Friday, April 18, 1947. THE PILOT, Southern Pines, North Carolina Page Three 7^, SmOAt HOWLETTS BE KIND, TO IT.' IT'S A LONG WAV FROM We spend time and ef fort to keep your car in good running con dition. Bring it to us often for a check-up. Expert brake service- ing at our shop. We offer a complete wheel aligning service. . . battery service . . , washing, greasing and lubrication service. PINEHURST NEWS Mr. Smart Will Appear In This Space Every Week WLETTS Se^utice a*td So/du SUap. \ SOUTHERN PINES, N C . PHONE 53l| Starting Early? We Can Speed You on Your Way j With a Good Breakfast from 6 to 11:30 a. m. 35c to $1.25 LUNCHEON 11:30 a. m. until 2:30 p. m. 65c to $2.00 DINNER 5 until 11:00 p. m. $1.50 to $3.50 Seafoods a Specialty Our Motor Court Includes Five New Cabins With Every Convenience for Comfort. P ope’s Restaurant On Highway Number one South of Southern Pines For Reservations call Southern Pines 8872 H. LEA PTA Meeting With a balance of $1,411.85 on hand from last year’s summer program, a drive for additional funds for an enlarged recreation al prograrh this summer in Pinn- hurst was decided upon at the April 'meeting of the PTA held the evening of April 8 in the school auditorium. Last summer $4,037.90 was con tributed by organizations and in ■ dividuals, a director secured, numerous events held and equip ment purchased. A full report on the program was presented at the meeting by Boderick Innes, PTA secretary. Mrs. Frank McCaskill, vice president, presiding over the mfeeting, paid tribute to Superin tendent J. B. Harbison, who is resigning to become business ad ministrator of a Reidsville hospi tal. He has served also as chair man of the Community Recrea tional association. “It is with deepest regret that we accept his resignation,” said Mrs. McCaskil ‘ Our good wishes go with him and his family to their new home.” Paul V. Peck led in the singing of several songs, and routine re ports were made. and Mrs. Thomas L. Black this week. Mrs. Edward Benbow and small daughter, of Greensboro, haye been guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, at After glow cottage for several days. Carthage Election Promises Interest and in charge thereof, upon I the stockholders thereof, which To Washington The junior and senior classes of the Pinehurst school left Wed nesday at 7 p. m. by chartered bus for . a trip to Washington, from which they will return late Saturday. They were accompan ied by Superintendent and Mrs. J. W. Harbison and Miss Eleanor Fresh, and the bus carries large signs, “Pinehurst (N. C.) High school Educational Tour.” Through Congressman C. B. Deane, tickets to a major league baseball game were reserved, and the tour includes also 'the White House, the Senate, the Capitol building, Mt. Vernon, Arlington cemetery and other points of in terest. PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. For your Painting and Wallpaper ing Needs, Furniture Refinishing and Sign Painting. R. T. Campbell, Mgr. Phone Pinehursl4933 EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING C. R. McCoy, Watchmaker ji with 20 years experience H on the jewelry repair bench. « ♦« ALL WORK GUARANTEED « ♦I Watches — Diamonds I Jewelry KARNIMAX || Next To Postoffice gmttnntamnginnatm: JEWELERS Carthage PROMPT MODERATE DRY CLEANING SERVICE ET C. JENSEN INSURANCE REAL ESTATE J. D. AREY & CO. J. D. Arey. Sr. J. D. Arey, Jr. Poplar Si ABERDEEN Tel. 8701 Personals Mr. and Mrs. Reginald JIamor, son Mack and daughter Ann, have moved into their new home just outside town on Linden road. The house formerly belonged to Dr. Alice Pr'esbrey and is now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradshaw. Mrs. Hamor and Mrs. Bradshaw are twin daughters of Mrs. D. P. McKenzie who resides with the Bradshaws at the Mc Kenzie home on West End high way. Mrs. Hargrave Vail has return ed from a short trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gary and son Curtis, Jr., of Darien, Conn., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John O. Hobson at Dumdruff cot tage on Muster Branch road. Mr. and Mrs. James Haw of Buffalo are guests of Capt. and Mrs. Alec T. Roberts at Shadow Lawn. Mrs. Haw’s son, Harold C. Buckminister, Jr., of Prince ton was their guest during spring vacation. , • Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Markle and children, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Johnston, at Cotton cottage, have returned to their home, Overbrook Hills, Phil adelphia. Mis. Eugene K. McKenzie and children who have been spending six weeks with relatives in St. Petersburg, Fla., have returned. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wade and children, who occupied the Mc Kenzie cottage during her ah sence, left for their home in Mer- avia, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradshaw flew their private plane to Char lotte Saturday afternoon for few hours of shopping. Mrs. W. A. Pearse and Dr. A. J. Pearse of Cleveland, O., guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Pearse for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. BUly Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Farrell were guests at the Chalfonte for a few days last week. Other well- known golfers visiting in the vil lage are Mrs. Babe Didrickson Zaharias, Miss Louise Suggs of Lithia Springs. Ga., Miss Sally Sessions of Michigan, Miss Jean Hopkins of Ohio, Miss Helen Sigel of Philadelphia, Mrs. J. M. Gess- be, Jr., of Philadelphia and Mrs. Estelle Lawson Page of Chapel Hill. There are many more here also participating in the Women’s North and South. Stuyvesant Leroy, who has been spending the season at the Mag nolia, has returned to New York and Newport. Mrs. W. James MacNab return ed Wednesday to her home in Au- burndale. Mass., after a three weeks’ visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ross in Miami and a three v/eeks’ visit with her brother. True P. Cheney and family here. Mrs. A. M. Oglesby has re turned from visiting relatives in Virginia. Sgt. and Mrs. F. F. Rainey an nounce the birth of a daughter, Kathleen Pleasants, at the Moore County hospital Friday afternoon, April Ij. Mrs. Rainey is the for mer Patricia Ray, daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. Norfleet Pleasants Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Macauley of New York are guests of Mr. With 12 candidates in the field ior six positions, it looks as if the voters of Carthage will have an interesting municipal election May 6. Mayor Edward J. Burns, who is serving his first term, is a candidate for re-election. He is opposed by W. D. Sabiston, Jr,, Carthage attorney, and Frank Badgett. H. J. Hall, H. F. Seawell, Jr., and D. Carl. Frye are the mem bers of the present board of com missioners seeking re-election. George Thomas and L. ,R. Sugg did not file. Others seeking elec tion to the board are Wilton Brown, D. A. McDonald, Tony Gilchrist, H. G. Poole, William Carter and L. A. Lawhorn, Jr whom process may be served), has complied with the require ments of Chapter 55 of the Gen eral Statutes, preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate that such consent has been filed: NOW, THEREFORE, I, THAD EURE, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do here by certify that the said corpora tion did, on the 21st day of March, 1947, file in my office a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by at least two-thirds in interest of said certificate and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, i have hereto set my hand and af fixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 21st day of March, A. D., 1947. (SEAI.) THAD EURE Secretary of State M28-A18 ofanJliiIls '^Funeral 9Cc ome AMBULANCE SERVICE SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. TELEPHONE 0111 A. B. PATTERSON. MSR it Mrs. Clark Asks Veterans File Now With some 1,000 applications from Moqre County veterans for their terminal leave pay on file, around 2,000, or more than two- thirds, remain to be filed before the deadline of September 1, and Mrs. Louise Clark, veterans’ ser vice officer at Carthage, has is sued a request that veterans look after this immediately. The deadline seems a long time off but postponements have a way of prolonging themselves and if a large percentage of these are left till the last few weeks or days, they will cause great con gestion at the office, she reminds. Many services are offered vet erans at the service office in the courthouse, and the terminal leave applications have to take their turn with the others, so “Do it now—please!” says Mrs. Clark. She adds, “And don’t forget to bring your discharge papers with you, as certified copies of these have to be sent in with the appli cation.” 'PAINT UP. FRESH UP" The Shaw Paint and Wallpaper company began its spring “paint up, and fresh up” carripaign right at home, with d' sm&rt new decot- ^f green and ivory right out of its own paint cans. These are coming in increasing number, said Manager Joe Gar- zik, and, while some colors and types are still unavailable, you can get most anything now in the line of what the well dressed home or store will wear this spring. MOORE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES / / if in season are Dewy Fresh. If ont of season we have them in FARM FRESH FROZEN FOODS GRADE A BEEF. LAMB. PORK and BACON NATIVE TURKEYS NATIVE POULTRY Our Selection of Unusual Items for Canapes » 7 For Your Cocktail Hour Is World Wide. JOHNSON’S IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Tel. 7474 FINEST IN FOODS Southern Pines Henry NOTICE Eugene Norton, plaintiff vs Cattle Lee Norton, defendant The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to secure an absolute divorce; that the defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in his office in the Court House in the Town of Carthage, North Car olina, within twenty days from the 30 day of April 1947, and an swer the plaintiff’s com.plaint in said action or plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. Dated this 31 day of March 1947. JOHN WILLCOX Clerk of the Superior Court A4-25 ittxtiitxtsttttittiiaiittttttttttttitittt state of north CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Certificate of* Filing of Consent By Stockholders to Dissolution TO ALL WHOM THESE PRES ENTS MAY COME—Greeting: WHEREAS, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly 'authentica ted record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof deposeted in my office, that the HIGHLAND PARK HOTEL COMPANY a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No. ,in the Town of Southern Mount Royal Hotel,.Montreal Frank H. Briggs; Manager Pines, County of Moore, State of North Carolina (Garland A. Pierce being the agent therein. AUBREY S Jeweler TeL SS31 Repairing Aberdeen « Si U" We are proud of the pri vilege of being hosts not only to world famed travellers but to the leading owners, exhibit ors and lovers of horses King Edward Hotel, Toronto H. A. Peters, Jr., Manager Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor when in Conodo. W. Harold Jex, Manager Royal Connaught Hotel, Hamilton Oscar B. Musselman, Manager Vernon G. Cardy, President. H. Alexander MacLennan, General Manager. E :■ General Brock Hotel, Niagara Falls W. A. Steod, Manager Hotel Leonard, St. Cathi E. J. Rix, Manager CARDY FARMS Mount Vernon Ranch, Vol David, Quebec, Canada Vernon Valley Farm, Southern Pines, North Carolina, U.S.A.