Page Fourteen THE PILOT. Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday, February 25, 1949. Satisfaction In Job Relationships Is Important, Pastor Tells Kiwanis By Howard F. Burns Dr. George D. Heaton, pastor of the Myers Park Baptist church, Charlotte, addressing the Sand hills Kiwanis club at its weekly luncheon Wednesday of last week at the Hollywood on “The Prob lem of Industrial Relations” de clared the future of America hinges on a clear understanding of industrial relations between management and labor. He emphasized the importance of the individual industry doing a worthwhile job. Continuing, he said it is necessary that the em ployee have a satisfaction in his work, a feeling of security and re liance on the integrity of his em ployers. In conclusion he said wage in creases do not alter production. It is the human interest — the pride of being a part of a great organization in American indus try. The speaker was introduced by W. D. Croxton, manager of the Colonial Mills of Aberdeen. Leland McKeithen, past presi dent, read a resolution recom mending to the North Carolina General Assembly some amend ments to existing laws; first, that an amendment to the income stat utes be made to increase the ex emption pn dependents from $200 to $600; second, that the intangible tax law be repealed; third, that restaurant meals be exempted from sales tax; fourth, recom mending the establishment of a dental college in North Carolina. In conclusion, he recommended that the Kiwanians do everything possible in helping to rebuild the dam for summer swimming at the Aberdeen lake. Dr. T. A. Cheatham inducted into membership L. L. Hallman, efficiency engineer at the Col onial Mills plant, at Aberdeen. TonTurmis Out To Enjoy Honeymoon Riht Alouig With Jack and Charlotte MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Willie Venicholas Small, box 1033, Southern Pines, has been awarded the degree of master of social work, at midterm com mencement exercises at the Uni versity of Michigan. Diplomas were mailed out to 1,412 gradu ates. eontinued fror^i Page 11) smo’ng a cigarette at the times U 1,0 longs ipost to speak. fl.icVipiffrom their hunting „o/e in before the party ’ j jfheir' good wishes for ^^ptc.-or the young couple. Jo visited Hibernia, home Struthers Burt and .a^ine Newlin Burt, where ^^)Bradley Davison let them about to their parts’ content, he „n after lunch. Will Wiggs ^°^o take them to the Pine golf course, where Man- ^®®®loy Grinnell not only gave f®®’^the hospitality of the greens Shell color has no'“Telatjon whatever to the interior quality of eggs. dexo A&P's OWN VEGETABLE SHORTENING 3-lb. can 95c ?^®^lso provided clubs and balls P'^^ack. Mr. and Mrs. E. Nolley *°?son were others of the four- “^^e, as Charlotte, a non-player. „.cwed the golfing party about course. Neither had much to 7 later about Jack’s game—as a ^neral Electric inspector in Cin- inati he doesn’t have much time ^olay—but they had much to re Isi maxed by “Carolina Moon” pie and a beautiful pink and white wedding cake Mrs. Elsie Thomp son had baked for the occasion. Again—they ordered ham! “Sure, we’ve^had ham before,” Je ck said, “but never like you peo ple serve it here in the south!” Chick and Mildred Holliday were most cordial hosts to the party— the Kynes, the Clarks, the Nichol sons, 'Tom White and Ed. Best. The musicians outdid themselves with delighted sentimental airs, including Charlotte’s favorite, “Sweet Six teen.” ' They had an invitation from C. W. Picquet to attend the movie at his Carolina theatre, 'but the sup per party lasted till long past show time. They sent him regrets, and thanks, and went off in the com pany of Tomi White and his date— where? ■ We wouldn’t know—but there w^as a real Carolina moon hung high in the sky, beaming dew*! on a romantic world. Monday, until plane time, they had to themselves, and used : wander downtown, buying to take home and souvenirs in love with a beautiful nero- psychiatrist by whom he is treat ed for a nervous breakdown, is playing Sunday and Monday at the Sunrise theatre. Robert Cummings plays the young advertising executive who finds himself being pursued by all his women clients when they fall victim to his charming man ner. Hedy Lamarr portrays the beautiful neuro-psychiatrist who has her professional equilibrium upset by her handsome patient. Anna Sten, in the role of a wealthy and attractive cosmetics manufacturer, and Robert Shayne, as a doctor colleague of Hedy Lamarr, head an excellent supporting cast. An Eagle Lion Film's release, “Let’s Live a' Little” is a United California Production film co produced by Eugene Frenke and Robert Cummings. It was direct ed bw Richard Wallace. for the control of worms in swine. valuable large round- FOR RESULTS USE THE PI LOT’S CLASSIFIED COLUMN. DOLLAR DAYS AT BELK - HENSDALE - Raeford Dollar Bargains in All Departments THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY of the beauty of the course,their honeymoon town. There ■ were more surprises when they re I turned to the Highland Pines—e the kindness of the peopk met. MARVEL BREAD ANN PAGE Beans, 16 oz can CAMPBELL'S TOMATO ' Juice, 2 14-ozcans NIBLET'S BRAND , Corn, 2 12-ozcans Home Style, 11-2 lb. loaf 18c ANN PAGE ' '' Strawberry Preserve, 16 oz jar 37c ANN PAGE CREAMY SMOOTH Peanut Butter, 16 oz. jar 35c 10c 23c 37c Herring, 8 oz can - — 19c A&P GRAPEFRUIT Sections, No. 2 can 15c DRIED Pea Beans, 2 lb pkg 29c MILD AMERICAN Cheese, lb. » 45c GOLDEN MAID Margarine, 1-lb pkg .........25c MILD & MELLOW 8 O’clock Coffee, 3IL bag $1.15 jat evening they were guests tinner and a Valentine dance ^^’^e Blue Mirror on Highway 1, Lois and Ronald Beaure- '''’^^iroved themselves a perfect gard hostess, the food was host ai.^ music gay. ^mptuou.^j.g an orchid. Jack a Charlotte ^.^onniere sent by the carnation bo.which had also Carolina Gara.^j^g-^ hotel room, | sent flowers foi^gir arrival. ! to greet them on i , ^ i Seated at a table in the center', Nicholson with Silas and Valeri. (who, married 22 and a .. ’ beginning to feel lit ^ the , . • t| gift from Patch’s Departi store, and a Valentine candy from the Broad Street drugstore. Manager Stitzsr drove thei the airport. As their Piedr them off, with best wishes for lifelong honeymoon and a retur —some day—to Southern Pines. ower-adorned "if the room. were mooners themselves) served a meal such as few these days ever see. They or. ed—yes, you guessed it—ham, ti Carolina In the business of merchandis ing screen fate, the word “mo tion” in the phrase “motion pic ture” is of real significance, al- Jones Advance of the Very Latest Spring Showing Styles and Colors LADIES' SPRING COATS LADIES' DRESS BLOUSES $22.50 to $29.95 $1.98 to $3.98 * LADIES' TOPPERS $16.95 to $29.95 » SPRING SWEATERS (Newest Shades) 100% Wool $1.98 to $3.98 LADIES' SPRING DRESSES $4.98 to $10.95 SPRING HATS $1.98 to $4.98 LADIES' SPRING SKIRTS And Many Other Spring Items $1.98 to $5.95 You'll Want To See NEWEST IN ACCESSORIES AND LINGERIE JONES DEPARTMENT STORE CARTHAGE, N. C. time with raisin sauce, and all often - overlooked. In KIPPERED GREEN CABBAGE. 2 Ib. SWEET—CRISP lOc CARROTS, 2 bun. 15c FLORIDA [APEFRUIT,5for 29c -YELLOW—WHITE ■ONION SPS, 2 lbs 23c- RED BLISS—WHITE COBBLER SEED POTATOES, 100 lb. bag $5.20 Prime Rib Roast, boned, rolled 65c Beef Short Ribs 33c Fresh Spare Ribs 43c Fresh Green Shrimp 59c Black Hawk Bacon 69c FatBack 15c RibSide 29c Fresh Frying Chickens 53c trimmings. Lois and Ronald Beauregard were an attractive host and hostess, and when Jim my Cavallo and his orchestra ar rived at nine and struck up “Caro lina Moon,” the evening was com plete. Well—not quite! For the crown ing touches arrived later in the evening—a heart-shaped wedding cake, and champagne in a bucket. The arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Black, married only a few hours earlier and stopping by on their way out- of town, en hanced the romantic atmosphere. They had a table close by and the two handseme, coBples were the center of attention. A wire recording was made, with Paul Hennings, WSTS an nouncer, as interviewer, for later broadcast, and Paul and his charming wife, Lucille, also WSTS Manager Jim Cole, joined the par ty. The crowd grew thick, the music warmed zestfully to the oc casion and pretty soon “the joint was jumping!” Jack and Char lotte, a graceful pair, danced with a radiance on their faces. It had been a full day, after an exciting plane trip—their very first long flight—and all at once it was a tired and sleepy pair of youngsters who asked to be taken b£ck to the Highland Pines Inn— regretfullly, too frazzled out to go on to the Pine Needles dance, to which Roy Grinnell and Russ Birch had thoughtfully invited them. Vhispering Smith” at the Car- theatre, Southern Pines y^^'Mday and Saturday the di- -' -ggan. to it that the rector „ Frank' H. Spearm.i?°''®} west in the early, da tain railroading is mad^ In consequenc;fe, here . ern, in full and! striking colors with actiegn, with ovg.^®f of romance andexcitement.. Alan Eadd, 'as the troubl shooter for railroad is el fectively cast. With him, aif equally capaible, are Robert Pn ton, road-wrecking boss friend of Ladd, Brenda Marsi as Preston’s wife, Donald Cr as the rancli-rustler, and Willit Demarest ats the railroad fori They were fresh and bright- eyed again the next morning, when they were taken to mass at St. Anthony’s. There, Father Hill greeted them from the altar, and wished them happiness. After mass. Father Harkins also gave them his good wishes, and little key chains with holy medals. Mil lie Montesanti, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Andrews and others greeted them warmly. Win and Bert Prertio were their hosts Sunday afternoon, when they learned that a gymkhana is not something to eat. The huge crowd which turned out that sun ny day, for one of the best gym^ khanas seen here in many a long mocn, found the honeymooners one of the occasion’s most inter esting sights. They were intro duced from the center of the ring, and Charlotte was given the job ;of presenting the ribbons .in the children’s event. They were thrilled by it all, and also by a visit they paid on the way home—to Leo and Edith Walper, at Parhaven, where Jack enjoyed the driving range to the fullest. Parhaven hospitality, al ways delightful, was in top form and they came away charmed with the place and with then- hosts. Sunday night, Lloyd and Mac Clark called to take them to the final big event—a supper party at Holliday’s Coffee shop, where the Melody Trio struck up “Here Comes the Bride” as they entered the door. All heads turned smil ing as Jack and Charlotte, flushed and happy, made their way to the flower-decked table. 'There, a Uruly super meal was served, cli- ! With songs by Jeanette Ma; Donald, including “One Fi Day” from Puccini’s “Madaj butterfly,” a* heart-warmi; down-to-earth story and first rf performances, “The Sun Cor Up,” the attratcion at the Ca lina theatre. Southern Pin Sunday, Monday, Tuseday, wii a Tuesday matinee, hits t! bull’s - eye as delightful fami entertainment. In beautiful Technicolor, i' clean as a hound’s tooth, ar' its country setting, peopled 1] simple and natural characters, diverting and refreshing. It h-l its share of laughs, with most the humor furnished by tb grand character actor, Percy Ki bride, who welt night steals tb. picture. Lassie is by no means the stai of this offering but he’s right ii there winning new admirers and! gets his big moment when he rescues Claude Jarman, Jr., from a burning orphanage. Wednesday and Thursday, March 2-3, that comedy of all comedies of the seeason, “Family Honeymoon,” starring Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray, open a four-day engagement, with a matinee Saturday, March 5, only. A funnier honeymoon hasn’t been seen on the screen in years. When Aunt Jo, who was to have taken care of the childre: while mother ,and. their ne^ daddy went honeymooning, fab down a stairway and breaks ht leg, audiences can anticipate jus what’s going to happen; the new lyweds will have to take thd youngsters along, and that mean] laughs. Folks will enjoy the) full quota of laughs and “folks means the whole family toi From the time the journey begi until all ends happily, then scarcely a solemn moment. T( kids, by the' way (Gigi Perre Peter Miles, and Jimmy Huri are adorable, but they prove tl little boys and girls can be v exasperating at tirhes. “Family Honeymoon” opens the New York Music HaR for ' extended run February 20. Sunrise A sparkling romantic comedyl “Let’s Live a Little,” the filnl story of a brilliant but erratij advertising executive who fall ‘fNfr UA V' 4«4> A, jIP Sr Sfcosos ^0/yf5 ^/Th this 1949 i^gnlficent , and siA tai p’ ^°»nded m 1725 offer ^ DIO mm KIND OF^ i/cfy Tuning fENUE Southern Pines, N.