Page Eight THE PILOT. Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday, December 2, 1949 Wildlife (Continued from Page IJ vation principles with dissemina- ' tion of knowledge concerning them. A club was started in Moore county in the federation’s early days, he said, but didn't last. “I think you folks are on the right track and will make a go of it this time,” the speaker said. “Re- Itnember, our state office will help you in every way it can. If you have a going club there are many ways in which we can help. We would anyway, whether you had a club or not—but with a real organization here, we can do much in support of your local projects.” The federation is to hunters and fishermen what the N. C. Mer chants’ association is to mer chants, or the Farm Bureau to farmers, he said, except that its members get nothing out of it other than furtherance of their sport and protection of it. He emphasized the value o^f regular meetings, a definite pro gram and a broad membership. “Until very recently the game and fish set-up in North Carolina was a pretty undependable thing,” Stevens said. “It chanegd form every time the administra tion changed. Now at last we have something permanent and solid. Its effects are already being felt in better laws and enforce ment methods.” The SandhUls Wildlife club, formed with six members about a month ago, already has 35 or 40 and is growing fast, it was re vealed by President John Fergus- ■oti. It is designed to cover the whole county. Several from Pine- hurst were present at this week’s cussion session following the pro gram: in which a number of ques tions were asked. Russell Lorenson, C. L. Wor- .sham, John Ferguson and Morris Johnson were in charge of the meeting. All joined in a lively dis- cooking, frying delicious golden- Itrown fish and hush puppies to do with the slaw, potato salad and hot coffee. Bus Doyle was in charge of the event as a whole! a most successful one. Lights 4wards (Continued from Page 1) old Santa will take a tour through town at the head of a Christmas parade. Plans for this have not been completed. Chairman Younts said, but several surprises are planned. Elks' P^ty On Wednesday, December 21, the Elks lodge will hold its an nual Christmas party—on hte town park this year, instead of on the grounds of the Elks home, so that more children can take part. The downtown location was selected in cooperation with the Chamber, bringing all the Christ mas fun together where all can ternoon beneath his decorated .attend. Santa Clsus will spend the af- tree, hearing the Christmas wish es of every little boy and girl and giving each a gift in advance of stocking-hanging time. J. C. Cole is chai'irnan of the party. The school band will play and J. G. Womble, director, has said also he will provide a chorus of 100 children's voices, to sing the be loved carols of the season. The party will be held from 2 to 5 p. m. and will be broadcast for a half hour over WSTS. This will not change in any way the Elks’ private observance of Christmas, in which they give baskets of food to needy persons of this area through the Council of Social Agencies. Holly Tree .. Another act of the Chamber of Commerce toward the town’s beauty will be the lighting of the handsome holly tree in front of the post office. Floodlights will shine up into its branches at night. This is annual ly one of the loveliest sights of the town, drawing visitors from many places. Last year the three was net lit, as it was a bad year fcr berries. This year the tree is loacjpd with nature’s scarlet deco rations—old timers say it was never prettier. All over town, it is expected that decorations this month willbe the loveliest in years. Along with the window display contest, the Chamber is sponsoring a contest for residential Christmas light ing. “scratched” himself with a razor blade, which he had concealed on his person and which was prompt ly taken away; and later thrust his face into a basin of water— an apparent attempt to drown himself which he soon gave up. Flack, formerly of Dayton, Ohio, has lived in Southern Pines since his discharge from the army about two years ago, it was re vealed. He worked for a time at the Aberdeen mill. Since Novem ber 4 he had been employed as a bellhop. He is married to a Pine- hurst girl, whom he met while in service, stationed at Fort Bragg, and they have a baby less than a year old. NOTICE: Your Chamber of Com merce Board of Directors meets , second and fourth Tuesday 8:00 p.m. at the office in the Belve dere Hotel. Presentation of your ideas and suggestions is solici ted. flSchg FOR RENT OR SALE: Large 6 roc'm unfurnished house. Cen tral heating. In good condition. Full basement. Located in Mil- len Park District. Phone 6382. Dr. L. M. Daniels. d2c FOR MEMORIALS of dignity and lasting beauty, contact D. Carl Fry, Carthage, represent ing Palmer Stone Works. m8tf FOR SALE Several good building lots, well located, and priced to sell. GEORGE C. BURNS 124 S.W. Broad St. o2128c Classified Ads SEE US for Red Mountain Wood Ranges, ABC washing machines, Platform bed springs, 3-4 and full size, dining and bedroom furniture ,kitchen cabinets, ba by cribs, play pens, high chairs, adjustable all metal ironing boards, roll-away cots, cane bot tom chairs, and wide selection of linoleum rugs. Vass Furni ture Store, Vass. nlStfc Lady seeking part or full time work. Good at figures, typing, filing. Good penmanship. Ex perienced. Telephone 6543.d2p SCHOOL OF DANCE CLASSES SATURDAYS ONLY. IN OLD VFW CLUB. MARTHA ADEN. tfchg BEFORE YOU LOCATE and build, please ask my nurse to show your family my, terrace prospect and home. Also two whippy saddle outfits. Francis H. Robinson. o21tfchg FOR SALE: 26” Shelby Flyer girl’s bicycle. Telephone R. M. Ballard, Pinehurst 2311. d2c FOR SALE: Small Crosley Home Home Freezer. Excellent price. Telephone Aberdeen 9051. d2p ATTENTION CHOIR MEMBERS —WEEKLY REHEARSALS IN PREPARATION FOR CHRIST MAS TAKE PLACE EACH MONDAY AT 7:30 P. M. ALL WELCOME, ALL AGES. SAINT ANTHONY'S CHOIR GUILD. FOR RENT: Small bedroom, kitchen and bath. Phone 7945. tfc Flack (Continued from Page D tate husband, founder of the Jug- town pottery and a pioneer in the ren,ascence of native North Caro lina handicrafts. Mrs. Busbee, also gave a talk on Mr. Busbee, his life and his work, described as one of the most interesting and Kiemorable of the week’s many events. Mrs. Katherine Arrington, president led the meeting, at which the memory of Jacques Busbee was honored “for distin guished service to art in North Carolina,” and a similar award was also given Dr. Clarence Poe, retiring after long service to the society in various offices. Dr. Poe recently rounded out 50 years as editor of the Progressive Farm er. The meetings, centering around ctie Sir Walter hotel, brought to toe state’s capital for an unusual aeries of events many of the (state’s most distinguished citizens, North Carolinians- in the truest sense, no matter where they were bom. (Continued from Page D Mrs. L. D. McDonald and Mrs. R. M. Palmer lost theirs last Sat urday night, when their pocket- books disappeared from their parked car as they went for a few minutes into the Church of Wide Fellowship. However, their bags have not been found and nothing so far has been reported to connect Flack with the theft. The series of crimes represents an unbroken chain of thefts, three accomplished with the aid of a gun, on Saturday, Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, ending only when Flack’s car aroused the suspicions of Pinehurst police as it circled the street near the Carolina hotel about 11:30 Wednesday night. Two apparent suicide attempts have been made by Flack in jail, said Carthage Chief Bunn Cam eron. They were not, however, very serious ones and the youth hurt himself only slightly in one case, none at all in the other. He PROPERTY FOR SALE - We have desirable real estate list ings in Southern Pines and Aberdeen. To buy or to rent. J. D. Arey & Co., Aberdeen 8701. Jul chg FOR SALE Modern six room house, nicely furnished, also three room cot tage furnished. Situated on three lots in a good residential section. A bargain for quick sale. o28ch GEORGE C. BURNS 124 South Broad St. WANTED: Lady to share apart ment. Close in. Reply AD Box 178, Southern Pines. FOR RENT: Single room close in. Meals can be arranged. Call 8924 after 6 p. m. WANTED: any Boy Scout equip ment or old uniforms you are not using, for Troop No. 224. Call David Page, Phone 7822. n2^ HOME SERVICE COMPANY Venetian blinds and repair ser vice. G. E. Appliances. Three day delivery. Gall Aberdeen 8884. 07tfchg Aberdeen theatrE Monday and Tuesday, December 5, 6 Night 7:15 & 9:15 RED, HOT AND BLUE BETTY HUTTON VICTOR MATURE Wednesday, December 7 Night 7:15 & 9:00 CASH AWARD SONG OF SURRENDER WANDA HENDRIX MacDONALD CAREY Thursday and Friday, December 8,9 Night 7:15 & 9:15 LUST FOR GOLD IDA LUPINO GLENN FORD Saturday, December 10 CONTINUOUS FROM 3:00 THE COWBOY AND THE INDIANS GENE AUTRY SHEILA RYAN FOR RENT PINEHURST . Year Round or ' Seasonal Furnished or Uufurnished EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS 1 Bedroom apartments 2 Bedroom apartments All equipped with Electric Refrigerator & Range MODERN Nicely Furnished Automatic Heat—Hot Water Janitor Service Telephone Pinehurst 5662 TTFC FOR SALE:, Antique mahogany organ. Excellent condition. Levely Christmas gift for an admirer of beautiful things. Phone 8811. d2pd "THE ARLINOTON" Nicely furnished, well heated rooms, by day or week. Hot and cold running water in each room., Some with private bath. Special rates by the week. Am ple free parking space. On Route 1, between Vermont and Maine Aves. Four-blocks from business center. Phone 5055. 07tfchg Plenty of good water from a drill-, ed well. Write for illustrated booklet and estimate, giving us the direction and how far you live from your postoffice. Heat er Well Company, Inc., Raleigh, N. C. tfchg FHA AND GI LOANS. FHA LOANS UP TO 95%| OF AP PRAISED VALUE AND OVER 100 % APPRAISED VALUE AND OVER G. I. LOANS LIM ITED NUMBER, CALL 8181 HENRY L, GRAVES. MAT THEWS BLDG. He MONEY TO LOAN: Farm and City Loans call or see R. F. Hoke Pollock, Southern Pines. N. C. DStfchg fllpd FOR SALE: Coin operated Coca Cola machine. Holds 100 bot tles. Good mechanical condi tion. Call J. D. David, Pine hurst, 4951. tfc Typewriter and adding machine cleaning and repair service, also several good buys in new and reconditioned adding machines and typewriters. Dixie Printing Co. A2tfchg TORGET FALSE TEETH Worries. Get Brodhead’s Plate Powder and prevent loose, slipping plates. Available at Southern Pines Pharmacy. FOR SALE 1 lot fine new trousers size 28 to 34; 1 lot size 34 to 48 in cluding worsteds and sport flannel—Price $5.98 to $9.98: 1 lot new sports coats, size 34 to 38 Priced for sale $10.00 A Monitesanti, Sr. So Pines FOR SALE Two fine buildings, located on Broad Street; immediate posses sion; suitable for retail or wholesale business. Priced to sell; can be financed. GEORGE C. BURNS FIREPLACE & HEATER WOOD for sale. Oak and pine. Wey mouth Wood Yard. Telephone 6081. nl8c WRITE TODAY FOR FREE COPY 48-PAGE PLANTING GUIDE in full color, listing complete assortment Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants, Ornamental Plant Material and Garden Supplies. Salespeople wanted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES — WAYNES BORO, VIRGINIA. FOR RENT: Bedroom with pri vate bath. 245 N. Ashe. nl8c WANTED: White man or womaix with soda fountain and short order training. Experience in baking preferred. Salary Open if •applicant is reliable and has initiative to build new business. Do not apply if not interested in permanent employm,ent, or if courtesy and neat appearance cannot be presented to our pa trons. Call 8015 Southern Pines. tfchg FOR SALE:: STEAM HOUSE FURNACE. EXCELLENT CON DITION. AVAILABLE IM MEDIATELY. CALL SOUTH- ERN PINES 8455 . d2p PICTURE FRAMES and mattes, made to order. Henry H. Turner Studio. 675 S. W. Broad Street. Phone 6452. n4tfchg 6-TREE HARDY NUT COLLEC TION consisting of 2 each Hardy English Walnut, Blight-resis tant Chinese Chestnut and Fil berts—12 to 18 in. size—only $4.95. Postpaid—Special Offer No. 3-9. Free Copy 48-Page Planting Guide in full color. Salespeople wanted. WAYNES BORO NURSERIES, WAYNES BORO, VIRGINIA. FOR SALE: 13 single electric candles, in original cartons. Tel ephone 8874. d2c FOR RENT: Furnished bedroom. Close-in. Telephone 7012d2p COMPLETE HOME APPLE OR CHARD COLLECTION, consist ing of 6 Trees furnishing fruit from earliest to latest, as fol lows: 1 EARLY RED BIRD, very early; scarlet-red. 1 YEL LOW TRANSPARENT, favorite yellow. 1 SUMMER DELICI- CIOUS, large yellow. Summer. 1 MAIDEN BLUSH, golden with red cheek .Late summer. 1 RED DELICIOUS, popular. Fall and winter. I VIRGINIA WINESAP, well-known red. Winter. All six trees 3 to 4 ft. size, postpaid. Special Offer No. 1-9, $6.85. Write for Free Copy 48-page Planting Guide in full color. Salespeople wanted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES Waynesboro, Virginia 124 S.W. Broad St. o2128c FOR SALE Several small businesses; will stand strict investigation. GEORGE C. BURNS 124 S.W. Broad St. o2128c PIANO TUNING Call Mrs. Helen Fuller, tele-1 phone 5083 for piano tuning. J. I F. Peche. n4tfchg FOR SALE: 1945 Travelo House Trailer. 25 ft. long. In good con dition. Call Pinehurst 3625 after 3:30. d2pd FOR SALE: Parker’s Place, in cluding building and grocery stock. Union Church Road, j Vass.. d2,9p! A NO 1 PECANS Shelled, cracked and in shell Any amount. Put up in cloth' bags for shipping. B. J. Si-j monds, corner Ashe and Cohn. | Telephone 6701 tfc ' 4 ;.4 STARVIEW Drive-In Theatre Between Aberdeen & So. Pines Thur., Fri., Sat. Dec. 1-2-3 Pride of the Yankees Gary Cooper - Babe Ruth Walter Brennan - Theresa Wright Sun., Mon., Tue. Dec. 4-5-6 Johnny Belinda Jane Wyman - Lew Ayres Wednesday Dec. 7 CASH AWARD NIGHT Smart Girls Don't Talk Virginia Mayo Thur., Fri., Sat. Dec. 8-9-10 Every Girl Should Be Married Cary Grant - Fanchot Tone , Diana Lynn 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY First Show Starts at 7:00 Children under 12 (in cars) free SUNRISE Southern Pines Continuous Shows Daily IDEA! THEATRE VASS, N. C. Two Shows Nightly (except Sunday) Beginning at 7 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 3 (one showing) Thursday & Friday, Dec. 1-2 “GAL WHO TOOK THE WEST” YVONNE DeCARLO Color by Technicolor Saturday, Dec. 3 “GUN SMUGGLERS” TIM HOLT Plus Shorts Monday 8z Tuesday, Dec. 5-6 “FATHER WAS A FULLBACK” MAUREEN O'HARA -Plus Shorts- FRED MacMURRAY Wednesday, Dec. 7—CASH AWARD NIGHT “ABANDONED” DENNIS O'KEEFE - Plus Shorts - GALE STORM Thursday & Friday ,Dec. 8-9 “SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON” • JOHN PAYNE - Plus News - JOAN DREW Friday, Dec. 2—Last Day "Prince of Peace" The Story of JESUS CAROLINA THEATRES PINEHURST — SOUTHERN PINES Present ■g^ (yfmufm. S. 2. "Cuddles” ‘ SAMU. r- s; AT PINEHURST Friday Night Deesmber 2nd ^regt rroduciiens, me.. ClAODHIE COLBIRT r oh making her own bmd of love io ^ Saturday, Dec. 3 Double Feature Allan Lane 'Sundown in Santa Fe' Also Richard Arlen ^ "Grand Canyon" who double-crosses the douhle-crosser/ wIHi MAX BAER eus scHiuiNa CHARLES ARNT Prodi;c«< by JACK H. SKIRBAU . OiYmM by WIlUAM O. RUSSEU Screen Play by Bruce Manning and Islin Auster AT SOUTHERN PINES Friday & Saturday, Dec. 2-3—8:15 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 3:00 Sun. & Mon., Dec. 4-5 Rod Cameron - Gale Storm 'Stampede" Tuesday, Dec. 6—Only Robert Ryan - Audrey Totter "The Set-Up" Wednesday, Dec. 7 Double Feature Rosalind Russell "The Velvet Touch" also Russell Hayden 'Trail of the Mounties' Thur. & Fri., Dec, 8-9 Farley Granger - Joan Evans "Roseanna McCoy" Here He Is! the nation's no.i funny-man.'! ‘40; WARNER Bros: new happiness-maker: RUTH ROMAN BERT LAHR royIITruth leiV wald /ille snavelson and jack rose - from a S MUSICAL OlR&eriON st rat MEINDO AT PINEHURST Sunday Night, Dec. 4th—8:30 ADAM’S RIB AT SOUTHERN PINES Sun., Mon., Tue., Dec. 4-5-6—8:15 p.m. Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 ALSO STARRINC LON SBETlMPiE mmaiSIB!* DIRECTED BY BUTLER ■ WPIUEN BY JOHN TAINTOR FOOTE AT SOUTHERN PINES Wed. & Thur., Dec. 7-8—8:15 p.m. SPECIAL MATINEE THURSDAY at 3:00

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