Page Four THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Frida'S'. Fehruary 17, 1950| Society Happenings And Church News TO WED IN mXy Of Southern Pines And The Sandhills Mrs. Hale Conducts Home Mission Study The Woman’s Missionary so ciety of the First Baptist church held an interesting home mission study at 7:30 Tuesday night in the church basement with 33 mem bers attending. “The Prophet of Little Cane Creek” by Harold Dye was the textbook used, and the course was given by Mrs. F. E. Hale, who was introduced by Mrs. Leon Talton, mission study leader. An examin ation on the course followed. In appreciation of her fine work in leading the study, Mrs. Hale was, presented a gift by the members. The informal meeting was held homelike atmosphere that World Day of Prayer At Presbyterian Church Services Next Friday World Day of Prayer services scheduled to be held in the Church of Wide Fellowship will be held at the Brownson Memorial Presbyterian church, Friday, Feb ruary 24 at 3 p.m. The service will be conducted by members of the Missionary So ciety of the Church of Wide Fel lowship assisted by women from the other churches. The commit tee in charge is Mrs. P. P. Pelton, Mrs. Charles M. Grey, Mrs. T. N. Owen and Mrs. R. L. House. World Day of Prayer is observ ed the first Friday in Lent of ev ery year. The sponsoring group Mr. and Mrs. Buchholz Parents of Second Son Mr. and Mrs. John F. Buchholz, of East Massachusetts Avenue ex had been achieved by decorations is the United Council of Church of camellias, jonquils and ivy and! Women with headquarters in New by a circular arrangement of the chairs. Refreshments were served from an attractively ap pointed table, with emphasis on the Valentine motif. Does Observe Founder’s Day Southern Pines Drove No. 42, BPO Does, observed Founder’s Day at the Elks lodge Sunday eve ning with a special program and covered dish supper to which their husbands were invited. With Mrs. J. D. Sitterson pre siding, the group joined in the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge to the Flag, after which Mrs. How ard Hoffman, past president, read a brief sketch of the founding in 1923 of the Benevolent Patriotic Order of Does. Mrs. George Thompson, past historian, gave a short history of the local Drove. Each Doe had carried a covered dish of food, and this was served buffet style, the “pot luck” supper being greatly enjoyed by the Does and their guests. The group re mained for an informal social hour, of which music was a pleas ing feature. York. Money received on the day goes for women’s work in Oriental colleges, migrant camps, Ameri can Indians and religious periodi cals for the Near East. This year’s theme will be “Faith For Our Time"^ and the service was pre pared by Michi Kawai of Tokyo, Japan. tension, are the parents of a son, Edward Cronan, born Sunday night at St. Joseph of the Pines hospital. This is their second son. Young Michael is 20 months old. Mrs. Buchholz is the former Miss Helen Hart, of Westchester, Va. Mrs. G. W. Buchholz, of Alex andria, Va., arrived this week to be with her son and his family and become acquainted with her new grandson. Valentine Party, Auction Sale Mark First Birthday of St. Joseph’s Guih A large number of members of* J. Fitzgibbon gave for Mrs. J. the Guild of St. Joseph of the]Bertrand the equipment commit| Thistle Club News The Thistle club held its weekly meeting Wednesday afternoon at the Hollywood, with 13 tables of bridge at play. Those making high scores were Mrs. F. E. Smith, Mrs. Frank St. Clair, Mrs. F. M. Thompson, Mrs. J. G. deBerry, Mrs. C. T. Grier, Wilma White- head, Mrs. Garland McPherson, Kay Page, Miss Marietta C. Van- derveer, Mildred Hatfield, Mrs. A. T. Rathbun, E. E. Doe, and Mrs. George Case. The next meeting of the club wiU be held at* the Southland ho tel March 1. Mrs. James Boyd Entertains Guests Brownson Church Circles Meet Circle 5 of Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Women of the Church met at the home of Mrs. Virgil J. Lee Tuesday morning, with six members and two vis itors present, Mrs. Joe C. Thomas and Mrs. Bruce Lewis. Mrs. Wal ter Harper conducted the Bible study. < Circle 6 met Thursday night, February 9, at the home of Mrs. Harold Morrison with Mrs. Cur tis Morrison as co-hostess. There were nine members and two vis itors present, Mrs. Joe C. Thomas and Mrs. Lloyd Prime. Mrs. Ray McDonald conducted the Bible study and Mrs. Thomas gave the Survey article entitled “The Evan gelistic Dollar.” With the meeting of these cir cles, total attendance for all cir cles stands at 72 for the month of February. Mrs. James Boyd had a few friends in to lunch on Wednesday of last week to meet her guests, Mrs. Ruth Swaine, of Taos, N. M., and the Rev. Margaret Henrich- sen of West Sullivan, Me. They were Mrs. James B. Swett, Mts. L. T. Avery, Mrs. Katherine Mc- Coll and Mrs. P. P. McCain. The "Rev. Mrs. Henrichsen, on her first visit to the Ssmdhills, flew down from Bangor on Mon day for a brief rest from her work as pastor of six small churches in fishing villages along the coast of Maine. Her duties include preaching six times each Sunday. She left Southern Pines* Friday Mrs. Swaine, who hsis made friends here on previous visits, has been with Mrs. Boyd for about a month. Mrs. Barron Hostess At Birthda.y Luncheon Mrs. Thomas Barron was host ess at a birthday luncheon Wed nesday, February 15, at the Hol lywood hotel. Guests of honor were Mrs. J. de Berry and Miss Edith Wolf. Other guests were Mrs. A. Montesanti, Mrs. Dante Montesanti, Mrs. Malcolm Grover, Mrs. H. Murchie, Mrs. F. Harris, Mrs. A. Shaughnessy, Mrs. L. D. McDonald, Miss K. A. McMahon and Miss Marguerite Wolf. After lunch the guests joined the Thistle club, which was meet ing at the Hollywood, for an after noon of bridge. Mrs. Edwards’ Grade Has Valentine Party Mrs. Walter Edwards’ first grade enjoyed a Valentine party in the classroom at 10=30 Tuesday morning. There was a Valentine box gaily decorated with crepe paper and red hearts, and inside were valentines that set youth ful eyes aglow. Adding interest were special favors made by Mrs. O. T. Parks, Jr., dolls with candy in the pockets of their dresses for the girls, and trousers holding candy for the boys. Mrs. Edwards served fruit juice, cake, cookies and Valentine candy to First Graders Johnny Calcutt, Topper Parks, Tim Leonard, Becky Traylor, Karen Moore and Diane Gorman. Legion Auxiliary Meets In Pinehurst Sixteen members of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Bertha Fields in Pinehurst. Tuesday night, with the president, Mrs. Virgil P. Clark, in the chair. A report of the recent conference of Unit officers held in Raleigh and attended by five members of this Unit was given by Mrs. Dan McNeill. The president gave an inspiring talk on the value of our American heritage and Miss Mary Cameron, a charter member of the Unit, read an article reported from Prague, entitled “Purging a Na tion: What It Is Like.” Card Party M Park View Hot^F? A card party for the benefit of St. Anthony’s church will be giv en at the Park View hotel on Shrove Tuesday, February 21, at 8 p.m. There will be tables for bridge and canasta, with a private MISS BETTY TAYLOR of Raleigh, whose engagement to k°°"^,rherrwm fe%®ries''S^^^^^^ Logan Harris Coley, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Logan Harris Coley of 603 Adams street, Raleigh, is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Culbreth, of Lakeview PUTrtnro Southern Pines. The wedding will take place in Brownson LreraiQine Ljlimore Memorial Presbyterian church. May 7. Makes Debut Feb. 9 The bride-elect, a 1949 graduate of Rex Hospital school of Little Miss Ger2ddine Gilmore nursing in Raleigh, is also a graduate of Pineland college. Mr. made her debut last Thursday Coley is associated with Brown’s Funeral Home in Raleigh, [night at the Moore County hospi- Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins Are Given Surprise The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hoskins in the Edgewood development was the scene of a delightful Valentine party that turned out to be much more than the usual such party last Friday night. Mrs. Hoskins, chairman of the social committee of the Fellow ship Forum of the Church of Wide Fellowship, had planned the party for Forum members, but said members had been doing some planning of their own. The group of approximately 30 played bingo for a while, and at the conclusion of the game, when it was time to serve the refresh ments brought by members who wanted to help, knowing that Mrs. Hoskins had been busy with her moving, the guests took over. A huge Valentine box was brought in and presented to Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins, who found that it contained a “pounding” of pan try supplies. Mrs. James Prim then read a poem which she had written to accompany a sum <5f money from the Forum, with which to purchase a gift of the couple’s choosing for their home. R. W. Tate read a second poem, written to the Hoskins’ and their home. Finally the group got aroiuid to enjoying the refreshments of sandwiches, cookies and tea. Skippy Honeycutt Is Given Birthday Party tal. She is the brand-new daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Voit Gilmore of Weymouth, and has a sister, Kathryn, 18 months old. Mrs. Gilmore is the former Miss Honoring her son, SMppy, oy Kathryn Kendrick of San Fran- his seventh birthday, Mrs. Louis Ljgco Cal. Honeycutt entertained at a party' ’ at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Cameron, in Joan Howarth Is Manly Friday afternoon. The chil- p . 'Rnot-occ dren enjoyed games, and refresh-, . ments of cup cakes and ice cream. I Miss Joan Howarth w^ hostess The • birthday cake was heart!- about a dozen of her friends at shaped and decorated in white a Valentine p^y from 7 to 9 p.m. and red. Eighteen children at- Saturday at the home of her fr iended. Buggies Family On Week End Trip Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ruggles, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rug gles of Raleigh, are leaving today (Friday) to visit Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Ruggles in Kingsport, Tenn. En route they will stop in North Wilkesboro to see Mrs. John Rug gles’ brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Edwards. John Ruggles plans to fly home Sunday evening ,and the rest will come by automobile Monday. Tommy Ruggles will stay with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ruggles, while his parents are away. V alentine-Birthday Party For Tot Set Patricia Anne Perham celebra ted her first birthday on Valen tine day with a party given at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Q. Perham. Ice cream and cake were served to Lynda and Pete Buchan, ‘Sandy Overton, Bobby Kyle, Mike Bohlander, their mothers, Patricia Anne’s grandparents, and her godmother, Mrs. George C. Moore. Mrs. Walter Edwards Has Granddaughter Mrs. Walter M. Edwards of Southern Pines has received news I of the birth of an' eight-pound' daughter to Mr .and Mrs. Walter ents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ho warth on Country Club drive. The group played games and drew valentines from a beautifully dec orated box. Valentine decorations were used in the dining room, and the motif was repeated in the re- Pines hospital, each bringing a box lunch and a guest to share it, gathered in the large dining room of the hospital at noon Tuesday for a Valentine party in celebra tion of the organization’s first birthday anniversary ... a party which, in addition to providing a delightful social occasion, brought in more than half a thousand dol lars. The room had been effectively decorated by a committee headed by Mrs. William P. Davis. Paper streamers of pink, blue and white in sunburst arrangement and groups of balloons were used, and on each table was a lovely center- piece of camellias on lace paper doilies from which rose one pink birthday candle. Coffee and tea were served by the hospital, and Mrs. Mary Stan ley of Rockingham had donated a beautiful pink and white birthday cake made up of square individual servings, arranged in two tiers and edged with a dainty pink and white plaited frill. This was serv ed from the gift table. Mrs. Audrey K. Kennedy, Guild president, welcomed the guests and presided over a short business session. She read an anonymous Valentine greeting and announced a birthday gift of $100 and a doll from Mrs. Harry Hogg of Pine hurst. The doll was given to Sis ter Anastasia as a memento of the occasion. Mrs. Frank A. Cosgrove gave the treasurer’s • report, which showed the amount raised within the year to be $16,642.20. Mrs. W. Mrs. Edward D. Lawrence Portsmouth, Va., spent last wed here as a guest of her sister, Mij George Little. Griffon Clothes For SPRING of 1950 NEW IDEAS in MEN’S SUITS, SPORT JACKETS and SLACKS MEN’S SUITS, Flannel and Gabardine $49.50 and $55 M. (“Bip”) Edwards, Jr., on Mon- Roundtree-Fuller day, February 13, in Columbus, Helen Thompson FuUer of Ohio. They have a son, Walter j Southern Pines, daughter of Mr. Stuart (“Butch”), three and a half. > ^d Mrs. Carl G. Thompson of The new baby, who has been ■\^inston-Salem, and Thomas An- named Lee, is Mrs. Edwards’ first (j0i.son Roundtree, son of Mrs. J. granddaughter. ] g Roundtree, were united in mar riage in the living room of the r'VmvoL C!nr\noT* I Roundtree home on Midland road t^^nurcn ouppei February 4. Upon their return Next Wednesday [from a wedding trip to Key West, The Manly Presbyterian Women Fla., they wiU be at home in Lum- of the Church will serve an old- j berton. fashioned “chicken dumpling” supper in the Sunday school de- Massachusetts Group Here For Hunting Guests registered at the High land Pines Inn from Massachu setts, who came down for the hunting include Miss Helen Duffy of Dorchester, George Hartstone of Brookline, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard T. Moore of West Roxbury, Dr. John J. Hartigan of Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Madden of Bos ton, ^d Herb Langlois of West Roxbury. Miss Mary M. Doyle of Miami, Fla., is also enjoying this sport and the hospitality of the Inn. Youth Group Has Guest Speaker The Presbyterian Y outh Fel lowship had as its guest speaker at last Sunday evening’s meeting the Rev. Charles V. Covell, of Emmanuel Episcopal church. Dick Ray, Fellowship president, conducted the worship service and presented the speaker. Prior to the meeting the group enjoyed a supper in the fellowship hall of the church, served by Cir cle 2 of the Women of the Church, of which Mrs. L. L. Woolley is chairman. Sock Dance Is Fine Success Complete cooperation, no mix- up of shoes, a large crowd and a very pleasant evening is the re port from the Beta club’s “sock dance” held in the new school gymnasium last Saturday evening. In an effort to keep the gym floor unmarred until after the basket ball season, the Betas required that shoes be checked in the lob by, and this only added to the gaiety of the evening. Red hearts were pinned upon guests, just before they were ush ered into the gymnasium, which was decorated with large paper hearts along the walls and red and white crepe paper streamers between the baskets. Valentine favors were given and refresh ments were sold, to add to the Beta club’s treasury. A Grand March and various dances made up the evening’s pro gram, which attracted visitors from as far as Rockingham. partment of the church in Manly DillllCr DuilCC At from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednes- pi-fipc* Tryn day of next week. Proceeds of I the supper will be for the benefit of the church. SPORTS JACKETS, Tweeds, Checks and all-over patterns, $29.50 SLACKS, for Everyday or Sportswear, all wool Gabs and Flannels, $12.50 and up New Shipments arriving every week, so be sure. ] to look them over and select the outfit you want TCG SUGG CHAS. S. PATCH. Prop. SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. Learn-More Bible Class The Learh-More Bible class, an ^terdenominational group, will hold its regular weekly meeting next Monday at 8 in the home of Mrs. Bertha Brown, corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Page street, with Mrs. Bruce H. Lewis A brilliant social event of the season was the dinner dance given by the Highland Pines Inn Wed nesday evening for the himting people and guests at the Inn. Mu sic was by Joe Stems’ orchestra from The Brighton. Around 60 guests were present. IN BRIEF Mrs. George S. Sayre of Saranac as co-hostess. The lesson will beN. Y., a friend of Mrs. Tom the 15th and 16th chapters of 1st Barron’s, has rented Mrs. C. H. Corinthians. Icollester’s house on May street for the winter months. TRp DpIflrilP'? I Munroe Collester, son of Mrs., i ne ueidl ^ ^ CpUester, has registered Entertain Guests I for his second semester at Col- Mrs. Edna Bowles of Leoniajorado School of Mines. Munroe Makes Dean’s List Miss Jean Olive, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Olive, is one of 67 Meredith College students who have been cited for their high academic achievements during the past semester by Dean Leishman A. Peacock, who has included them in the “Dean’s List” effec tive during the spring semester. VFW Auxiliary Plans Bingo Party The Ladies Auxiliary, VFW, has planned a Bingo party for Saturday night, February 18, at the Southern Pines Country club, beginning at 8:15 o’clock. There will be three big special prizes. Prizes for the game are now on display in the window of Hayes Book store. and Ocean Grove, N. J., and Miss was on the Dean’s List again last Marie Therese Routhier of Forest]semester. Hills, N. Y., were recent guests] Mrs. Bert Stanyan underwent a of Mr. and Mrs. L. Henry Pierre major operation at Moore County DelarUe of Morganton road. Miss hospital on Wednesday of _ last Routhier is a nurse ht the Man-jweeli^, and is getting along nicely, hattan Eye and Ear hospital in Mrs. Jean Edson and Miss Kath- New York City, and took care of erine Wiley returned Saturday Mrs Delarue in her recent opera- from a stay of several days in New York, where they were purchas ing goods for their dress shops, ■D 4-' 4-Ifranjean’s and Mrs. Hayes’. Ij3.ptlSL GirClGS I Miss Loyola Dooley, Miss Edna Schedule Meetings 1 Oooley and Miss Mary Paddison St. Mary’s Guild Meets Next Monday There will be a regular meeting of St. Mary’s Guild of Emmanuel church in the parish house next Monday, February 20, at 3 p. m. The Guild invites all who are in terested to attend. from Circles of the Woman’s “n-. ^ tiniH thpir re^arpay in Southern Pines. Miss Pad- church will dison left Tuesday night, but the meetings next^esday, sifters remained for a longer stay. 21, at 3 p. m. Mrs. S. B Richard ^ pish^ume and little daughter, Mary Keith, May street. I who for some time had heen with her sister, JJiss Pearl McMillan, St. Anne’s Guild in Aberdeen, has been a guest of St. Anne’s Guild of Emmanuel Mrs. Patterson since Saturday. Episcopal church will meet Mon- Mrs. Cameron is still weeing a day evening, February 20, at 8 cast on her arm that was broken o’clock in the parish house. I in a fall several weeks ago. Play Safe ... See Your Doctor There’s just no sense gambling with your health! At the first sign of sickness call your doctor. And, for a more rapid recovery, let a registered pharmacist fill the prescription. We Will Be Open Sunday, Feb. 19 From 9 til 1 and 3 til 6 p.m. Southern Pines Pharmacy GRAHAM CULBRETH Registered Druggist Near Depot—Tel. 5321 Southern Pines, N. tee’s report, listing dozens of tides of hospital equipmeni pro^^* cured by the Guild, includinj equipment for the operating roo: for the laundry, a Jewett Blooi Bank, a fracture bed, and man; other items, A highlight of the meeting waj the president’s annual repo: Growth of the Guild from an ini] tial membership of 14 to the pres] ent 271, the organization of a col ored Guild now numbering 4| membe:^s, various benefit eveni which brought in funds in stupei dous amounts . . . these were n counted in an interesting way b;| Mrs. Kennedy, who, in closini gave a quotation which she sail has been the byword of the exec utive committee: “Such things arj wrought by faith.” Climaxing the party was auction sale of birthday gift pads] ages, purchased with money give anonymously for this puri)ose an] procured by a committee head by Mrs. Philip Randolph, Sr. Dennis Crotty, sports director the Carolina hotel, served as aui tioneer and bidding on the pad ages, contents unknown, soared a high of $55. Actual sales we: $487, but several individuj “chipped in” to bring the amo'uij to an even $500. In additiojj there was a birthday check fro: Mrs. Clarence M. Rudell in t’ amount of $25.

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