r I' THE PILOT. Southern Pines. North Carolina Outstanding Values A and B Drivers Now Being Tested For New Licenses ley Heights and Aberdeen areas. | come In Dresses Imported Pastel Batistes Were $15.00 and $16.95 now $12.95 RAINCOATS Cambridge Zelan Treated all Weather Wear were $13.85 to $18.50 Now $8.95 to $11.75 PAfCH’S West Broad Street uuxiKXiixtxtxtKUXtuxttiittixtat Southern Pines COUNTY FAIR fContinued from Page 1) said Chairman G. M. Cameron. “'I t)elieve that in your hands an agricultural fair would be a credit to the county.” A suggestion was made that some county land might be made available for the permanent fair ground, if the project goes through. MRS. McCAIN (Continued from Page no present medical facilities; number two has some but need' more, and number three is the al ready well-established hospital that aims to grow into a large medical center.” It appears that, in the pldn, if those in the first category do not act fast and subscribe for all funds allotted,the second priority will inherit whatever is left; thus emphasizing the advantage of speed and ^ readiness to apply at once. “I believe we really are ready to go now,” Mrs. McCain added, “and I look forward to a wonder ful advance in health standards in our state during the years ahead.” Mountain Camping Planned For Scouts Plans for the 1947 Occoneechee Council Mountain camp August 3-10, limited this year to senior scouts, were announced this week by Bonner Sawyer, of Hillsboro council camping chairman. Registrations are limited and applications should be sent direct to the Occoneechee Council of fice, Raleigh, where they will be accepted in the order they are re ceived. Boy Scouts applying should be in top physical condi tion on account of the strenuou activities of the camp, such as mountain climbing and explora tion trips, conducted from the base camp at Smokeinont, in Great Smioky Mountain park. Field Executive L. W. Hewett of this district will be one of the camp assistants. A’s and B’s, attention! From July 1st to December 31st is the time when those automo bile drivers whose names begin with A or B are supposed to go to get their licenses renejved or to get new ones,, under the recent ly enacted “Safe Driving” bill. Frye of Carthagp, license examin ations in this section are B. J. Frye of Carthage, licene examin- here for several years, and Walter E. Yow of Aberdeen. Yow, who is new to the job, has recent ly completed a two weeks course given by the Highway Depart ment at Chapel Hill for all would- he exapiiners. Examinations will include the eye test, sign test, rule test and road test, but thpse wishing to familiarize themselves with these tests will have to wait until the local office receives the driving literature, now unavailable, but expected shortly. The schedule of the examiners is as follows: B. J. Frye will be in Carth age Mondays and' Tuesdays from 9 to 5, and Saturday mornings, 9 to 12; at Sanford Wednesdays and Thursdays, and at Robbins Friday mornings. Walter E. Yow will be in Aber deen Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 9 to 5, and Sat urday mornings, 9 to 12, and in Raeford Thursdays and Fridays. The Aberdeen location is not de cided, but the Mid-South Motors building, scene of the former li cense office, is being used tem porarily. Examiner Yow started work there Monday,.and will be there until a larger office found. In discussing the examinations, Frye stated that, so far, the, old drivers were having little trotibl^ in passing. Questioned about the two| physical tests, he said the eye test must show a 20-50 vision in order to pass. If a driver’s eyes were less than this he could go to his doctor and if given a cer tificate saying that the vision had been corrected would be issued a license. All the tests are admin istered by the- examiners. VENETIAN BLINDS For Beauty and Comfort in your Home Wood — Steel — Aluminum Any Size Any Color raiCES FROM $5.00 RICHARD BOBBITT Phone 9292 Aberdeen* N. C. Aberdeen theatrE Saturday July 19 Night 7:15 & 9:00 ' ' Matinee 3:00 “SWING THE WESTERN WAY” THE HOOSIER HOTSHOTS Monday & Tuesday July 21-22 Night 7:15 & 9:15 “THE LATE GEORGE APLEY” RONALD COLMAN PEGGY CUMMINGS Wednesday July 23 Night 7:15 & 9:00 CASH AWARD “THE SPORT OF KINGS” HARRY DAVENPORT GLORIA HENRY Thursday & Friday July 24-25 Night 7:15 8e 9:15 “CALCUTTA” ALAN LADD GAIL PATRICK One farmer, W. A. Rosy, of] near Aberd/een, reported dam age done by ‘the second storm just a-few hours after the adjust ers had been to his farm regard ing his first claim. More than 100 acres were se verely hurt on just three farms, those of Joe Lucas, Rozelle Lu cas and Land Kirk, and bad dam age was found done also to the crops of R. P. Beasley, near Sou thern iPnes, and R. E. Beasley, on Highway 1. , J. D. Arey, Jr., of Aberdeen, also reported scattered claims, and all agents consulted said the storms were typical of the tradi tional freak nature of summer hail, which will strike one farm and leave the next untouched,or destroy crops ,m just qne corner of a field without hurting the rest. Over many parts of the county the storm was evidenced only by severe wind, rain and electrical disturbance, while in some there were only showers. A number of trees were struck' by lightening but The Pilot has found no re port of damage to buildings. The hail also did bad damage in sections of Lee, Harnett, Cum berland and other neighbor coun ties. A few farmers were fortun ate enough td have already barn- ed a good portion of their to bacco. Reports on the hail damage are incomplete, it was emphasized by McGraw, as adjusters do not make their reports before the fifth day. That is the dgy on which the dam age Shows up most clearly. The speaker was introduced by Boyde Creath of Pinehurst. Lcsyi Seymour inducted into membership Dr. Thomas N. Lide of Pinehurst, a member of the staff of the Moore County hos pital,and Leland McKeithen of .Aberdeen. EASTERN MEMORIALS, monu ments of distinction. , Prices reasqnable. Ben W. Smith, San ford, N. C. Teb 235J. F21tfchg FOR SALE Home-grown water ground WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR and ' CORN MEAL Country Cured Hams and Shoulders Watermelons, Canning Peache, Sugar, Fruit Jars Feed Oats and Garden Seed Thurlow Evans Vass„N. C. GRADING, HAULING AND CONCRETE CONTRACTING. SAND AND GRAVEL FOR SALE. BLUE AND AIKEN, PHONE 5535. M23tfchg FOR SALE - HOUSE TRAILER IN GOOD CONDITION. CON TAINS THREE ROOMS, ELEC TRIC FRIGIDAIRE, BOTTLE- GAS RANGE. LOCATED ON NO. ONE HIG^AY, ONE MILE NORTH OF TOWN. ED WARD JENKtCNS. JUL.18PD Friday^ July 18, 1947. FOR MEMORIALS of dignity and lasting beauty, contact Di Carl Fry, Carthage, represent ing Palmer 'Stone Works. M8tf ‘A DRILLED WELL is the most satisfactory water supply. Write for quotation, giving dis tance and direction from your Post Office.” Heater Well Com pany, Raleigh, North Carolina. D21,tf,chg. •MONUMENTS WINNSBORO BLUE GRANITE See or Write GRIFFIN INSURANCE AGENCY Vass, N. C. RUBBER STAMPS—See us for rubber stamps, datersi carbon paper, typewriter paper second sheets, ejc. Dixie Printing Company, Aberdeen. NOTICE—Your Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meets second and fourth Tues day 8:00 p. m., Community Center. Presentation of your ideas and suggestions is solic ited. ' M24tf COAL will not be plentiful this winter. Order your coal now. Parker Icej & Fuel Co. Aber- , deen 9581.1 J27chg Classified Ads SANDHILLS' FUTURE (Continued from Page 1) would be required to spend large i sums abroad for several years, which could go to reducing the national debt. However he called this a good investment in peace and prosperity. In conclusion, he declared, the present tiroes can be compared with ‘27 and ‘28 except that operating costs are higher. Hotels here have not increased their rates in proportion, and, as a result, have built up good will for the Sandhills section which will pay dividend* in .years to FOR SALE: Norge hot water heaters, oil and electric. Nine gallon 110 V, 1000 W electric hot water heaters. Cabinet sinks, six-foot Deep Freeze, Ironer's, pe'ndix Washers. Thor combination' clothes and dish washer. Lewis’s Trade Store, phone 7885. Jull8pd FOR SALE - Pink chiffon evening dress in good condition. Size 11. Price $7.00. Call 6024. Jull8pd WANTED TO BUY. - House, five rooms or more. Good Condition. Write Box 742, Sou. Pines. .Tull8pd SPEEDBOAT RACES (Continued from Page 1) oline also spewed out on the water. Disqualified for this heat, the undaimted Lackey immediately went to work on his engine and got it in shape for the next. Other hydroplane drivers were Sweeney Prosser of Charlotta and another Charlotte driver named Todd (first name unavailable), and winners were, in order: first heat, Prosser, Todd, Lackey; sec ond heat, Todd, Prosser; third heat, Prosser, Todd, Lackey. Runabouts Another mishap occurred in the second race, for Class B run abouts, also run in three heats, in the first of which H. A. Abrams’ boat capsized at the far end of the lake. A crash boat went out at once, pulled Abrams from the water and towed him and his boa,t to the dock, where he was able to re-work his motor in time to Miter and win the last heat. Hugh Bell, of Wilmington, was disqualified by motor trouble for this race, and W. T. Howard of Robbins was scratched. Partici pating drivers were the two brothers, H. A. and J. B. Adams, of Wilmington; J. D. Meeks, Jr., Sanford; L. T. Underwood, High Point; and a High Point team, Hayworth and Napier. Winners were the same in both first and second heats—first place, J. B. Abrams; second, Meeks, and third, Hayworth-Napier. In the third, winners were H. A Abrams, J. D. Abrams, Hayworth- Napier. Bob Brown, of Trinity, assisted in the manageiriient of the races. They were conducted under a loudspeaker system,, and the drivers served as their own mech anics. Highway patrolmen assisted in handling the hundreds of cars. Which made quite a traffic prob lem as they streamed out qn the highway at the close of the ra,ces. A large crowd remained to swim, dance and take rides in the two speedboats belonging to the resort, with many having refresh ments at the concession stands and staying throughout the even ing. HAIL DAMAGE (Continued from Page 1) John Monroe, near Aberdeen; and R. B. and W. C. Donaldson, West End. McGraw’s clainqs indicated far worse damage done by the sec ond storm, but Theo Berg, Aber deen agent, reported that his list so far showed the first to have been worse, with the Roseland and Ashley Heights sections most severely hit. In one or two cases adjustment showed damage as high as 77 per cent, Berg said. More than 30 claims were filed with Berg after the first storm, chiefly from the Roseland, Ash- SUNRISE Southdtn Pines Continuous Shows Daily FOR SALE - Bedroom suit, Holly wood mirror, mattress, springs, $50; modern enamel wood-coal range, oil burning attachment, $30; poster bed, mattress, spr ings,, $20; vanity dresser, $10; Kitchen cabinet, $15; chairs, tables, other furnishings.* 170 East New York avenue, Sat urday 2-5 p. m. Jul 18 chg FOR RENT: APARTMENT PHONE 7945 Friday. July 18 Last Day Betty Grable Dick Haymes "The Shocking Miss Pilgrim" Saturday, July 19 Double Feature Johnny Mack Brown 'Gentleman From Texas' also Jack Haley "Vacation in Rerio" Sun. & Mon. July 20-21 Spencer Tracy Katharine Hepburn "Sea of Grass" FOR SALE - Complete line of Philco radios^ Combination, electric and battery sets. Terms cash, or time. Edwards Brothers Vass. Jul 18 -Aug29pd PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, gen eral typing and dictation. Helen Short, Tel. 5184. J27J118pd Why Worrjr if Afflicted with Known Skin Disease. Ask your Druggist about V-J-O. 046 047p RADIO REPAIRING Reasonable Rales. All Work Guaranteed. Lawson Radio 310 North Bennett St., Southern Pines Phone 7084 J18pd ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS PHONE 7872. BOX 917. SOU THERN PINES. N. C. AH WANTED - Part time maid. Also boy for odd jobs. Apply next week. Capt. Des Pland. Phone 6872. Jul 18 chg FOR RBNT - Two room and bath, apartment, private entrance, garage. Phone 7035, between 9 a. m. and 1 p.m.' and 4 to 8 p. m. Jul 18pd FOR RENT - One large 4 room furnished apartment, 725 N. Ridge St., Dr. L. M. Daniels, Phone 6382. Jul 18chg PROPERTY FOR SALE - We have desirable real estate list ings in Southern Pines and Aberdfeen. To buy or to rent. J. D. Arey & Co., Aberdeen 8701. Jul chg FOR SALE:, Of fice supplies, pen cil sharpehers, filing cabinets, ledgers and ledger sheets, stap lers and staples, desks, chairs c-nd tables- Dixie Printing Co., il.berdeen. Phone 9461. Aug30tfchg. FLOWERS ~ FOR EVERYONE CHANDLER’S GREENHOUSES South Broad Street . Southern Pines, N. C. Telephone 7634 JlOtfchg I now have a typewriter and will do stenographic work or typing at hopie. Phone 6355 or call at 235 Rhode Island Ave., Mrs. Dan McNeill. Jul. 18 pd FOR SALE - Two pairs of garage doors, complete with hardware. Call 7972, Gordon Brown , .Tul.l8chg FOR SALE - Eight room house furnished, modern equipnient. everything in good condition, very good location, no tele phone information, see George C. Burns. 124 S. Broad St. J18chg TWO . ROOM WITH BATH. Jull8PD CAROLINA THEATRE (AIR CONDITIONED) ' Presents FOR SALE: The Sky Club with 34 acres of land and private road overlooking Lake Hick ory. Club House fully equip ped (50 tables).' Turner Kees, Box 187, Hickory, N. C. J418pd LIGHT HAULING: ANYWHERE —ANY TIME. L. F. GARVIN. MANLY. M21tf Robert Young, Randolph Scott and Virginia Gilmore In ^ “WESTERN UNIOr (A Re-Issue) Fri. & Sat. July 18-19, 8:15 P. M. ‘ Matinee Saturday at 3:00 ^'OR SALE - Seven room house, fine location, close in, on cor ner lot. Iipmediate - possession. A (good buy. George C. Burns Phone 8972. Jull8chg FOR SALE - Austin car and Whizzer motor bike. Call George Van Camp, 7102. Jull8pd FOR SALE - Four room cottage in good condition, nice lot, good bargain, immediate possession. George C. Burns. Jhone 8972 ,’^ull8chg Tuesday, July 22 Only Butch Jenkins in "Little Mr. Jim" Final clearance summer furnit ure, ■ 6 cushion gliders were 69.50 Now 49.50; spring steel chairs with cushion were $25 'now $15; Bunting plastic back , chairs were $25; now $15; All metal chairs were 7.50 Now $5. Sprott Brothers Furniture Co., 48 S. More St. Phone 325, Sanford. Free Delv. Jul 18chg FOUND - One mare mule. Split left ear. Contact Chief of Police Newton. Jul.l8pd FOR SALE - Cocker Spaniel puppies; Registered, Champion stock for breeding or ideal pet. Mother, father, and pups at Skyline Inn, three miles north of Southern Pines on U» S. Highway No. One. Phone 7189. .Iul.l8chg Wednesday, July 23 Robert Alda "Beast With Five Fingers' also Jack Leonard "Swing the Western Way Thurs. & FrL July 24-25 Don Ameche Catherine McLeod "That's My Man" FOR SALE. One good second hand sewing machine. Harris Eledtric Co., Aberdeen, Phone 8591. .lul.chg FOR SALE - Sewing machine motors. Harris Electric Co., Aberdeen. Phone 8591. Julchg FOR SALE - Free Westinghouse sewing machine. Harris Elect ric Co., Aberdeen. Phone 8591. .Tulchg LOST - Small terrier type dog Black and tan, bob tail. Re ward. John R. McCrimmon, Pinehurst, Box 564. Jull8pd A ciNEGuiLD PRODUCTION A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL RELEASE Suu*-Mon.Tue. July 20^21-^2, 8:15 P. M. Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 LOST:Girrs brown leather bill fold, at Carthage or Lakevipw Sunday 'afternoon, containing receipts, pictures, cash; Please return to Elizabeth Thomas, 304 Spencer Building, Chapel Hill. J18pd LucUle Wed. & Thu. July 23-24. 8:15 P. M. Matinee Thursday at 3:00 Fri. & Sat. July 25-26, 8:15 P. M. Matinee Saturday at 3:00 IN 11111111 iiiirrrTnnrnTiTmTiiTTiTtTTTTTrrTTTTTTTTTT—r"T IT f mr

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