Friday, January 26, 1945. THE PILOT, ftauilMint Pines, Jforth Carelina Page Seven ^ I a a II » xt a ■R® BEFORE YOU decide to cash that War Bond—wait a * minute. For the last 3 years, you’ve been buying Bonds steadily —saving part of every doMar you earned. You’ve formed the habit of saving. You’ve been accumulating money against unforeseen troubles or a time of need. You’ve been working to build up a nest egg—and by golly, you’ve got Uncle Sam helping you do it! Every time you put in $3, he will make it $4—if you hold your Bond to maturity.’ You’ve been laying aside money to help safeguard your job after the war, and help guarantee a healthy, prosperous Country for us all. You’ve been helping to fight inflation and to keep prices down. ‘ Last, but by no means least, you’ve been sending your dollars into the fight—backing up G. 1. Joe. You don’t want to undo all you’ve done. It just isn’t smart. To say that it’s cutting off your own nose is to put it very, very mildly. * DON’T cut off your own nose. Hang on to your War Bonds. Hang on to them till they come due—and mean time, buy some more! K££P FAITH WITH OUR FI6HT£RS?t BUY WAR BONDS FOR K££PS Another way to boost the spirits of our fighting then is to protect their children from Infantile Paralysis while they are away. The most effective way of doing this is to Contribute Generously to the “Fight Infantile Paralysis Fund” Central Carolina Telephone Co. Citizens Bank & Trust Company Town of Southern Pines E.C.Eddy PHOTOGRAPHER LV. O’Callaghan Bushby Electric Co. The Pilot, Inc. The Jefferson Inn Highland Pines Inn Carolina Power & Light Co. iiiimiiiiiintitiminnmnTTTTTimft