Page Four Friday, May 31, 1946. Friday, Mtky 31, 1946. Society and Personals of the Sandhills Dinner Parties for Guests from Cleveland Miss Floirence Campbell was hostess to a group of friends Sat^ urday evening when she enter tained at a dinner party given for -her house guests, Mrs. Fred Watkins, Mrs. Walter Cushing Greene, Mrs. Walter Higbee Cas key and Miss Theodora Blake of Cleveland, Ohio. During the weekend Miss Campbell’s guests were compli mented by several dinner par ties. Mrs. Ernest M. Poate was their hostess Friday evening at her home, and on Sunday they were the guests of Miss Gertrude Proudman at Oak Point Farm. Mrs. E. Levis Prizer entertained in their honor Monday night. On Tuesday evening the visit ors entertained for their hostesses at dinner at Skyline, and later all were the guests of Mrs. James S. Milliken at a box party at the Carolina Theatre. Miss Campbell’s guests left Wednesday morning to motor back to Cleveland, stopping in Williamsburg and Charlottesville, Va., on their way. Party Compliments Elizabeth Heins Miss Elizabeth Heins was the guest of honor at a bridge party and shower Wednesday evening of last week when Mrs. A. C. Dawson and Miss Aline Todd en tertained their bridge club in the Dawson apartment on May St. Miss Heins’ engagement to Fran cis Marion Kay of Columbia, S. C., was announced recently. They will be married June 15 in Blythewood, S. C. After the game a kitchen show er was given for Miss Heins at which time she received an at tractively decorated set of mixing bowls from her hostesses and many other interesting and use ful gifts from the guests. Players at the two tables of bridge were the honor guest and Miss Maurine Sugg, Mrs. John Ponzer, Mrs. Robert Reed, Miss Kate McIntyre, Mrs. P. J. Weav er and the two hostesses. Tally prizes were won by Miss Heins, Miss Sugg and Mrs. Reed. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Norfleet Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rainey (Patricia Ray) and Eddy Ray of Pihehurst, and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Reese were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Field at a dmner party, re cently, at their home on May Street. Mrs. J. T. Overton Hostess at Bridge Mrs. J. T. Overton entertained a group of friends at four tables of bridge Thursday evening, of last week at her home on Ben nett St. Her guests were Mrs. Robert F. Dorn, Mrs. Walter Harper, Mrs. Charles Patch, Jr., Miss Mary Deane Baggert, Mrs. Ann Mor gan, Mrs. Morris Johnson, Mrs. Earl Merrill, Mrs. Dorothy Thomas, Mrs. D. A1 Blue, Jr., Dante Montesanti, Miss Millie Montesanti, Mrs. John G. Har rington, Mrs. Jack Weatherley, Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Len nox Forsyth, Mrs. Currie L. Smith and Mrs. Todd Baxter. A guest gift was presented to Mrs. Robert Dorn and the travel ing prize to Mrs. Blue. Score prizes were received by Mrs. Merrill and Mrs. Morgan. Birthday Surprise On the evening of his birthday, Thursday of last week. Dr. J. J. Neal was the guest of honor at a surprise dinner party given by Mrs. Neal and a group of their friends at the Neal residence on Midland Road. Places were mark ed for the Rev. and Mrs. Tucker G. Humphries, Mr. and Mrs. Phil ip Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Burney and the host and hostess. Dr. Neal received an amusing as sortment of surprise gifts in odd sized boxes, each with a clever verse by the donor. Louise Martin Bride of Lee Snipes Buchan Miss Louise Leach Martin be came the bride of Lee Snipes Buchan in a beautiful ceremony Friday afternoon at five o’clock in Page Memorial Methodist Church in Aberdeen. The Rev. J. O. Long, pastor, officiated using grad's There is one thing we know as our boys and girls leave school to enter upon life’s larger duties, and it is this: You can all be depended upon to do your part in building this commun ity in the days to come. Accept our very best wishes as well as our sincere congratulations. SANDHILL DRUG COMPANY PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Telephone 6668 Southern Pines SOON we shall be ready to welcome you in our new show rooms in the Eddy Building Carolina Cardens the double ring ceremony. The vows were spoken before a background of palms, ferns, white gladioli and seven branch ed candelabra holding white can dles. The pews were marked with sprays of white carnations. Nuptial music was given by Mrs. E. L. Pleasants, organist, iand Mrs. ;R. A. Harrison and Wilbur Whitlock, soloists The traditional wedding marches were used. Carl Buchan, Sr. was his son’s best man. Ushers were John Buchan, Ralph Buchan, Carl Buchan, Jr., and Harding Gunter, Jr. Mrs. Ira Fredericq Peak, Jr., matron of honor, and Miss Gay- nell Gwyn, maid of honor, wore white dresses with satin bodices and full net skirts, long net glo ves, and carried bouquets of red roses. Their headdresses were coronets of red roses. The brides maids, Miss Batty Dorset and Miss Esther Farrell, wore dresses similar to the maid and matron of honor with identical headdres es, gloves and bouquets. Little Polly Leach, flower girl, wore a white organdy dress with short full skirt and carried a small bouquet of red roses. The bride, who was given in mariage by her uncle, Ralph Leach, Jr., wore a wedding gown of heavy brocade with fitted bod ice, long sleeves and full skirt. The full length veil of Chantilly lace was worn with a coronet of seed pearls. The brides only or nament was a string of pearls, gift of the bridegroom She carried a bouquet of white roses centered with orchids and show ered with white satin streamers caught with white sweet peas. Mrs. Martin, mother of the bride, wore a sheer blue dress and a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Stewart, aunt of the groom, wore a blue and white print dress and a corsage of red roses. Immediately after the wedding a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pleasants on Bethesda Road. Mrs. Buchan is the daughter of Mrs. George Dorsett Martin of Aberdeen and the late Mr. Martin. She attended school at National Park, Washington, D. C., and Ward-Belmont, Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Buchan is the son of H. C. Buchan of Philadelphia and the late Mrs. Buchan. He attended Berry School, Georgia. He re cently received his discharge from' the Navy after serving for twenty months in the Pacific. After the weJlding trip the young couple will make their home with the bride’s mother in Aberdeen. RETURN FROM WEDDING TRIP Announce Marriage The marriage of Mrs. Catherine A. Bailey of Southern Pines and Frederick W. Roberts of San Francisco was solemnized Sun day, May 12, in the First Metho dist Church, Reno, Nevada. The Rev. Don S. Fleming officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will ar rive in Southern Pines soon for a visit of indefinite length. Teen-Age News Publicity Chairman, David Cameron, has brought us news of Teen-Age doings. Successful Dance Last Saturday night at the Civic Club the Teen-Agers of Southern Pines held another suc cessful dance. The dance was well attended and enjoyed by members and non-members alike. Mrs. Elmer Harrington and Mrs. Norris Hodgkins were chaperons. Important Business On Tuesday night the regular weekly meeting was held. Impor tant busines was discussed. The club members present agreed that something should be done about those members who do not take an active part in the club activities. At the next meeting important business concerning this question will be voted upon. All members are urged to be present hexit Wednesday night at 7:30 P. M. for the regular meeting. LT. AND MRS. GORDON FAW Lt. and Mrs. Gordon Faw are photographed in the garden of the home of Mrs. Faw’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ladeau Harmon Cherry, Jr., on East Connecti cut Avenue. Mrs. Faw, the former Martha Louise Cherry, and Lt. Faw were married Wednesday, May 8, at Fort Bragg Post Chapel. The bride is a graduate of Central High School in Charlotte and at tended Queens College for one year and Mary Washington Col lege in F r e d r i c k s b u r g, Va., for two years. She and her parents returned in the spring of 1945 to make their home in Sou thern Pines, after several years’ residence in High Point and Char lotte. photo by E. Humphrey Lt. Faw is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Faw of Cumberland, Md. He has been stationed at Fort Bragg with the Artillery since his return from twenty-four months’ duty in the Pacific area. He is now on terminal leave af ter three years of Army service. The bridal couple left May 16 for a two weeks’ motor trip to Cumberland and New York City returning Wednesday of this week to Southern Pines. They will be at Myrtle Beach for a stay before leaving for Chapel Hill where Lt. Faw will enter the University of North Carolina June 15. He will complete his studies which he started at Penn State College prior to his enlist ment in the Army. jranjean s COSMETICS by Henry Rosenfeld Color-blended and fashion-right as every Henry Rosenfeld costume. Lipstick, face powder, dusting powder perfume and cologne Our Congratulations To The Class | Of 1946 Arcade Building . Southern Pines terns and eight nurses will also receive diplomas. The commencement program of three days will start Saturday afternon with the June Frolics on the college lawn, folowed by the senior banquet at six, and the class night exercises. The baccalaureate sermon will be at eleven Sunday morning in the Presbyterian Church. A con cert will be given by the music department in the late afternoon in the college auditorium, and the traditional vesper service will be held at the Presbyterian Church in the evening, Monday Night Meeting ^ The Village Playmakers are announcing a meeting for mem bers and all other persons inter ested in little theatre activities, Jat the Southern Pines High\ School Monday night, June 3, at eight o’clock. The business meet ing will be followed by a rehear sal of their play. Circle Meetings for Presbyterian Church CIRCLE NO. FOUR—Business Women’s Circle, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Causey, Ridge St., Monday night, June 3, at eight o’clock. CIRCLE NO ONE—at the home of Mrs. T. A. Jones, ternoon, June 4, at three o’clock. CIRCLE NO. TWO—^with Mrs. George Thompson, Illinois Ave., Piney Woods, Tuesday afternoon, June 4, at three o’clock. CIRCLE NO. THREE—with Mrs. W. C. Hilderman, Pine Cone Lodge, Tuesday afternoon, June 4, at three o’clock. Personals Personals Lees-McRae Graduate Frances CaUoway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calloway of South ern Pines, will be one of the thirty-five seniors at Lees-McRae College, Banner Elk, to receive her diploma next week. Final commencement exercises will be held Monday ‘morning, June 3, at ten o’clock in the college auditor ium. Five medical secretarial in- H. A. Lewis and his sister, Mrs. A. N. Higgins, returned from Florida Thursday. Mrs. Higging will remain for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis before leav ing for her home in Littleton, N. H. Miss Lillian Roberts of Raleigh was the guest of Mrs. H. W. Dorn from Friday to Monday. Miss Louise and Miss Eva Ham mond left Wednesday to spend the summer with their brother and sister, the Rev. J. Albert Hammond and Miss Mildred Hammond, in Buxton, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Greene and children, Johnie and Jo Ann, are spending a few weeks in Blowing Rock. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson were Mr. Ferguson’s mother. Mrs. J. M. Ferguson, and his brother-in- law and sister, TAr. and Mrs. L. M. Powell, all of Parkton. Dr. T. E. Davis attended the General Assembly at Montreat last week as a commissioner from the Fayetteville Presbytery. Mr. and Mrs. LJ H. Cherry, Jr., spent last week at their cottage at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. John Ormsby has return ed to her home from Highsmith Hospital, Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Dorn, Miss Geneva Hall and Bob Cam eron were among the vacationers at Myrtle Beach last weekend. Visitors in New York City last week returned home when, and as, transportation permitted. Mrs. H. H. Elder of Hayes Dress Shop was fortunate in obtaining ac commodations on the last south bound train Thursday arriving in town that evening. Miss Kath erine Wiley and Miss Erma Fisher of Tots’ Toggery returned Sun day by plane arriving at Knoll- wood Field in the afternoon. Mrs. Anna Patch Blue and Mrs. Lillian Miles returned by train arriving Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore were the guests of their son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Johnston (Jane Moore) in Richmond, Va., for a few days last week. The Rev. and [Mrs. J. Fred Stimson left this week for Ridge crest, N. C., wnere they will make their home. The Rev. and Mrs. George E. Hallman of Sunbury, Pa., were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alden G. Bower and Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Bowr. Paul Jernigan is a patient at Duke Hospital. 'Miss p^oris Ferguson arrived from Myrtle Beach Wednesday for a week’s visit with her par ents. She will return, next week, to the Beach where she is a mem ber of the Ocean Forest Hotel staff. Miss Margaret Bishop and Mrs. Dorothy H. Avery will leave Monday to spend a week at Ban ner Elk. Mrs. C. E. Field and daughter. Miss Ann, vacationed at Carolina Beach last week. Mr. Field joined them for the weekend. Ann, who was a student at Duke University during the past winter, will spend the summer with her parents in Sbuthern Pines. Miss Trudy Walton of Chapel Hill and Salisbury and Miss Eliz abeth Owen of Raleigh were the guests of Mrs. E. M. Poate last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Waterman left Tuesday to spend the sum mer months in Bethlehem, N. H. 1904 1946 REGARDS Your tomorrow is ahead of you, boys and girls graduates of 1946, and as we pause upon the eve of that tomorrow to appraise its signifi cance, we want you to be heartened by our good wishes and our determination to help you whenever and wherever we can. Good luck to all of you, from all of us. We Are At Your Service All Day SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd Broad Street Pharmacy Telephone 5411 SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. cussofiaiii Gifts Every Graduate Loves to Receive WATCHES New Designs in Cases and in Bands. Gold and Silver Art Carved Rings by Wood Diamonds and other Settings Wide Assortment of Stone Settings. Birth Stones Lodge Emblems Earrings, Lockets, Bracelets, Necklaces Spray Pins, Compacts, Billfolds, Tie Pins,Cuff Links Eversharp Pen and Pencil Sets YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT ®rntsbg’s feuielcg $ho)t East Broad St. Southern Pines