r'if- Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, April 3, 1942. The Week in Aberdeen r<»«(ler | Book (liib KltH'ta Officers ^i:. aiKl Mrs. Hugh Oscar Queen, of At the annual business meeting of Kt. Vnlli'V, Oa , aiuiounce the engage- the Sandhills Book Club, which met rie: t of thoir diuiplitei', Grace, to ith Mrs. Norfleet Plensiints last P'ri. Jii.. Crou’JtT, .Ii'., of Hiprh I’olnt. The I’ly afternoon, the following- officers elected for the comiiip I Kay Kyser Declares ! In a recent article about Kay Ky. ; Ror, Rocky Mount native who is now a nationally famous band loader, \li;i,S will place at an early •. Q\ieen is the sister of Mr.s. ,I I { Taylor, an.’ i.« pleasantly re- ;ii.-,ibiTe(l in .\l)cvdfen where .she has vis'.’ecl {iften. Home and (iurden Club A'l.-^s Alice Wilder entertained the le and Oard.'n Club Tuesday af- if)oii at hi*r honu*. Misfi Bi'atty the study on Nutrition and Mrs. vm Mi Keithen n ad tw.. hinnorous ■ies ir, N’eero dialect. Tlie hostess s. ; ed ihocolate cake with coffee nuts. The club will meet in two 'n ' ks with K. M. Harris. were elected for the cominp club year: Pi'esident. Mrs. Leon Seymour, vice-president. Mrs. Ralph Caldwell, secretaty, Mrs. Knox Matthews, treasurer. Mrs, ICenneth Keith, On a vote by the chib several new nieni- hers wer,- elected to fill vacancies. week. Mrs, I?dwin McKeithen visited rel-, ,, ative,** in Charlotte and Summer- i MICTl DreW a HOTlCy ville, S, C., last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Harris have as their guest this week, Mrs, Shull, of \ irginia. ^j^Afee, magazine and news. Mi.ss Louise Cavine.ss arrived last ^.^ote of Mi.ss Kllen Friday to spend two weeks with t^e Sand- hcr parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, D, Cav- : gy 5, Bartlett, Wrote McAfee; “In a reccnt let- * posite my favorite young actress— Ellen Drew. Kay’s re.sponse was: Yes, you’re right. Ellen Drew is a honey, I marry her In the picturc (MY FAVORITE SPY); and I must ray that she's one of the swellcst gals I’ve met in Hollywood, Bill’s Shoe Shop Oscar Slcvcn.s, Prop. Opposite Depot Mr. I’ersoiials and Mrs. Paul Tifuitnian an- iness. Mi.ss Caviness is a student at .Southern Seminary, Buena Vista. Va. Mrs. Uoht. N. Page left last Mon. da.v for an extended visfl with rel. atives in Warrenton, Va., and Wash ington, D. C. * Mrs. George Martin, Mrs, Ralph Leach and Mr.s. Kobt. Gwyn spent ter to Kay, I told him how fortunate he was to have the starring role op. nounce the birth of a daughter, Mary |.,st Wednesday in Durham. Lou, at the AToore County Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Poub and on Wednesda.v, March 23. 1 jijs.s Marion Doub are spending the Mrs. .Tack Tayh'r and Miss .Mice Wilder attiiided ,i party, given for I NHss Grace Queen, in 'Rowland last l! ti ti i I t,: I: tj t: ii i if • t :t ii p WINSTEAD’S Nighty Minstrels FIVE D.VYS BEGINNING TUESDAY, APRIL 7th Under \\'ater])i*oof Tent (Heated) on Pennsylvania Avenue, West Southern Pines Complete Xew Show This Season All Colored Cast Doors Open 7:.‘>0 Show Starts 8:15 Admission 10 and 20 Cents (Plus Federal Tax) Watch for Parade on IVIonday, .April 3 at 12:00 Noon Reserved Section for White People Master holidays with i-elatives in Mt. Airy. Mr.'!. Nel.son C. H.vde and son, Timmy, nre leaving Fritlay for their home' in Syracuse, X. Y.. after vis- iMr.g relatives in Aberdeen. Miss Mary Spencer Harrington, of Woman's College, (Tr'-ensboro. will arrive tomorrow to spend the Spring holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Norfleet Pleasants and Miss Frances Plea.sants spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va. ■Mrs. Felix I... .lohnson. of Annap olis, Md.. was a recent guest of Mr. ,md Mrs. Talbot .Tohnson. PINEBLITFF Southern Tines tm IA »2.I5 FULL QUART QOODCmiAJM * WORTft. LfO., MOWA. liMNOIS Mrs. Odell Combs and daughter re. turned to their home here after spending the past two weeks in Cherry Point with Mr. Combs. Mrs. Pan Mangruni of Roanoke, Va., is visiting in the home of her sister-in.law, Mrs. .lohn Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Shannon of N’ew -\lbany, Ind., are spending two v.eeks at their home here. Mr. and Mr.'?. Ralph Dt^Ford and children were visitors in Raleigh Sat urday. Mis.s Charlene Parker left Sunday (or Raleigh where she has accepted a position. Mrs. J. Jr. Townsend returncii to her home here after spending the week-end in .Jacksonville, X. C,, with Mr, Townsend. i g Mrs. Purvis Ferree and children of j |j Pinehurst were week-end gruests of j H •Mrs. Ferree's mother, Mrs. M. F. H Rutner, H end in Raleigh with relatives, Mrs, Coolege Thomp.son returned to her home in Hamlet Tue.sday af. ter spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Norman Van Boskirch, Clarence Durant returned to his home in Lee, Mass,, Sunday after spending several weeks here, Mrs, ijurante will remain for a few weeks longer, Mrs, Hazel .-Mli.son returned to her home last week after visffirg in Flor. ida, Mrs. M. F. Butner entertained five tables of bridge at her home Tuesday for the benefit of the Pinebluff Li. hrary, I Announcement n «« H This is to announce that the Stutts and Hancock R H store, formerly the Stutts-Taylor Store, in Vass, and the 13 ii filling station operated under the same name have been •• |i purchased by Frederick I.. Taylor, one of the founders •• H who will continue to operate the businesses according? to •• • •• ii the hijfh standards set hy the original company. »« »• ii Your continued patronaije and support will be •• Ii jjfreatly appreciated. •• II LI MHER AND TIMBER ALSO BOUGHT AM) SOLI) Frederick L. Taylor VASS, N. C. ********* Hilly Csrpviit^r spent tlio wock- \l t: »♦ !: :: :: •• t: H H Liadies’ HATS 'In Top Off ViKir Laster C'o.stiime— S^ra^\^ and lelt". in s|x>rt and drensy ^tjl«l>. V.’''il aiiw S|»ring styles in solids and prints, gay pastel sliailt's. Lin gerie trim. Bemi>org Sheers^ $2.98 to $5.9S Three models of the .McKettriek ('las,sir at— $7.9.5 W.\SFI SI..\('KS anriJ;;L.\t'K Sl'lTS S1.I9 — $OS TKNNfS SHORTS—97c SILK and NYI-ON HOSE—4«c lo X A HR 1C and LK ATHER HANDKAGS—97t to $1.98 SUITS Curlee ilrund $19.95 to $27.50 SHOES Saddle Oxford.^ Spectator Pumps. Solid Whites, Kvcnin>>; Slippers. Patent Leather Pumps— $1.98 to $3.98 Genuine .Mexican Huarachas—Tan and White—$1.98 HATS Straws anil Felts $1.49 to $3.50 Valiant Brand, SllTS and CO.\TS Plaids and solids— Suits $7.95 to $11.98 ( oats from ,$9.98 up COTTONS FOR LATER Seersucker Suits in I’luids and Stripes. Sizes IS to 30. (ireen, blue, red and l>r»un— $4.98 CRISP COTTON PRINTS Asaorted sizes, patterns and styles— $1.19—$1.49—$1.98 Clnilciren’s WASH DRESSES Sizes 1 to 3-- 69c — 97c Sizes 4 to 16- — $1.19 —$1.29 IWNTIES and SLIPS SOCKS LITTLE BOYS’ WASH SUITS Sizes 2 to 9 - 69c to $1.98 WASH SLACKS Sanforized Shrunk, Fast Colors, Vat Dye—Ta;i, Green and Blue. Ixing and Short Sleeves— $3.45 :: ♦♦ «• :: it •• « H INFANTSWEAR LOVELY LINGERIE Southern Pride Slips SI. 19 — $1.98 White Cotton Slips with embroidered ruffles Panels. Step-ins. -shadow COTTON PAJAMAS Broadcloths and Sheers—Cool Comfortable— 97c and $1.29 Men’s and Ooys’ CELEBROOK CELANESE SHARKSKIN SLACK PANTS Popular Spring Shades _ $3.45 to $4.50 SPORT SHIRTS Lon? and Short Sleeves 89c to $2.45 SLEP]VELESS SWEATERS 97c SPUR BRAND NECKWEAR 48c to 97c DRESS GABARDINE PANTS $4.50 to $7.50 OTHER DRESS PANTS $3.49 to $4.50 DRESS SHIRTS .Itivson Hrand—W'hite and Colors $1.19 to $2.25 DRESS SOCKS ... 29c to 35c pr. DRF:SS BELTS 50c to $1.00 SHOES Brown and W’hite—Brown and Tan—Black—Brown, Wins-tip, Scotch Grain. Straight Cap— $1.98 to $6.50 MAIDS’ UNIFORMS White, Blue and Green. Button and Zipper P'ront, Sizes 12 to 46 $1.49 SWEATERS and SKIRTS Slip-ftver and button types. Pastel colors—short sleeves, $1.29 to $2.45, Skirts in plaids and solids—Pastel shades— $1.29 to $2.98 couois deparhient store ABERDEEN, N. C.