T Page Four THE PILOT. Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday, January 9, 1948. Society and Personals of the Sandhills ! JACKIE WURZBACHER, EDITOR PHONE 7271 OR 5262 MISS PERKINSON AND MR. PERHAM i WED SATURDAY AT BENNETTS.LE Circle To Meet The Business Woman’s Circle ' of the First Baptist church will meet with Mrs. C. R. Mills in Pinedene next Monday evening at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Archie Ferguson will be co-hostess. Thistle Club Nine tables were in play at the dessert bridge of the Thistle club held Wednesday afternoon at the Civic club. Mrs. H. L. Grover won the high score prize and Mrs. H. E. Thrower the second. Other prizes went to Miss Mildred Hatfield, Mrs. Margaret Clark, Mrs. W. E. Cox, Mrs. Laura Woods, Miss Ursula Grosvenor, Mrs. Garland McPherson and Miss Sara Brice. Auxiliary To Meet Tuesday Evening The American Legion auxiliary will hold its regular meeting at the legion hut on Maine avenue next Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Plans for the Americanism pro gram will be announced and the date of the poppy sale will be fixed. The nominating committee will also be named by the presi dent, Mrs. Haynes Britt, who urges a full attendance of mem bers. Hostess will be Mrs. Earle E. Merrill. tertained friends at a buffet sup per and egg nog party at their home on East Massachusetts ave nue. Mrs. John Howarth and Mrs Rev. Mr. Humphries Is Guest Speaker Rev. Tucker G. Humphries of the Church of Wide Fellowship was the third guest speaker of Roy Grinnell were hostesses at the winter program of St. Anne's' cocktail party at the home of the Guild of, Emmanuel Episcopal Grinnells to 80 people, church, comprising the study of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hoskin other denominations. |Were host and hostess to friend After a short business session, at a theater party and a buffe supper at their home followin the show. Also hosts at a theater part and supper were the Rev. an Mr. Humphries was presented and explained practices and doctrines of the Congregational church, cit ing a few of his personal exper iences. A discussion of questions' Mrs. Tucker G. Humphries. and answers followed the talk. Mrs. John Ponzer and Mrs.’A. B. Patterson were hostesses for the evening and served coffee, sandwiches and tea biscuits. The meeting was held at the the table, parish house. Holiday Visitors Feted With Dance Miss Anne Buckley, of Bogota, N. J., and other holiday visitors in town were honor guests at an informal dance for the high school set at the Community Center last Tuesday evening, given by Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Johnson. Honored. with Miss Buckley were Shirley Johnson, of Mt. Airy, Wally Johnson, of Auburn, Ala., Jack Foster, of New York land Janet Johnson, of Southern 'pines. More than 100 young peo ple were guests at the dance, for which the large room 'was. color fully decorated in the holiday spirit. Cokes and cookies were served. „ Pine Cone Lodge > Holiday guests at Pine Cone Lodge included: Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Baimerman, of Wilmington; Mr. Julian T. 'Trenholm and his sons, John and Winthrop, of New York City; Dr. William A. Yeager, of the University of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Yeager and their son Ken- nett; Miss Bertha K. McCarthy, of Philadelphia, Pa,.; Miss Maybelle M. Holman, of Phoenixville, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Newton D. Holbrook and their daughters, Clara, Julia and Natalie, of Alexandria, Va. Miss Helen Hilderman of St. Louis, Mo., and Miss Catherine Hilderman, who is a member of the faculty of Meredith college, ^^^^Kwere here for the holidays with ^^^^nheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. ^^^^■Hilderman. [ew Arrivals At The Pine Needles Honeymooning at the Pine Needles are Mr. and Mirs. William Edward York, of Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Daught- ridge of Charlotte. Other arrivals include: Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hastings, of Winston- Salem; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. De- Bardelaben, of Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kelly, of Dur ham; Cdr. and Mrs. E. S. Tharpe, of Moultrie, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Hudson D. Dravo, of Kennett Square, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Pearce, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Jacob, of West Redding, Conn.; C. D. Gar land. of Roanoke, Va.; J. J. Mc Intyre, of Hollins, Va.; Mrs. A, Duer Irving, of Greenville, Del.; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lawrence, of Montclair, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Haggerty, of Summit, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. H. G. LaFarge, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Mr. 2md Mrs. E. F. Chinlund, of New York City. Party For Recent Bride In Aberdeen Honoring Mrs. Charlies Scott Russell, of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, a recent bride, Mrs. S. E. Sloan and her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Smith, entertained infor mally last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Smith in Aber deen. Guests were welcomed by the honoree, Mrs. Leonard Russell, Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. Smith into the living room which was dress ed for the holidays in evergreens and red candles. A color note of green and white was observed in the dining room. A lace cloth covered the table which was centered’with a crystal bowl filled with white crysan- themums and fern. Crystal can delabra holding white candles completed the arrangement. Russian tea, cake, nuts and mints were served to some 75 frihnds by Mrs. M. J. Muse, Mrs. John Solan, Mrs. Mack Wallace and Miss Jo Wallace. Mrs. J. A. Lawrence presided at the guest register. The party at the home of Mr and Mrs. Tommy Atkinson, Jr was in the form of a covered dis, dinner, with every couple bring ing something to contribute t Guests included: Mr and Mrs. Ralph Chandler, Mr and Mrs. Edward Cox, Mr. anc Mrs. E. J. Austin, Mr. and Mrs Don Traylor, Mr. and Mrs Charles Patch, Jr., Mr. and Mrs A1 Chiswell and Mr. and Mrs Bill Henderson who came latei in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney N. Ever entertained at cocktails for i small group of friends New Year’s Day. Saturday afternoon friends en joyed a delightful g{st-togethei at the home of Col. and Mrs. Severn Wallis who were hosts at a cocktail party. IN BRIEF )AR Chapter Will leet At Aberdeen I’he Alfred Moore chapter, aughters of the American Revo- ition, will meet Saturday after- loon at 2 o’clock with Mrs. J. Palbot Johnson at her home in Aberdeen. Col. Prank Thompson dll speak on “Robert Burns.” ! Visiting daughters are given) school gymnasium in Carthage at- ' a special invitation to attend, ac- J tracted many from here who were cording to Mrs. P. P. McCain, sec- in the dancing mood, as did the New Year’s Joyous . For Lodge Guests “A wonderful time was had by all,” agreed the guests at Mag nolia Lodge on the afternoon and evening of New Year’s Day. At 5:30 in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kernan, of Clin ton, N. Y., entertained at a cock tail party in honor of Michael J. Kernan, Jr., a junior at Harvard who spent the holidays here with his parents. After a bounteous dinner, Mrs. Sallie Sharp Messick, director of the Sharp School of Speech and Drama, of Seaford, Del., present ed a varied program of mUsic, song, story and folklore which discovered a surprising amount of talent 'at the Lodge. Dr. Louisa Van Dyke, of Flora Macdonald college, charmed the guests with her rendition of the works of the masters on the pianoforte. Dr. Eleanor Marks, also of Flora Macdonald college, was in formative and amusing with her stories of the French people, her tales being especially true to life, she having spent many years teaching in France. Michael J. Kernan, Jr., offer ed character imitations after which Miss Winifred Kuhns, of Peace college, acted as a teller of tales. Mrs. Messick was also heard in several impersonations. EvYry evening at the lodge three ladies and one man played “Oklahoma,” and their manner isms were the basis of a lampoon in which Mr. Kernan, Martin Lynch, of Albany, N. Y., Edward Woodman, of Merrimac, Mass., and Michael Kernan, Jr., enacted the parts of the group, and their apt aping of the topics discussed by the femmes, as well as their remarks about rules and proceee- dure “brought down the house.” Every guest had “to do some thing” and they all did well. After the evening of fun, Mrs. Alice Adams served ice cream, cake and hot chocolate. Parties End Holiday Whirl Tlie Merry Christmas and Happy New Year season is over for another year. There were, however, many parties last week to wind up the gay holiday whirl. New Year’s Eve saw celebra tions everywhere with private parties and several dances. The dance held by the Wiley G. Co mer post, VFW. at the high retary of the chapter. Anyone de- _ siring transportation from South ern Pines can phonq Mrs. Me at 5034 or Mrs. John Cline 21. ^L. Maples, a student at the Military Institute, spent ;rs with Mr, and Mrs, Ilister. gala New Year’s Eve balls held at the Pinehurst Country club and the Officers’ club at Fort Bragg. The Teen Age welcomed the New) Year in with a dppee at the Civic club. About 75 wiembers en joyed dancing and visiting at each other’s homes, during the course of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Franfc 'Welch en- Capt. and Mrs. Lyle W. Mul- cher, of Washington, D. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rice ad daugh ter, Fay, of Contoocook, N. H., spent the holidays with their aunt and cousin Mrs. Alice Adams and Albert Adams, Jr., at Mag nolia Lodge. Mrs. Sallie Mesick, of Sea- force, Del., has returned to her home after visiting at Magnolia Lodge for a week. Miss Winifred Khuns, who has been a guest at Magnolia Lodge, has returned to her duties at Peace college in Raleigh. Dr. Elinor Marks and Dr. Louisa Van Dyke, faculty mem bers at Flora Macdonald college, are back at school after their visit at Magnolia Lodge. M|Sgt. and Mrs. M. L. Shore, Jr., of Highland road, left Tues day morning for a visit in Or lando, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blue, Jr., spent Wednesday and Thursday in Greensboro. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil P. Clark at Wendover in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Clement V. •Wrenn, of D\irham and Miss Nancy Wrenn, who is employed in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baxter and Miss Elizabeth St. Clair, of Jack- son, Miss., visited Mrs. R. P. Brown during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Brown spent part of the holidays in Norfolk Va., visiting their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Brown, and saw for the first time their granddaughter, Robin- Pa tricia. Miss Madeline O’Connor, of' Greensboro, spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Harring ton. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Fitzger ald spent the holidays with Mr. Fitzgerald’s parents, Mr. and Mrs E. G. Fitzgerald in Altavista, Va L. E. Grover, who has- been critically ill since the week be fore Christmas, is home from the Moore County hospital and is re ported to be much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ken nedy, of Harrisburg, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richardson, of Portsmouth, Va., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rich ardson and Miss Mary Richard son. Also visiting the Johnons here last week were Mrs. Raymond and her daughter Jean, of Dur-j ham. I Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McAllister spent New Years Day in Char lotte. Miss Agnes Anne Buckley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Buckley, formerly of Southern Pines, returned Saturday to her home in Bogota, N. J., after a visit of eight days with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Johnson on West Broad street. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Walsh, of Providence, R. I., spent last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Birch. Lt. and Mrs. R. N. Maybin and their son, Richard were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blue. Lieutenant' Maybin re turned to Shaw Field, Sumter, S. C., where he is stationed, but Mrs. Maybin and Richard wUl re main for a longer visit. Paul Finch has returned to the University of North Carolina after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mr& A. A. Hewlett. MRS. BERTON PERHAM Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vaughn Perkinson, of East Pennsylvania avenue, this week announced the marriage of their daughter, Anne Reed, to Burton Quinby Perham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Perham, of Southern Pines and Portland, Me. The ceremony took place Sat urday afternoon at 3:30 in the First Baptist church of Bennetts- ville, S. C., with the pastor. Rev. Mr. Johnas, officiating. The church organist played “Ave r. aria, “Because” and other tra- <i|itional wedding musiq. Mem bers of the immediate families were present. The bride worq a grey suit with black accessories. She was at tended by Mrs. Glynn Bohlander, sister of the groom, as matron of honor, and Glynn Bohlander was his brother-in-law’s best man. Mr. and Mrs. Perham were TUi; bers of the June, 1947, grad uating class at the Southern Pines High school, to which the groom had returned fo/ing a period spent in the ari ser vice. Both were prorrnt in school activities. 'The groom was activn ath letics and w;as a membof the 1947 varsity basketball , base ball teams. Last summee was a player on the towmseball team. During the past semer Mrs. Perham was a freshman Agnes Scott college, Decatur, i., and Mr. Perham at the Unisity of North Carolina. He hanw re turned to the universi'where his bride expects to n him shortly. Mrs. Perham, only ch of her parents, is a native of'Uthern Pines. The groom wasorn in Woodstock, Me., and jed his parents here a year agodowing his discharge from thservice. He entered the army aiorce in 1945, served in this co'-ry and in the European theatof war, and received his diserge in January, 1947. MISS PAGE, MR. PETERSEN ARE WED AT PAGE MEMORIAL CHURCH, ABEDEEN fitted bodice. The full skirt ended in a long train and her veil of il lusion fell the length of the train from a tiara of pearl orange blos soms. Her bouquet was of sweet heart roses made into a cascade effect, backed with miniature English ivy and centered with a white orchid. Miss Jeanne Batchelor, maid- of-honor, and Miss Marian Doub and Miss Lucile Hilliard, brides maids, wore identical off-shoul der dresses of American Beauty taffet, with matching elbow- length mitts. They carried cascade bouquets of white gladioli flor- ettes and English ivy, tied with showers of white satin ribbon. They wore white gladioli florettes in their hair. Little Miss Helen Prince of Laur inburg, cousin of the bride, was flower girl and wore a long dress of white imported organdy made with a tiny off-shoulder ruf fle. She carried a cascade of Bet ter Times roses fashioned after the bride’s bouquet, with match ing rosebuds in her hair. The ushers were Robert Peter sen, brother of the groom, Russell Batchelor and Forrest Lockey of Aberdeen, Thomas Gardner of Chattanooga, Tenn., Calvert Mel ton of Swarthmore, Pa., and Christian Cramer of Great Neck, N. Y. the hall and dining room. Misses Page and Pat Blackmore of Aber deen and Miss Leslie Prince of Laurinburg assisted in serving wedding cake, nuts, cookies and sandwiches. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Petersen left for a northern wedding trip. For traveling Mrs. Petersen wore a suit of natural color with matching coat and hat trimmed in beaver, and alligator accessories. Mrs. Petersen is the grand daughter of Mrs. Henry A. Page, Sr., and the late Mr. Page, of Ab erdeen, and Mrs. D. M. Prince and the late Dr. Prince of Laurin burg. She attended Salem college in "Winston-Salem. Mr. Petersen is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Petersen of New York City, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Horan of Sheepshead Bay, N. Y. He is now a student in the department of hotel administra tion at Cornell university and is a member of Phi Delta Theta fra ternity. Mr. and Mrs. Petersen will be at home in Ithaca, N. Y. Sunday evening following the rehearsal, the parents of the bride entertained the wedding party at a buffet supper. The bride has been the recipient of many par ties, having been entertained by Mrs. C. "W. Hogan, Miss Lucile Hilliard and Mrs. W. A. Benson, Miss Jeanne Batchelor and Mr. Mrs. D. M. Prince, Miss Page Shamburger, Mrs. H. "W. Doub and Miss Marian Doub. ' . The bride’s mother wore black and shell-pink crepe bolero Russell B^atch^or, evening suit with a corsage of green orchids. The groom’s moth er was attired in an evening gown of green crepe with a green or chid corsage. Following the ceremony an in formal reception was given by Mrs. Henry A. Page, Jr., at her home for the wedding party and members of the family. Lovely arrangements of orchids and white carnations were placed in Miss Amette Avery has return ed to Charlotte after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Avery. Miss Avery is a student at Queens col lege and makes her home with her aunt, Mrs. Charles 'W. TLllett and Mr. Tillett, of Charlotte. Loafers The Most Popular Casual Shoe for Men Several Styles Including Hand Sewn IS.50 to $10.00 Tce SHOP W. Broad St. Southern Pines 1904 1948 MR. AND MRS. PETERSEN Miss Mary Allison Page, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. 'William F. Page, and James Harry Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Peter sen of Great Neck, N. Y.-, were married at 8:30 Monday evening, December 29, in a ceremony per formed in Page Memorial Meth odist church by Rev. T. J. White- head, pastor of the bride. Mrs. John M. Storey, organist, presented a program of nuptial music including Schubert’s “Sere nade,” “Ave Maria,” Bach-Gou- nod, and “Romance” by Rubin stein. Mrs. Ralph Reed of Win ston-Salem sang “I Love Thee.’ “O Perfect Love” was played as the vows were spoken and sung by Mrs. Reed at the close of the ceremony as the benediction. The traditional wedding marches weie used. TTie candles were Ihted by Russell Batchelor, and Thomas Gardner, of Chattanora, Tenn. Woodwardiar fern treessouthern smilax and palm ferns irmed the altar background, in front of which were placed staling bas^ kets of white gladiok graced with plumosa fern. Seva-branch ed candelabra holding aU white candles stood around ;he altar, the altar rail was banM in plu mosa fern. The bride entered 1e church with her father and ns met at the altar by the groorrwho was attended by John Sanders of Great Neck, N. Y., as test man. The bride’s wqdding .awn was white duchess ; satin k’ashioned with a sweetheart neclme and mm To Protect Your Health Cold Remedies Antiseptics Heating Pads Laxatives Vitamins Surgical Supplies Hygienic Preparations Prescriptions Filled by Experienced Registered Pharmacist We Are Open All Day SUNDAY, JANUARY 11th Broad Street Pharmacy

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