Pafie Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday, March 14, 1947. (GIVE HER AN EVENING OUT News and Personals from Vass Bessie Qameron Smith, Representatr. .> Telephone Vass 8-F31 DINE AND DANCE SUPERLATIVE FOQD STEAK and CHICKEN DINNERS Served From 5:30 P. M. lillap 3nn For Reservations Telephone 6632 or 8122 One-Fourth Mile South of Southern Pines Attend Rally Sevferal from the local Metho dist church attended the Moore County Methodist Youth Fellow ship Subdistrict rally held in Car thage Monday evening to lay plans for organizing subdistrict work in this county. C. P. Morris, director of youth work in Fay- e\;teville district, pjresided, andj; a Fellowship team from Mt. Gil ead presented an interesting wor ship service. A recreational period was under the direction of Miss Hazel Armstrong, and refresh ments were served by the Carth age MYF. Those from Vass who attended ere Germaine Davis, Agnes Boggs, Lula Belle Boggs, Aileen and Joyce Scott, Ann and Roddy Fields, Mary Elizabeth Thomas, Polly Bridgers, Mrs. H. A. Borst and Mrs. W. A. Muse. the delight of a large number .at tending the Parent-Teacher meet ing Thursday night of last week in the school auditorium. This was the first public performance by the group, and each member of the cast did well. The cast in cluded Vera Prevatte, Peggy Haynes, Ruth Blue, Thelma Au- trey, Beatrice Simpson, Marian Bailey, Ernest McCrimmon and Roy Stutts, Jr. Mrs. Redga Thomas presided over the business meeting and Miss Neolia McCrummen con ducted the devotions. Mrs. W. A, Muse was program leader. Following adjournment the the group assembled in the hall, where the refreshment commit tee served tea and delicious (tookies made by the ninth grade home ec girls. becca Frye spent Friday and Sat urday in Southern Pines with F. E. Walker and Mrs. Ray Back- lund. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Blue of Southern Pines were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Frye. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin of Hamlet were Sunday supper guests of his mother, Mrs. G. W. Griffin. > Mrs. A. M. Cameron went to Buie’s Creek Saturday to be with her sister, Miss Martha McKay, who was at home with influenza. Mrs. Wilbur Edwards and dau ghter, Linda, and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cameron called on Mrs. Pear- lie Thomas of Sanford Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Cameron remain ed overnight. Coyt Hinsley is recovering from an operation at Duke Hospital. Veterans Administration al ready has guaranteed or insured around 48,000 business loans for veterans, totalling more than $150,000,000. New Building Planned J. H. Abernathy has purchased from Mrs. R. G. Rosser a lot 80 feet deep, with 125 feet frontage along Highway 1 between Dr.' Rosser’s office and the town prop-' erty, and plans to erect a build ing for a store and filling sta tion. The lot being on a hillside, much grading is necessary and this is being done by the state to secure material for use in road building. The heavy machinery, which pushes trees down as if they were reeds, is providing free entertainment for many by standers. DINEGRAQOUSLY Home and Metropolitan Style Cooking At Its . Best Breakfast Lunch Dinner THE PttOT RESTAURANT INC. (Intersection Highways 1-15-211) Aberdeen, N. C. Phone 9071 FLOWERS Are to friends, loved ones or relatives rest is to the what weary. Flowers have a way of showing such deep appreciation. May we help you to “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” Hostess to Club Mrs. Herman Thomas was host ess to the Rainbow Home Dem onstration club at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Evans, Wednesday of last week. Fifteen members were present. Mrs. A. V. Autrey presided and Miss Har rell, assistant home agent, gave an interesting lesson on “Sew ing Conveniences.” At the; con clusion of the program Mrs. Thomas served' chicken salad with crackers, lemon pie and coffee. Juniors Make Merry Juniors of Vass-Lakeview High school enjoyed a delightful out ing Friday evening when they journeyed to the Little River Community house in upper Hoke county for a wiener supper and an evening of merrymaking. Margaret Hennings and Robert Bailey were captains of teams which competed in a contest, with Margaret’s team winning. Those attending were Lucille Frye, Hazel Jessup, Margaret Hennings, Leona Cameron, Mary C. Johnson, Nancy Smith, Doris Richardson, Margaret Cameron, Robert Bailey, Harold Baile5% Gerald Hughes, James L. McFay- den, William J. Graham, Robert Hardy, Buster Jessup, Albert Crissman, Bobby Evans, May- ward Bullock, Mary L. Womack. Zelma Comer, and Billy Bob McGill. Carolina Gardens M. G. Backer Opposite Belvedere Hotel Phone 8261 ituutwtfWttiuxumammgmmtmKutmttmmm MRS ALICE F. ADAMS ilagnolfd ilabge OPEN ALL YEAR ROUND SERVING 2 MEALS DAILY Corner of Vermont & Page Sts. Phone 6015 I g/anJlitlls uneral ome AMBULANCE SERVICE SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. TELEPHONE Sill A. B. PATTERSON. Mae Mrs. Fields Is Hostess Mrs. R. H. Fields was hostess to the Methodist Woman’s So ciety of Christian Service at her home Wednesday evening of last week, with Miss Louise Leslie presiding over the business ses sion. As a call to worship Mrs. W. D. Matthews read two poems by the Rev. E. C. Durham of Raleigh, and Mrs. W. H. Keith conduct ed devotions on the theme, “Thou Art Our Father.” “Children and their Church” was the topic of an interesting program present ed by Mrs. C. L. Tyson, Mrs. C. P. McMillan, Mrs. A. G. Edwards and Mrs. C. J. Temple. Mrs. Keith led the Bible study. Gifts for a '‘‘Sunshine Basket” to be presented to Mrs. W. J. Cameron, a sick member, were carried to the meeting. The hostess served delicious refreshments. Dramatic Club Presents Play at PTA Meeting “The Neighbors,” a one-act play by Zona Gale, was present ed by members of Miss Alberta MIonroe’s class in dramatics, to Personals Palmer Causey returned to Ra leigh Sunday after spending sev eral days here with his sister, Mrs. Martha Myers, and nephew. Lincoln Causey. Mrs J. "Vf. McRae of Robbins was the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. McRae, from Thursday until Saturday. Mrs. O. M. Bullock, Russell and Lane Bullock visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bullock at Bunn- level Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George McDer mott. Jr., of Chapel Hill spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George McDermott. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Seawell and daughter, Lena, of Carthage, Rt. I, were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Laubscher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Blue and family of Carthage, Rt 3, and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Evans of Carth age visited Mrs. J. B. Evans and family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Davis and family, en route from Florida to their home at Erwin, stopped to see Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Evans and daughter Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klingen- schmidt of Southern Pines and Howard Gschwind of 'Vass were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Klingenschmidt. F. A. :^eith, Jr., of the Marine Corps, who is spending a leave with his parents at their home Raeford, was a "Vass visitor Monday and had lunch with the Gschwinds. Miss Ruth Goodman of San ford visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cameron and family during last Weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Frye, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marshburn, and little Paul Marshburn visited in Raleigh Sunday afternoon. Sunday callers at the home of R. P, Beasley and sister, Miss Mary Beasley, were Mr. and Mrs. Bazzachus and John Bazzachus, of Deland, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Keith and children called on Mr. and Mrs. Jr. J. Keith and baby of Fayette ville, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Keith of Raeford, Mrs. Luther Wall of Ash ley Heights, and Mr. and Mrs..J. W. Atkinson of Southern Pines Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ned Tyrrell came down from Winston-Salem Monday for a short stay with her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Cameron. John Cameron, also of Winston-Salem, visited her Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Loftin and children visited relatives at High Point during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seward and children of Wilmington were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis. Misses Aileen and Joyce Scott visited relatives in Greensboro Saturday and Sunday. , Miss Blanch Sturdivant visited her sister in Biscoe Saturday. ' Mrs. H. A. Willingham is spend ing some time in Star with her mother. Sergeant Willingham has been transferred from Fort Bragg and they plan to move to his new location as soon as a house is available. Misses Lois Causey and Re- ‘BUT OFFICER--WE JUST HAVEN'T ENOUGH OUTLETS IN THE HOUSE/" ®^any homes that were wired several years ago do not have enough electrical outlets for the many ^uses of electricity today. However, there is no real reason to continue to be inconvenienced in this way. Your electrician can install additional outlets and circuits and prepare your home for your full enjoyment of electrical living, now and in the years to come. Better see him today. > CCAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY) CHEVROLET Again in 1946... FIRST SALES! FIRST IN CAR SALES-FIRST IN TRUCK SALES FIRST IN COMBINED CAR AND TRUCK SALES! The final registration figures are in, and again in 1946 America pur chased more Chevrolet cars—more Chevrolet trucks—more Chevrolet cars and trucks combined—than anyother make, despite the fact that Chevrolet was out of production entirely during the first three months of the year! A magnificent tribute to Chevrolet production efficiency, as well as to the dollar value of Chevrolet products! It’s the best proof you can possibly have that you’re wise to choose Chevrolet, the only cars giving BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST, and the only trucks rating as THRIFT-CARRIERS FOR THE NATION! True, there still aren’t enough new Chevrolets to go around, but highest popular demand means higher dollar value, just as highest production means quicker delivery of your new car or truck. Place your order—today/ CHEVROLET-LOWEST-PRICED LINE IN ITS FIELD \ Mid-South Motors, Inc. Aberdeen^ N. C. Rays Rays Rays JJight For Price ^Iways Quality First Credit. .pavings On All Items Rays Rays R?yf etaaatawaa _ . . . Rays Rays Rays It’s Easy To Pay RAYS Way Rays STAR ROBBINS Rays Rays Rays Rays