Friday, May 31, 1946. THE PILOT. Southern Pines. North Carolina Page Eleven .9 PINEHURST NEWS PORCLEIN CIGARETTE SETS BY EDGAR JOHNSON JENSEN’S GIFT CREATIONS Laundry Closed The Pinehurst Laundry has closed for the summer but Ellis McKenzie will continue to oper ate the Dry Cleaning Department all summer. J. Frank McCaskill, manager of the entire plant will again be at the Essex and Sussex Hotel in Spring Lake, N. J. Mrs. McCaskill and their daughter, Julie Ann will accompany Mr. McCaskill to Spring Lake for the summer season. Let’s all cooperate whole-heart edly in this movement to elimi nate one more “undesirable” from our town. Juniper Lake George Hunt is now operating Juniper Lake and expects to make improvements and invites the public to enjoy its picnic grounds as well as the lake and pool for small folk. Juniper Lake is between Pinehurst and East- wood on the Carthage highway. To The Democrats of Moore County: I cannot personally see each of you who supported me in Saturday’s Primary, so I take this means of tell- ing you that I am grateful for your I vote and the benefit of your influ ence. Sincerely, Herbert G. Poole a»»»»mnu» As you step across the threshold of the class room towards the wider opportunities just outside the door, remember that the good wishes of this community are with you. BAKER’S FOOD STORE Honor Court Carrow Moffitt and Allen Wat son were advanced to 2nd class Boy Scouts last week at a Moore County Court of Honor meeting held at Aberdeen. E. J. Hartsell and Curtis McKenzie are leaders of the Pinehurst Boys Tibop. Food Drive Last Saturday Boy Scouts col lected around 400 cans of food for the UNRRA Famine Drive. Mrs. T. L. Black, Mrs. I. C. Sledge, Mrs. J. W. Harbison and Mrs. G. M. Cameron drove the boys around the village to pick up the donations. Numerous gifts of money were also contributed. Mrs. H. Foster Kelly is local chairman of the Emergency Food Collection. William Nugent, member of AVC, helped her or ganize the collection. Senior Class Parly Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McCas kill and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. McKenzie honored the Senior class and their escorts at an in formal party and dance at the Chalfonte Friday evening. Little Donnie McCaskill and Karen Mc Kenzie are class mascots. Several members of the faculty and a few other guests attended the party also. Poison Ivy A drive has been launched to eradicate all poison oak from the Pinehurst community. For years it has been a worry to people on the golf courses, in the park and even on many streets and lots about the village. A meeting was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Cheatham Tuesday after noon at 5 to discuss means and ways of solving this problem. To Be 'Married Miss Louise Shaw and William R. Dickinson will be married at the Pinehurst Community Church, June 8th. Miss Shaw is a daughter of Mrs. Robert F.. Shaw. Mr. Dickinson is on the staff of the Pinehurst Outlook. Homecoming Donald Nelson, storekeeper 3rd class in the navy, has arrived in California on the USS Hermi tage and expects to be discharg ed soon. Donald is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson of Pine hurst. Commencemeifl Sermon Sunday night Dr. Kenneth J. Foresmani of Davidson College preached the Commencement ser mon. The service was held in the Community Church. Dr. T. A. Cheatham and Rev. Roscoe Prince also took part in the de votional and Miss Eloise Wicker was organist. Wednesday evening graduation exercises were held. The speaker was Mr. Charles W. Phillips of Woman’s College. Miss Ann Parkin is faculty advisor. I Garner, Joy Bristow, Jean Wat- I son, Louise Fields, Libby Thomas, Joan Cole, Frances Campbell and Sally Cheney. Sold The Menefee residence on Mid land road has been sold to W. J. Bryan of Grosse Pointe, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Stevens have purchased the Swoope cot tage, The Ashley. Piano Recital Miss Eloise Wicker presented her piano pupils in a recital Fri day night in the Pinehurst School jauditoriuniu The followiing are members of the class: Johnsie Rose Kanoy, June Bristow, Jean ette Davis, Martha Ann Currie, Janice Butner, Charles Swarin- gen. Gene McKenzie, Jimmie and Martha Harbison, Florence Yar borough, Shirley Graham, Bar bara. Betty, and Carolyn Black, Peggy Garrison, Pauline Clapp, Nancy Haire, Marcia and Georgia Anna Black,, Betty Jean Boggs, Barbara Jean Cole, Marjorie We SALUTE ’ the - CLASS ® PAGE MOTOR COMPANY C. N. PAGE MY SINCERE THANKS... I wish to take this opportunity to ex press my sincere thanks and appreciation to my friends in every voting precinct of Moore County for the splendid support given me Saturday. I wish I could see each of you personally and thank you for the support you gave me; but since that is not possible I want to use this method of assuring you that my appreciation is genuine and heartfelt. Sincerely, FREE!! CAMERA-FILM OFFER 1946 ‘CHAMPION” MODEL Color Candid Typo Comoro .98 Compare Our Size 5" Long fSktS Postage Paid Includes 2 rolls of No. 127 film FREE # Takes full NATURAL COLOR pic tures indoors or outdoors. # Takes 16 black-and-whites on ordi nary No. 127 6-ezposure roll. # New film track brings entire picture to sharp focus. # Equipi^ with GENUINE Simpson lens. # Fixed focus! Exposure automati- # DON’T CONFUSE WITH TOY CAMERAS # Attractively boxed. Cueranfoo with ooc/i comora RUSH money-order, save C.O.D. fees. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT K^K SALEf COMPANY Proprietors With Gratitude... I take this opportunity to thank those who voted for me in the past elections. That evi dence of their faith in me is deeply heartening. [t is, moreover, an assurance of their interest in and support of the welfare and upbuilding of 11 II Moore County, a cause for which I stood and will continue to stand. I trust that together we may continue our work for the good of our County. With gratitude, Lula McPherson Guthrie Personals Mr. and Mrs. James Roberson, who for many winters were as sociated with the Carolina, and were at the Holly Inn during the summer when the hotel was leas ed to the army for research on diseases, and housed the Con scientious Objectors, have depart ed for Daytona Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Roberson have accept ed positions at the Sheraton Plaza at Daytona Beach. Mrs. Gladys A. Palmer left last week for Chautauqua, N. Y., where she and her father own and operate The Albion. Mrs. Palmer who has been secretary to Wil liam Fitzgibbon, mari,ager of the Carolina, for several seasons re cently sold her cottage on Kelly road to the Ogden-Sabins. Miss Dorothy Westcott, who graduated from Woman’s Col lege, Greensboro, last Friday has returned to her home here. Miss Westcott has accepted a position with the Carolina Bank in Pine hurst. Mss Dorothy Cheney, a fresh man at WCUNC, has arrived home to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. True P. Cheney. Mrs. L. B. Creath and young daughter, Patty, left Monday for a visit with her parents in Iowa. Miss May Chapman has leased her cottage for the summer and left last Thursday for Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parson have left for Maine to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. James V. Beattie who were in the Marshall cottage on Magnolia road during the sea son left Tuesday for their home in Cedarhurst, N. Y. Miss Ruth McEnery has re turned from Amesbury, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Appleton Warren motored to Tennessetf last week. Mr. and Mrs. Francis X Anglim who have spent the season at the Magnolia have left for New York. Mrs. Eva Conant spent the weekend in Raleigh. Miss E. Lydia Graves returned to her home in Nashua, N. H., last week. Miss Graves, a chiropodist had an office in the Harvafd. Rev. and Mrs. Francis Drake and daughter Daphne have de parted for their summer place at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. James Carter of North Wilkesboro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCaskill last week. Miss Helen Ruth Cole spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Diggers. Members of the graduating class of the Pinehurst School are Misses Pauline Lewis, Flora El len Cameron, Doris Hunt, Nellie Smith, and Edgar Currie, Whit Thomas, Clyde Garner and J. C. Hunt.. Worth Faircloth has been a pa tient at the Moore County Hospi tal, following an appendectomy. Mrs. B. U. Richardson, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peck have return ed from Ocean Drive, S. C. Join ing them for the weekend was Miss Mary Patterson Smith of Boston. Lt. and Mrs. J. M. Brizzard of Fayetteville, Cpl. Robert Wil liams of Radford, Va., and Fort Bragg and Cpl. Anthony Capa- rosso of Avello, Pa., and Fort Bragg were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Camer on. jlCffSS to the «1»1 llil rt al.**! I,*JE W> Southern Pines Warehouses, Inc. to 1946 Grcitfuatii JOHNSON’S \ WITH ALL GOOD WISHES Carter’s Laundry and Cleaners ;«:««««ttH»»»»»t««i»»i:»i»«»«m n to Ihe GRADUATES '46 From The 'EE W.B.HOLUDAY GRADE A Restaurant