Page Eight THE PILOT. Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday^ May 31, 1946. Nid Summer Millinery Wide Brim Horsehair Hats... Brown - Blaek - White Panamas ... All Flower Hats • We Have Just Received Some Smart Young Dresses 11 to 17 EXTRA— Shoe sale, odd lots, no returns, no ex changes. Values to $4.95 SALE price $1.00 c. PATCH Department Store HELP SAVEFOOD! tnniitntnnnnnKxitwntmttimnnnmmt READER'S DIGEST SPECIALS I— To new Subscribers—7 months for $1.00 plus a 256 page gift book "How to Get the Most Out of Life"—a collection of the best articles ever published in Reader's Digest on that subject. II— To service men and ex-service men—1 yr.—$1.50; 2 yrs.—$3.00 plus a 128 page gift book "A Business of Your Own." This is full of practical ideas. Given only with the 2 yr. subscription. Please mail your order to Mrs. Z. V. Blue, Carthage, N. C. GRADUATION (Continued from Page 1) These will be for Athletics, Dra matics, Glee Club, and the Scho- larship Award will go to First Honor Student, Jane McCain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. P. McCain, of Sanitorium. Other awards will include the Medal, the Junior Chamber of Commerce Improvement Cup, and the Faculty Plaque to that student who has given most un selfishly of time and effort to the school. Fifteen students will graduate from Southern Pines High School this year, and two of them - Bren nan Geddes Mann and Jane Todd McCain will be Honor Graduates, having averaged 90 or above for each year in High School. John Boyd Honored Continued from Page 1> the fight for the cause he believ ed right. The Veterans of Foreign Wars have chosen a good name for their new post. May they bring it the honor John Boyd would have brought his name had he lived. The next meeting of the VFW John Boyd Post will be held at the Community Center Monday June 3rd at 8 P. M. Shaw House Purchase (Continued from Page 1) sure sufficient space or a garden at the west side of the house. It was voted that the same Grounds Committee, already ap pointed by the chairman, should continue in a temporary capacity, in order to assure supervision of the property and, if possible, to begin the work of restoration, during the summer. With some eighty memberships, and the purchase of the first pro ject well lined up, it was gener ally felt that the Moore County SUNRISE CLASS O F ittxtistttit The proud traditions of your alma mater have been nobly upheld by the class of 1946. Accept our congratulations upon this achievement, as well as our good wishes. for success in your endeavors. MELVIN’S Southern Pines Friday, May 31, Disney Cartoon Feature in Technicolor "Pinocchio" txttmtmmnmmntmnmmmmm; Aberdeen theatrE Saturday, June 1 ♦ Night at 7:15 & 9:00 Matinee 3:00 “RENDEZVOUS 24” WILLIAM GARGAN MARIA PALMER Monday 8e Tuesday, June 3-4 Night at 7:15 & 9:15 “DEVOTION” OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND PAUL HENREID Wednesday, June 5 Night at 7:15 & 9:00 “BLONDE AUBI” MARTHA O'DRISCOLL TOM NEAL Thursday & Friday, June 6-7 Night at 7:15 & 9:30 “SARATOGA TRUNK” INGRID BERGMAN GARY COOPER Saturday, June 1st (Double Feature) Range Bursters in 'Tumble Down Ranch in Arizona" also Kent Taylor in "House Of Horrors" Sun. & Mon. June 2-3rd Maureen O'Hara and John Payne in "Sentimental Journey" Tuesday June 4lh Sylvia Sidney and Fred MacMurray in 'Trail of the Lonesome Pines" Wednesday June 5th (Double Feature) Morgan Conway in "Dick Tracy" also Kirby Grant in . "Gun Town" Thurs. & Fri. June 6-7th Susan Hayward and Paul Lukas in "Deadline at Dawn" Historical Association might con sider itself a firmly established organization, resting upon well- founded grounds of public sup port and enthusiasm. The next meeting was schedul ed for Tuesday, June 11th, 8 P. M. AVC Hold Big Dance (Continued from Page 1) teen ^hundred cans have been col lected in Southern Pines, Aber deen, and Pinehurst. This food stuff is now on its way to help those who vitally need it over seas. The American Veterans Commit tee is holding this dance to obtain funds to carry on their work in helping the community and the country. Tickets will be sold at $2.40 per couple at the door, by AVC members, and at various lo calities throughout the erea. The public is cordially invited to come on June 7th, Southern Pines Country Club at 9:30 p. m. and join in the good time. All God's Chillun (Continued from Page 1) Congress in Washington and one lady and seven gentlemen took their places in local offices. Ex cept in the cases of Homer and Kennedy the town’s choice was the winner. Southern Pines voted 294 for Horner to 89 for Deane;. Homer carried the county by 562 votes, but in the district Deane won. In the election for the state senate the town gave Currie 248 votes to Johnson’s 130, the coun ty voted: Currie 2196, Johnson 1061. In the four-sided race for rep resentative, Sandhill Citizen Publisher H. Clifton Blue demon strated the superiority of news papermen over all comers. The town gave him 191 votes, Rans- dell 88, Mrs. Guthrie 78, Charles McLeod 23. In the county voting they stood: Blue 1340, McLeod 757, Ransdell 610, Guthrie 603. In the election of the clerk of the superior court the local boy made good in his home town and, to everyone’s surprise, didn’t do so badly in the county vote, eith er. It ran: John Willcox, Southern Pines vote 99, Moore County 1978; Carlton Kennedy, Southern Pines 290, Moore County 1335. Miss McCaskill beat the young veteran, James E. Monroe, by about the same margin in both places. Southern Pines gave her 205 votes, Moore County 2063, while Monroe got 152 and 1216. H. G. Poole was elected to the board of education by some hun dred votes in Southern Pines and by 500 in the county, while W. H. Jackson scored a big victory over Bethel Dunlap for County Commissioner from District 2, polling 272 votes in Southern Pines and 2428 in the county. Except for the disappointment over Horner, general satisfaction was expressed in the results of the day. It was felt that the good showing of some of the newcom ers indicated a healthy desire for new blood in county affairs. Though all the .‘regulars’’ had come through, it was evident that the party would have to make room for other good men and true in the future. On the whole everyone was satisfied, except, for two angry little groups. These were the twenty or thirty would-be voters who had to be turned down be cause their names were not on the registration books, and an equally indignant, if even more unreasonable flock of republi cans, who were unable to under stand that this was a democratic primary election. Convinced that there was some dirty work going on and they were being denied their inalienable right to vote, these forgotten men of the South stormed the polls one after the other in vain attempts to get into the booths. Finally driven away by the po lite if firm objections of the young judges, backed by that old election day eagle Westbrook, they departed muttering darkly. Outside one was heard to burst into song and: “I’ll be glad when you’re dead, you democrat you I’’ came drifting back across the street. Boy Scouts Attend (Continued from Page 1) sung, and the scouts who hiked last summer were asked to sing their marching song. A pageant and a Court of Honor was held for the Sanford Scouts. After that a magician show was held for the scouts. Sunday morning after breakfast and colors,, religious services were held. Reverend Womack was the F speaker. At ten fifteen the scouts went to the final lowering of colors and the giving out of ribb ons. The scouts of Southern Pines won the third prize. The Chapel Hill Patrol won the Honor Patrol ribbon. The scouts from Southern Pines who attended were Billy Baker, patrol leader, Jimmy Dickerson, assistant patrol leader, Toinmy Avery,' Rolan|l Bower, Carlton Kennedy, George Straka, David Atherton and Dickie Ray. Can Collection (Continued from Page 1) In Southern Pines the volun teer drivers were: Mrs. Howard Butler, Mrs. Thomas Atkinson, Mrs. Reggleman, Mrs. Alma Brown, Cars were furnished by Bob McLeod, James Boyd, Jr., and P. J. Weaver. Members of the Teen Age Club who made the collections were: Bobby Harrington, Fred Arnette, Jean Schaefer, Sue Hall, Janet Menzel, Bill Warner, John Pri- zer, Robert McLeod, Carolyn Chester, Jerry Thompson, Gene Brown, David Cameron, Harry Raymond, Jean Murphy, Peggy Phillips, Catherine Sitterson and Jimmy Dickerson. Pinehurst cars were driven by Mrs. I. C. Sledge, Mrs. Gordan Cameron, Mrs. Harbison and Mrs. Tom Black. The following Boy Scouts helped Jimmie Harbison, Dickie Kelly, Bill Sledge, Teddy Veno, Lari'y HartseU, Edward Menefee and A1 Watson, Julie Ann McCaskill and Carolyn Nel son also aided in the collection for Pinehurst. Scouts were under the direction of Scoutmaster Er nest HartseU and Assistant Scoutmaster Curtis McKenzie. Driving collectors in Aberdeen were: Mrs. Murdoch MuSe, Miss Nancy Keith, John Storey and Mrs. Jean Chester ePake. HORNER THANKS VOTERS W. E. (BiU) Horner today ex pressed his appreciation to the Democrats of Moore county for the vote accorded him for Con gress in the primary May 25. Final figures show Horner receiv ed a total of 18,296 votes against 18,587 for his opponent, a major ity of 291 votes. Horner sent a 'telegram iof congratulations to his opponent two days after the primary. “Despite the 'closeness of the vote, there will be no request for a recount,’’ Horner said. “I am grateful to all those who voted for me, and have only the kind liest feeling toward those who voted for my opponent.’’ Moore county cast 1,959 votes for Horner and 1,388 for C. B. Deane. Classified Ads FOR RENT: 4-Room Apartment. Call 7672. S. W. End of Leak St. M31pd WANTED TO RENT: 3 room fur nished apartment. Phone 7501. M31chg PLANTS FOR SALE: Flower and vegetable plants for the garden. Geraniums for window boxes. Chandler’s Greenhouses. M31J7chg SCALES FOR SALE: Fairbanks- Morse platform 200 lb. cap acity. Thrift Shop. W. Penn. Ave. M31pd FOR SALE: New 2 wheel TRAIL- OR. Can be seen at McFarland & Arnold Esso Station or Phone 6625. M31pd FOR SALE: 3 acres of OATS in the field. Call ’^67. . .M31pd LOST: Solid gold rosary, near St. Anthony’s Church or at Aber deen Lake. Reward to finder. Phone 7773. Mrs. Jack Reid. M31pd FOR SALE: FARMS—-Bladen County near White Oak 2500 acres in scattered timber and pulpwood, price $12.00 per acre. Granville County, 249 acres, good dwelling, tennant house, three tobacco barns and other out buildings, 12.1 acres tobac co allotment, price $8,500.00. Will accept one-haU cash on either of these and take mort gage for the balance payable in annual installments over period of 15 years including interest at the rate of 5%. Have other farms developed and undevel oped in Moore and Hoke Coun ties for sale. E. M. Aiken, 800 H. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., or Box 1078, Southern Pines, N. C. M31chg FOR SALE—GIRL'S BICYCLE. NEARLY NEW. PRICE $25.00. PHONE 6992. M24pd FOR SALE—ONE TWO WHEEL TRAILER 9 FT. BED. GOOD TIRES WITH NEW TUBES AND RELINERS. $100. PHONE 7184 OR J. E. CAUSEY. LAKE- VIEW. M24,J7chg FOR SALE:STOCK POTS 5 TO 20 GALS. EXCELLENT FOR CANNING OR COOKING. CHOICE $4. 55 GAL. STEEL DRUMS $3. 150 GALS. USED MOTOR OIL. 20 CENTS GAL. 120 GALS. FLOOR CLEANER AND WAX. $1 GAL. 1200 LBS. ALL PURPOSE GREASE, $4 PER 100 LB. PHONE 7184 OR J. E. CAUSEY, LAKE- VIEW. M24.J7chg NOTICE—Your Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meets second and fourth Tues day 8:00 p. m.. Community Center. Presentation of your ideas and suggestions is solic ited. M24tf CEMENT BLOCKS — Ready for delivery in sizes 8x6x16 wall blocks. 4x6x16 partition blocks. Orders taken for an quantity. McDonald & Blue Cement Block Company, 1 mile south of Southern Pines on U. S. Highway No. ,. tfchg WE HAVE PLENTY OF BEST QUALITY SOLUABLE SAC CHARIN 1-2 AND 1-4 GRAIN. IN BOTTLES OF 1.000. VASS DRUG STORE, VASS, N. C| M24chg GARDEN PLOWED. LAND SCAPING. YARDS CLEANED. ETC. CALL 8695 M24pd “A DRILLED WELL is the most satisfactory water supply. Write for quotation, giving dis tance and direction from your Post Office.” Heater Well Com pany, Raleigh, North Carolina. D21,tf,chg. RUBBER STAMPS—See us for rubber stamps, daters, carbdn paper, typewriter paper second sheets, etc. Dixie Printing Company, Aberdeen. Occidental Life Insurance Co., Raleigh, N. C. Insurance of all kinds. J. D. Hobbs, Agent, Sou thern Pines. MStfchg FOR QUALITY and style built awnings, call Sandhill Awning Co. Telephone 7013, Southern Pines. J25tf WANTED: second hand desks, filing cabinets and office furni ture. Must be reasonably pric ed. Dixie Printing Company, Aberdeen WANTED: boy or girl for part time house work. Call 6872. M17chg FOR SALE: (possession) $698. Modern, 5 rooms, bathroom, electric refrigerator, stove, heater, near lake - school. $698 buys equity (equipment value) and pay $31 monthly FHA mortgage payoff, taxes-interest insurance. Phone Aberdeen 8701, J. D. Arey & Co. MlOtf. FOR SALE: CEMENT BLOCKS. READY FOR DELIVERY. SANDHILLS BLOCK MANU FACTURING CO.. BETWEEN CHANDLER-HOLT ICE 8e FUEL CO. AND SOUTHERN PINES WAREHOUSE. M17ch UPHOLSTERING. FURNITURE REFINISHING AND CABI NET MAKING, RETURNED SERVICEMAN. CALL 5905. A261f PAINTER AND CARPENTER JOBBING . NORMAN E. WRIGHT TEL. 7012 32 ASHE ST M10,17,24.31pd FOR MEMORIALS of dignity, and lasting beauty, contact D. Carl Fry, Carthage, represent ing Palmer Stone Works. M8tf WE SELL — Advertising gum med tape for sealing parcels with your own advertising printed on it. Also tape dis- p pensing machines. We also V handle sales books and mani fold forms. Dixie Printing Company, Aberdeen. CAROLINA THEATRES Pinehurst Southern Pines Present FOR SALE: One three-burner oil stove; two dressers;'; one small dresser; one steel bed; one pair steel springs; one hot water heater (coal). Telephone 5285. M31chg West End Theatre WEST END. N. C. Mon-Tue. June 3-4 8:15 p. m. "To Young To Know" Robert Hutton Joan Little also News and Short Sunday Night, June ALSO:* AT SOUTHERN PINES Sun.-Mon.-Tue., June 2-3-4, 8:15 P. M. Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 Wed June 5 7:15 & 9:00 p. m. "Idea Girl" Chapt. 2 "Lost City" Tbur-Frl June 6-7 8:15 p. m. "The Daltons' Ride Again' Alan Curtis-Lon Chaney also News & Shorts ^ BOilOl, ^ UTBaTNfiUTSON Y . JIIKB UlYSOir JP LAURITZ ■ JIMMY MELCHUtt mmAllTS PETER LAWFORU Sat June 8 Matinee 3:15 Nite 7:15 & 9:00 p. m. Johnny Mack Brown in "Ghost Guns" also Chapt. 7 "Scarlet Horseman'" AT SOUTHERN PINES Wed. thru. Sat. (4 days) June 5-8, 8:15 P. M. Matinee Saturday (Only) at 3:00 § -0

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