r I I I P I I I 9 Page Eight THE PILOT, Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday, July 25, 194'!. Summer Clearance •• ii WOOL SKIRTS Plaids and plain colors formerly valu.es to $6.95 $3.95 CHILDREN’S SUMMER SUITS $1.59 and $L69 COTTON PLAYSUITS sizes 9 to 15 and 12 to 54 were $15 reduced to $8.95 CHENILLE SPREADS remaining Itock of $13.50 values special $6 PATCH’S ALBRIGHT SPEAKS HERE (Continued from Page 1) service, and said it made two clear-cut impressions upon him. He was struck as never before by a feeling of satisfaction: “What a wonderful place North Carolina is!” he said, “What a wonderful place to live!” And, companion to that 'thought came the strong conviction that his state was entering a new era. “It is a time,” he said, “for new ideas and for new leadership to ward new goals.” Three-Way Citizens ■■‘Citizens of North Carolina,” the speaker said, “must be three- way citizens”, and he went on to describe the three choices which lay before them. He said that, first, there was the state itself, which for fifty years has made much progress but which still lags in the essentials, notably in health, education and per capita income. He urged vig orous political action. “'We must have political participation and assumption of responsibility,” he said. “If we want progress we must be ready to work for it po- iitically.” The, candidate pointed to the low registration and voting fig ures' and said political control was in the hands of a few with only about a quarter of the people voting. While he stated that in his belief the state had enjoyed good government for many years at the hands of the oragnized political party, “today’s ma chines,” he said, “have outlived their leaders. As they have be come more heavily organized the calibre of leadership has declined. It is time to go outside the ma chine and seek new leadership.” We^t Broad Street Southern Pines ^rnember-aii the different brands you smoked during the wartime cigarette shortage? That's when so many peopie discovered—from experience— that Cameis suit them best. Yes, experience is the best teacher. That’s why mrbe/m IS teacher! "HAVING WONDERFUL TIME' (Continued from Page 1) Saturday Dance Badminton, tennis and horse shoe pitching are also in constant progress with dancing and “just getting together” probably the favorite occupations of all. The 15-years-up group are invited to a dance at the Civic club Satur day night, starting at 9 o’clock and ending before midnight. All ages enjoyed an, “open house” held under Miss Aline Todd’s chaperonage Wednesday evening, at which an extra special attrac tion was featured—a boxing ex hibition by Richard Patch and Fred Arnette on the tennis courts across the street. The summer program, which is sponsored by the Council of Social Agencies, will continue through August 23. IN HEALTH WORK ^Miss Nancy Boyd, of Southern' Pines, is spending her vacation from Radcliffe college as a vol unteer worker with the county health department. She is assist ing Mrs. Worth McLeod, mater nal welfare worker, with clinics and other work of her depart ment. Aberdeen theatrE litical science and his Doctor of Jurisprudence degree at the law school. He was student body pres ident, a member of Phi Beta Kappa and held other offices of distinction. As a World War 2 officer he was a member of the first Allied military mission to Italy and served as liason officer between the Allied Military gov ernment and the government of occupied Italy. He served in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Trieste with the American Fifth and the British Eighth armies. He was an organizer and mem ber of the first national execu tive committee of the Young Democratic Clubs of America, and served as chairman of the Sixth district of the YDC of North Carolina. He helped or ganize the GI Democrats and served as their state secretary until March of this year. During the 1947 General As sembly he conducted a series of daily round table discussions of senators, representatives and state officials, broadcast 6ver a 10-station network from WRAL, Raleigh. He is a director of the North Carolina Conference for Social Service, and the Raleigh Housing Authority, and formerly served as a director of the state commis sion for the blind; is member ship chairman for the North Carolina ‘department, America'n' Legion; and is a member of the North Carolina and American Bar association, the North Caro lina State Legislative council, the North Carolina Council of Hous ing Authorities and the North Carolina Conference of Chris tians and Jews. treatment are provided when needed the year around; “iron lungs,” orthopedic appliances and other special equipment may be supplied; physicians, nurses and other trained personnel are sent where they are needed. The Infantile Paralysis Found ation, which also finances re search into the cause?, treatment and prevention of polio, is sup ported through public subscrip tion during the annual March of Dimes. R. F. STEWART HURT fContinued from Page 1) ciiting him from the ^ wreckage. Also assisting were passengers from the bus which had halted to render aid. Second item on his list of three ’ POLIO PRECAUTIONS was politics at the national level.! (Continued from Page 1) He described the United States '■ avoid chills—don’t stay too long as the envjr and hope of the world; in cold water;; keep clean—wash but said a close view showed hands before eating, keep many deficiencies with economic conflicts and insecurity as basic weaknesses. He asked his hear- flies and other insects away from food; help keep your community clean and free of waste and exposed ers if they wanted to go on with i garbage; don’t swim in polluted the “boom and bust” life of the [waters; avoid removal of tonsils Saturday July 26 Night 7:15 & 9:00 Matinee 3:00 “THE NAVAJO KID” BOB STEELE SYD SAYLOR Monday & Tuesday July 28-29 Night 7:15 & 9:15 “THE TWO MRS. CARROLLS” HUMPHREY BOGART BARBARA STANWYCK ALEXIS SMITH Wednesday July 30 Night 7:15 & 9:00 CASH A WARD “THE GUrnT OF JANET AMES” ROSALIND RUSSELL MELVYN DOUGLAS Thursday 8c Friday July 31 Aug« 1 Night 7:15 & 9:15 “UNDERCOVER MAISEE” ANN SOTHERN MARK DANIELS BARRY NELSON twenties or whether they would back ‘vigorous political leader ship to correct present needs in the country and strengthen the underlying structure of our so ciety. Inlernaiipnal Aspect Finally, Albright turned to the international picture. While the United Nations is doing as much at it yan, he said, it was clear how helpless it was to cope with actual issues. He believed it would have to be changed and strengthened, given a body of law, a legislature and police force before the menace of war could be abbKshed.""- He said we have the choice: an armaments race, with more than^ a third of our taxes going into preparedness for war, with no guarantee that other nations will not soon have the atomic bomb and make all our preparedness useless; we have that or its alter native: to transform the UN into a world government. The speaker startled his hear ers as he coupled the United States with the Soviet Union as the two obstacles to world gov ernment. “With the world look ing to us for leadership and hope, our country has not yet taken the step of coming out in favor of world government.” But he then went on to tell of the reso lution to be presented to Con gress by a group of outstanding leaders asking the president to propose such a step as soon as possible, and said he felt this was a notable step forward. The speakers’ words were lis tened to with great interest by the group of veterans, many of whom had seen war at its worst. heir intent faces and the eager questions asked the speaker at his close testified to the great impression he had made. As A Candidate Questioned as to his candi dacy for the governorship, Al bright described himself as an independent Democrat. He said his platform, among other things, advocated doing away with the gag rule in the legisla ture, complete recording of all votes taken, and concentratiopi on important state issues. He said that fully two thirds of the leg islators’ time was now occupied in considering purely local mt- ters and advocated turning these back for community action. Old timers present professed great admiration for the candi date but shook their heads over his chances. “He’s too honest, too sincere, too frank,” one said. ‘"A man who doesn’t pull his punches and who says what he really thinks wont get far in state poli tics,” was the general verdict, l“)but you’ve got to wish him luck, just the same. It would be a great thing for the state if more young men like Albright went into politics.” Besides acting as executice sec retary to World Federalists Inc. Albright has headed the state’s employment service for several years. Albright attended State col lege, Raleigh, and the University of North Carolina, where he took his A. B. in American history and govemnient, his M. A. in po or adenoids during the danger months. Foundation Service If polio strikes. Chairman But ler reminds, your local Found ation chapter is at your service, and at the service of the com munity. Hospitalization, • trans portation of patients, care and SUNRISE FOR SALE - General Electric FOR MEMORIALS of dignity drink cooler, 50 gal. iron waah pot, mule, wagon and farm tools. Mrs. D. D. Cameron, Niagara. Jul25chg EASTERN MEMORIALS, monu ments of - distinction. Prices reasonable. Ben W. Smith, San ford, N. C. Tel 235J. F21tfchg FOR SALE - HOUSE TRAILER IN GOOD CONDITION. CON TAINS THREE ROOMS, ELEC TRIC FRIGIDAIRE, BOTTLE- GAS RANGE. LOCATED ON NO. ONE HIGHWAY, ONE MILE NORTH OF TOWN. ED WARD JENKINS. J25pd ■ '• ^ffibtrthern Knes Continuous Shows Daily Friday July 25 - Last Day Don Ameche Catherine McLeod 'That's My Man' Saturday July 26 Double Feature William Boyd "Hoppy's Holiday" also Lawrence Tierney 'Devil Thumbs a Ride" Sun. & Mon. July 27-28 Anne Baxter Sterling Hayden "Blaze of Noon" Tuesday Only July 29 Betty Grable John Payne 'Dolly Sisters' Wednesday July 10 Donald Barry Dotible Feature "That's My Gal" and Bob Steele 'Durango Valley Raiders' Thurs. & Fri.. July 31 Aug 1 Humphrey Bogart Barbara Stanwyck "The Two Mrs. Carrolls" The injured man. who was bleeding profusely, was placed in the Burns automobile and driv en to the hospital, first stopping, at his own insistence, in Aber deen to notify Fletcher Cochrane. Cochrane immediately sent down for Mrs. Stewart who was at home in Pinebluff and met her husband at the hospital. Here examination disclosed a fractured hip and several crush ed ribs and severe lacerations. Moon, the driver of the other car, and his companion. Miss Doris Garner, were treated by Dr. Bowen at his office. Moon was severely cut on the forehead and Miss Garner was treated for sprains of the wrist and ankle. To questionners. Moon stated that he could remember nothing of the accident, and action to be taken by those involved is not yet known. It has been stated by Patrolman Swain that no charges would be proferred by either party. Though Stewart’s condition is said at the hospital to, be still serious, he is reported to be gain ing steadily, with signs of shock subsiding. FOR RENT - Bed-sitting room, large and cool, kitchen privil eges. close in. Phone 6701 Jul25pd Beautiful English setter pup for sale. Alert and active. Phone 7652. Jul25pd FOR RENT - Furnished apart ment, four rooms. Inquire Phone 6222. ‘ Jul25pd MRS SHAW BETTER Mrs. Hoyt Shaw, of East Con- ne'cticut avenue, who suffered a broken hip two weeks ago in a fall at her summer home at Mt. Carroll, Ill., is reported this week to be greatly improved. She will, however, have to rem,ain in the hospital for several months. She is a patient at the Savan nah hospital at Savannah, Ill. FOR SALE RADIO REPAIRING Reaisonable Rates. All Wotk Guaranteed. Lawson Radio 310 North Bennett St., Southern Pines Phone 7084 J25pd ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS P.HONE 7872. BOX 917. SOU- niERN PINES. N. C. Al? Furniture Repairing and refin ishing. Jessie F. Sellers Repair Shop of Texaco Service Stat ion, West Broad St. J25 Alpd Dressmaking and plain sewing- Reasonable - 520 Kensington Road, Tel- 7055 J25pd FOR SALE - Handyhot portable Electric Washer. Stainless steel and porcelain. Piedmont Elec tric Co., Carthage. Phone 10. Jul 25 chg APARTMENT FOR RENT-Three rooms and bath. Reasonable rent. Phone 8502, or call at 365 North Bennett St. Jul 25pd Why ■ Worry if Afflicted with Known Skin Disease. Ask your Druggist about V-J-O. 046 047p FOR SALE - Used electric stove and refrigerator - dining room furniture, studio couch - also cai; trailer. Mrs. H. M. Reed 530 N.W. Broad St. Telephone 6013. Jul25pd Home-grown water ground WHOLE WHE AT FLOUR and CORN MEAL Country Cured Hams and Shoulders Watermelons, Canning Peache, St^ar, Fruit Jars Feed Oats and Garden Seed Thurlow Evans Vass. N. C. MONUMENTS WINNSBORO BLUE GRANITE See or Write GRIFFIN INSURANCE AGENCY Vass, N. C. Classified Ads FOR SALE: Tabletop electric water heaters; Thor combina tion dish and clothes washer; Bendix automatic laundrys; 6 ft. Kak-a-Way deepfreeze; Uni versal cylinder and Royal, Eu reka upright vacuum cleaners Lewis Trade Store. Jul26pd LOST: Knitted tan cardigan sweater with keys and car li cense tag, from car parked on Broad Street. Five dollars re ward for keys returned to PI LOT office. J25pd GRADING. HAULING AND CONCRETE CONTRACTING. SAND AND GRAVEL FOR SALE. BLUE AND AIKEN. PHONE 5535. M23tfchg and lasting beauty, contact D. Carl Fry, Carthage, represent ing Palmer Stone Works. M8tf ‘A DRILLED WELL ,is the most satisfactory water supply. Write for quotation, giving dis tance and direction from your Post Office.” Heater Well Com pany, Raleigh, North Carolina. D21,tf,chg. FOR RENT - Two room and bath, apartment, private entrance, garage. Phone 7035, between 9 a. m. and 1 p.m. and 4 to 8 p. m. Jul25chg PROPERTY FOR SALE - We have desirable real estate list ings in Southern PinSs and Aberdeen. To buy or to rent. J. D. Arey & Co., Aberdeen 8701. Jul chg LIGHT HAULING; ANYWHERE —ANY TIME. L. F. GARVIN, MANLY. PHONE 8214 Jul25TF ROOMS - Nicely furnished, by- day or week. Single, double or twiq beds. Hot and cold water in rooms. Tub and shower baths. The Woodworth, Phone 5281. Jul25chg COAL will not be plentiful this winter. Order your coal now. Parker Ice & Fuel Co. Aber deen 9581. J27chg FOR SALE - Complete line of Philco radios. Combination, electric and battery sets. Terms cash, or time. Edwards Brothers Vass. Jul 18 -Aug29pd NOTICE—Your Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meets second and fourth Tues day 8:00 p. m.. Community Center. Presentation of your ideas and suggestions is solic ited. M24tf MYRTLE BEACH - cottage avail able for August. Five rooms, sleeping porch and electric kitcl|:n. Reasonable. Phone 6821 or 7464. J25pd Lawn Furniture For Sale - Three piece sets, tables, park benches. A. V. Autrey, Jr., Hy. 1, Vass. Jul 25 Aug Ipd FOR RENT: APARTMENT PHONE 7945 TWO ROOM WITH BATH. Jul25pd FLOWERS FOR EVERYONE CHANDLER’S GREENHOUSES South Broad Street Southern Pines, N. C. Telephone 7634 JlOtfchg CAROLINA THEATRE (AIR CONDITIONED) Presents Gene Kelly and Marie McDonald “LIVING IN A BIG WAY” Fri. & Sat. July 25-26, 8:15 P. M. Matinee Saturday at 3:00 FOR SALE: Portable washing machine, Powerrtiaster. Phone 8581. J25chg FOR SALE: 1938 Pontiac station wagon. Allie McIntosh. Phone 6452. Jul25 LOST - Small blue leather bill fold containing drivers license and address. Between Carters Laundry and Carolina Theatre Reward. Jul25pd RUBBER STAMPS—See us for rubber stamps, daters, carbon paper, typewriter paper second sheets, etc. Dixie Printing Company, Aberdeen. WANTED - STENOGRAPHER AND OFFICE CLERK. TAY LOR CHEMICAL WORKS, ABERDEEN, JUL25CHG FOR SALE: Office supplies, pen cil sharpeners, filing cabinets, ledgers and ledger sheets, stap lers and staples, desks, chairs and tables. Dixie Printing Co., A.berdeen, Phone 9461. Aug30tfchg. THE WONDER SHOW OF TODAY... ABOUT TNE FIRST WONDER STAR OF THE SCREEN! Sun.-Mou.-Tue.. July 27-28-29. 8:15 P. M. Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 ^ CLARK ^mPEBORAH GableKerr in MGM's NOW! Wed. thru. Sat. July 30. Aug. 2nd. 8:15 P. M. Matinee Saturday (Only) at 3:00