Page Four THE PILOT, Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday, July 11, 1^47. Society and Personals of the Sandhills Baptist Church Group to Meet Monday The Girls’ Auxiliary of the Woman’s Missionary Society, First Baptist Church, will present a missionary program at the July meeting of the Business Woman’s Circle. Mrs. Leon Talton of North May Street will be hostess to the group which will meet Monday night, July 14, at eight o’clock. The Girls’ Auxiliary is sponsored by the Business Woman’s Circle. Ellen Lee Bushby Ellen Lee is the name chosen by Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Bushby for their daughtfer born Thursday, July 3, at Moore Coun ty Hospital. Mrs. Bushby is the former Jane Morrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Morrison. Picnic Suppdr Mrs. Anna PatOh Blue was hostess at a lawn picnic Wednes day night of last week. The party was especially for Capt. and Mrs. George W. Richardson who en joy outdoor suppers with their friends. Hamburgers were cook ed and supper served in the back yard of Mrs,. Blue’s home on West Broad street. Guests were the Richardsons, Mrs. Edna Car ter Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Patch, Hazel, Richard and Ce- phus Patch, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ward and Clara Ann Blue. Later in the evening Mrs. Blue, the Richardsons and Mrs. Hayes visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gordon-Mapn who had been unable to be present for the picnic. Motor Trip To prove to a Texas girl now of Miami that the Carolinas have their jaeauty spots, too, Robert F. Dorn took his wife (the former Helen Marie Weiss of San An tonio) and his mother, Mrs. H. W. Dorn on a motor trip to West ern North Carolina last weekend. Among the places, they visited jwere Hendersonvifle) Asheville and Blowing Rock. There they went to nearby Camp Yonahloss- ee to call on Bob's sister, Louise, W'ho is spending the summer at the girls’ camp. On their return they visited in Roaring Gap and High Point, returning here Tues day afternoon. For a Fourth of July trip the Robert Dorns, Miss Geneva Hall, Mrs. Dorn, Miss Dorothy Dorn and Bob Cameron spent the day at White Lake. In Pittsburgh Carlton Kennedy in company with her sister, Mrs. S. S. Cole of Car thage, and Mr. and "Mrs. Harold Cole of Columbia, S. C., motored to Pittsbuhgh, Pa., where Mrs. Kennedy and her sister will visit. Mrs. Cole’s son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole, for a week. The Harold Coles will continue on their trip into Canada. Mr. Frank Cole, now credit manager of the Mellon National Bank in Pitts burgh, formerly lived in Carthagg and Aberdeen. After returning for a' week at her home Mrs. Kennedy will go to Lake Louise, Toccoa, Ga., to attend Le Tourneau’s Southern Bible Radio and Music week. Returns from France After two and a half years overseas duty in Europe Lt. Col. Willard Anggn returned last week to join .Mrs. Angen and Iteir daughter, Elda Anne) at their home on North Ashe street. He has served with the Ameri can Graves Registration Com mand, with headquarters in Par is. Cpl. Angen will have a forty- five days leave. Houseguests E. Dorothy Ann Davis Dr. and Mrs. Thompson Davis announce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Ann, on Tues day, July 8, at Moore County Hos pital. Dorothy Aiin has a sister and two brothers, Margaret Mary, Thompson E., Jr., and John Wil liam. Mrs. Elam C. Toone, of Rich mond,'Va., arrived last week to spend three weeks with Mrs. R. L. de Milhau, whb is with her daughter, Mrs. S. O. Nicholson, at Hibernia for the summer. Pfc. Edward Nicholson is also at Hi bernia for July before reporting to the west coast August 5th for overseas service with the Ma rine Corps. Weekend guests of the Nicholsons were Miss Trudy Walton, of Lumberton, and Gor don Sears of Raleigh. Miss Glenn Abbott Harden of Raleigh came to spend Sunday with them, and also on Sunday their daughter Winifred arrived home from a month’s stay with relatives near Littleton. From California Edward H. Haynes, Robert Scurlock and Bryce Ashton, stu dents at San Diego College, Calif, were the guests of Mrs. J. F. Mor ris and her brother, Hiram West brook, at the New England House for two days. They were en route to Camp Lejeune where Bryce Ashton will spend the summer. Mr. Haynes and' Mr. Scurlock re turned to Southern Pines for a brief visit before going to Mr. Haynes’ home in Boxford, Mass. Edward Haynes was a student at The Ark seven years ago. He is a nephew of Miss Louise Hay nes of Rockport, Mass., and Sou thern Pines. Legion Auxiliary Officers Installed Fourteen membej’s of the American Legion Auxiliary ntet at the home of Mrs. A1 Hewlett for their July 8th meeting. In the absence of Mrs. Hewlett, members were welcomed by Mrs. Watts. Mrs. T. K. Gunter, presi dent, presided at the meeting. After the business session in teresting reports were given by delegate^ attending the Depart ment Convention at Carolina Beach in June, Mrs. Veta E. Gor man, Mrs. C. S. Patch, Sr., Mrs Haynes Britt, Mrs. Anna P. Blue (whose report was read in her absence) and Mrs. Dan R. Mc Neill. Installation ceremony, using the colorful gold and navy shoul der banners, was conducted by Mrs. L. L. Woolley. Newly elect ed officers installed were Mrs. ■ Haynes Britt, president; Mrs. Veta E. Gorman, secretary-treas urer; Mrs. Joe Hensley, sergeant- at-arms; Mrs. T. K. Guntqr, past- president; Mrs. Dan R. McNeill, historian. Continuing in office are Mrs. L. A. DesPland, vice president, and Mrs. Virgil C. Johnston, chaplain. After receiv ing the gavel Mrs. Britt appoint ed the standing committees for the coming year and outlined the duties of each member for a full Auxiliary program. The August 12th meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Joe Hensley, Pinehurst, at which time Miss Shirley Dana and Miss Betty Grahanl of Pinehurst wiU prefeent the Girls’ State' reports Dinner Guests’ On last Saturday evening Miss Mabel Todd of Charlotte and her sifter. Miss, Aline Todd, were entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dawson and young daughter, Donna Leigh, at their home on May Street, Miss Mable Todd was the guest of her sister from Thursday through Sunday of last week. Club Plans Dances - The first in a series of weekly dances was held by the VFW club last Saturday night in their rooms in the Straka Building. Eigjity five couples attended to enjoy the fun and dancing. The Satur day night dances are for VFW Club members and their guests. Frank Neely, Club manager, an- inounces that special entertain ment features are geing planned for each weeks social event. IN BRIEF ' Miss Alice Baxter returned fi'om Charlotte to spend the July 4th holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Baxter. Mr. and Mrs; E. O. Schaefer and daughter. Miss Jean Schaefer, have returned from a motor trip last week to Miami, Fla. Miss Louise Dunn and Miss Joyce Anderson returned Satur day from a visit of several weeks with Joyce’s aunt, Mrs. George Hqirton, in Miifneapolip, Minn. They also visited in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. F. Chappell and children, Mary Elizabeth and John, left last Sunday J^or a week’s stay at Crescent Beach, S. C. Joe Montesanti, Jr., a,nd Herr mann Grover are spending this weekend in Washington, M!r. and Mrs. George Thomp son and Linda and Djon re turned from Kentucky Tuesday night. While there they wisited Mr. Thompson’s family in - Pro- Hdencal, ja)[Td Mrs. Thomp'son’s relatives in Paducah. Mt. and Mrs. Stanley Austin (Georgitinne Thompson) joined them for the past week returning home Mon day night. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Hafiltey and young daughter, Rita, wi’ll be at home in Winston-Sale.m where Mr. Hanley has accepted ' a position as an accountant. He W8‘S formerly with the Central Car^- olina Telephone Company iih Southern Pines. Mrs. Hanley, witih Rita, is at present visiting he:‘r mother in Oxford, N. C. ' Mr. and Mrs. Angus Cl., Wicker' of Rochester, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs ■ R. B. Morris of Leesvills, S. C.,^ Mrs. Robert Rawl and son Bobby ■ froin Columbia, S. C., spent the- 'past* weekend wi^h their sister,: Miss Isabel Wicker and aunt, Miss ■ Effie McCallum. Watt. Culbreth entered Moore County Hospital Thursday to un dergo a major operation. Miss Mary Scott Newton is va cationing in Denver, Colo. She left for her trip on July 4th and will be away fo^ three weeks, . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Flannery have returned to Portsmouth. Ohio, after a three weeks’ visit with Mrs. Flannery’s parents, the J. E. Wilsons of Manly. ,Mrs. S. S. Koszewski of Hill Road visited MJp. and Mrs. Claude Reams and family at Garden City, S. C., from ^ Thursday through Sunday of last week. The Reams have been vacationing at Garden City for two weeks a«jd plan to return here Sunday, July 13. On this Wednesday Mrs Koszewski motored to Charlotte to call for her sons, Steve and Chris, who have been visiting their grandmother. The boys' cousin, Lightcey Wallace will re turn with them for a ten days' visit. Mrs. Verdie T. Wiley returned Monc^ay night from a month’i stay at Lynchburg. While there she visited her niece, Mrs. Rob ert Chewning, and her nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. W Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Burney McCotter of Salisbury were Southern Pines visitors Monday and Tues day, and were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boes re turned to Goldsboro Mionday af ter a week’s yisit in Southern Pines. At the conclusion of his month’s leave Capt. George W. Richard son left Tuesday morning to re turn to Bdrksdale Field, La. On Friday July 4, he and Mrs. Rich ardson spent the day at Granite Falls, guests of Mrs.-Richardson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bo gle.: Df. and Mrs. J. I. Neal are va cationing at Mrytle Beach for two weeks. Before going to South Carolina they motored to Char lotte to attend the State Veteri narians Conference on July 5th and 6th. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Guhter re turned recently from Harbor Beach, Mich. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moore, Ashe street last week were Mrs. Moore’s brother and family, Mir. and Mrs R. L. Coburn and Bobby of Wil- liamston, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. D. D. Coburn and daughter Mrs. Chapman Hutchinson of New York City. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Bower and B. Weatherspoon dur ing the weekend were Miss Bar bara Bower and^ Mrs. Eleanor Greer of Washington, D. C., Miss Marjorie Carleton of Gainsville Fla., Mrs. Colby Broadwater, Jr., of Columbia, Miss., and Mr, and Mrs. Cyrus Jones of Raleigh Sgt. and Mrs. L. A. Morrison of Maxton and David Morrison of Chapel Hill were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Morrison last week-end. T|Sgt and Mrs. Harry Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boney were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Edmonds at Burlington. Mrs. R. C. DuBose has return ed to her home on East Connecti cut avenue following a recent illness at Moore County Hospital. On Friday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dyer and Mrs. Dyer’s mother, Mrs. Nettie M, Reynolds, left for a motor trip to Jersey Shore, Pa., to visit anoth er daughter, Mrs. G. L. Miller and her family for a month. At the conclusion of a weekend visit Mr. Dyer left for Binghamton, N. Y., on a business trip, and Mrs. Dyer returned to Southern Pines, arriving -here Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Oak Ridge, Tenn., are visiting Mrs. Smith’s parents. Chief and Mrs. Ed Newton. T|Sgt. J. C. Hutchinson, station ed at Selfridge Field, Mich., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson of Manly for a few days. Miss Pearl McDonald is teach ing at Roanoke Rapids High School during the summer. William Block left Tuesday night to return to his home in Closter, N. J., after visiting iiis brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles •Block for three week^. Other guests of Mr. and Mrs. Block re cently were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Troy of Floral Park, Long Island. Mrs. Christine Kohring has been visiting in New York City for the past three weeks. Miss Blanche Sherman left Tuesday ,evening for a three weeks’ vacation in New York State. She will visit her brother Carl Sherman, and his family in Auburn, and other relatives and friends in Ithaca and Homer. Miss Faye Brewer of Carthage is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Gra ham Culbreth and Mr. Culbreth-. On Friday, July 4, they motored to Hamlet to attend the horse show. , Mrs. P. P. Pelton returned; last in Washington. She accompanied her sister, Mrs. William Gurley, sister-in-law, Mrs. Quinton Kim- rey, and nephbw, Ralph Gurley, of Sanford on the motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Garrett, Jr., of, Charlotte were the guests of Mr. Garrett’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rhodes, May Street, on July 4th and for the weekend. Mrs. Angelo Montesanti, with her daughter Miss Millie Monte santi motored to Augusta, Ga., in the early part of last week to visit another daughter, Mrs. I. D. Quillen. On their return they were accompanied by Mrs. Quil len and Sgt. Quillen who has been released from Oliver Gen eral Hospital and will spend his month’s leave here. Mrs. Earle Merrill and children, Delores and Charles, have return ed from a month’s vacation at Virginia Beach. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Johnson motored to Boston, Va., last week for a short stay with rela tives of Mr. Johnson’s. Emerson Humphrey will leave for Blowing Rock this weekend tC)^ reopen his photography shop there for the next two months. He will also continue to keep his local shop open and return here frequently during the summer. Mks. Jean'Edson and Miss Ka therine Wiley will leave Sunday for a two weeks’ vacation at Myrtle Beach. Dr. and Mrs. Philip Mi White- head vacationed at Linville, N. C., duVing the July 4th weekend. Mrs. R. F. Tarlton came from Fayetteville Wednesday to call foi- her children, Sandra and Jane, who had been visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chandler, for several days. Miss* Franks Schwartz will leave today, Friday, for Wilming ton, N. C.. to visit Mr. and Mrs. William Fowler for ten days. Mrs. Fowler is the former Max ine Grisamer of Southern Pines. Mrs. Jack Weatherly and chil dren, Jack and Kathie, plan to move to Pembroke this weekend to join Mr. Weatherly. T. K. Campbell, Bobby Dunn and Clyde Smith, Jr., returned last Monday hight from a week’s visit in Washington. Judy Quinton of Asheville was the guest of her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Russell Birch. She returned to her home Friday, July 4. Guests of Mrs. Myra JohpsQ-A Men’s Club Gift To Town’s Youth Becomes Official PAROLED Herbert Campbell, convicted in Moore county in 1946 of breaking and entering, and sentenced to 30 months, was granted a parole by Governor Cherry this week; The estimated daily population of Rockefeller Center is 152,132, an(^ is surpassed by the popula tion of only 55 cities in , the United States. • jGifU of the Southern Pines Men’s club building to the Sou thern Pines sch'bolt announced last February, was made official lat week with tlje transfer of the deed by E. J. Woodward, repre senting the Men’s club to the Southern Pines school board and their successors foreveri Transfer was made to Philip J. Weaver as 'school board repre sentative. The building, located off East N Pennsylvania avenue between Broad and Ashe streets, was built 111 X923 and used for. many years by^ members' of the Men’s club, their friends and winter visitors. It became well known as a center of hospitality and pleas ant recresiion, and in its day en tertained hundreds, including many famous and prominent men. With its membership dwindled to a dozen, and club activities Jsuspended since the beginning of war, the club resisted tempt ing money offers for its attractive and well located building, and determined on making a gift of it to the youth of the town. It is at present being used as headquarters for the summer re creation program a gathering place for boys and girls and the scene of many an exciting game of billiards and ping pong. For Lasting Beauty One of Our Hardy Potted Plants or Beautifully Fresli Seasonal Cut Flowers Artistically arranged for your home. Rain Badly Needed By Thirsty Crops That was a million-dollar rain which fell on Moore county this week, though it came too late to help the crops of many farmers. The tobacco, however, was re ported to have responded grate fully to the drenching downpour. Recent showers had been too light, as well as to localized, to go far toward breaking the back of, the summer drought which had the Sandhills farming country in its_ clutch. The grains, whose harvest was recently completed, were about (3 per cent of normal, ,and vary- at the Gertrude Apartments, artfvLng widely in quality in the dif-' PINEHURST GREENHOUSES PHONE 2121 PINEHURST her uncle and aunt, M'r. and Mrs. Charles Abercrombie, and her brother, C. H. Daugherty, of Mc- K^sport, Pa. They arrived July 4th and will remain for a two weeks’ -v^isit. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steen of Miami, Fla., were the guests of Capt. and Mrs. George W. Rich ardson last week. Mr. Steen is a pilot with Pan-American Air lines on a South American ruii. After a stay at their Knoll- wood homfe Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Aiken and family, Nora, Mar jorie, Ernestine, Ursula and Ben, left last Monday to retur^ to their Maryland residence at Chevy Chase. Two of Ben’s friends were their guests during their visit here, Leo Speros and Teddy Stewart also of Chevy Chase. Miss Nancy McColl has return ed from Salem College at Win- sto'n-Salem and will spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. Katherine McColl at Twin Gables. Mks. Colby Broadwater (Jane Bradin)'left Wednesday to return to her home in Columbia, Miss., after a visit with her grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Bower, and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alden Bower. Mrs. Broad water’s parents and brother, Capt. and Mrs. Benjamin Bradin and Jimmy are still living in Germany, stationed near Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Epps of Charlotte spent v last week with Mr. Epps’ brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Chatfield, Youngs Road. Mrs. R. D. McMahon and daughter, Harriet, will leave to day, Friday for a vacation in northern states. Mrs. McMahon will visit friends in Connecticut, and Harriet will go to Lake Placid for the summer. Another daughter, Marjorie, left recently to spend her vacation at Ecole School summer camp. Lake Champlain, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce Lewis of Chapel Hill were the guests of Mr. Lewis’ mother, Mrs. Bruce Lewis, Bennett Street, last Weekend. Miss Mildred and Miss Louise Weatherspoon, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Weatherspoon, are spending their vacation with* rel atives in Columbia, S. C., this week. Mrs. Juba C. Epps and family. Miss Sybil, Audrey, Kenneth, Mrs. Veta Gorman and baty Dianna, spent several days at Carolina Beach recently. Mrs. V. R. Ethridge and chil dren, Joyce and Johnny, of Car teret, N. J., are visiting Mr. and M^rs. D. B. Tew and other Rela tives in the Sandhills. Mrs. Sadie Ingram of San An- ferent sections. Corn is badly burnt, and very irregular, as the drought seems to have hit some sections worse than others Tobacco, most of which was set out very late, was in bad need of rain. Fruit and gardens have been hurt to some extent but not beyond the help of a good hard soaking rain. The dry weather kept the dew berry crop also to around 70 per cent of normal. Some sections have had a num ber of, showers, while others have had almost none. At one place in the north end of the county it was recently reported they had not seen rain but once in two months. POSTAL RATES Notification was received by Acting Postmaster L. T. Hall ■Tuesday that the present three cent letter rate and other current postal rates and fees were con tinued on a permanent basis by President Truman’s signature Monday, just a few hours short of the midnight Jund'SO ^leadline. Without approval of a joint congressional resolution for the continuation, the old two-cent letter rate would have come back into being. Notice was received here by telephone from Postal Inspector J. M. Risley, of Raleigh, who just a few days before was here to administer the oath of office to Hall, inducting him as acting postmaster following recommen dation made in May by Congress man C. B. Deane. tmitt IN AIRSHOW Gordon Brown and Harold Bachman,.of the Skyline airport, flew to the MaxtonTLaurinburg airport , July 4 to take part In the big airshow marking the air port’s dedication as a public ser vice field. weekend with Mrs. Foy Swin dell. .• Miss Betty McCue left Mon day for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koenigsmark, Jr., and family at Smyrna, Ga. The Koenigsmarks are former resi dents of Southern Pines. FridSy from several days’ visit tonio, Texas, spent a recent For Membership in the see RALPHBOWER, RepMseptatiTe, Box ATS. .Southern Pines. Phone 59S5 PRE-INVENTORY close-oUt prices LESS THAN COSTS TCS SHOP SOUTHERN pines; N. C. * YK«Hi»n«ni«»H»«tiKitttt:«mi«nnmtm»:::::«it:Ht:H:««Ht«K««t:«tt:5 gnHH»»»;:«»i«;n»»t»««»tum« SUMMER ^ LOTIONS ^ OINTMENTS Foir Comfort and Emergencies The Warm Weather "MUSTS" That Every Family Should Have Are Here For You. All The Finest Products of Nationally Famous' Manufacturers Suntan Lotions, Sunburn Creams, Sun Glasses Talcum Powders, Poison Plant Lotions Cool Sunburn, Relieve Itching of Mosquito and Chigger Bites First Aid Equipment, Fly and Mosquito Spray Leg IMakeup, Toilet Waters, Shaving Creams We Are Open All Day SUNDAY, JULY ISth. Hours: 9 til 1 and 3 to 7 SANDHHX DRUG COMPANY PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Telephone 6663 Southern Pines unuuHwuiuiHHitRRrtunmattKntugta WEDDINGS FLOWERS BIRTHDAYS Gardens Stevens Building Telephone 8261 , WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS ANNIVERSARIES FUNERALS FOR HOSPITAL AND LIFE INSURANCE SEE B. C. DOYLE Box 625 . . Southtrn Pines ifflWKttiittnnuumRHRaBtttuutttKHmfflffltitiiuminnmtttowKaiKUHa

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