r Page Four THE PILOT, Soulhern Pines. North Carolina Friday, November 9, 1945. Society and Personals of the Sandhills j Dr. and Mrs. Milliken Entertain in their Home Complimenting their daughter and son, Mrs. Ray McMXillen of New York City and James Milli ken, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. James S. Miliiken entertained informally with a cocktail party at their home on New Hampshire Ave. Southern Pines Country Club for , when Mr. Dawson’s brother-in ' law and sister. Dr. and Mrs. L. their annual dinner party. The guests attending, all original mem bers, were Mrs. William Dale, Mrs. Herbert Cameron, Mrs. E. C. Eddy, Mrs. A. C. Grover, Miss Ethel and Miss Ella Jones, Mrs. Frank Buchan, MJrs. Yates Poe, Mrs. L. E. Grover and Miss Mary Cameron, Mrs. R. L. Chandler. The five other members of the late Saturday afternoon between ^ original group who were not pres- five and six. dinner party are Mrs. Mrs. McMullen arrived Friday Esther McDaniels and Mrs. Nettie from New York to be the guest of her parents for the weekend, and returned to her home Mon day night. Mr. Milliken lately returned from overseas, received his discharge as lieutenant in the United States Army about two weeks ago. This weekend marked the first family reunion of Dr. Milliken, Mks. Milliken and their children. Sue, Jim and Louise, in four years. On Monday of this week Mrs. Isabel C. McMullen of Pinehurst entertained with a luncheon at the Pinehurst Country Club for Mrs. Ray McMullen and Mr. Mil liken. Birthday Club Dinner Party Eleven members of the Birth day Club, formed some twenty years ago by a group of Southern Pines women, met recently at the Ayres of Sotuhern Pines, Mrs. Walter Spaeth residing in Los An geles, Calif., Mrs. Nettie Leavitt of Bradford, Vermont, and Mrs. Inez Bredbeck of Sandusky, Ohio. Evening Bridge Party Miss Blanche Moss and Miss Martha Langston were hostesses at an evening bridge recently in their apartment in| the Manor Building. Two tables were in play. The guests included Mrs. Philip Weaver, Miss Mary Mc Neill-Buckner, Mts. A. C. Daw son, Miss Kate and Miss Bess McIntyre, Miss Aline Todd, Miss Peggy Palmer and Miss Hattie May Barber. Out of Town Visitors Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dawson and young daughter, Donna Lee, entertained with a dinner party at the Country Club Sunday Massey, and their daughter. Miss Carolyn, and another sister. Miss Ruby Dawson, motored from Zebulon to spend the day with the Daw;sons. Annual Meeting of Civic Club Set for Monday, Nov. 12 The Civic Club members will open their 1945-46 season Mon day afternoon, Nov 12, with their annual meeting, in the Civic Club Building at three o’clock. The program will include the election of officers, reading of yearly reports by committee chairmen, and discussion of plans for the ensuing year. Mrs. H. W. Gage, presiding officer, will be in charge of the meeting. tntttmttatntxmmxitttttiiittttttttmituumtKtv WEDDINGS BIRTHDAYS | FLOWERS Carolina Gardens Bank Building Telephone 8261 WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS ANNIVERSARIES FUNERALS H H. Potted Plants Cut Flowers Sprays Corsages CHANDLER'S GREENHOUSES 104 S. Bennett St. Telephone 6154 The Modem Market Personals Kolnick. The John Q. Chichesters of Cl^ cago and Webb Lake, also guests Abraham returned at the Belvedere, were interes^d Brooklyn, N. Y., “d —»y her ^.nddaugh- from the Air Forces, was a na- ter and great-granddaughter, xruui tdit. X. wc. Cd dd»- Robinson and Sandra, tionally ranked tenms star before ’ the war. Golfers registering at The Vir ginian included Les Kennedy of Pawtucket, R. I.; Pete Donovan, who will remain with Mrs. Abra ham for a visit of two weeks. Mrs. W. p. Davis of DeWitt, Va., was the guest of her daugh Milton, N. Y.; Benny Conway, | Worsham, and Manchester, N. H.; Frank Bed- family for several days last week. ford, Vernon, N. J.; John Mumm, Jri,, apd Joe Turnesa of ^New York City. Mr. and Mrs. James Duke and Thornton P. Loweree of Balti more, Md, also registered at The Virginian, were spectators at the tournament. Bridge Foursomes Popular Entertainment Several Southern Pines host esses are entertaining informally with bridge foursomes these days. Mrs. L. T. Sutherland was hostess to two groups this week at her home on East Connecticut Avenue. Her guests Tuesday were Miss Susan Cutts, Mrs. E. Levis Prizer and Mrs. Ernest M. Poate. On Wednesday Mrs. Laura Woods, Mrs. Franklin Canady and Mrs. Julia K. Chambers completed the foursome with Mrs. Suther land. On Thursday of last week Mrs. J. D. Sitterson, Mrs. George Thompson and Mrs. William An- gen joined Mrs. Joe deBerry for an afternoon of bridge at her home on West Indiana Avenue. Mrs. O. A. Dickinson entertain ed Mrs. J. A. White of Pinehurst, Mrs. M. A. Lewis and Mrs. Charles Crowell at a foursome last Satur day afternoon at her home on Valley Road. For Wednesday /['afternoon of this week Mrs. C. L. Worsham’s group' included Mrs. Joe deBer ry, Mrs. H. L. Hoffman and Mirs. George Thompson, at her home on Pennsylvania Avenue. Mrs. S. H. Richman of South Ashe Street entertained Mrs. Allen Bradley, Mrs. J. A. White of Pinehurst and Mrs. O. A. Dickinson as her bridge guests Thursday afternoor^. MrSd Harold B. Smith Hostess at Bridge Country Club Scene of Army Dance Army men, their wives and their guests formed a gala party of dancers at the Country Club when enlisted men from the Med ical Detachment, Station Com plement, Camp Mackall were hosts at a dance Friday evening. A pleasant musical background was furnished by the 13th Air borne Division Band from Fort Bragg. Maj. Earl A. Richhart sporipcxred the ever^ng’s enter tainment and wa'p assisted by S|Sgt. Robert I. Lansburgh, MjSgt. Karl Barrea and Cpl. Wil liam Spadoni, committee of ar rangements. Maj. Eugene E. McKenzie, new Post Surgeon relieving Col. A. transferred to Fort McClellend, made the welcoming address. Civilian guests at the evening’s dance were Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Patterson. Two Baptist Meetings Busines Woman’s Circle The Business Woman’s Circle of the First Baptist Church will meet Monday night, Nov. 12, at eight o’clock with Mrs. Archie Ferguson, Ohio Avenue. Miss Edith and/ Robert Wolf and Mrs. L. D. McDonald arriv ed Wednesday motoring from Al toona. Pa. Helen F. Eakins, yeornan 3|c, and Naval Lt. Henry J. Robin son of Washington, D. C., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ar* thur Eakins, May Street, last week-end. Dr. and Mrs. James S. Milliken spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Miss Kathryn Wiley returned Thursday from a trip to New York City. Mrs. Robert Walker of Balti more, Md., and aunt, Mrs. E. D. Jenkins of Winchester, Va., left Tuesday to return to Baltimore after a visit of nine days with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lewis at the Homestead. Mrs. Glenn Gibson of May Street returned Friday from V^inston-Salem twhjere she had been visiting Mrs. W. A. Cass for two weeks. Miss Betty Johnston of Pine- dene was the guest Of Miss Er nestine Aiken in Chevy Chase, Md., over the weekend. Miss Elizabeth Ray of Winston- Salem and Sgt. H. P. Bilyeu, Jr., of Greensboro were the guests of Miss Ray’s brother, Dan S. Ray, and Mrs. Ray last Sunday. iMss Alice May Holmes has re turned from Greensboro and is visiting her brother-in-law ahd sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dean, in Niagara. Miss Jessica Stevens has re turned to her home in Knoll- wood after spending several months in Maine. C. L. Hayes left on a business trip to New York iCty Monday night. Miss Sara Barnum has accept ed a position as technician at ♦♦ II ecLr/nets :: :: H Willing Workers The Willing Workers of the First Baptist Church will meet i Parklund Hospital, Dallas, Texas, Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 13, at i Prior to her departure for Dallas, three o’clock at Magnolia Lodge! fwio weeks ago. Miss Barnum with Mrs. Alice Adams and Mrs. j was a student at Bowman Gray C. B. Gale as hostesses. The Medical College in Winston- Thanksgiving Love Offering will Salem. "More for Your Money' For a delicious Thanksgiving dinner j Order Your Thanksgiving ^ Turkey Now • Native Moore County Birds Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Every Variety Avacados, Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Grapefruit, Oranges,* Lemons, Limes, Pears, Honeydew Melons, Olives. Artichokes, Broccoli, Cranberries, Egg Plants, Escarole, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Peas, Pumpkins, Raisins, Celery, Chestnuts, Fresh Endive, Cucumbers, String Lima and Butter Beans, Mint, Beets, Water Cress, Parsley, Brus sels Sprouts, Celery Roots, Red, White and Green Cab bage, Parsnips, Peppers, Yellow and Hubbard Squash. Cranberry Sauce, Canned Pumpkin, Mincemeat, and a full line of Fruit Cake Makings. Leave Your Order for a Thanksgiving Turkey Fresh Meats,. Sea Foods, Ducks, Capons and Fresh Hams . • Full Assortment of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables be taken at this meeting. Usherettes at Carolina Three attractive, efficient young ladies are now showing customers to their seats at the Carolina Theatre, Southern Pines. m ,1-1 , u -J- 1 The usherettes are Miss Elsie Two tables of bridge payers ^ were the guests of Mrs. Harold , cranfill B. Smith when she entertained Crantill. with an evening party Tuesday at her home on Massachusetts Ave. The group included Mrs. Richard Hassell, Mrs. Westcott Clinton, Mrs. Fritz Morrill, Mrs. R. W. 'Wilson, Mrs. W. F. Eckbert, Mrs. C. F. Harmon of Ashland, i tend a concert given by the fa-1 roii",Z Ohio, Mrs. Alfred Chiswell and mous Victor Borge, pianist and C Y poi he Mrs. Eleanor Moore. Prize for' humorist. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Scherer of Manwah, N. J., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eakins, May Street.' Mr. and Mrs. H. Heap and their sister. Miss Sarah Heap, of North Quincy, Mass., are spending the winter at Resthaven Apartments. Herbert Cameron returned from several weeks’ stay in Hot Springs, Ark., Thursday of last week. After a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Adams last iv/r „ J Tiir^„ week, Lt. James Irwin, with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dante Montesanti It . i,, • , and Mr. and Mr, Bryan P» mo f.VjSiled'''''"”® tored to Charlotte Sunday to at-| 5,,^ Dorothy Jordan has left The First Shipment of Post-War OXFORDS Plain Toe Removal Spikes $9.50 Pr. I Interwoven Comfort Anklets of Soft IX I Spun Cotton I 65c Pr. I rcG suc'P || Broad Street and New Hampshire Avenue P SOUTHERN PINES il tmumr ^ SOUTU The duet on the cover is by a young Southern gentle man and his love. The duet inside is by Old South—a charming box of Dusting Powder and the Hobnail bottle of Cologne. Wood land Spice or Plantation Garden Bouquet. $2.15; Personals high score of the evning was pre^ sented to Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Hassell received the traveling prize. * ■ P Opening Luncheon for Pinedodgers The first meeting of the season Mr. and Mrs. Loren D. Colon arrived recently from Nutley, N. J., to spend their ninth season she was ill for some time and is visiting* at the home of Miss Maggie Edwards, Ashe Street, as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Cadet Joe Maples and Cadet in Southern Pines at the New Richard Patch of Edwards Mili- England House. Mr. Colon, an tary Institute, Salemburg, were interested golfer, plans to enjoy j visitors in Southern Pines last several good games on the links weekend. Jo was the guest of in this vicinity. Mr. an(^ Mrs. Amos C. Kam- England House. Mr. and Mks. Joe C. Thomas for the Pinedodgers, the wo- merer and their son-in-law and men’s golfing group of Southern Pines wiill be in the nature of a social affair, a luncheon at Sou thern Pines Country Club on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at twelve- thirty. There will be a discus sion of the new by-laws and the schedule for golf meets of the fieason 194546. Pinedodger officers, elected at the last spring nieeting, are Mrs. Charles Picquet, chairman, Mrs. Richard Sugg, vice-chairman, Mrs. Philip 'Weavjer, secretary: and Mrs. Jean Edson, treasurer. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maples, and Richard vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. ■ Charlie Patch. Dennison, of McKeesport, Pa., | lyErs. Jack Barton left Sunday are also registered at the New for Camp Shelby, Miss., where she will join Maj. Barton, re cently on overseas duty with Filled with actual rosebuds, reminiseent of the Old South with rose fragrance. Enjoy the perfume with the Rose Jar on your dressing table or scatter the rosebuds.,as you would a sachet. $4.50. Three girls of the romantic "Old South on the cover—three bell shaped bottles of perfume inside— one each of Woodland Spice, Plan tation Garden and Cotton Blos som. $3.50. and son, Gerald, attended Ring- i the lithe Airborne. They will go BLUE & HACKNEY East Broad St. Tel.6062 Southern Pines ling Brothers Circus in Charlotte last Friday. After a two days visit in Mon treat recently Mr. and Mrs. Haynes Britt returned to South ern Pines accompanied by their daughter. Miss Ethel Blue Britt, who spent the weekend with her parents. Miss Britt is a sopho more at Montreat College. On her return there Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Britt went with her as far as Salisbury, spending the day there and visiting in Charlotte Monday. John Tsmdall of Washington, on to Canton, Miss., to visit rel atives. Miss Elinor Valentine is spend ing several weeks in Baltimore, Md., as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Chapman. Mrs. Harold B. Fowler return ed to her home on May Street Wednesday from Moore County Hospital following several weeks’ illness there and in Duke Hospital- Miss Ann Huntington is conval escing at her home from a recent injury, a fracture of her arm. Miss Mary and Miss Helen Finn 'arrived Friday from Old Orchard, D. C., and W|0 Plato Tyndall j Me., to spend the winter at Rest- of Tallahassee, Fla., were the haven Apartments. Buffet Supper Mis Violet McLeod and Mrs. Ola Hatch were hostesses at a buffet supper given Monday ev ening of last week in Mrs. Hatch’s home on Pennsylvania Ave. The party was in honor of Miss Verna Schaff who left re cently to return to her home in DeWitt, Iowa. Guests attending Jthe jupp^Er v^re Miss Sfchaff, Miss Betty Blue, Mrs. Irvin Mor rison, Miss Mae Marks, Mrs. Ollie Fields and Mrs. Bonnie Voyles. Golfers Register at Local Hotels The annual North and South Open Golf Tournament, held at Pinehurst Country Club this week, brought back to Southern Pines many of the outstanding performers in golf. Among the Hotel Belvedere guests participating in the tour nament were Sam Snead, Vic ^ aggj. of the local A & P store, an- bride, conducted the ceremony. guests of their sister, Mrs. Her man Epps, ^Tuesday and Wed nesday. Mrs. Jean Edson returned Wed nesday from a trip to New York City. Mrs. D. Wade Stevick, Mrs. M. J. Hoskins, Miss Florence Campbell, Mrs. Nellie Sanborn, Miss Susan Cutts and Mrs. L. A. Moore Chapter meeting of the D. A. R. in Carthage Saturday. Sgt. Richard Hassell has trans ferred from Fort Bragg and is now stationed at Baer Field, Ind. NEW CLOSING HOURS For the relief of the employees from the stress of the Satur-j white chrpsanthemums, thie Rev. day rush, L. D. McDonald, man-'Forest L. Young, pastor of the Mk. and Mrs. Edward Cox of New Bern were the guests of Mr. Cox’s parents, the Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Cox, last weekend. Married Friday In Jackson Springs Miss Sarah Elizabeth Daniel and pi. William Hayes Richard son, both of Jackson Springs, were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Daniel, on Friday evening at seven o’clock. Standing before an altar decorated with ivy and We Are at Your Service Sunday, November 11th Sunday Hours 9 to 1—3 to 7 Sandhill Drug Company PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Telephone 6663 Southern Pines mtttinttit 1923 tittttttttttituuuiuuxtxtxuttitiaixiiitttttiixttixtuittttttit 1945 Our 22nd Anniversary PAT-A-KAKE The foundation with a future Perfumes to delight Creams to enhance Lip Sticks to glorify Designed by ELIZABETH ARDEN Ghezzi, Johnny Bulla, Ed Fur-/ ^ounces their new closing hour Only relatives and a few close gol, Leonard Dodson, “Corky”_ias 6:30 Saturday evenings. friends were present. Oliver, Joe Zarhardt, Frank — Kringle, Andy Gibson, John LADIES—$20 weekly addressing Bass, Barney Clark, Cpl. A1 Bes selink, Johnny Mahoney, Tris Yancy, Mike Amorelli, George i Shafer, ■ Virgil Shreeve, Steve Warga, John Lewis and Ambrose The bride was given in marri- age by her father and wore a cos- Sample cards, instniltions, $1. ® Rush your $i today. Carolina ^ack hat and a shoulder corsage MaR Service, Dept. CR, Mon- “ HANDBAGS JEWELRY Iplch iffl Sljap Broad Street at Pennsylvania Avenue, Southern Pines lately after the service. Punch and cake were served by Mrs. Ralph Burdeshaw and Miss Tim Smith, the bride cutting the three-tiered wedding cake. Mrs. Richardson is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, and Cpl. Richardson, who recent ly returned from overseas, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Q. S. Rich- roe, N. C. N9sb The reception followed immed- ardson. The young couple will live at Maxton upon returning from their wedding trip. The olive oil exporting coun tries in the Mediterranean have all they can do to meet demands in Europe, which has suffered for six years from a severe shortage of fats and oils. SAVE KITCHEN FATS.