'■'V O O c. O i Page Six THE PILOT, Southei-n Pines, North Carciltr- Friday, December H, 1942 NEWS AND PERSONALS FROM VASS t I Bessie Cameron Smith, Representative Telephone Vass 8-F-311 Vass-Lakeview PTA 'T© Present Pageant Program Set for Wednesday; Miss Ciayion Honored at Party; Other Vass News The Vass-Lakeview Parent-Teach- ei Association will meet at 7:30 o'''lock Wednesday evening, Decem- Ik:c 16, at whiclt time the high school, under the direction of R, C. Fields, luancipal, will present a Christmas j>ageant of which Mr. •‘ields is the author. Vested choirs composed of t:MMCticaliy all of the high school stu dents will i:)r;vide the music. Open bouse vviil lie observed following the )ii'ogram. Birthday Dinner Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clyde Cox and son, Clyde, Jr,, and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smtih were dinner guests of Mrs. W. T. Cox and Mrs. Robert Waddell Sunday, the occasion being Mrs. Cox’s birthday anniversary. Surprise Party Miss Elizabeth Clayton was pleas- ■rmtiy surprised Saturday night when f.K-r sister, Wlrs. Clayton Evans, gave 'irt:T a birthday party at the home of their parents, IVlr. and Mrs. M. B, Cfayton Taking advantage of Eliz abeth’s absence on a trip to South- etw .Pines, Mrs. Evans had placed a Christmas tree and holiday decora tions in the living room of the Clay ton home, and it was there that the 'guests were entertained,. , Alter games had been enjoyed, fJ.iss Dons Smith entered with a ihrthday cake bearing IV candles and th& guests sang “Happy Birthday to You." Refreshments of pineapple r.mdwiches, cake and cocoa with iii.irshmaltows were served. Mrs. Ev'ans presented edch guest with a (.iiristmas bag of fruits and candies and ELizabetli received many nice gifts. New Arrivals Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dinkins are receiving congratulations on the ar rival of an 8 1-2-pound son at their home in Lakeview on December 3. Mrs. Dinkins is the former Miss Vir ginia Hudson of Vass. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Richardson on November 26. Mrs. Richardson was before her marriage Miss Eunice Council of Vass. Christmas Service A Christmas service featuring “white gifts” will be held at the Vass Methodist Church at 11 o’clock Sunday morning, December 20. There will be special music by both senior and junior choirs and a spec ial Christmas message by the pastor, the Rev. Daniel Lane. Suffers Heart Attack A. G. Edwards, Jr., Vass merchant, suffered a heart attack Wednesday night of last week and has been con fined to his home since. However, he is getting along nicely and expects to be out soon. '.Fhose pi'u.ie,E;t were Misses Hilda Luiith, Thelma. Belton, Ruth Gillis, Dci-is Smith. Mozelle Reynolds, Alice Evan.5, AiUiii Frances Coore, Clara (-■'i.ruer and Lfa-tharine Caviness; Ros- wr Crissm.an, Franklin Beasley, 1' ranklin Gilliland, Buster Jessup, “Dutch" Hiidbon, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton .Evans, of the Vass-Lake view section; Katherine Dowd , and Louise Dovvd of Biscoe, Calvin Blue of Buie’s Creek, Buna and Anna Pearl Blue of Eureka and Mary Br-asley anri Grace Marie Blades of Apex. Former Resident Passes Friends here were saddened tc learn of the death of Mrs. Charles Teague, which occurred in Hamlet last Saturday following a cerebral hemorrhage. Mr. and Mrs. Teague re sided in Vass many years ago, where both were highly esteemed. Their only child, Dr. Sam Teague, died sev eral years ago. ' Dinner Guests Mr. a.nd Mrs. A. L. Keith had as tb^ir Sunda.y dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and Miss Leamon Crouse, of Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crouse .md .sons of Carthage jrid Joy Wall and Elaine t 10.13^ oi \ I ley Heights. Personals Mrs. Anna Bell Gilliland spent Friday and Saturday in Raleigh with her daughter, Miss Angie Marie Gil liland, who accompanied her moth er home for a week-end visit. Mrs. W. B. Graham and Miss Katharine Graham went to Hamlet Sunday afternoon to see Pvt. Ber nice Graham of Holabird Motor Base, Md., who was spending the day there with his wife and baby. Mrs. W. T. Cox and Mrs. W. C. Cox spent Monday in Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Cameron of Kenansville visited Mrs. Dan Cam eron and Mr. and Mrs. George Mor gan during last weekTend. Mrs. T. Frank Cimeron visited her brother, Clinton Edgerton of Lit tleton last week-end. ¥ W I The gang will all be here Saturday Night, December 12 I ‘"hear JERRY JAMES AND HIS ORCHESTRA 55c Per Person Scotties A Good 'Place to Dine and Dance ip 1-2, Mil® South of Southern Pines Phone 6793 ^ — — Sunrise Theatre SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. Shows Nightly at 7:30 and 9:15 P, M. Matinee Saturdays at 3 P. M. Saturday, December 12 Riding Through Nevada with Charles Starrett and Shirley Patterson. Also Comedy and Serial Sunday, December 13 Suicide Squadron With Anton Walbrook and Sally Gray—Also Shorts Monday and Tuesday, December 14. 15 Iceland with Son) a Henie and John Payne. Also News and Shorts Wednesday, December 16 Lady Gangster with Faye Emerson and Julie Bishop. Also Comedy arid Serial Thursday and Friday. December 17. 18 Rings On Her Fingers with Henry Fonda and Gene Tierney. Also News and Shorts D. K. Parker of Raeford spent Sunday night with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rosser and lit tle daughter, Patsy, of Carthage, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rosser Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Royce Crissman of Route 2 spent the week-end with Mrs. John E. Byrd and family. Mrs. Annie Chappell went to Rae ford Sunday to spend a few days with relatives. Tommie Gschwind and Boyd Com er have gone to Newport News, Va., to work in the shipyards. Miss Rosa Lee English returned to her home at Raeford Saturday after a ten weeks stay in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Charles Gschwind. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lane and daughters, Ruth and Doris, of Cam eron visited'Mr. and Mrs. Wade Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce ’ Griffin and children were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grif fin in Hamlet. Miss Glennie Keith of Raleigh spent the week-end here with her mother and brother, Mrs. W. H. Keith and N. V. Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Briggs and children visited relatives at Pinebluff Sunday. Miss Valeria Womack spent Sat urday in Raleigh. | Mr. and Mrs. Alton Greene and ■ son of Lemon Springs, Mrs. W. T. j Sugg of Apex, Misses Sallie and' Bessie Cameron of Cameron Route 1 and Mrs. W. H. Keith were Sundav evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney. A. G. Edwards. Jr., is able to he out again after having been confined to his home several days oy iTness. The Rev. Dsnie'l Lane. M-.,. Lane and Daniel, Jr., ivere Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. W. B. Graham and Miss Katharine Graham. MRS. BLODGETT WINE SILVER FOILS PLAY Miss Fordyce Places Second in Match Play Against Bogey Mrs. Edwin S, Blodgett of Point Chautauqua and Pinehurst won the match play against bogey tourna ment of the Silver Foils last Friday when she finished 3 up on old man Bogey. Mrs. Blodgett had tied for 2nd place the previous week but lost on the draw. Miss Louise For dyce of Youngstown, Ohio, and Pinehurst won second place with 2 up. Entries and scores were: Mrs. E. S. Blodgett ^3 up Miss Louise Fordyce 2 up Mrs. J .O. Hobson 1 down Miss Lucy Perkins 1 down Miss Helen Waring 3 down Mrs. W. O. Smith 3 down Mrs. C. F. Ubelacker 4 down Mrs. B. L. Tyrrel 5 down. Mrs. S. A. Strickland 6 down Mrs. Eric Nelson 7 down Mrs. Donald Parson 8 down Mrs. A. C. Aborn 8 down r.'i's. Y. G. P. hi.'ey 8 down Mrs. Max Von Schlegel 8 down; Mrs. J. S. Zelie, Jr. 9 down ' Mrs. Robert Finney 10 down Mrs. J. A. Ruggles ...... No Card Mrs. F. C. Robertson ... No Card T. A. Cheatham No Card POTTED PLANTS MAKE A LASTING CHRISTMAS GIFT They long continue to say "Merry Christmas" POTTED PLANTS Choice Poinsetiias, Amelia Begonias, Pansies Azaleas. Primroses, Cycla men's, Kalanchoes, Christmas Peppers CHRISTMAS TREES. WREATHS Cut Flowers, Sweet Williams, English Daisies, Sweet Peas, Roses, Violets, Carnations. By Telephone Anywhere Chandler’s Greenhouses BESSIE CHANDLER CLARK Telephone 6154 Free Delivery South Bennett St. Mrs. R. H. Cone went to Raleigh Saturday to spend a few days with relatives. PINEBLUFF Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hupko an nounce the birth of a son, Michael Belton, on December 3rd at the Moore County Hospital. Mrs. Everett Ussery and Mrs. J. R. Lampley spent Tuesday afternoon in Rockingham. Mrs. R. T. Gibson, Miss Lyda Hut chins, and E. H. Gibson left Thurs day for St. Cloud, Fla., where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Joe Townsend returned home Monday after spending the past v/eek in Ch.apel Hill and Durham. hjiss Winnifred Hicks of Danbury, Conn., arrived in town Friday to I spend the winter in the home ot Mrs. Helen Hawley and Mrs. Vivia Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Clenard Hudson spent Mon.day in Dunn with Mr. Hudson’s father, who is ill. Mrs. Karl Patrick and daughter spent Saturday in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Thomas and children spent Saturday in Fayette ville shopping. Mrs. J. H. Wade of Chester, S. C., is visiting her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lampley this Be Patriotic Buy Practical Gifts We have aitraciive values in dclhing and s^oes for every member of the family. Also, Men's Gift Sets, Bridge Sets, Bedspreads, Towels and other lovely items for the Home. O. B. F^lincHuna CARTHAGE, N. C. FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE NEEDS, See BEN H. WOOD, Agent Representing Ailaniic Fire Insurance Co. Edwards Bldg HaleM-h, N. C. VASS. N. C.’ ‘ .A ^..1, ^ ' -.ft r.iW/ - . .' Land is 700 miles away— you go overboard from a sinking plane or ship, you’ve got to know where you are. A bad guess is likely to be your last guess. You’ve got to understand sun and stars and wind and drift — if you hope to endure days of thirst and hunger — fight off storms and sharks — and steer a course to safety on white sand. Practical, applied knowledge of the kind that helps men survive the sea can also be a national life-saver on dry land. Because America’s manufacturers know how, our booming war production is the biggest in the world. Because America’s electric industry knows how, our war plants have available far more electric power than all the Axis countries combined ■— five times as much as this country had in the last war. And seven-eighths of all this vast sup ply of power is provided by the electric companies under business management. They’ve stepped power production up and up to meet all industrial demands. They’ve reduced rates to a point where the average American family gets twice as much electricity for its money as it did 10 to 15 years ago. These are the accomplishments of ex perienced men and women who know their business beca::.!'’ they learned it the American way — by growing up in it anj advancing on ability. These are the lesu ts of sound business management under public regulation — the system that has made America strong. You’re got to know how to run a power-house — or a rubber boat. There’s no room for inexperience in either! CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ■ TVEST IN AMERICA! BUY WAR SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS