Friday. June 23. 1950 Page Ten THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carol^ i——— Highway Lawbreakers Crowd Docket; Several Fail To Answer When Called Testimony of two young colored monthly to wife for h^J^elf girls, each about 14 years of age further order of the given Monday in recorders court, jjannie Hugh McDougal, resulted in the holding of two K pleading not guilty to youths of their race fo rgrand jury nn his youtns OI iiicix xcLvv, ..v. — - - action on a possible charge of rape. , „ Bond was set at $5,000 each for J. C. Dowd, 20, and Charles Wil liams 17. Attempted rape was the charge on which arrest had been made, but on hearing evidence the judge expryedthj ADeraeeii, o- - assault with deadly weapon on his wife and assault and battery, imlo contendere to another charge, with cursing and threats, had his prayer for judgment con tinued on payment of costs and on good behavior conditions, witn orders of the court to reimburse the prosecuting witnesses the . j> d»nE CA +Vioxr Viorl JJi \ \ I i I \ Carolina Sn^n^that the iraver crime had . of $75.50 they'had advanc been coniniittcd. _ led to him. tt-h All live in the same neighbor- \vatson Thomas, Chapel Hill, hood on the outskirts of failure to comply with previous The girls said they were on the gmjgment, commitment of way to a nearby store, after dark I sentence ordered by last Thursday, when fhe .boys Millie Dowdy Pme- grabbed them and forced Lyrst, larceny of $30, 60 days at cies upon them despite f^^^’^ Lounty home, reduced to 30 days struggles. if he pays the costs and repays Two Liquor Cases ujjg money illegally gamed. A couple of liquor cases and ai — great many involving ^fractions of highway safety the greater part Cora Mae Gilhs, of boutnern Pines, was found guilty of pos- -d_ HnS'on^pa^eS of costs, and! That sparkling comedy, “Love ^ nnnditiOTS of good bchavior. That Brute,” starring Paul Doug- °”Tnhn of Cameron, Rt. 2, jean Peters and Cesar Rome- 1 a H guikv through his at-L.Q eQj.itinuesattheCarolinathea- f^rnevln two cases charging pos- fre tonight (Friday) and Saturday, and sale of non-taxpaidLith a Saturday matinee Many ifnuor He was ^epbrted to beLf the supporting cast should be •‘mo old and too sick” to come to mentioned because they are all rt Following testimony given Uopnotch comedy specialists, I^e r AB?OfTicef McGee concern- La^n Wynn, Joan Davis Arthur - a raid on Frye’s home, he was Treacher, Peter Price, Leon I"® ^ ci 'hnrripnnp- eiODCtu.iv vvxwx* ./ -I ^ tiTiFV) 111 Xne UlL-VUic: public drunkenness along witn ^ Navy’s hurricane- Srunken driving, was sentenced to a drunKen qiiviusj _ . six months on the roads pd gave notice of appeal to superior court. Bond was set at $500. Careless and Reckless Careless and reckless driving cases; Allen Fuller Brewer Jr., Aberdeen, 60 days suspentted on payment of $25 and costs; Harold Vernon March, capias to Mon day with bond set $200. Daniel Shepard McCrimmon, charged with both drunken driv ing and careless and reckless driv ing, sought a jury trial which was set for July 5, under $200 bond. Clint Williams, of Robbins, con victed of assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious and per manent injury, was sentenced to eight months on, the roads. Will Gaddy, of Pinehurst, con victed of disturbing the peace, cursing, assault and threats, was sentenced to three months on the roads or at the county home, sus pended on payment of costs and assorted good behavior conditions. Domestic Troubles Other cases on the Monday docket: OasweU Burke Garner, Jr., Robbns, failure to provide adequate support for wife and child, prayer for judgment con tinued oh payment of costs and plots. Hurricanes are shaped like a giant “8,” Captain Orville ex plained. At the cross over point, which would correspond to the hurricane’s eye, there is a mo mentary calm. Then the gales be gin anew, this time blowing in the opposite direction. “The reconnaissance technique which the Navy has developed over a period of years has the pilots flying into the very eye of the storms,” said Captain Orville. ‘•This makes it possible to ch^t the direction and speed of the hurricane and thereby w^n the public in the areas where the big blow will likely hit. In this way lives and property can be saved by precautionary measures taken well in advance of storm’s a^rivah “In cooperation with the United States Weather Bureau the Navy tracks down every hurricane teat is headed for this country. The fliers use a specially equipped PB4Y hurricane hunter plane for this work which is so^ graphically shown in the picture.” The smashing climax of flat tery’s Hurricane” shows Widmark flying into a tropical storm and radioing its course and intensity back to the land stations. A Real Democrat Senator Frank P. Graham Educator - Statesman - Humanitarian And Great American To The Voters; The election ol e Senalor from North CatoUna is an important event. Whoever is elect ed on Saturday deserves the satisfaction and the tribute of knowing that a lot of people, a true majority# voted for him. We hope and beUeve that that true majority will elect SENATOR FRANK GRAHAM, but whether you are for Senator Graham or against him, we urge you in all stneenty: GO TO THE POLLS THIS SATURDAY and Moore County Committee For SENATOR FRANK P. GRAHAM