ry Page Ten THE PILOT. Soti^rn Pines. North Carolina Friday, December 1, 1944. HL p. C. Stoi^ AtMnson Company '■ '• niatf'y Angiow Tweeds Coioiwy , jO^AIaiui-]^oa^ Pavii T. Barnumb InCc ^ Ii^siirance ]l3elvedere Hotel W. E. IXockett; Wgr Byi's Shoe Shop air, 0. Stevens Bushhy Electric Co. ( . Carolina Restaurani Central Carolina Teiephone Company I! Cbisw^‘'s Coffee S^iop • -ii'i ^ , Cart^ina Power 8e LigU Co. Carter's Laundry Chandler 's Greenhouses \ 64 LIKE TO SWAP NIGHT CUIBS, PAL? f? "Sorry, chum—^no ringside seats. You sit in the mud, see? "You got a floor show of liaafds and mosquitoes crawling over your face. “You got a nice little 4-piece orchestra of Jap mortars. Zeros, machine guns, and your best friend screaming in the next foxhole.. "Come any time, pal. The show goes on all night. For a long time. There’s never a cover charge. Not even for the flag they put over you when they carry you out.” Wa'ra all human. We all like to go dancing or see a show er buy an extra suit or dress occasionally. But this war still has a long way to go. There are still 75 million Japs who don't believe in surrendering. So during this 6th War Loan, how about putting all that luxqry money into soma., thing a little more permanent—an extra $100 War Bond at least-.to help get tins thing rea/fy over and bring those boys «f ours home? It'll hurl. But not as much as the Jap bayo* net in your neighbor's stomach. You get some, thing back — in ten years — $4 for evmjr Is invested; He dosftft. BUY AT LEAST ONE EXTIM MOO WAR BOND fUMWI I riBiiii ■ ../irr;.; .or ,1 *'■ When a Victory Volunteer comes to your do®^ soy “Welcome”-a^d Cojfitiibuted as part of /America’s War Effort V / Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Dorn's E. C. Eddy A. S. Newcomb Insurance San^dll Drug Co. j.T. Overtoil Occidental Ijfe Ins. Co. J. D JHpbbs Sandhi^ Beauty Shop Mattie McDuffie Paul Jernigan Shaw Paint & Wall Paper 1 • L. V. O'Callaghan Co. Highland Pines Inn J. A. Smith, Mgr W. E. Flynn, Mgr. Ormsby's E. C. Stevens Jack's Grill Billiards George R. Straka O. R. Conrad Page Motor Co. Billiard Room Jefferson Inn Park View Hotel Southern IHnes J. B. Gifford, Mgr. , C. J.''Sadler Warehouses, Inc. W. D. Matthews A. B. (Pat) Patterson Southland Hotel f» Mayor \ ' • J. N. Powell, Inc. Southern Pines Btul^ng Mack's 5 8e 10 ' Funeral Directors ■ ivi *■' ■' - ■ & Loan AssodaRon McNeill's Service Station Pope's Restaurant Southern Pines Motor Co. G. M. Pope ' Allie McIntosh Charlie Picquet Southern Hnes Antiques Chamber of Commerce McNeill & Company Rdnecke—Dillehay ■5E X Builders Texaco Sendee Station Feed Store Frank Welch ^GUtary Stores Royalton Pines Lunch Mrs. Waller Olive The Valet A. H. Bo^ftrt -.1 ■ ■■ ■ : ^ t ■ MnnfAaanli's Sandvdch Shop Geto Kaybie Village Inn Wine Shop f This is an official D. S. Treasury advertisomenl—prepared under Bie auspices of Treasury Department and War Advertising Council ■/ % >1 •m ^ Ic I a. 'h » 4 V 4 p 4i # a V; a % « ! »