I’aa ■ Flight THE PILOT, Southern t*ines. Norlh Carolina Friday. July 24, 1942. BIu4* Golfers Take j Lea I ol Two Points Sn’ '.1 Field Oui in ■ -jid Week of Tourney; Sl 't Now is 19 to 17 .--i.il'. ul.ic!', kfJt . MiiM .'I 'I > ■ finm t’u- ' nU.> 4ii::l 'tiTtu- «si« ornl . I ; Uliii . ..IK'! n.'ii., (.-untiniu'd ■ i .-ki\ '"'lit la.st . I : w itli ll'.t t.ikinj, an ■ii'. .•«; 'vw •• (> :ii*> in '.'I X.i: .:ii; 'KIK ■l.r t .1- ; 1 PnW iM (.■ ! I 111 . . .. '■ l!:ia th'.- (iJiriLL;.-. :.!■(' ilui li' '■ :ni t’l;.- lot i!.o thuii ■■iP L-> .--.\ond loi 'iiviineni ’i.i . .'if .'nn . I. . ii I •' V'. I' s \ (ii'ir iiii; hi; li .-;uri IlKhir l(n- -,v- ii .. "I-'-' ui.'t SiindaN. witli IIk- 'v. !5ilU' U'.UI: :>UU- '• first . '■<< Ill aiTi (iiiiiliiu -Ci'in. . .. (.■!■•> rtu'>^ KUsoti :itid Dick mil;., 1 !)i ( n ();gi .\l;i.\ ii ^ ' Joi. di'Ht ' : y I. Kliii, ■ [ja\’i.' and Jminiv di‘ ”.('1 ,■ 2 ! 2 v.-i. P V . Hatch and Char- 'u' yi.inisan 1-2. • ; ■-'itl Tliomp.sDii jr 12 v-;. Morris .liiiin.-iii 2 1-2. I Ji I', li id and Joo Mant>‘santi 2 vs K. C Ialiiis and Charles Patch. Jr., 1. Dan Fari'fll 0 vs, A. B. Patterson 3, i Ton points won by the Blues Sun- lay mvc Hert Weathcrspoon’s team .1 lot. il ot 19 compared with Clarence ! Kdsori's team’s 17 ptiints after two .SunJ lys of play. Lightning Fatalities During an elpctrical storm which visited the Vass-Canveron sect'on on Tliur,sday of last week, a mule owned by Ihe late J. M. Tyson and a bird dog, Jhc properly of W.ide Cooper, were kii!ed by lightning. The mule was i;i .i stable on the Thomas farm when light ning struck. M ’les in adjoining stables were not injured. The dog was chained lo a clotiies wire at the Cooper home several miles out from Vass. CARTHAGE MAN HELD FOR SHOOTING NIECE Carl Short Under S500 Bond in Shotgui\ Affair Saturday '■ . l',.; i,- iii'iiiu ; rid uiidel huiid i'l)arf;ed vvith till .--ii(it-uiin .-hcn'tinu ol' Mrs Kditli Wiliiani.' at lils honu' ',it. .S.'itur.iay ni^'hl in the prescm'e who atic n-porl- cd by nffii'ials t>' be nienilH'rs uf the Shint laiiuly. Sheriff C. ■! MeDiinalii. wlio .serv ed the wari.int for arrest early this week, said few dt'tails of the shoot ing; were a\ailable, but that Mrs. Williams was reported doing well at Moore C'ount\- Hospital where she was taken for treatment. No motive for the shooting has been advanced. Short, f)eing tield for shooting the woman, said to be his niece, and in flicting si'rious injuries. i,s a native of this section, but for many years has been connected with a Chicago concern, working here and in other parts of the country. Du's (Contimied from Page One) Hi was a iiifniber uf the Communit\ t'huri'h .md i.itive in I'ther affair> ol 1’ini‘hurst. where he had numer ou.' frivnd'. Active in Legion SuK i l!*i;i. in: had lit,-!. II einph'.'’’ I'd by tli<’ Pineliuist. Inc.. pliunbins d( pal tiiiein. wa:- assistant chief ol Ihe I'inehiii'sl Fire Oepartnient. char- li i memlH'i of the .Uihn (’i. Henson I’o.sl ill flu Ami'iiCi.n Legu>n at I'ai'.luif;!’ lati I' transferring his iiieu.lu'rsliip te Ihe Sancihills Post in Sdiithern I’lnc'. si rving at onr time .;;; \ iei' i'iiii.m..iuler of the Post. ' liaveside er\iLi-.-> Were conductetl al .\U. Hi : ■ I'l'ini'ti'ry. where inter ment tooi> p!.:ce, by the Sandhill.- l.egioii Pi.;,t, 'I'apr, were sounded by DonaUI .Inlinn n Sur\ M'' F'lelds is his •.vid'i. ', tile forme!' Mis. P’ >'th;\ <.'i'lnsspou;. a dalighti'r, l.ouise Ann. ,i sup-si'ii. Hairy Clmigi. Mastcrson of British W'e.st Indies, a niece, Mrs, Howard H Maeuii of Riverside, Calif,, who until ln>r marriage last fall had made her home since childhood with the Field-' his father, J, R, Fii'lds of Mt. Carmel; thn-" brothers, ^ Kllis Fields of Pinehurst and Caulie Field> (Voiilli (iroiips Form IJniUMi ()ri*aiii/ali mi'eting has bei'ii callid for Sunda\- evening. Septem ber 2(1, at the Fpu'^ciipal -'hurch. Plan- III!' the organization meet ing ,vere i',i;uii' by representatives of loin etiui'i he . at a meeting la>i .vn'k ■It thr Papti.-t I'lu'reh, with two re).)- re,--i ntati\e-. from c.ich denuininatiiai The ('oij,!>iit( - !■ elei'ti'd to fiiiK.'tion | until Ihi- Septriiibi i- neeting is eoi'i- po,-ed ot V'.'inon All.iti, elr iini;ili, ' Church 'if Wide h'l'llowship (Congre- i g.-ilinnal'. N’oii'e Hodokins. ,Ir.. Fpi,'^- i ;'onai Iren( t ili\ Haplist. ,:nil T i K Camt'beli, Pu sideni ' It i." pliir.ned to elect a piesidrnt. vici'-iiresidenl. si'cretarv and treas- ! urer at the first orgaiii'/ational niei-t- ; ing. and .'ilso to adopt a proposed i constitution, lu gular meeting'; are i to be lu-ld at the various churches, | ■ 1 truly ft'cl that a grout step has of Route 1. West Knd; and Lawson i t’ecn m.ule in fuuire \oung peiiple Fii'lds of Florida. Members of the Legion I’ost were active and honorary pallbearers and members of the Pinehurst Fire Dp- partment were honorary pallbear ers. activities in Southern Pines.” said Ciiairman Allan." and hope that the groups as a whole will lie as enth'.i- ’ siastic as their repri'sentatu os " n ^1' i: T SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. :: *• • « t: BLOUSE SALE- - Printed Jerseys and Silks Sh ’ers . . . Cottons . . . Picquats SKIRTS - - PASTEL WOOLS . . . COTTONS We have reduced them io almost half price for quick selling. You Will Find Many Other Interesting Items on Sale. We close Wednesday aftei'noons during the summer months. :: • « «* t: H :: :: • • • « t: li «« H •• il «• II H CAROLINA THEATRES iimmxttttttiitmuitmaiittiim::: It PINECREST Al Telephone 7271 Rates: 25 cents minimum; one ccnt per ^^•ord in legular tvpc. IN THIS TYPF. ‘rate IS 2 CENTS A WORD, 25-CENT MIN IMUM. TERMS; CASH IN ADVANCE. SCOUTS SPENDING WEEK AT WHITE LAKE , A group of Boy Scouts from local ! Troop 73 under the leadership of I Scoutmaster \’ernon Allan are ' spending this week at a cottage on , Marshnian's Reach at While Laki'. ! In the group are John Neal. Jr j (leorge Van Camp. Steve Van Camp, I Bobby Spring, Chan Page, Jr., I Drennen Mann. Delmar Mann. Her- ! bert Borteck, David Cameron, Rob- I ert McLeod, Robert Shepard Overton and Ted Murphy. I i riiirliiii’sl I • I I I I I I Sou I hern l^iiios I i I •< I ** I »i , ' il FOR RENT: Now available one small first floor apartment. All modern conveniences. Dr, Daniels, J24pd, Apartments — Cottages Rooms — Meals Telephone 8071 or 8081 I! Aberdeen theatrE WANTED to RENT or BUY: An ice box. or electric refrigerator. In form The Pilot office, J24pd. FOR RENT: Double room and pri vate bath Southern Pines. Tele phone 7355. J24pd. FOR S.-M.E: Breakfast set. metal-top table, 4 chairs. $10.00, Croquet set, 4 balls, $1,00, Triplicate mirror, $1,50, Set of 2 square laundry tubs, on casters, hose attached for drain ing, $3.50, 57 S, Ashe Street. J24pd. Matioea 3:0Q Saturday. July 25 Night at 7:30 and 9:15 SoiivS of the Pioneers” Roy Rogers ’•Gabby" Hayes FOUND: At the V-hive which way the wind blows, J24pd, FOR RENT: Large, cool, shady room. Use of kitchen, 32 East Pennsyl vania aven'ue, J24pd, Monday and Tuesday. July 27, 28 Night at 7:30 and 9:25 ‘‘Maisie Gets Her Man” Red Skelton Donald Meek Ann Sothem Allen Jenkins FOR SALE: Six full-blooded red Cocker Spaniel puppies. Telefihone 519L, Dave Sanders, 8 Hillcrest Drive. Sanford, N. C. J24-31pd. WANTED: Opportunity to double up or carry three passengers to Fort Bragg daily. Staff Sgt R. J. Kee gan. P. O. Box 532. J24pd. Wednesday. July 29 Matinee 3:30 Night at 7:30 and 9:IS FREE—$25.00 War Bond Given Away Eaoli Wednesday Night Secret Agent of Japan” Preston Foster Addison Richards Lynn Bari Sen Yung Thursday and Friday. July 30, 31 Night at 7:30 and 9:30 f “Wings for the Eagle” Ana Sheridan Georg* Tobias Dennis Morgan JackCarsoH ' FOR SALE: Practically new wood and coal cooking stove. Terms if desired. See A. Montesanti or Carthage Furniture Co. J24pd. FOR SALE: One baby’s high chair. Cost $12.50, price now $3.00. Also, small quantity dishes, vases, glass ware. silverware. Long table with two benches. For sale cheap. Tall Pines, 70 S. May street. Telephone 5911, Southern Pines. J24. FRYEHS FOR SALE: FOUR BLOCKS OUT YOUNGS ROAD. FRONT OF NURSERY. CUL- LINGFORD. JlOpd. ROOMS FOR RENT: Two nice rooms with private bath: available in Aberdeen. Write Box 52. Aber deen, N. C. JlOtf. FILMS DEVELOPED and printed for 25 cents. Reprints 3 cents. Your satisfaction guaranteed. Sandhills Photo 'Shop, 49 Ashe street. J24-A14. FURNISHED ROOMS; FURNISHED COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. COOL AND COMFORTABLE. MEALS OPTIONAL PINECRF.ST, PHONE 8081 or 8071. J12. Sales Service Pinehurst Garage Co.. Inc. Phone 49fi Pinehurst, N. C. FOR RENT: Furnished Apartments and single rooms. Reasonable. Electric kitchens. Ventilating fans. Monthly or yearly rentals. Wellesley Building, Pinehurst, Tel ephone 2415. UlStf ceeded by the news only William Powell. Hedy Lamar. sil Rathbone. Claire Trevor and n cast rich above most in names and | talents provide a distinct novelty m ! the prt)duetion. ‘'Crossroads." the at- , traction which has a pri'-release | showing at the Pinehurst Theatre, Sunday night. July 26th, at 8:30 and | at the Carolina Theatre. Southern Pines. Monday and Tue.sday, July 27th-28th. with a Tuesday matinee This is a romantic mystery that holds interest to the last flicker, for no matter how good an armchair de tective one is. it is difficult to figure out the ending. Hedy Lamar furnishes the gla mour. and very well, loo, and Wil liam Powell does superbly with his portrayal of the French diplomat. The scenes between Hedy and Pow ell will be enjoyed by most adults for they are beautifully played and realistic enough to literally "carry away” the spectator. A grand surprise package of en tertainment. as heart-warming as a letter from home, will delight movie goers in "The Postman Didn’t Ring” the attraction at the Carolina Thea tre. Southern Pines. July 29-30 at 8:15 p. ni. with a matinee Thursday at 3:00. Starring beautiful Brenda Joyce and newcomer Richard Travis, the film purports to tell how a whole town is thrown on its ear by the ar rival of a momentous letter—fifty years overdue. The interesting idea of the story is the wide effects on a number of lives if a mail pouch were stolen; many of the letters, if they had been re ceived properly, would have chang ed the course of lives. In this case the pouch is discovered in an attic fifty years after the theft. Many will search high and low for old letters when they discover the changes one abandoned missive wrought in this warm, human, wholesome comedy-drama. One of the outstanding produc tions of the year is “This Above All, the attraction at the Carolina Thea tre. Friday and Saturday, July 31st, and August 1st with a Saturday mat inee, From Eric M. Knight’s best novel and starring Tyrone Power and Joan Fontaine, it is unquestion ably an enormously successful pic ture. It has everything—an enthrall ing romantic story with inescapable topical connotation^, a distinguished cast, superb performances, skillful direction and a handsome produc tion. Tyrone Power gives admirable vigor and conviation to the role of the cynical, but inarticulate soldier and Joan Fontaine gives a glowing, ten der and enormously beguiling pro- trayal of the tremulous, courageous, loving and lovable heroine. A superb supporting cast includes Thomas Mitchell, Nigel Bruce, Gladys Coop er, Philip Merivale, Sara Allgood, Melville Cooper and Jill Esmond. It is suggested that patrons be in the theatre on time as the feature is 110 minutes long and will be pre-. Present CIMRC ^^SATHBONEjijnfCMWLY At Pinehurst Sunday Night, July 26th. 8:30 A JOltiV „ CENTUHY-FO'f »tCTU*f a| OlONT fflMG Al Southern Pines V/ednesday and Thursday. July 29. 30—8:15 Matinee Thursday at 3:00 I i L At Southern Pines Friday and Saturday, July 31—Aug. 1st.—8:1S Matinee Saturday at 3:00 Exactly One Year Ago, Space Equiv alent lo This Wat Used by Your Local Newspaper and Commercial Printing Plant lo remind its Readers and its Customers that THE PILOT offered ^ the finest in reading, the best results ^ in adTerlising. and the highest quality f of job printing. WAR has had its effect on our business, loo. Wa are deroting our efforts to promote Civilian Defense, Support a Genuine i Aggressive War against Fascism and to Prepare for a Genuine Democratic Peace. r/ r The Pilot reminds its readers that this can best be dona through the Press—freedom for which we are fighting—and the Press must continue to offer its adver tising space io merchants and to offer its fine commercial plant lo all desir ing quality printing. Only in this way. can the Press be kept alive, ready to lead the fight against Fascism and lo urge everyone lo buy. War Bonds & Stamps At Southern Pines Mon. & Tue., July 27. 28 8:15 Matinee Tuesday at 3:00