin ren. ditions by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sly of William and Mary College, Va., at the Southern Pines Library Monday evening. This was the .second in the .season's concert serie.s, pre.sented by the local Library A.ssociation. Next presenta. t'on will be Sherman Smith, young lia.ss-baritone from the University of North Carolina, who will appear Mon day, February 16. At the request of The Pilot, Alfred B. Yeomans, prepared the following comment on the Sly concert: “An all too prevalent idea among concert goers is that only artists of established, nntion-wide reputation— ‘‘stars“ in other words--are worth paying money to hear. It is no dis paragement of justly celebrated ar. tists to say that this cult of the “star” ui music, carried to an ab.l surd extreme as it so often is in this! country, must be overconie if the art! ..f music is to occupy its nghtful I ^|u,, Enterlalns; Dr. Wm. KIWANIS EN.IOYS DOUBLEPROGRAM Infantile Paralysis Fund Drive Continues Coin colleciors have been placed In John Stevens Better After Minor Operation ,Iohn F. Stevens, father of K, C. •Stevens, and widely known because of Ms pioni'cr engineering work on the ' Panama canal and the nation’s rail- ; loads, as well as those of Ru.ssia, is j reported to be recovering successful. I ly. following a minor operation at Puke Hospital in Durham. Although .•-till confined to the hospital, it is Dr. A. H. McLeod of Aberdeen was Monday night elected president of the I’.irents of cub scouts and of boy,-! Moore County Medical Society .it its of cub scout age are invited to attend monthly meeting at Moore ouni.\ at the Church of Wide Hospital. Ho succeed.s Dr. A. M. Blue (■’ellowship Friday iiieiit at 7:.'iO for of Carthage as head of the local or. ^ani'/.atitm. which is affiliated with tion of cup scout dens in .Southern llie State Medical Soiiety. TMncs. Other officers elected Monday night -Assistant .Scout Kxeciitive Monty were Dr. B. M. Drake, county health I'alhoun of Sanford will meet with otl'icer, vice-president; Dr. R. ,1. Kos- Ihi' Rotary Club committee, composed ser of V’ass, .secretary; Dr. I-nui.v of the Rev. Voigt Taylor, ,S. R. Jelli- Owen of Pinehurst, delegate to the .-^on and Lloyd (Mark, and with H. F. State convention; and Dr. Clement Tarlton, cub ma.ster, and N. L. Hodg-, Monroe of Moore County Ho.spital, al- kms, president of Oeconee( hee Coun.Mi rnate. eil. They will decide upon meetin.g Klection of officers was major bus. time and places of the cub troops. mess of the evening. place in the average American home. “.A nocossarv step in this direction is the recognition of the fact that there are musical "stars" of minor (fimensions, as far as public reputa tion is concerned, who may be just as competent to interpret great musical masterpieces as some of the first magnitude. “The enthusiastic reception of Mon day's concert by .Allan and nett,.- Ply, under the auspices of the Li. I'rary. is a case in point. Here yo i I ;i(i two sensitivi'. fully develot'ed •rtists whii, h.id they been willing to pay the price in heart.breaking labor and a hectic wav of lil'e, might have achieved national reputations as conc<'rt artists. Instea<l, they chose to apply their great musii .al f^ift tlirouph educational ajrencies. They chose the work of making a love of fuie music a real part of the lif,' nf the average .American, their con cert appearances being incidental te this work. “Hence, in their playinc on Monday night, one sensed not men ly complete technical and interpretive competence *o copi' with the composition.s played but a .»elf-forqetfu! devotion to the (.'UiS(' in which they wore enlisted — the cause of fine music. This spirit '■f the amateur with the competence of the profe.ssional is all too rare on the concert stage. Its occasional i-mer- gence is to be welcomed." A. Hrown Ci<es Need for “Hill of Dulv" stores and other public places all 1 that his recovery will al. over Southern Pines as a convenience;.to ^is home Sanatorium Showing Progress; Twelve from Moore Are Paficnfs Rank of Pinehurst »• for people w ishinc to contribute tO|* ’ Southern Pinos, the fund for the fight against infan.' ‘ tilp paralysis. Co\n card.s have 1 RotariaUS Cautioued distrib'ited in both schools and it i.s hoped that children will be encouraged to contrihut« to this fund to help other childr.n. Anyone wishing to make a, Rotarians were told bv C. Reeve contrit ution by check can do .so by v.j^noman of Albany, N. Y.. ,a Ro- brlnpins: or mailing: U to \frs.^Carl 1 Tiitornational rrprcsentativiv Re-Elects Officers G. Thompson. Jr., Southern Pines Chairman of the Fund, at The Pilot, T’roks For .Army Red CroKx headquartrrs are a<'tine an th<» dppositor>- for bool.s l>plng collectod for distri- ttutlon to .Army rainp lil»rarips. Throughout fho country, an ap. peAl has gonp out for iniiividualM to donat<<! any books they can npare to be distributed to .\rm,v j-enters. Southern Pines’ Red C’ro«8 headquarters are located in th«i Straka building on Broad Ktreet, and local rontributont am urRfid to bring tiheir books to thin office, where they wUl b« turned ever to Army authoritlM, On the crest of a hi>»h sand hil!, | Carolina citizens. The other da,y. at, • iboiil eight miles east of Aberdeen, the S<uiatorium. Dr. P. P. McCain, i r . just over the Hoke Countv line, there its .superintendent, revealed ' of p-‘ .‘■prcads an institution which has for ional 1941 figures on the firm n for C^OnCerninjT Future >’>-’«''S been in the forefront of tlio ueath r:ite in the State. iioldets meetino- v, iT i^ .sea.se of tuberculosis. 1.7rt9 deaths in North Carolina at.l'™" ^ank offices at Pino- Tho State Sanatorium is not ,a tributed to tuberculosis, compared new institution to the Sandhills but with 1,782 in 19)0. Becau.se of the it is one that often gets attention increase in births and population in- l.ist week that unless they concerned , , . ^ .u -4i, *,,k nte themselves more directly iwth cur. "J ft lent affairs and their solution, .such; "'••’‘'u the Tuberculosis Associations, dropped yn more things as Rotary clubs might pas.s.»''«‘ conducting seal .sales out of existence during the next few,"’0"<'y to finance patients who are rate was 4^ during meeting Friday confined to the .'Sanatorium. ,dred thousand, while in 1941 this had nt From Moore C’ount,v, at the pres.; dropped to 48.8 per 100,000, Dr, Mc- years. TTliis wooJc » 1 y t»v ^oi.thern Pines Countrv Chib the;*'"’- time, there are 12 per.sons, seven Cain said. Rotary Club will hear John H. Es-^ white and five Negro undergoing, He recalled the death rale during quirol of Fairfield, Conn., who I visiting in Pinehurst. treatment for tuberculosis at the 1915, the first year of accurate vi. HAIX TO POST OP'FICT’- ; Sanatorium. Of this number 10 are tal statistics for the State, In that i able to receive the needed treatment year the rate was 155 deaths per becau.se of the county tuberculosis i 00,000 population, showing a trem- ; association, which is paying for the endous drop. L. T. Hall, who has boon employed AocldrnU Trf! at the A. B. C. store here, will be- Marked rroRress McCain, with grim ein Monday as a clerk at the local; During recent years, there ^ *u post office. His place at the liquor j been marked and proved progress >reported 1-^2 deaths from store will be taken by George Christ-1 made in the battle to diminish the called preventable acci. mas. toll of tuberculosis among Northl (Pleast tttm to page four) Kloctod by the boanl of diroctorp as officers wore Richard S. Tufts president; F. Shelby Cullom. execu tive vice-president: Paul Dana, vice- president; Carlton C. Kennedy, ca.sh. ier: and Mi.ss Mary Ritter, assistant cashier. The directors, all re-elected, are A L. Burnev and Frank D. Shamburg. er, Aberdeen; F. Shelby Cullom, Paul Dana, Isham C. Sledge and Richard S. Tufts, Pinehurst; Wilbur H, Cur. rie and S. H. Miller. Carthage; and J. Hawley Poole. West End. Francis Pleasants continues as manager of the Aberdeen branch and P. K. Kennedy of the Carthage branch. The cashier reported the bank in sound financial condition, referring to a six percent dividend declared on commoin stock during the past year. Victory in the war and victory in the peace dei^ends unon this nation's ;ii'coptance of a “bill of duty” as veil ,Ts a Bill of Kights, declared Dr. William Adams Rroun, former faculty member of TTnion Theological Si'minary in New York, at the Ki. u.'inis Club meeting Wednesday. Kiwanians enjoyc'd a double pro- irram at their meeting, which led off with the rendition of several popular ■ind religious selections by the .South ern Pinos Hi£rh Sihool Glee- (''lub un- ('•'r the direction of .Mi.ss .'?elnia Ste- rr.-ill. The fine harmony and balanced I'Xeeution of the hymns, spirituals and nopular numbers bv the young stii. dents brousilit round after round of r>npl.iu,se from the chib member.-!. Charles Picfniet introduced the club, and decl.'ired it "was a pleasure that n* vc' dunlie.iti'd" to hear the half- of singring bv th,- mixed choru.s. Kd. Horne of Pinehurst introduced Dr Brown who addressed hi- re. marks not iiist to the Club but to the ’nit.’'!, school students, who ioined the Kiwanians after they had fini.shed their sineing. Derlarina: that Hitler had indoctri nated til.* people of his counti’v with a ■'philosophy of duty without any ritrhts." Dr. Brown said that the '.veakness in this countr>- was that we had followed a “philosophy of rights without any dutv.” "We have forgotten that democrarv calls for a ‘bill of dutv'. -of sacrifice, I'scinline, unselfishness and self.for. getfIllness; but unless we remember this in time and bring ourselves to a ce>mmon mind, forpetinjr our petty liifferences, this *var and the peace '’annot be won," Dr. Hrown said. While "Mein Kampf" has boon the textbook in Germany, in the democ racies the textbook of The Bible has been allowed to go into disuse, the •speaker added. It is in The Bible that we will find that common purpose that will bring eventual victory and peace, he concluded. Memorial t'Pon motion of I'. 1.^ Spence, a committee composed of M. O. Boyette, H. F. Seawell, Jr., and W, I>, Sabistnn, Jr., was appoint ed in (’ourt last week to prepare and report to the next term of •Su|)erior Court suitable rcsolu. tlons upon the life and death of Frank W. McCIuer for action thereon by the Moore County Bar in a memorial servkw to ba held at the next term ef coart.

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