CONTINUING PRE-INVENTORY SALE MANY ADDITIONAL BARGAINS ARE ON DISPLAY \ PATCH’S West Broad Street Southern Pines Army Recruiting For 6th Division Serving In Korea Jutting southward from Man churia for almost 600, miles is the mountainous peninsular of Korea. Through the center extends a lofty range, falling in the east to the steep and rock-bound coast, and descending in the west to a series of low and shelving' mud bahk^. Heavily timbered lainds in the north give way to southern hills covered with scrub oak and chestnut, and coarse, sour-gr,ass. Shallow, rocky rivers with limit- €d navigable possibilities corru gate the seashore. This is the rugged country now occupied by the Sixth Infantry Division (readily recognized, by the six-pointed, red star shoulder patch). of characteristic Korean work] manship—and peculiar and inter esting customs, and dress surviv ing the modifying powers of cen turies. The ancient and venerable land of Korea beckons with mysterious nod to the adventurous young man of the West who is wliling to meet the challenge of rugged service in a rugged country. En listments are now being accepted for direct assignment to the 6th Infantry division in Korea. Qual ified young nien will find the op portunity for travel, education and service worthy of serious consideration. Crowds Gathered For Holiday At Carthage Red Star division again have the opportunity to broaden their ed ucation through travel in a far- eastern land as' well as the oppor tunity to enjoy a vigorous out- do6r life. Hunting and fishing highlight the varied activities of the sportsman soldier during his off-duty hours. Korea, a country with 3,000 years of history behind it, pro vides for sightseers ancient ar NOTICE This is to advise that the Board of Town Commissioners has ap pointed W. H. Mumford as Elec trical Inspector. Under the State Building Code,, all alterations and additions to present wiring sys tems and installations of wiring in new buildings are required to In Korea, the soldiers of the*-be inspected by the Electrical In- Oa J' . » A___ ■» in ' . spector. Mk. Mumford can be reached at 355 West Vermont Avenue—Tel. 8843. Elmer E. Davis will continue as Building Inspector. Howard F. Burns, Clerk-Treas. TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES "THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE . Nice to see Bob Walker walk ing past the Pilot’s window again. - -- Bob is back in the shop and find- chitectural structures — palaces I ing,much to do and cities guarded by great walls, I “I couldn’t istay away from pagodas and parks, and temples Southern Pineb,” he says. For Beauty and Comfort in your Home Wood — Ste^l — Aluminum Any Size Any Color PRICES FROM $5.00 RICHARD BOBBITT . Phone 9292 Aberdeen theatrE Saturday, July 12 i, Night 7:15 & 9:00 ' Matinee 3U)0 “PRAIRIE RAIDERS” CHARLES STARRETT SMILEY BURNETTE Monday & Tuesday, July 14-15 Night 7:15 & 9:15 “HIGH BARBAREE” VAN JOHNSON JUNE ALLYSON Wednesday, July 16 Night 7:15 & 9:00 CASH AWARD ‘‘LITTLE MISS BROADWAY” JEAN PORTER JOHN SHELTON JERRY WALD AND HIS ORCHESTRA Thursday & Friday, July 17-18 < Night 7:15 & 9:15 “CARNIVAL IN COSTA RICA” DICK JuIyMES VEHA ALLEN (Continued from Page 1) ^members “mopped the deck and tossed out copies of The Pilot (latest issue) as the lookout cried greetings from his crow’s-nest to the crowds. \ The vessel was manned by Lewis Pate, Nathan Adams, Dickie Ray, Johnny Ray, Ken neth Eppes, Jean Adams, Nancy Boyd, Jim Boyd, Dan and Rhoda Boyd, Valerie Nicholson, Daniela Frassinetti, Dale Cowgill and The Pilot. Legion Float Directly behind came another Southern Pines float, the invit ing offering of the Sandhills post, American Legion, in which beautiful bathing girls made a picture of relaxation about a beach table, sipping soft drinks in the shade of long leaf pines. The youthful belles were Janet Menzel, Louise Milliken, Rebecca McCue, Peggy Phillips, Amelia Willcox, Elaine Johnson, Mary Johns Cameron, Carol Sue Hum phrey and Dolores Merrill. Beauty Queen Sylvia Cromer, with her silver crown, and con test (runners:-up rode in royfal state on a glittering rose- and gold float provided by the Car thage Jaycees. Among other floats were those of the City of Sanford, Robbins Cloth Mill, Carthage chapter of the American Legion auxiliary. Smothers Brothers, Littleton and Carter Brothers, and the Carthage Fire depart ment, on which more beauties were displayed. Wins Podge Car Wilbur McL4od, Carthage electrician,-was the envied win ner of the new Dodge car, in the; drawing of tickets held late ini the afternoon. Sandwich-an^-soft drink stands around the courthouse did a land office business during the lunch hour. One sponsored by tl^e WMS of the Carthage Baptist church was later reported to have clear ed more .than $300, and the Car- jthage Junior Woman’s club around $175. It was estimated that more than 3,000 were present for the celebratidn, for which summer provided one of her choicest sun lit days. The Jaycees, sponsors of the annual event, hpld a celebration of their own that evening, with a banquet at the Carthage hotel at which their wives and others were guests. Speakers were Ed Ellis of Charlotte, state Junior Chamber of Commerce president, and O. D. Walker, vice president. ' , Letter of Thanks And The Pilot this week is the proud recipient of a letter from Dan Roberts, corresponding sec retary of the Jaycee organization and also chairman of floats for the July 4 event: The Pilot Southern Pines,-N. C. Dear Editor: On behallf of the Carthage Jay cees I wish to take this opportun ity to thank you for the splendid cooperation wq received from you in our recent celebration. Your niost original float has end of praise and favorable com ment and was a tremendous ad dition to our parade. Hoping for long and continops cooperation between you and our selves, I remain Daniel M. Roberts. Corresponding Secretary. County Tax Rate Set By Commissioners NEW BUSINESSES Here is a welcome to sev eral new businesses opening in the community—sure signs of growth and of faith in the future of the town. We salute this week the Village Grill, George Buttry's new restaurant; the Moore Supply company, selling coal feeds and teeds, which will have its formal opening Sat- urdjay monning: the Jewel Box, milk and ice cream bar, opening next week: and Gar vin's Grocery store in our neighbor town of Manly. This is a sunlmerlime crop, proving again that Southern Pines is a year-round com munity. We wish them all. and others to come, long life and prosperity. Air Force Day Is Set By Governor Cherry (Continued from Page I) anniversary of the Army Air Forces, with ceremonies appro priately expressing their grati tude for its past contributions and their hopes for its future continued growth and develop- rment. * ‘IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina to^be affixed at Raleigh this eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-seven.” POLIO POST OFFICE* JOBS I Applications will be accepted I indefinitely for the civil service j position of substitute clerk- i carrier at the Southern Pines 'post office', and also for post of fices at Tazewell and Rocky- mount, ,Va., according to informa tion received here by L. E. Gro ver, civil .service secretary. Reporting an insufficient num ber of applications received, the bulletin canceled a previous dead line set at June 30. The posts pay $1.04 an hour. Further information and applica tion forms may be obtained from Secretary Grover at the post of- :ace. Diagnosis of infantile par alysis was^ made Wednesday night in the case of Patricia Duptiste, 10-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Du pree of North Ashe street. The little girl was taken at once to Duke hospital from Moore County hospital, where she had been taken when she became ill. This is the second case of infantile paralysis in Moore county for the year, accord ing to Dr. J. A. Willcox. county health officer, and represents normal incidence of the disease without cause for epidemic alarm. The first case, that of Herbert Mc Laughlin, Negro child of Easfwhod was reported in April. Herbert is now a pa tient at the Orthopedic hos pital at Gastonia. Fewer cases have devel oped this year than were ac tually expected, said Dr. Willcox,' emphasizing, how ever, the need for care on the part of all parents, who should familiarize them selves with the early symptoms and call a physi cian at once for diagnosis if polio is suspected. Legion Banquet Held Wednesday Night EASTERN ^J^MORIALS, monu ments of distinction.' Brices reasonable. Ben W. Smith, Sanr. - ford, N. C. Tel. 235J. F21tfchg GRADING. hauling AND CONCRETE CONTRAjCTING. SAND AND iSRAVEL FOR SALE. BLUE AND AlKEN, PHONE 5535. M23tfchg RUBBER STAMPS—See us fpr rubber stamps, daters. carbon paper, typewriter paper second sheets, etc. Dixie P*rinting Company, Aberdeen; ’ ' COAL will not be plentiful this winter. Order your coal now. Parker Ice & Fuel Co. Aber- deen 9581. , J27chg FOR SALE - Electric stove, fully automatic visualite oven, work light, appliance outlets, deep- well cooker warmer, three bur ners, two utensil draykrers. New price $269.50, used only short time. Will sell for $200.00 cash. Phone Aberdeen 8482 Julllpd FOR MEMORIALS of di^ty and lasting beauty, contact D. ' Carl Fry, Carthage, represent ing Palmer Stone Works. / M8tf “A DRILLED WELL is the most satisfactory water supply. Write fbr quotation, giving dis tance and direction from your Post Office,” Heater Well Com pany, Raleigh, North Carolina. D21,tf,chg. NOTICE—Your Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meets second and fourth Tues day 8:00 p. m.. Community Center. Presentation of yoiir ideas and suggestions is solic ited. M24tf RADIO REPAIRING* Reasonable Rates. All Work ^ Guaxanleed. Lawson Radio 310 Nhrfh Benneft Sf., Southern Pines Phone 7084 Jllp PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, gen eral typing and dictation. Helen Short, Tel. 5184. J27J118pd SUNRISE Southern Pines Continuous Shows Daily Friday, July 11. Last Day Bonald Reagan Alexis Smith "Stallion Road** (Continued from Page 1) copnty roads were recommended. Petitions Presented Two of these were made on petition of residents served by these roads. These ivere the road from the Seaboard Air Line rail way at Pinebluff, near the old Pinebluff station, to a point on Highway 15 near the Caldwell peach orchard, between Aberdeen and Laurinburg; and the Carljr- age-Pinehurst road from High way 15 at Brenner’s residence, going into Sunset Drive, one and one-tenth miles toward West End from Carthage. The third section recommend ed for state maintenance was 'the road from Dover church on the old Pee Dee road to Highway 705 near Jordan’s Service station, going thence about three miles to ward Steeds, A special meeting will be held by the board next Monday for the drawing of jurors’ names for su perior court. Airport Problem)z , Chairman Cameron and Com missioner Thad Blue also met* as a special committee Tuesday af ternoon,' to confer with Joe Nor wood, of Wilmington, state CAA administrator, over CAA rules and regulations in connection with the operation of the county airport. 1 Saturday July 12 Double Feature Eddie Dean "Wild Country" also . Johnny Sand^ "Born To Speed" Sun. & Mon. July 13-14 Johnny Weissmuller Brenda Joyce "Tarzan and the Leopard Woman" Tuesday July 15 — Only Olivia DeHavilland Mary Anderson "To Each His Own" ^Continued from Page 1) Carthage post; and Adjutant C. S. Patch, Jr), who introduced Mayor C. N. Page. Speaking briefly in praise of the team and the Junior Legion project. Mayor Page presented sterling silver baseballs to the players in behalf of the Sandhills post. Those receiving baseballs were Jim McColl, Richard Newton, Gary Mattocks, Jirnmy Dicker- son and Gene Poe, scorekeeper, all of Southern Pines; Dallas Gibson, Gerald Cheek, Richard Cheek and Junior Hinson, West End; Chuck Alexander, 'Tommy Stewart, Blue McDonald, Carth age; Jackson Smith, Francis Pleasants, Aberdeen; Bobby Cul ler, Manly. . < Baseballs will be sent to Billy Baker and Bill Blue, who were unable to be present. The banquet climaxed a season which was concluded with two gtoes during the past week, one here with Troy July 4, in which the Moore County team was de feated 10-4, and a makeup game Saturday with Asheboro, report ed to be a good game well play ed, with final score 7-5 in favor of .A.sheboro. Why Worry , if Afflicted with Known Skin Disease. Ask your Druggist about V-J-O. 046 047p ALCOHOI4ICS ANONYMOUS. PHONE 7872. BOX 917, SOU THERN PINES. N. C. AH FOR SALE: Office s^upplies, pen cil sharpeners, filifqg cabinets, ledgers and ledger sheets, stap lers and staples, desks’/, chairs £'nd tables. Dixie Printihfe Co., /. berdeen. Phone 9461. V AugSOtfchg. \ ROR RENT - Furnished ajifart- ment. Electrically - equipped, Apply 380 W. Vermont Ave ' -Jul. IxNpd FLOWERS FOR EVERYONE CHANDLER’S GREENHOUSES South Broad Street ^ Southern Pines, N. C. ( Telephone 7634 \ JlOtfch^, FOR SALE: Air condition your home with one of our Mitchell air conditioning units. Fits right in the window. One 52 gal. Hotpoint Electric water heater special aj; $129.95; Sink cabinet and wall cabinet to' match. First quality. Special at $149.50 complete unit; Base kitchen cabinets $19.95 to $45.00; Coolerator Ice refriger ators $94.50; One 24” General Electric pedestal fan $115.00; wood and coal ranges $59.50 up; Complete stock General Electric and. Admiral radios; custom made Venetian blinds; • Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, six seating capacity, special $49.50. Lee Furniture Co. 49 Moore St., Sanford. Phone 873. . Jllchg FOR SALE: Matched set of golf clubs. 9 irons’ including putter. Phone '7102. Jllpd All Work Guaranteed. Reason- FOR SALE: Encyclopedia Brit- annica, 24 volumes 14th edition. Book case. Two piece living roorn suite. PO Box 663, Tele phone 5724. Jllpd Carolina! theatre (AIR^ CONDITHONED) Presemts I Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake and Doiiald Crisp Inj “RAMROD” \ MONUMENTS WINNSBORO BLUE GRANITE| See or Write GRIFFIN INSURANCE AGENCY Vass, N. C. Classified Ads FOR SALE: Immediate delivery, one new walk-in Refrigerator’ Bendix Washers, Electric and Oil Burning Water Heaters, Cabinet Sinks. For Retit—Vor- nado Fans for home or office. Lewis Trade Store. Julllpd Fri. & Sal. July ll-12t 8:15 P. M. , Matinee Saturday \l 3:00 MEET J/HE MAN BEHIND THE feP”""! FOR RENT: Furnished two room apartment, and a .three room apartment. Heat and electri city furnished. Inquire 275 West Vermont. Jllpd II FOR SALE: Two used studio couches. Good condition*. One with new cover. Ed Starnes, Manor Apartments. Jllpd FOR RENT: Small modern fur nished apartment, first floor. Private entrance, no pets. Tel. .lulllpd Written for the Screen and Directed by GEOfCgE SEATON Produced by WILLIAM PERLBERlT A^-OhCentury-Fo;: Entertainment MiraAle! Sun.-Mon.-Tue. July 13-14-1 a. 8:15 P. M. Matinee Tuesday atU:00 for SALE: Small apartment washing machine. Mrs. D. F. Gilman, phone 8093 or call at apartment 5 at the Homestead. Julllchg PEG^SY CUMMINS M Vr^CTOR MATURE ETMEL BARRYMORE MOW ROSE EARLIER I CLOSING The Tog Shop, Patch’s Depart ment store and the Midland Dress shop will begin this week closing at 6 p. m. Saturdays in stead; of 7 p. mi, actording to an- nAuncement from these business firms. Wednesday July 16 Double Feature Eddie Bracken "Ladies Man" also Buster Crabbe 'His Brother's Ghost' fob! RENT: 3 room apartment in my office building 139 E. Penn sylvania Ave. Phone 6382. Dr. L. M. Daniels. Julllchg C ( ! MONUMENTS AND MAKERS- Aluminum, Branze, 'Granite and Marble. Price from 6.00 up Phone 8964. John W. Blup! ■ Jul 4 pd FOR RENT: TWO ROOM APARTMENT WITH 'BATH PHONE 7945. J4pd Thurs. & Fri. July 17-18 Betty Grable Dick Haymes "The Shocking Pilgrim" FOR SALE: The Sky Club with 34 acres of land and, private road overlooking Lake Hick- ory. Club House fully equip ped (50 tables). Turner Kees Box 187, Hickory, N. C. J418pd WANTED- Person speaking Ger man to act as tutor an hour or two daily. Emphasis on con- versation. Phone 7262. Julllpd GLADIOLAS for sale. Mrs. Betty Cameron, Niagara. Jul4,llchg LIGHT HAULING: ANYWHERE —ANY TIME. L. F. GARVIN,' MANLY. M21tfi