Congratulations to tho Class of 1950 LOT Congratulations to the Class of 1950 VOL. 31—NO. 29 16 PAGES THIS WEEK Early Report On Census Sets Local Figure At 4,097 Tabulation Going On; Those Yet Uncounted Urged To Speak Up SOUTHERN PINES. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. JUNE 9. 1950 16 PAGES THIS WEEK Southern Pines High School Graduates Largest Class w iHh / A MM. » ^ ^ V 'KT V ^ % h 'K s' " > ' fiff It looks now as though' South ern Pines will just about miss that important 5,000-population mark, it was revealed this week by W. Lament Brown, district supervisor of the U. S. census. He said the most recent figures available to him for Southern Pines is 4,097. Some names of the late-counted received last week and this week will revise the total upward slightly—but only slightly. Only names of those living within the city limits are counted in the louthern Pines figure. The Southern Pines Chamber of lommerce - distributed ‘ cards hrough post office boxes last tveek by which persons not pre- iously counted could send their lames in. Twenty-six cards ar rived within a few days, some :ontaining the names of as many IS six persons of the household. ?his indicates, Mr. Brown said, hat there may be still others who lave not yet been included in the ;ensus, and he asks that the cards >e used, or a telephone call be giv- m his office or that of the Cham- ler of Commerce. A preliminary figure on Aber- leen gives the population as 1,599 -a number which, when reported ) some Aberdeenians, set them ) hunting about for that one ex- •a person to get them over the ,600 mark. A half dozen people lade prompt telephone calls bout a new baby born at Aber- een—but alas. Supervisor Brown ad to tell them, only babies born / April 1 could be counted. Pinebluff, whose preliminary gure stands at 575, shows the ighest rate of increase in the 1st decade of aay Moore county iwn, it was learned. The 1940 insus figure was 330. Robbins, Carthage and Aber- len appear to be neck and neck a race for size, though no fig- •es were available for the first ro. Tabulation of figures is now ider way at the 12th District of- :e of the census at Lexington, lis is the state’s largest district, th an unusually large distribu- of small-to-middling-size wns, and the tabulation is a long )W process. Mr. Brown said, iwever, he hopes to release some [official figures next week. All figures, as a matter of fact, .11 be unofficial until they have en certified by the U. S. Bureau the Census at Washington next “cember. A X 4 TEN CENTS Two County Run-Offs And One In State Will Re-Open Polls June 24 SECOND IN STAT^ Class ot 1950 on the steps of the new auditorium: from left, first row, **Winifred Bowe Nicholson, Delores Coburn Merrill Eueenia Overton, Betty Jean Ht^st, Mary Grace McDonald, Janet Cornwell, Faye Caddell, Doris Rita Stephenson; second row *Emestine Claire Calloway, -Rosemary Dundas, Patricia Greer Kirk, *Edna Lucille Bailey, Janet Lee Johnson, Danila Frasrtneti. ^^^^tine Claire Third row George I^chard Straka, James Reid Hunsucker, James Assad, Jr.. Zane Everett Frecka, Edward de Milhau Nicholson A1 terH.ou,s Ad™. Jr Etoer Andrew.- fourth row ,D.„iol Assad, Dole Covington, Jan,os Wiley Dickerirjrvohn SS Bets^ ley, Jr., George t^arles McDoi^d, LaVeme Tyner, Milton Guy Kaylor, James William Blue, Harry Richard Raymond- fifth row Rov Creech Bowden, Robert Ervin Craft, Jr., Roland Bowers, William Luin Baker, Jr., Andrew Dowd Page, John R. Spring ‘Reginald Stanlev Ferguson, Harry Proctor Goldsmith, Jr., Richard McAtee Patch, Raymond Kenneth Copley. Absekt Rfchard Eugene Kaylor. ‘Honor graduate, four years in Southern Pines High school. “Honor graduate, three years in Southern Pine^ High schoT ^ (Photo by Emerson Humphrey) APPOINTED Ihildren of Three acation Bible chools Parade Governor Scott has handed Otto B. Edwards, chairman of the Southern Pines Safety Council, a safety job to work on for the whole state. He hatf appointed CImirm^ul Edwards to the subcommittee on uni formity in traffic signs, sig nals and markings, of the new' Advisory Commission on Highway safety. The committee will meet at the House of Representatives at the Capital building, Ra leigh, June 27. John A. Park, of Raleigh, is chairman. Mr. Edwards is post safety engineer at Fort Bragg, and a graduate in safety engineer ing of the University of Ala bama. Alumiii Join In First Exercises In New Auditorium \ cooperative Daily Vacation ole School parade, including ■sonnel of /the three Bible aools scheduled to be held here is month, enlivened the down- '/n scene Wednesday morning, i^bout 150 children took part, .3 the faculties of the Bible ' ools of the Brownson Memorial isbyterian and First Baptist irches and the Church of Wide lowship. Chief C. E. Newton ;he police car led the way, and 4cemen were stationed at each Behind the police car came a. drum and bugle corps of the ool band, to set a stirring thm for the marchers, ach church group carried the istian and U. S. flags, also ;ards proclaiming their group itity. The parade formed at town park, marched down 7 York avenue to the post of- , along West Broad to Connec- t, across the tracks and back East Broad to New York and ice back to the park, where drinks were served to all. le parade served as opener for Presbyterian Bible school, set rune 7 through 16. The Church Vide Fellowship school will 1 Monday, to run for a week. Baptist school will open Mon- for the young people aged six 6, who will attend for two is, with the four- and five- -olds starting next Monday, ,! 19, for a week of classes. All . schools are interdenomina- d. Baccalaureate Speaker Counsels Senior Class “Your future is now. Get out of your own way; get your directions right—and get to work,” members of the class of 1950 were told by the Rev. Lee F. Tuttle, of Char lotte, at their baccalaureate serv ice held Sunday night. Mr. Tuttle explored the symbol ism in the Scripture reading, Sell what thou hast and give to the poor, and follow Me.” Unless the obstacles to spiritual living can be removed, life is but a poor thing, he said. With the best of intentions, most people provide their own obstacles; they move off in the wrong direction, or, like Stephen Leacock’s young man on horse, “in all directions at once”; and they miss out on the real things, the unchanging veri ties, by undue emphasis on the temporal and material. He quoted, “The place whereon thou standest is holy ground; put in the plow And plant the great hereafter in the now.” Mr. Tuttle, pastor of Charlotte’s first Methodist church, was intro duced by Dr. Robert Lee House, pastor of the Church of Wide Fel lowship where the baccalaureate service was held. Mrs. L. D. Mc Donald at the organ played a pro cessional and recessional, and also accompanied the glee club in its singing of Elgar’s “Land of Hope and Glory.” Dr. William C. Holland offered the invocation. Dr. T. E. Davis gave the Scripture reading and benediction was by Dr. R. L. House. Forty-two boys and girls, the largest graduating class in the history of the Southern Pines High school, on Tuesday night be came the first to graduate from the new auditorium, referred to by the commencement speaker as “the most magnificent he had seen in the state.” It was a handsome setting for the graduates in their grey caps and gowns, and also for the many alumni who were present by special invitation, and who form ed a guard of honor for the seniors as they marched down the 'aisle. The commencement ceremony was an impressive one, of dignity and beauty. The auditorium was almost filled with parents, friends end other well-wishers, to hear a deeply sincere and moving com mencement address by Assistant Dean James M. Slay of Trinity college, Duke university, and to applaud each graduate in turn as he received his diploma. Dean Slay told the boys and girls, “The mark of education is to know the difference among things which seem similar, and thi similarities of those which seem different.” Close examina tion, and informed questioning, will make a rational life, whereas sn acceptance of superficial face values will lead, he told them, to destruction. He analyzed closely the field of unreasoning proju- dices, which have caused, and today are causing, much of the trouble in this world. Mrs. L. D. McDonald at the grand piano played Handel’s Largo as a processional for the marshals, alumni and seniors, and the Rev. Charles V. Covell offer ed the invocation. The school band, seated on the stage, enlivened the program with two selections played under the direction of J. G. Womble. These were Military Escort, by Bennett, and Inspiration Overture, by Irons. Dr. G. G. Herr, chairman of the school board, presented the speak er. Diplomas were awarded by N. Hodgkins, school board treas urer, who gave with each a warm smile and handclasp, and the tra ditional large red rose from a bowl at his side. Crossing the wide stage, each (Continued on Page 5) Southern Pines High school ranked second in the state in both the first-year and sec ond-year Latin contests, by virtue of the excellent show ing made by four of its siu- dents, according to informa tion received by the school from B. L. Ullman of the de partment of classics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The information was con tained in a letter read by A. C. Dawson, Jr., of the high school faculty at Tuesday iTjorning's Honors , and Awards assembly, as follows: I take pleasure in' inform ing you that Toni Richards won third place in the first- year Latin contest, and Sieger Herr honorable mention. Doris Bgwles won second place in the. second-year con test, and Louise Dorn honor able mention. This places your school in second place in both the contests. You are to be congratulated on this fine showing.” Challenges Issued In Clerk of Court And Register Races Willis Smith Says "I Will' Hobbs New Owner Of Local Store; Will Reopen Soon SALUTATORIAN Reggie Hamel Class President VALEDICTORIAN Johnny Beasley Student Council President Premiere Try-Out At Manly Church Congregation Listens To Recorded Sermon By Bessie Cameron Smith The little town of Manly, a mile north of Southern Pines, has but one church, and for two years it has been without a pastor, but last Sunday morning history was made there. Young Musicians Broadcast Sunday A full hour of music, by talent ed young people of the Sandhills, will be presented over Radio Sta tion 'WSTS from 2 to 3 p. m. Sun day under auspices of the Sand hills Music association. The young artists are all ad viced music students, now in high school or college. Several were among those presented in concert by the association at the Pinehurst Country club two weeks ago. Two or three additions have been made as others have come home from college. The list of performers—which may undergo one or two changes before broadcast time—was an nounced by Mrs. N. L. Hodgkins, chairman, as follows: singers, Catherine Cox, Carthage, and Frances Campbell, Pinehurst; pianists; Sandy Thomas, Carth age; Mary Joe Davis, 'West End; LaVerne Brady, Robbins, F. D. Solomon, Jr., and Francine John son, Cameron (in duet); Alec Mc Leod and Malcolm Clark, South ern Pines; June Melvin, Aber deen, and Ruth Troutman, Pine- bluff. A group of 50 villagers reas sembled, after Sunday School, for a worship service featured by a recorded sermon—^the first try out in the Presbyterian Church US of a new project undertaken by the radio division of the Board of Church Extension of this or ganization in seeking a means by which pastorless churches may have successful worship services. The usual order of worship was followed with Elder J. Bruce Cameron presiding, then came a 12-minute sermon by the Rev. S H. Fulton, pastor of the First Presbyterian church in Laurin- burg. The sound system, opera ted by the Rev. Gabriel Abdullah, of Atlanta, worked perfectly and the words of the minister came through, clear aijd forceful. "With approximately one out of every six churches in the Presby terian Church US listed as pastor less, the radio division hit upon this plan to relieve the situation until regular pastors can be se cured. James D. Hobbs became the owner of the former Johnson’s Food store Tuesday, and wjU re open the store within a few days under the new name of H & M Grocery, Mr. Hobbs, who owns and oper ates Hobbs’ CJrocery store in Pine hurst, will have as active partner and manager in the new enter prise H. A. McAllister, of South ern Pines. Mr. McAllister has lived here about 15 years. He has been traveling for the Nashua Package Sealing corporation. Renovation of the store’s inte rior was going forward this week, immediately following the signing of the papers by which assets and liabilities of the defunct concern were transferred to Mr. Hobbs by Helen M. Johnson, limited part ner; Helen M. Johnson, acting with power of attorney for Morris Johnson, former proprietor; and Russell Lorenson, trustee. New stock was being brought in, and Mr. McAllister said the policy will be to carry the best in bra'nd names, staples and meats. Be’sides the cash trade, a charge- and-delivery service will be offer ed. Individual attention to each customer’s wants will be the pol- icy, to please the most discrimin ating. As Johnson’s, the store was re modeled, modernized and newly outfitted with up-to-date fixtures a year or so ago. [ Moore county and North Caro lina will have a second primary June 24. After more than a week of suspense, in which the candi dates stayed silent, announce ments this week assured two county runoffs and one for the U. S. Senate. Wednesday’s announcement by Raleigh Attorney Willis Smith, who polled 250,222 votes but trail ed Senator Frank P. Graham by 53,383, started the wheels turn ing again in the statewide cam paign organizations for both men. In Moore county, Hubert Mc- Caskill and D. A. McDonald, Jr., appeared before Sam C. Riddle, of Carthage, chairman of the county board of elections on Monday, the deadline for filing notice of a county runoff, to state that they will claim their prerogative of a second chance. In the clerk of court contest, Mr. McCaskill, who lives in Pine hurst, was 525 votes short of the number polled by Carlton C. Ken nedy. Three other candidates re ceived a total of 1,152 votes. Mr. McDonald, a Carthage man, was 452 votes behind Mrs. Bessie J. Griffin of Vass in the contest for register of deeds. Two others in the race received a total of 971 votes. Hopes of all candidates are pin ned cn the reserve of votes which went to the defeated contenders. In the Graham-Smith race, these" amount to some 65,000 for Bob Reynolds and Olla Ray Boyd. Reynolds has made no an nouncement which might influ ence his followers one way or the other. Several Reynolds county managers, including H. H. Fry of Carthage, who handled his cam paign in Moore, have announced their support of Garham for the second primary. T. C. Auman, ot West End, county manager for Graham, said his organization is intact, and as enthusiastic as ever. “We respect Mr. Smith’s right to call a s^- ond primary,” he said, “and w'ill meet his challenge with all our strength. We will welcome a fair fight.” L. V. O’Callaghan, of Southern Pines, Moore manager for Smith, said, “The strong showing made by our candidate on his entry into politics in the first primary shows us that the fight will be well worth while. We have excellent support and expect to see it con siderably increased.” A too exact counting up of the first primary’s votes, especially those which may go eithei' way; is discounted by political observ ers, who say, “It’s unpredictable.” They point out that a second pri- (Continued on Page 5) Liberty Bell Will Be Here Tuesday A month or so ago Dr. John Alexander of Atlanta, executive secretary of the radio committee and former pastor of the First Presbyterian church in Fayette ville, called a number of outstand ing ministers of the Presbytery to meet him in Fayetteville, and there recordings of several ser mons were made, each from 10 to 15 minutes in length. Records were produced at the church con duction center in Atlanta. Mr. Abdullah, whose home is in Jacksonville, Fla., is director of (Continued on Page 5) | The full-size exact duplicate of the Liberty Bell pictured above will visit Southern Pines Tuesday morning on its tour of the state in promotion of the Independence Savings Bond drive May 15-July 4. E. C. Stevens ,Moore county savings bond chairman, said the beU will arrive about 10 a.m. and be escorted to a position in front of the city hall. A program will be held about 11 o’clock .with both WEEB and WSTS participating. The bell is expected to tour through Aber deen, Pinehurst and Carthage when it leaves here at 1 p'm on its way to Sanford. Fifty-two of the bells, touring the nation during the drive, were donated by America’s great copper producers. The Ford Motor com pany is providing a fleet of trucks for their transportation.