f N.C/s No. 1 Need j GOOD HEALTH I —. N.C.'s ! No. 1 Need GOOD HEALTH VOLUME 28. NO Southern Pines. N. C-Fr id December 27. 1946. TEN CENTS Fire Christmas AM Destroys Interior Of Jack’s Grill Restaurant Suffers Nearly Total Loss Stevens Opens Branch The first local Christmas fire alarm since C. L. Hayes startled Christmas diners by turning in one for Dr. Gladmon’s office 45 years ago, shrilled out at 6:20 o’clock Wednesday morning call ing out the men of the Southern Pines Fire Department to battle with a smoky blaze in Jack’.= Grill. The fire, originating from a motor in the basement, had been smoldering for some time when discovered by Chief Newton who turned in the alarm. On arrival at the scene, firemen found flames pouring from the roof ven- tilatofl.3. Th,ey bad, apparently, worked up the partitions to the attic. This blaze was soon drown ed, but the fire raging in the basement and coming up through the flooring gave the men a stiff battle before being subdued. The damage to the building, erected by E. C. Stevens in 1939; is considerable though it does not show from the outside. O. R. Conrad, proprietor of the Grill, will have but little sabage from his extensive equipnent and heavy stock. He is insured in both the Stevens and Barmm agencies. Loss is estimated to ex ceed $12,000. Hounds Kill Fox In Season’s Best Hunt on Thursday Three Pups Out, Take Leading Part In Hun Near McDeed's Creek “Jinny’s doctoring some sick hounds; she can’t come but Ozelle will tell you!” That was the tale whei the Pilot reporter called up theJile- Away Stable to inquire abot the fox-hunt yesterday. But ^rhen THE PIDT WISHES liVRYONE A HAPPY NE/ YEAR County Ettcators Press ForSchool Bond Issu Vote Delegatios Plan To Meet Commissioners On Janufy 6th January 6thi the date set by the board of (Ucation of Moore County for psentation to the commissionerjof the petition, draw up by le county school- boards, askinfor a special elec tion on the oposed bond issue of $l,250,0003r new school con struction. It IS expted that an annual levy of fro 28 to 37 cetns on each $100.0of valuation of real and person property will be re quired to jy for the new build ings neede to make the schools of the co'ty adequate to their needs. The peion, whcih was drawn up and jssed on by an enthus iastic gaering of school people meeting3ecember 17th in the CarthagCourt-room, goes to the board cpducation for considera tion T)3day night. Their ap proval said to be assured and the mting with the commis- sioner has already been plan ned. -y speakers and commit tee n-nbers are being organized and is expected that a large delejtion from each school dis- trictwill go before the county boa: when they meet on Janu ary th. Ry Starts Rival Newspaper Here Macauley Mav Be Fired From Pilot A story of family rivalry comes Master-of-Hounds Ozelle Mosf^q light in the discovery that a came to the phone, quite aitor: unfolded. “We killed our fox, firs or2 this season,” Ozelle said, A;d best of all, we had three pu fUt for the first time on fox anjtiey were right in at the kill ancelp- ed to pull him down.” Hounds met at the Lee’age place, the master stated and drew down toward thePine Needles Hotel garbage dp, a likely spot for wanderinpxes. Just short of the dump, thpick- ed up a fresh line and wenway. Then ensued as good a n as the Sandhills country cagive: through the woody drawalong newspaper is being published in Southern Pines under the editor ship of Dickie Ray. Others on the staff are: Malcolm Clark, mana ger, Donald Reed, associate edi tor, Dot Hendricks, secretary. Also helping to bring out the paper are Carol Sue Humphrey, Harold A. Collins, Jr., Dorothy Ann Swisher, Lois McCardle. The officers are located in the class room of the Eighth Grade, whose teacher Is Martha Langston. Successful in concealing the first number were the editors, but Number 2, dated November 15th, found its way to the Pilot desk, where it received the at- Ring Out Wild Bells Ring out, wild bells ,to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snc The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the minj For those that here we see no j^e; Ring out the feud of rich and pi, Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out a slowly dying cause. And ancient forms of party strf Ring in the nobler modes of li With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the want, the care, the si: The faithless coldness of the les- Ring out, ring out my mournirhymes, But ring the fuller minstrel in. I Ring out false pride in place andood, The civic slander and the spi Ring in the love of truth anight, Ring in the common love of good Ring out old shapes of foul dis