r Page Eight THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, August 9, 1946. DRUGS APPROVED The Veterans Administration has approved for use in its hospi tals three drugs recently releas ed for general medical use. They are Folic Acid, newly discovered member of vitamin B complex group; Tridione, effective in treating certain forms of epilepsy- and Thiouracil. used in treating a type of goiter condition. THE FLAT TOP of “Fighting Lady” is a safer place today for the wandering sailor than it was a year ago. On the flight decks ot many of the carriers that brought ^ America’s naval air might to the very soil of Japan itself, the visi tor,'like the Xavyman (below), can walk without fear ot thunder- ind propellers or the spotting of squadrons ready to roar out over iho sea to drop lethal loads on enemy targets. This y-J Day linds thousands ot “the birds with folded wings” voiceless and at rest and their mother hens se cured snugly to their piers, but ready fur almost instant action shouid the unwanted time lor their services come again. (Offif-ial U. S. Navy photos) NOTICE OR RE-SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the powers contained in and in exe cution of the duties imposed upon me by a certain judgment of the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, entered in an ac tion therein pending entitled “Moore County vs Lester W. Per kins, Heiife of Lester W.. Perkins, et als. I will on Tuesday, the 20th. day of August, 1946, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Door of the Moore County Courthouse, in Carthage, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises, to-wit: In Sandhill Township; Being Lots No. 19.20,21 and 22 in Block A in the Gatewood Subdivision a map of which is duly registered in Book of Maps 1, Section 1, Page 24, Public Registry for Moore County. The above property will be sold subject to all taxes that have ac crued since the year 1934, and I will require the successful bidder to deposit twenty per cent of his bid with the Clerk of Superior Court as evidence of good faith. Bids will start at $110.00. This 5th. day of August, 1946. W. CLEMENT BARRETT Commissioner. .A8-15 NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 1st day of July 1946. EVELYN J. BARTON, Executrix of Edwin W. Barton, deceased Jy5,12,19,26A2,9 Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Edwin W. Bar ton, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Southern Pines, N. C. on or be fore the 1st day of July, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted MEAT BACK All Kinds of Beef, Veal, and other ehoiee meat CHEESE... GROCERIES M & M Market ABERDEEN Scarce Items Back Again FIFTEEN HUNDRED MOORE COUNTY VETERANS CIjildren go for Coble homo genized milk! It tastes better, richer. It is easier to digest— with cream in every sip-^n equal share of vital butter fat for all. Compare it against “ordinary” mHfc. (Continued from Page 1) veterans will mass on Ashe Street facing on Massachusetts Avenue. They will march as a group, ir respective of their organization membership, but the flags of each American Legion and Veteran War Group will be in the parade with its proper Guard of Honor. The Big Show of the parade, however, will be the thousand or more Moore County veterans of World-War II, for whom the cele bration is being given. Major John D. Lang, of Carthage has been selected as chief marshal for this parade, and marshals to assist him have been selected from every section of the country and are shown in another article. Chief Marshal Lang urges every Moore County veteran to be in position at the World War H assembly point on Ashe Street, on east side of the Park by 10.39, and that they be dressed in sum mer uniform of their service branch with full insignia and au thorized decorations, so that their part of the parade will be ready to move out promptly at 11:00 a. m. World War II veterans will WATCH THIS SPACE FOR Grand Opening IN SOUTHERN PINES One of the South’s Most Beautiful Jewelry Stores MAY JEWELRY CO., INC. (of Southern Pines) march in their service, branch in the usual order of Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Corps and Wo men’s Auxiliary Corps. AIR COV ER THROUGHOUT THE PAR ADE WILL BE FURNISHED BY THIRD AIR CORPS COMMAND OF POPE FIELD. After the parade a barbecue luncheon will be served to all veterans, their guests, and Ft. Bragg troops at the Park. The Gold Star Mothers will be served luncheon in the Civic Club Build ing adjoining the Park. The Ne gro veterans and Gold Star Moth ers will be served at West South ern Pines High School. A baseball game between Sou thern Pines and Star teams will furnish entertainment at 2:30 p. m. for those interested in baseball. At 3:00 p. m. the Third Air Corps Command of Pope Field, assisted by visiting Civil Air Pa trol fliers, will put on an air show at Knollwood Field and over Southern Pines, that will simulate an invasion attack simi lar to those that Moore County veterans actually fought under from North Africa to Anzio, Nor mandy Beach to Bastogne, and Gualalcanal to Okinawa. Many veterans will not deign to even look at these, but will be seen lolling on the grass in Memorial Park and swapping experiences with some buddy that he has not seen since V-J Day or before. All will gather at the City Hall at 5:00 p. m. to hear speeches and greetings from the Mayor, the State Commanders of VFW’s, the American Legion, the American Veterans Committee land their lady cohorts of the Auxiliaries. The colorful ceremonial decor ating of the Gold Star Mothers will be done at this time by the District Congresswoman, Miss Jane Pratt, who is herself a mem ber of the American Legion Aux iliary. Her talk will be responded to by Mrs. Paul P. McCain, the Gold Star Mother of the year for North Carolina. One of the principal addresses will be made by Mrs. O. S. Slaun- white, department president of the Amberican Legion Auxiliary. Congressman Nominate C. B. Deane will deliver a tribute to the veterans of all wars. Major General James M. Ga vin, Commander of the 82nd Air borne, hero of the Battle of Bas togne, will speak to the veterans on “The Need for a Strong Peace- Time Army.” The colorful Retreat Ceremony or Evening Parade will close the afternoon affair. Lt. Col. Julian A. Cook and the 82nd Airborne Guard of Honor, assisted by the World War I and II-veterans and organizations, will carry out this ceremony, which is one of the most beautiful exhibitions of the armed services. The street dance at 8:30 on West Broad Street, followed by the Victory Ball at the Carthage Gymnasium at 10:30, will close the day. Capt. J. R. Meinnis Wins Commendation Captain John R. MeInnis of West End, N. C., today wears the Army’s commendation ribbon pre sented to him recently by Brig adier General Neal H. McKay, commander of the San Francisco Port of Embarkation. The ribbon was in recognition of the outstanding work done by Captain Meinnis since he report ed for duty at the San Francisco Port. The citation, which was read by Colonel Roland Shugg, chief of staff, at a formal ceremony, is as follows: •■‘Captain John R. Meinnis. As officer in charge, authorization and control branch and other im portant assignments within the branch from February 1944 until Jime 1946, he significantly con tributed to the effective function ing of this vital activity. His ach ievements reflect a thorough knowledge of Port requimements and unusual ability to obtain re sults.” More are on the way. You may rest assured that as fast as good furniture and home furnishings become available CARTHAGE FURNITURE CO. will bring you Americans top lines at the lowest possible price so check with us often, we may have just what you are looking for. Vacuum Cleaners, Radios, Electric Fans, Floor arid Table Lamps, Wool Rugs and a host of beautiful furnishings await your selection. Visit us today! Carthage Furniture Co. H H it :: H H OLD Mr, BOSTON MINT GiN Phone 1 We Deliver Carthage. N. C. snmn::::::: PROOF Prbilueed and Bottled by BERKE BROTHERS DISTILLERIES, INC. BOSTON, MASS. All This Year’s Merchandise DRESS SHOES S H ♦♦ H u S H I H ♦♦ «♦ H » «e H n H ♦♦ n H GET READY THE BUY OF A LIFETIME! CLEARANCE OF ALL OUR WHITE DRESS SHOES—BROWN AND WHITE BLACK AND WHITE RED AND WHITE Play Shoes.. white.. hlue.. green.. red Children Sandals . . ^ Other Specials ALL PRICES REDUCED IVlc Iver’s Steele St. SHOP THE EASY WAY—AT RAYS TWO GREAT STORES RAYS EASY TO FIND WHAT YOU WANT... EASY TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU BUY! Suits - Ladies’ Dresses - Furniture - Jewelry - Lingerie - Hats "IT'S EASY TO PAY THE RAYS WAY" STAR ... ROBBINS