Page Eight THE PILOT. Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, July 17, 191J. Frjinji; Pan Brings Tnnihle to ^ ielder Nejro Convicted; Aberdeen Man Appeals Decision in Worthless Chock Charge 0;i );iu 'I'uiki'i', wh'"' ;ircnrdiiiu to *1 all I'111, waslu’il his iM'c m 'hi' 'ryut. ;i.iii. Ir. 'A-itliout am' trou- t(!f, ' III Jdlin Hi'iu v Mi nmutlil. C’ui- llt.14 • I’hart;.''; willi Wi'.sli % Maili v witli ti.Miit; pan aiul . itli usiiii; pi ulaiif lan«uai;i . vIkIii I I'aiv sii woll aiul was ,uivon a •to via, si-nti’iK'f wlu ii liiun<) miilty <)1 a'v'ault ln'l'oi'i- Judgi' J. Vaiui KdU .' Ill Ki'idi ili'r's t’liart Monda>. t Miljiiaiii ()I Aljonu i'ii was f'liar(>;-(i A III) yiviiiK C'olin G Spt M- I'cr, I 'litliaiii' luinbormaii. a worth- li-s.-, i hfck loi ^2tl2 ;>4 At t!u' ri'qucsl ot private virnsi'C-utioii tiu' fa-'v was U ii'd l>y a jury of six men. whu icturricd a Vfldlc't ol Uliiit'.’, TIu' (li’fi'tidaiil was nivoii IdUi numtlis 011 tlu> i jiids. lo bo »u>pcndi'd upun pay-, iiu'nt 01 a $200 lini and the cosl>. He tiive notice of appeal and hond was iixt'd at S:500 ' Alonz-i ^IcMillan. Southern Pines Nei*! 11, charged with the larceny of 111 automobile battery from Margie , MeM.illan's automobile and with as- i saulbiig Margie with an axe, was four. 1 not fjuih.'’- Pi.iyei for judgment was contin- med upon payment of the costs in the rase of Jack Thompson and Savan nah Harris. Pinehurst Negroes, found guilty of immoral conduct. Belle Carter, Pmehurst Negro, on ' charges oX unlawful possession of liquor' for sale and operating a bawdy house paid a fine of $25 and the costs and her six months sen- tenci* was suspended upon further condition that she not violate the 1 law.s of the State during the next ' two years. 1 A case against W L. Bellamy. \iil!i()i ilies Seeking issiiijjNejsi'o Voii til Roland Kelly, 25-Year-Old of Carthage, Wanders from Home; Parents Seek Word l;oland Kell> \caiold al'fliet-1 ed .son of IVti Kelly, widi'ly known! Moore (iOuiitv Man Vc live in Kailroad Ed Buchan Says Mullet Road May be Shorter than Some But It's Just as Wide Till' part a Muoif (,’ounly native. fthe Edwards-Buchan interests. 1 “The Atlantic and East Carolina railroad may be the magic link. It nia;. hi'lp North Carolina obtain a greater extent of commercial inde pendence from sister states. ■■ '.\nd.' says Ed I^uchan. ‘while our railroad may not be as long as soim- 111 tiu eoimtr.N’, it's just as damned wide ’ ” and highly n'speiteil Ne.^ro delivery-' Fdward H. lUichaii. is playing in tin man of Carthage, disappeared mys-j operation of thi' "Old Mullet l{oad.' li iiously Sunday night and I'ftoi mnrnt » , ii •• H R SOUTHERN PINES, N ot a large siarehing party luganizt'd Moiida\' to locati' him winr futili , No tiaec i>f him had biin lound at ni'on Tuesday. Holand i.-, deseribi ii as bi ing de- lormed on I'lie siile tioin paralysi.s. wit*', snmnt I yes. dark eoinplexion and curly hail. Hi- i.' around tive leet. si ven inches tall and weighs l,”>li pounds. W’lien he left home Sim-j tell llu'ir da> aftr'.noon to I'all on a friend hanl>' sti and \ isit a tillinu station, he was wi'aring brown pants and a light I'uat with stripes, lie was last seen J b.'tween !i and 10 o'clock Sundas j night by thv night watchman at Co-' lin (J Spencer's planing mill, and was apparently on his way home. His parents will greatly appreciate any information concerning him. the Atlantic and Kast Carolina Hail- road company, \va^ tc'ld in an ai ti de in Last Sunday's News and C'b- sei ver. After a long hi.-'tory. bi'ginninc in Jiiiif. jH5K. the management of the railroad was'd by the State ot North Carolina on September 1, HtHi). fov the sum of SH0.50U a year. ■'Their friends didn't hesitate In thoy weie taking a tool- p These two men weif Harry 1’. Edwards and Edward K Buchan." NIAGARA Miss Barbara Harmer of New York is visiting her sister, Mrs, P. D McCarley. Mrs. Janie Register left last week for a visit with her relatives in Dunn, Mrs. B. F. Hudson left Friday for her home in Richmond Hill, Ga,, after a few weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hyatt of Golds boro spent the week-end here. W. F, Smith, Fay Smith and B«“edde Fowler of Raleigh are spending the week here, Mrs. W. R. Wilson had the mis fortune to be injured painfully by a fall Monday night and was car- cCtXjw Cxi^t snoui^r:!! 1 a \ \ -i I:: Telephone 7271 Hates: 2.) cents minimum; one ci nt per word in regular type IN THIS TYPE. RATE IS 2 CENTS A WORD, 25-CENT MIN IMUM. TERMS: CASH IN ADVANCE, FRYEHS FOR SALE: FOUR BLOCKS OUT YOUNGS ROAD. FRONT OF NURSERY. CUL- LINGFORD. JlOpd. ROOMS FOR RENT: Two nice rooni'5 with private bath: available in Aberdeen. Write Box 52, Aber deen, N, C. JlOtf. FILMS DEVELOPED and printed for 25 cents. Reprints 3 c('nts. Your satisfaction guaranteed. Sandhills Photo Shop, 49 Ashe street. J13- FUirNTsHEiTrOOMS: FURNISHED COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. COOL AND COMFORTABLE. ME.M.S OPTIONAL. PINECREST, PHONE 8081 or 8071. J12. I H » charged with careless and reckless, ned to the Moore County Hospital driving was dismissed, it appearing treatment, that llus case had been 'usposed of m I) Justice of the Peace c jurt. Ch.irged with assaulting his wife, Virmella Dawkins, with a knife. Jamas Dawkins. Southern Pines Ne gro. u-as found guilty, hut prayer for judgment was to be continued iipoo condition that he pay the costs. Foi fa.iure to attend health cTinics. Vest:il Thomas McLean, Aberdeen Negro, was given 30 days in jail to be a,.signed to work on the high- way.s if the county health officer finds that he is physically able to ■work. Dorothy McLauchlin, 15-year-old Negro of Hemp Route, pleaded guil ty of failing to take venereal disease hea'*h o'' cer. who may in his dis- treatments She was given 30 days in , cretion move her to a private home jiil to lie treatei by the county or elsewhere for treatment HUGHES GETS PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT COLONEL I A proniotion from Major to Lieut. Colonel in the dental corps became j effective this month for Lt. Col, E. I V. Hughes of Southern Pines and | Fort Bragg. Col. Hughes, who chief of the dental service station I hospitals, has been in active service) in this war since April. 1941, after having seen service in World War I. Since September of last year, he and Mrs, Hughes and son. Jack, have jnade their home on Ashe street in Southern Pines. Buchan Lived Here Edwanl H. Buchan, cousin of Sou thern Pines Postmaster P. Frank Buchan, is a native of Moore, son of the late J. E Buchan, and lived for manv years in Manly, before going to Sanford where he became asso ciated with Edwards, a native of Laurinburg. The article continue.'--: Mixed unalterably with this com- parativel.v short stretch of railroad that is famous throughout the Old North State are the personalities of the men and women who are direct ing it. They are Edwards, president and general manager, who maintains headquarters at New Bern; J. A. (Loni Bolich, Jr., vice-president in charge of operations and industrial development, who makes his head quarters at Morehead City: Mrs. Ed wards. who servos as treasurer, and ' Mrs, Buchan, who is secretary, Bol- i ich, who steers clear of publicity,; entered the organization about a 1 year ago. His shrev.-dness in business and politics needs no explanation to : the persons who have taken an active interest in the public life of North . , , » . . ■ . Carolina Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. i RENT: Furnished Apartments , | [■CxtcMisive. up-to-lhe-miiiute assortment liitit^ago suitable for ovcry traveler Also Zij)pers. I sn:ci\L Before Inventory Reduclion Four Racks of Timely Summer Dresses S2M 86.95 8«.95 SALE FINAL — NO RETURNS of :: H Sales Service Pinehui'st Garage Co., Inc. Phone 4951 Pinehurst, H. C. CAROLINA PiiK'liiirsl I THEATRES Southern Pines j j Present i CAPTURED IN FLAMING FILM! Aberdeen theatrE Matinea 3:00 Saturday, July 18 Night at 7:30 and 9:15 "*The Phantom Plainsmen” Dob Steela Ruf« DaTij Tom Tyler Lois Collier Monday and Tuesday, July 20.21 Night at 7:30 and 3:30 “The Big Shot” Buchan, incidentall.\-, are sisters. F:dwards, a native of Lauri^burg. for years operated the Edwards Com pany of Sanford, making rail cars for domestic and foreign use. operated the A. and W. Railroad from San ford to Lillington. and from 1927 to 1932 was in charge of the Atlanta and St. Andrew's Bay Railroad in Florida. Started ai the Boltom When Edwards and Buchan as sumed management of the Atlantic and East Carolina Railroad, they immediately put into effect the sound business principles they had gained through the years. They realized that the A. and E. C. niust be bolstered from the foundation. And to that end they set to work. Every extra dollar went into the im provement of physical facilities—and they still are following the same pro gram. Since they have taken charge they have purchased si.\ additional locomotives, for some ST.") 000. have greatly increased the per.sonnel of the company, until some 400 persons now are employed, have improved the road bed considerably, putting in at the present time about 25,000! crossties a month (while the terms of | their lease call for only 40,000 new ties a year), have laid as many new rails as they possibly could gel in the war emergency, have built a spur and single rooms. Reasonable. Electric kitchens. Ventilating ! fans. Monthly or yearly rentals. | Wellesley Building. Pinehurst, Tel- j ephonc 2415. MlStf | LOST: Small female pig. Black with | brown spots. John Strickland at Hayes Book Shop. JlTpd. I LOWELL frotfucttf br j j FOR SALE: Dalmation Coach pup- | | pies. Two and one-half months old. ^ j Telephone 7814. J17pd. Added The Special Golf Short Subject made by Byron Nelson at Pinehurst. At Pinehurst At Southern Pines i WANTED: Opportunity to double up. or carry three passengers to Fort Bragg daily. Staff Sgt, R. J. Keegan. P. O. Box ,‘)21. J17pd. W.ANTED DRIVER: Leaving for North via Route 15, Sunday P. M. Transportation furnished for driv er north. Write P. O. Box 865. J17pd. Sunday Night, July 19th' Mon. & Tue.. July 20, 21, ! 8:30 ! 8:15 Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 I FOUND: .At the V-Hive things every child loves and adults adore. J17p. WANTED: Someone who can give information on history of old guns. Collection of 27 for sale. See A. Montesanti, Local. J17pd. mER lYsirs eatT( 'j Htrry p Out of secret archives and a wealth of hitherto unshown film, ac quired at the risk of life and limb, track to the U. S. Marine Corps res- I 20th Century-Fox has re-created the ervation at Cherry Point, and have | improved trestles, stations, and ware houses. I Humphrey Boggart Ricaard Travis Irene Manning Susan Peters Wednesday, July 22 Night at 7:30 and 9:15 Matinee 3:30 FREE—$25.00 Wai Boiid Given Away Each Weilnesctay Niglil “Fly By Night” Nancy Kelly Richard Carlson Albert Basserman Makes Some Profit Practically all the present prof its of the A. and E. C. are going back into the road in order to put it in first-class condition. Edwards points out. The company, nevertheless, has been able to show some slight net profits after the huge bills for main- story of the last quarter-cen- ! tury from Versailles to Pearl Har bor. Entitled "United We Stand” the film chronicle gives articulation and purpose to the angry confusion of our times. Slated to open at the Pinehurst Theatre, Sunday night. July 19th. at 8:30 and at the South ern Pines Theatre, Mondav and Tuesday, July 20, 21 a,t 8:15 wiih a Tuesday matinee, "United We Stand” Oracta^bv TAY OAtNTT • Scr««ti fkiy by Sig HttIb oBrf Williow THIS READY TO SERVE YOU WITH WAR BONDS AND STAVPS At Southern Pines Wednesday and Thursday, July 22. 23- Matinee Thursday at 3:00 -8:15 P. M. i tenance, repairs, and the addition of' took 25 turbulent years to produce. Thursday and Friday, July 23, 24 Night at 7:30 and 9:30 ‘Take A Letter Darling” Rosalind Russell Robert Benchley Fred MacMurray Constance Moore new equipment have b^en paid. The first fiscal year showed a loss of $3,900. but the next fiscal year show'- ed a profit of $16,000. Thousands of dollars, meanwhile, had gone into improvements. The past calendar year showed a slight loss due to ex tension and rehabilitation work, but the current fiscal year may show a profit, Edwards indicates. One reason for the tremendous in crease in business has been construc tion of the U. S. Marine Corps base at Cherry Point. Freight trains rum ble day and night over the line. After devoting more than two years to placing the old "Mullet j Road" in shapi- to handle the busi ness. the company now is entering a period of aggressive expansion. This includes not only the railroad, but also the territory served by it. The foremost project now’ under con sideration is that of opening the way for more freight business from the ocean through the Morehead City Port Commission. Going into considerable detail con cerning the past hi^'.ory and present operation of the railroad, the arti cle concli^es by referring to the new name of the road, changed by It is the living, spectacular story of the world’s most explosive era, pho tographed on the spot, with the men who were and are making his tory as its cast. It has been called an inspiring ac count torn from civilization's most tumultous period. Screened against the blazing background of the whole embattled earth and several seas, it makes one of the most unusual films ever brought to the screen. The story is told by Lowell Thomas. An added attraction is the Golf Short Subject made by Byron Nelson at Pinehurst. iSMmiL vnmim wih Mariori* MAIN J. CARROL NAISH At Southern Pines Friday and Saturday, July 24, 25—8:15 P. M. Matinee Saturday at 3:0C Thrills and hilarity feature Kay Kyser's latest vehicle. "My Favorite Spy." which deals with the Ol' Pro fessor’s side-splitting troubles as a secret-service agent and a bride groom at the same time. This new comedy with music is said to be the funniest he has made, with Produc er Harold Lloyd giving it the sus penseful technique he employed in his own comedy hits of the silent days. The noted band-leader again plays himself, leading his orchestra at a fashionable night club in New happen to him. Ellen Drew as the bride and Jane Wyman as the blonde, ihead the featured cast and furnish j notable support to the Star. Robert Armstrong as the chief of the enemy forces. Helen Westley iis Miss Drew s acidulous aunt, William Dc-marest as an outraged cop, Una O'Conner as dos lurked around every bend in the road, provide ihe virile background of "Jackass Mail," the attraction at the Carolina Theatre. Southern Pines, Fi iday and Saturday, July 24, 25 at 8:15 p, m, with a Saturday mat inee at 3:00, Wallace Beery in the role o£ a maid, and Kyser's well-known trio ; "Just" Baggot, the reformed horse of funsters, Lsh rvaDDibble, Sully Ma-I thief who keeps slipping back into son and Harry Babbitt join with the ovil ways despite the redeeming in- Kyser Band playing important roles 1 flucnce of Marjorie Main. The broad in "My Favorite Spy,” the attraction , comedy portrayals presented by Miss at the Carolina Theatre, Southern ; Main as a teetotaler running a gold Pines, Wedne.sday and Thursday,! rush saloon J, Carroll Naish, July 22. 23 at 8:15 Thursday matinee. p. m. with a I a Spanish-Irish barman and adven- I turer, are in boisterous vein and the ! pace of the picture provides the T!ie rip-roaring days of the mid- stars with an ideal vehicle. Darryl nineteenth century in Nevada and Hickman, as the ten-year-old boy California, when burros and mule | adopted by Beery, has another out- York City, where things begin to'packs pulled the mail and despera- standing role.