r m % Page Twelye THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday. September 2. 1949. The word devil means “little god.” Wolf-hunting was a favorite pursuit , of the ancient Britons. PLASTIC FINISH QUART FOR FLOOR BRILLIANCE THAT LASTS WITHOUT WAX Easy to apply-Quiek to dry SHAW PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. JOE GARZIK, Mgr. Contractors—^Dealers Phone 7601 East Broad St. SOITTHERN PINES Telephone 6161 Powell Funeral Home 24 hour Ambulance Service D. A. Blue. Jr. Southern Pines John C Parrish Plumbing & Heating Tel. 6893 SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. Mrs. R. P. Brown Will open her Private School September 2, 1949 Look ' oasy It h to dean •ur eii3tom4na(!ft venedafi blinds of mind* ^ I ^ SatsspKad apart for TOurdeaning brush i —then snap right back into perfect shape. GET OUR ESTIMATE Weatherslripping, Asphalt Tile. Overhead Garage Doors Cameron’s, Inc. Phone 5183 Southern Pines PINEfflJRST Bob Macauley of Larchmont, N. Y., enroute to Atlanta, Ga., was, weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Black. ! Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bryan of Midland Road spent a few days at Virginia Beach last week. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fitz- gibbon and children, who spent the summer at Old Orchard, Maine, returned to' the Carolina Tuesday. Mrs. Eric Nelson arrived by train' from Little Compton, R. I., Monday morning. Mr. Nelson will join her soon. Mrs. Silas Rule returned to her home in Tonawanda, N. Y., after a week’s visit with her brother, Wilson J. Hershell. Mr. and Mrs. Herschell and Mrs. Rule spent several days in Statesboro, Geor gia during which time Mr. Her schell received his B. S. degree from Georgia Teachers College. Miss Francis Temple spent the weekend at her home in San ford. Mr. and Mrs. David Hartsell and sen, Dwight, of Dayton, Ohio were honor guests at an outdoor dutch supper Saturday night at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Frank M. Bost. Others present for the occasion were Mrs. Eva M. Conant, Mr. and Mrs. Rassie E. Wicker, Miss El- oise Wicker and Nancy Jean Wicker. Mrs. C. E. Swaringen and son, Charles, Mrs. True P. Chen ey and daughter, Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sally and Elaine Ehrhardt. Also Mr. and Mrs. Karl Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson of Sanford The Hart- zells left Sunday for High Point, enroute to their home iri Dayton. Charles Herman entertained at a stag dinner at his cottage on Daisy road, Saturday evening. Miss Margaret Lee accompan ied several out-of-town friends to Manteo for the water pageant Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bevins Cameron spent Sunday in Durham. Miss Kay Arrowood and sister have been guests at the Pleasant Duplex apartments for several days. Paul V. Peck arrived Sun day night from Austin, Texas, where he attended summer school for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Peck will leave soon’ to make their home in San Angelo, Texas. Mr. Peck will be an instructor in the music department of a college there, Mr. and Mrs. Harington Harlow of New York spent last week as guests at Maple cottage. George Sherrerd left last Wed nesday to enter Princeton Univer sity. He was accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sherrerd. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas have moved to Southern Pines.', Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradshaw left in their private plane last week for a trip to Bethlehem, N. H., and Bar Harbor, Me., after which they plan to attend the air races in Cleveland, Ohio and fly on to Cal ifornia before their return home. Miss Eloise Wicker has return ed from Boone where she attend ed two summer school semesters at A.S.T.C. Miss Joan Bertrand returned last week from Warm Springs, Ga. Mrs. Heizmann Mudgett is vis iting her son, William and fam ily in Reading, Pa. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Prince anCd children have returned from a months vacation in Morrisville, Pa. Eddie Lindsay who has been spending several weeks wtih his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Frank Smith, has returned to his home in Dallas, Texas. Miss Patsy Smith is attending Miss Carson’s School of Beauty Culture in Fayetteville. Miss Margaret McDonald spent the weekend at Manteo. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hagood have been on a week’s trip to Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Lylerly has returned from Myrtle Beach. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene MacDonald last week were Mrs. W. M. Burns, Jr. and three small sons, of Greensboro. Buck Childs Hew (or the Navy when the going was tough. After the war ended, he bought a light plane for cropdusting and he's been doing right well ever since. He was over at the Post Office the other day and someone remarked on his fine record. They said he must be a crack pilot to fly nearly all the time —in good weather and in some not- so-gc^—without ever an accident. Buck grinned. “There’s plenty of fel lows as experienced as I am at flying. Cut I don’t have accidents because I don’t fake chances. I spend more time on the ground checking my engine and equipment than I do 'flying. A GOOD PILOT— "Keeps his feet oa the ground' Mine’s one business where you just can’t let things slide.” Actually, there’s no business where you can let things slide and still stay right up there. That’s why the beer industry in this state, like Buck, spends a lot of time checking up— seeing to it that beer is sold strictly under the regulations set up by the Malt Beverage Division of the North Carolina ABC Board. Tavern owners realize that when you “let things slide” you’re due (or an “unhappy landing.” ■♦t -k -k NORTH CAl^LINA DIVISION UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, INC. Insurance Building, Raleigh, N. C. Miss Benna Kirk returned from New "^ork last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carter and family spent last week at Wrights- ville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dickerson spent Sunday in Greensboro as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Holland. Football practice for the Pine- hurst High School squad has be gun under the coaching of Paul Monroe and Wm. Wall of the fac ulty. Games scheduled include Biscoe, Red Springs, West End, Lilesville, Southern Pines, Car thage and Robhins. Miss Mattie Wallace was maid of honor in the wedidng of Miss Harriet Jones of McCain and James Davis of Wadesboro, which took place Sunday afternoon at 4:30 in the Page Memorial Church in Aberdeen. Misses Dorothy Wil lis and Ina Wright and Thomas Stewart of Raleigh were weekend guests of Miss Wallace and also attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Innes spent last week visiting relatives in Eastern North Carolina. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Creath last week were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. O’Neal and four child ren and Mr O’Neal’s mother who were returning from Rayville, La., to their home in Falls Church, Va. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Carter and two daughters also stopped over with the Creaths enroute from. Miami to Tacoma Park, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Creath and daught er, Patty, spent the week-end in where they were guests of Mr. Richmond and Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Walter Stevenson this week. Yadkin winners last week were Leo Luguire first place. Bob Hen- low and Coach Kivett tied for 2nd and 3rd. Aberdeen News Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kirk and son of Switser, West Virginia, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Kirk. The two families spent the weekend at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McCaskiU of Colonial Heights spent the weekend ^t the beach. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Muse have returned from a weekend trip to Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee, and son, Bobby, spent several days last week in the mountains of western North Carolina. Miss Ann Pleasants of Chapel Hill spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Gwyn and family visited relatives in Greens boro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Buchan have returned to Raleigh after a week end with Mrs. Buchan’s mother, Mrs George D. Martin. Dan Campbell of Richmond visited his mother Mrs. Gertrude Campbell, over the weekend. Mrs. W. H McNeill spent Fri day in Raleigh Mr. and Mrs A T Cruce and daughter, Gloria, visited friends in Kenly on Sunday Miss Audrey Holder is the guest of her brother and sister Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Holder in Ash ley Heights this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Thompson spent Sunday in Mt. Gilead with relatives, Miss Katie Speight visited her cousin in Niagara last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John son of Chapel Hill spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson. Miss Mary Stewart Marmon of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miz- zell. Mrs. Walter Hulak was called to her home in Thomasville Sat urday night because of the death of her mother, Mrs. Ira Johnson. Mrs. Lewis Merril and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Russell attended the funeral services for Mrs. Ira Johnson in Thomasville on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Caddell were guests of Mrs. Caddell’s mother, Mrs. C. H.'Cook, in Fay etteville on Sunday. Miss Nancy Keith has returned to her home here after spending the summer in Columbia, S. C., with her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. William Chad- burn Worth and daughters, Mar tha Ruth and Mary Ann, spent several days last week with Rev. and Mrs. Charles W. Worth while enroute to Richmond where they will spend a furlough year from their missionary work in Africa. Miss Betty Worth has returned home after spending the summer at Montreat. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Keith announce the birth of a son on Saturday, August 27, at the Moore County hospital. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Warlick an nounce 'the birth of a son on Sunday, August 28, at the Moore County hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCoy of Chapel Hill announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday', Au gust 24, at Watts Hospital in Dur ham. Mrs. Walter Sadowski enter tained at a birthday party for her little daughter, Stella May, on Tuesday afternoon from four to five. Games were played outside ed. Those invited were Kay Park- before the birthday cake with six er. Cookie Sharpe, Johnnie and candles, and ice cream were serv- Jimmie Stan^cil. METERED BOTTLED GAS SERVICE Parker Ice and Fuel Company ABERDEEN. N. C. $1.95 Pints $3.15 Fifths 86 Proof ItnUUOHT WMSKEVS IN THR PBOBOa ■ 4 TIAIS Ot MORE OU>. S5X SnAMlir ■or. MS MUTIAL trum, MsmiB ROM ORAM. Brands! Nationally advertised familiar brands, tried-and-true . . .• Faithful names of proven quality . . . You’ll find them lining tho shelves of your friendly Cojonial Store with Colonial’s low, low price plainly marked on each container. For variety ... for savings . . . for well-known brands . . . always shop at your nearby COLONIAL STORE OUR PRIDE SANDWICH BREAD 24-Ox. Loaf Menu SuggesUon for your -“.The SeLh^ref 1^“^* Coj^ry or to Tour Own Hneapple or Tomato Juice ^sorted Luncheon Me&ta Fork and Beans Sandwiches Cheese Sandwiches »nd Tomatoes Special Cake Lemonade toature'd «« S't’SSaTiS in to/ Stock Up On Colonial's Thrifty Foods Wa Will Be Closed Labor Day Mon. Sept. 5! KITCHEN FRESH MAYONNAISE KRAFT’S rSS” ARMOUR'S STAR TASTY 12-Oz. Can TREET VAN CA) PORK fie BEANS 10 Assorted Cold Cuts For Picnics & Quick Meals PICKLE & FIMIENTO VAN CAMP DELICIOUS 1-Lb. me Can liOAF ® delicious Lb. 49c RraunsweigerLb/ 57c SPICED LUNCH MEAT lb. 57c TOP-GRADE BOLOGNA COOKED SALAMI AHEB. OB PIMIENTO lb. 49c lb. 59 lb. 45c CS REFRESHING NUTRITIOUS TOMATO JUICE 2 2 25c CRISP, FRESH NABISCO RlTZ CRACKERS 32« ALL POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES $1.46 FOB THE PAUSE THAT REFRESHES COGA**GOLA ctn- Of 6 23o WAXED PAPER—KEEP FOODS FRESH GUT-RITE 125-Ft. Roll 2l6 LANG’S APPETIZING DILL PIGKLES 7-9 Count Jar 250 TASTT, RICH RED TOMATO C S CATSUP MO.. H.. 18« HEINZ FULL STRENGTH CIDER VINEGAR Pinf Bottle 146 MOTHER’S SMOOH CBEAMV SALAD DRESSING Pint Jar 276 SUTHERLAND RAINBOW PICNIC PLASTIC SPOONS 2 Pkgs. 296 SUTHERLAND RAINBOW PICNIC PLASTIC FORKS ». 10« SOFT ABSORBENT NORTHERN PAPER TOWELS 2 Rolls 296 ARMOUR’S STAB OR SWIFT’S PREMIUM SMC*®® H AM S WHOLE, BUTT Lb. 63c OR SHANK BONUS SPECIAL—PRICE EFFECTIVE THRU NEXT WED. SEPT. 7! ARMOUR’S STAB OR SWIFT’S PREMIUM SLICED BACON MADE FRESH AND SOLD FRESH GROUND REEF u,. 69c Lb. 49c ARMOUR'S STAR Franks 49c Wafer-Sliced Boiled Ham lb. 99c Ocean-Fresh Seafoods CROAKERS 33c Ib. Fresh Select OYSTERS 69c pi. ARMOUR’S TASTX BEEF STEW 20-Oz. 57c ARMOUR’S APPETIZING TAMALES 10-Oz. 19c ARMOUR’S FLAVOBPUL 4 IBANKS 7-oz. 39c ABMOPB»S DRIED BEEF 2i-oz.can 31c CHILI CON CARNE ARMOUR Can 29c SWIFT’S FULL-FLAVORED PREM 12-Oz. 39c CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER PETER PAN 12-Oz. 35c Ijarge Jwiey CALIFORNIA SUNKIST LEMONS 29c Luscious Double- Layer White Iced DOLLY MADISON CAKE ^ 85<‘, Doz. atmus SPECIAL—PRICE EFFECTIVE THRU NEXT WED. SETZ. Tt SELECTED DELICIOUS CAUFOBNIA ’ n- ««••••••••••••••••••*• Libby's Stuffed A4anz OLIVES 4i-Oz. Bottle 49* Upton's Refreshing TEA HB. PKG. HB. PKG. 33« 63« LONG WHITE BAKING POTATOES U. S. NO. I YELLOW ONIONS. LARGE CRISP FRESH ICEBERG mUM LETTUCE fuch ripe fob suckno RED TOMATOES Wj:.Li.-BLEACHED GOLDEN HEART rEI.ERY. 2 ST A r ,KS 23c NEW CROP WASHED PUKRl'O MUW GANDY YAMS 3 ii-31c 2 L 25c 5 lbs. 31c 2 lbs. 11c Mr, 21c 2 om. 33c 46-Ox, Can 276 226 < 4 $-Lb,Pkg. 526 ; Sevoiy Sharp FOOD 69* REFRESHING SWEET HI-C ORANGEADE WELCH’S BEFBESHINp DELICIOUS ' GRAPE JUICE SUNSHINE NOBILITY ASSORTED CRACKERS I SWIFT’S QUICKLY PREPARED TASTY < TMAHCBLE FCltB nwwawnwrw IHAMRURGERS lO-OrCan 459 < B0TTEB * Hb. PaHies 37c SHORTENING-SMOOTH CBEAMABLE ^ ™AFT*8 FHILAOELPBIA BRAND SWIFT’NING FOB FINE BAKING—SHORTENING SNOWDRIFT FOB TASTY S.4LADS USB WESSON on Pint Bottle 356 4 % Anew .1.-0 jrnUiAAilSlalfJtlA nBArm 3-Lb. Can 77« : CHEESE 3-Oz. 17c 4 3-Lb. Can 876 ; SIOUX raE PURE HONEIT S-Ox-Jer 19c FRENCH’S TANGY , MUSTARD p^ok 14c PUSS 'N BOOTS BALANCED GAT FOOD 2 can. 17c SHOBTENINO GRISGO 3-Lb. Can 87c FOB LAUNDRY PficG SOAP 2 Bar* 15c WOODBUBT TOUAT SOAP 3 Bar* 25c EFFICIENT FLAXES BLU-WRITE Pk». 9c Soiilhern Pines, N. C.

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