Page Twelve THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Friday. May 12. 1950 Pat O’Sullivan, Of Mid Pines Staff, Downs Mrs. Page To Win North-South Patricia (Pat) O’Sullivan, switchboard operator at the Mid Piiies club, played some mighty golf Saturday before last to win the North and South Women’s Championship, defeating the vet eran tournament winner Mrs. Es telle Lawson Page 3 and 2. NOTICE Having this day qualified as Executors of the Estate of Edward Not detracting from Pat’s vic tory was the news that came later, that Mrs. Page was fighting a si lent battle With acute eppendicitis at the time without knowing what was wrong, and a few hours later was on the operating table at Duke. Though suffering, she played a brilliant gamd and Pat had to be far better than good to defeat her. Pat wasn’t revealing unsuspect ed talents, though she is said to have been at her unprecedented PINEBLUFF NEWS Mrs. Parris Is Hostess be glad to hear that she is im- The regular monthly meeting of proving after falling and breaking the Friendship class was held Fri- jher hip last Friday. She is a pa- day evening at the home of Mrs. | tient at St. Joseph of the Pines P. B. Parris. i hospital. Mrs. W. A. Parsons opened the 1 Jerry Griffin returned home on meeting with prayer, followed by Sunday from St. Joseph of the and Mrs. Charles F. Green, deceased, this is to noti- ^^^5, end. Switch- claims operating is a temporary fy all persons having against the said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before April 11, 1951, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate wiU please make immediate pay ment. Dated this 11th day of April, 1950. , John L. Cochran and Dr. J. P. Bowen, Executors Ed ward F. Green Estate. Aberdeen, N. C. a2128m5121926 ARC-kie' says: He lit a match when he smelled gas; The birds made room for him to pass; The gas he smelled was oh, so sweet, “Come right on in, friend,” said St. Pete. *ARC—American ■ Red Cross, sponsoring this month’s Safety Campaign. Member Southern Pines Safety Council. operating vocation. Winner of the Connec ticut title twice in the last three years, the Orange, Conn., girl won the Eastern title two years ago and the Tri-State championship last year. She is one of three girl state champions on the Mid Pines staff this year. Wearing glasses while playing to help her judge distance, Pat won the first hole of the final round from the seven-time win ner of the 48-year-old tournament and never lost the lead. She lost only two holes. The tip-off came on the very first hole when she rapped'in a 20-foot putt for a win ning birdie three. - That was the first time in five matches this week that Mrs. Page' had been down. And she never got off the hook. Pat is 23 years old. She is the daughter of Judge P. B. O’Sulli van of the Connecticut Supreme Court of Errors. For some time she has been regarded as one of the longest hitters in women’s golf. For the past six months she has been playing and practicing when ever free from her switchboard duties at the Mid Pines. She credits Johnny Bove, assistant pro at the Mid Pines ,with helping her sharpen her game this win ter. “He worked many long hours with me,” she said after the match, “He got me to swing the club better than I ever did before. While the match was on I kept telling myself, ‘Just swing the club, swing the club. Never mind Mrs. Page, just keep swinging.’ ” JOHN C. PARRISH Plumbing and Heating Day Phon® 6893 Southern Pinea Ni&ht Phone 6814 $940 SEVEN STAR Blended whiskey. "The straight whiskies are 4 years or more old. 37Vi% straight whiskey. 62Vi% neutral spirits distilled from grain. 15% straight whiskey 4 years old. 15% straight whiskey 5 years old. 7'/i% straight whiskey 6 years old." SfiVEN PROOF GOODERHAM & WORTS LIMITED, PEORIA, ILLINOIS a story, “The Coin of Faith,” by Mrs. Clay Parker’, who also pre-, sided over the business meeting The hostess served sandwiches, cake and iced tea to the follow ing members: Mrs. E. J. Austin, Mrs. C. S. Palmer, Mrs. W. A. Parsons, Mrs. James Teal, Mrs. J. W. Pickier, Mrs. Clay Parker, Mrs. M. M. Parker, Mrs. I. L. Meaner, Mrs. W. D. Shannon and Mrs. J. L. DeYoe. , Methodist Circles Meet The Mary Parker circle met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. I. L. Meaner. Nine -members were present. Mrs. W. A. Parsons had the worship service and Mrs. Howard Troutman presided over the business meeting. At the close of the meeting the hostess served strawberry shortcake and tea. Mrs. N. M. Wells was hostess to the night Guild on Tuesday eve ning. Mrs. Harry Howie and Mrs. Herman Epps presented a . pro gram on “Faith.” Mrs. James Smith, circle chairman, heard the reports from committees. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. O. C. Ad- cox, served pineapple shortcake, iced tea, nuts and mints to the eight members and one visitor present. The Jenny Wells circle met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Steve Hupko, with 12 members present. Mrs. J. L. De Yoe pre. sented the program and presided over the business meeting. The hostess served chocolate cake and iced tea. WSCS To Meet . , The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service will meet Tuesday afternoon. May 16, at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. M. F. Butner with Mrs. E. H. Mills as cphostess. This is the last meeting of the year and it is hoped that all mem bers will be present. Hosts At Party Virgil Carpenter and Gary Wil son entertained about 30 teen agers from Aberdeen, Roseland and Pinebluff at the Home Dem onstration , clubhouse Saturday evening. Games were played and danc ing enjoyed throughout the eve ning. The hosts served cold drinks and sandwiches. Welcome. Newcomers! Pinebluff residents are glad to welcome several new families to the village, including Mrs. Rut^ Renwick and Mr. and Mrs. •Lew’is Foster of DuBois, Pa., who have bought the McFarland home, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanselman and three daughters of Barring ton, N. .J. Mrs. Hanselman is a sister of H. M. Lathan. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Foster of New Hope, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lloyd of Colum bia, S. C. Mrs. Foster is the for mer Constance Jackson, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Jack- son. The Fosters have purchased “Ivy Hedge,” home of the late Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Jackson. Mrs. Lloyd is the daughter of Mrs. Mary David. With the Sick Friends of Mrs. J- L. Diggs will Pines hospital after an appendec tomy two weeks ago. Mrs. J. M. Townsend is conva lescing following an operation at Moore County hospital. J. W, McMillan^is a patient at Mrs. Perham’s convalescent home in Southern Pines. Mrs. Vivian Sherman has gone to Mrs. Perham’s, where she will make her home. Brief Mention Mrs. Eva Dellinger and daugh ter, Mrs. Jesse Van Dyke, and Mrs. Louise Houser, of Cherry- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Shannon last week. Mrs. W. Ray Gosnell, Mrs. E. S. Henderson and Mrs. W. K. Car penter, Sr., accompanied the sev enth grade to Raleigh Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Wilkes spent last week in Hamlet as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Scott McRae. Mrs. Moffat has returned to her home in Falcon after spending the past month with her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Regan, and Rev. Mr. Regan. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dieter- le and daughters, Gwen and Judy, and Mrs. J. W. Pickier spent Sun day in Albemarle with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pickier. Mr. and Mrs. Scott McRae of Hamlet visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thomas Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Strey and children,. Darryl and Sharron, of Park Ridge, lU., and Mr. and Mrs. John De Rose and daughter Toni' of Butler, Pa., left Monday for their homes after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Adams, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howie. Mrs. Philip Boyd and daughter Phyllis of Samarcjand were week end guests of Mrs. Boyd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moss. J. W. Lemons of Troy visited Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Leavitt, Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Larry Celluci and daughter Susan of Fort Bragg were guests Sunday of Mr, T. Creel. Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan and children spent the week end in Orangeburg, S. C., with Mrs. Mor gan’s brother, W. F. Carrigg, and Mrs. Carrigg. Mrs. William Lathan of Char lotte visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lathan over the week end. The Rev. and Mrs. W. Ray Gos nell and Mr. and Mrs .Leslie Gor don and daughter Janice of West End., spent Thursday at Baptist hospital, Winston-Salem, where Janice was carried for a check-up. .Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hutchinson and daughter Patsy spent Satur day in Lilesville, with Mr. Hutch inson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hutchinson. Mrs. J. R. Lampley,^Mrs. Earl Lampley and Mrs. A. G, Wallace visited Mr. and Mrs. L, L. Foushee in Durham over the week end. Mrs. George White and, sons, George, Jr., and Mark, of Liles ville, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hutchinson. GREETINGS, Suniiay, May 14, we are serving a special din ner for you from 12 noon till (?) , Only $1 per dinner Roast Turkey and all Fixin’s PINE TOP RESTAURANT West End Road Every day 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Phone Pinehurst 5722 Mrs. W. T. Knowllon, Prop. At Local Churches FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH New York avenue , at South Ashe William C. Holland, Th. D. Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Wor- 7 p. m. Worship, 8. 6:30 p. m. Worship, 7:30. Scout Troop 224, Tues.j 7:30 p. m., midweek worship. Wed., 7:30 p. m.; choir practice Wed. 8:15 p. m. Missionary meeting, first and third Tuesdays, 8 p. m. Church and family suppers, second Thursdays, 7 p. m. Democratic Primary May 27 ALEX FIELDS, Jr. Candidate for Clerk of Superior Court Born November 25, 1920, at Southern Pines. Graduate of Southern Pines High School. Attended Campbell College, Buies Creek, and North Carolina State College, Raleigh. Married Rachel Caddell, of Carthage. Three children, Alex, Shirley Dawn and Thomas Allison. Member of First Baptist Church of Southern Pines. , EMMANUEl, CHURCH’ (Episcopal) East Massachusetts Avenue Rev. Charles V. Covell Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. First Sunday, Holy Communion at 11 a. m.; others. Holy Communion at 8 a. in. Morning Prayer and sermon at 11. ■ Youth Service League, Sunday 7 p. m. CHURCH OF WIDE FELLOWSHIP (Congregational) Rev. Robert L. House N. Bennett lat New Hampshire Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Wor ship, 11 a. m. Story-Telling hour for children 8 to 12, 6:30 p. m. Teen Age group, 7:15 p. m. Fel lowship Forum, 8 p. m. Circle meetings, second Thurs days. Missionary meeting, third Thursdays. Women’s society, fourth Thursdays. ST. ANTHONY of PADUA (Catholic) Ashe St. at Vermont Rev. Herbert A. Harkins Owns and Operates a Business in Southern Pines If elected will carry out the duties of this office honestly and efficiently Your Vote and Support Will Be Greatly Appreciated Paid Political Advertisement Sunaay Masses 8 ana 10:30 am, Sunday* school, 9 a. m. Weekday masses 8 a. m. Confessions are heard on Saturday, and the eve of Holy Days between 5:30- 6:00, 7:30-8:30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY East New Hampshire Service, 11 a. m. Service Wed nesday, 8 p. m. Reading room open Wednesdays and Saturdays 3-5 p. m. Let’s Go All Out For Mother’s Day BROWNSON MEMORIAL CHURCH (Presbyterian) South May at Indiana Rev. Thompson E. Davis, Th. D. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. Women’s auxiliary, 8. p. m. Mon day following third Sunday The Pioneer Fellowship meets at 7 o’clock each Sunday evening in the ladies’ parlor of the church. 7 o’clock each Sunday in Fellow ship Hall of the church. We have just what you need to make her happy. DRESSES All sizes and colors, in Picolay, Bem- bergs. Rayons and Cottons— Prices $2.98, $3.50, $5.95, $6.95 PRINCESS SLIPS, rayon and cotton, all sizes, newest colors— $1.98, $2.25 and $2.9$ Lady Caroline NYLON STOCKINGS, all sizes & colors, 95c pr. HANDBAGS—$1.25 to $3.95 SKIRTS — BLOUSES — SHORTS — TEE-SHIRTS HOUSE SLIPPERS ) Melvin Bros., Inc. Southern Pines, N. C. Ks Here! 4 Kifchen Planned-Ife Outin-Fnmfc with Bfeivtliinj../ tiolpgint'’ Super-Stor” REFRIGERATOR-FOOD FREEZER COMBINATION The Wortd’e Most Convenient and Complete Refrigerators ★ Ryj, FOOD FREEZER storM 70 Ibs^ m {\\ ★ FUIL-SIZE REFRIGERATOR never needs defrosting. if 77% of food storage space AT YOUR FINGER TIPS. ■k Hondy Leftover Rock k Butter Conditioner and Shelves in the Door k Sliding, Adjustable Shelf k Roomy Hi-Humidify Drawers k Stain-resisting Porce lain Interior ■V Hallum Furniture Go. ABERDEEN, N. C, LOOK TO HOTPOINT FOR THE FINEST — FIRSTl D A 3! w aj ai 5i K I i !( r( u 0