I Friday. September 1. 1950. THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Page Eleven Things Toughen Up For Two-Time Jail Escapee; Off He Goes To Prison Camp Many Highway Safely Law Violators On Long Monday Dofcket Harley V. Taylor,of Bladen county, haled into recorders court Monday on two counts ol escaping from the Moore County jail, was placed where he will find an exit not so simple—at the prison camp near Carthage, for 30 days. Judge J. Vance Rowe made the suggestion that the elderly white man be first examined by the camp physician, and the doctor’s advice followed as to his prison activities. Chief Bernice Cameron of Car thage, in charge of the jail, said that when Taylor was committed to his care by Justice Hugh Kelly for 30 days last April, on a public drunkenness charge, he was made a trusty and allowed to help around the place. First thing any body knew, he had walked on off. He was picked up at Aberdeen a few days ago, and returned to the jail. “He was mighty pejiitent,” said the Chief, “and he looked like he intended to behave himself so let him clean up the yard." Next thing, he was gone again. They didn’t have mucTi trouble finding him, and it is expected he will now “stay put” a while—^for 30 days, anyhow. Other cases on Monday’s dock et: Speeders Convicted For speeding—Elsie Bernice Keith, Sanford, $10 and costs; •James Robert Ballew, Raleigh, $25 and costs; Alfred Harold Thomas, Carthage (also careless and reckless driving), $25 and costs; George M. Rebuck, Fort Bragg, $10 and costs; William Lee Black, Pinehurst (also improper equipment), asked trial by jury, set lor September 12 with bond ol $100; John Crane Houston, Bal timore, Md., callbd and failed, cash bond ol $50 forfeited; Dan Harold, Cameron, capias return able September 5 under $100 bond; James L. Pierson, called and failed, $50 cash bond forfeit ed; John L. Nelson, called and failed, $35 cash bond forfeited; Herman Mack, called and failed, $40 cash bond forfeited. Driving while drunk—^Rowland Bass, Vass (also permitting pas- , senger to ride on running board); -weapon $25 and costs; Three defendants from Sanford faced the court on various charges in a combined case—James Clay, public drunkenness; Zinnie Crouch, carrying concealed wea pon, and Charles Marsh, Jr., driv ing without license or brakes. Clay received a 30-day sentence, suspended on payment of $10; Crouch, 90 days, suspended on payment of $75, and Marsh 601 days, suspended on payment ol ^ !25, all to pay costs in addition to their fines. Assault Cases Other cases on Monday’s dock et—Maylon Allen, Bobbins, as-, sault with deadly weapon, 30 days, suspended, $25 and costs; James j Kennedy, Eagle Springs, assault with deadly weapon inflicting serious injury, six months on roads, suspended on account ol his youth, and on condition he pay hospital and medical bills of pros ecuting witness and surrender the pocket knife to be destroyed; also for the next two years not carry a knife on his person or violate any kind of law; Tom Gibson, West End, public drunkenness, 30 days suspended lor 12 months on good behavior, not to drink any Initoxicating beverages during that time. John L. Maultsby, Aberdeen, Rt. 1, public drunkenness, disorderly conduct, carrying concealed wea pon, continued to September 11; Sebault Thomas, Jackson Springs^ and Ila Fry, Carthage, bedding and cohabiting, prayer for judg ment continued on payment of costs (by male defendemt) and on condition they no longer occupy the same house unless legally married to each other; Elijah Epps, West End, unlawful posses sion ol ill icit whiskey for sale, four months suspended for two years on payment of $100 ^d costs, not to violate any prohibi tion laws during the next two years; John McCall, Vass, aiding and abetting in unlawful posses sion of illicit whiskey for sale, brew for sale, prayer for judg ment continued on payment of costs. "Butcher Knife" Willie C. Ctggins, Tramway, carrying concealed weapon, and Ellis M. Poindexter, Cameron, Rt. 1, unlawful possession of deadly and driving without li- FARM BUREAU The Moore County Farm Bureau will meet Mionday at 8 p. m. at the courthouse in Carthage, with E. Y. Floyd, of the Plant Food Institute, as guest speaker. Mt. Floyd will discuss "Green Pastures in Moore County." The public is invi ted,. said T. C. Auman. of West End, president. A Farm Bureau district meeting will also be held ^ the courthouse, today (Fri day) at 10 a. m. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S will on the 5th day of September, Gridders Looking Good Despite Sultry Weather SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an Or der of the Superior Court of Moore County, made in a Civil Action therein pending entitled ‘Anna Parham Sinclair^ individ ually and as Executrix of, and Sole Devisee and Legatee under the Last Will and Testament of N. A. Sinclair, Deceased, vs. Effie S. Travis, a- widow; Ruth Travis and Dorothy Travis,” and signed by his Honor iF- Donald Phillips, Judge Presiding at the March 1950 Civil Term of said Court, the un dersigned, who was by said Order appointed a Commissioner to sell the lands hereinafter described, 1950, at the hour of 11 o’clock. A. M. at the Courthouse door of Moore County, North Carolina, of fer for sale to the. highest bidder for cash, but subject to the confir mation by the Court, all of that certain tract or parcel of land sit uate, lying and being in or near the Town of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows; Lot Number Two Hundred Twelve (212), shown on Map of Southern Pines Country Club. BEGINNING at a con crete marker on the North west boundary of Hill Road, the same being the Southeast corner of a discontinued sec tion of Golf Course shown as ‘‘3-C” on Map of Southern Pines Country Club; thence running North 18 deg. 24’ West 157.0 feet to a concrete marker, the same being the Southwest corner of Lot No. 211 and the Northeast corner of said Golf Course; thence North 38 deg. 35’ East 305.6 feet with line of Lot No. 211 to an iron stake in the South boundary of Little Road; thence along said boundaries of Little Road and Hill Road to the point of beginning. Be ing the samte lot of land de scribed in a deed from South ern Pines Country Club, Inc., to F. F. Travis, which deed is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, North Carolina, in Book 106, at page 394. A deposit of 5 per cent will be required by the successful bidder at the sale as evidence of good faith to purchase said property. This 4th day of August, 1950. W. D. SABISTON, Jr. alll825sl Commissioner W. C. HILDERMAN REAL ESTATE BROKER Ph. 7264 225 Weymouth Rd. Southern Pines, N. C. Blue & White Aspirants Hold Daily Workouts John Thomas Short, Carthage, Rt. 2 (also careless and reckless driv ing), both 60 days suspended on payment of $100 and costs, license revoked for 12 months. Other highway safety law vio lations—Alton Earl King, Laurin- burg, careless and reckless driv ing on motorbike, $25 and costs; Frank Goode, Jr., Pinehurst, care less and reckless driving causing accident, also carrying concealed weapon, three months suspended on condition defendant pay hospi tal bill of Carson Lemmons, and $100 cash to cover damage to Lemmons’ car, plus costs; Jasper Gilmore Barber, Cameron, Rt. 1, careless and reckless driving col liding with another car causing damage, three months suspended on condition defendant pay dam age to Sandy Kelly’s car amount ing to about $240, and pay fine of cense, 30 days suspended on pay ment of a joint fine of $50 and half the costs each, the butcher knife to be destroyed (“if it is a butcher knife,” noted the judge— “it looks more like a dagger.”) Poindexter gave notice of appeal to superior court and appeal bond was set at $200. Harvey McNeill, assault with deadly weapon, four months on roads; Billy Sercy, public drunk enness, called and failed, $100 cash bond forfeited to school fund. Cases on docket of Monday, August 21, hitherto unreported here—Meredith Robinson, Fort Bragg, careless and reckless^ SMOMTENING Friday iVi^e r@n^r Nile OPEN 'TIL 8:30 P. M. every fri. POTATOES 10 LBS. 29c Lbs. 23c REOGATE EED' RIPE LI L ABNER “SPESHUL” No. 2 46-Oz. 1-Lb. VAN CAMP’S RICH MEATY & B®«eibs 2 C S YELLOW CLING SLICED OR HALVED PS ACRES STANDARD GREEN AND WHITE BLENDED LIMH DEANS 2 No. 2 C S RED TART PITTED CHERRIES SUNSHINE NOSmlTY ASSTD. CBACKEDS Lb. 55c MARSHMALLOWS PURITAN 8 02 17c CLAPP’S STRAINED DADY Food 9c PUSS ’N’ BOOTS _ CAT foo'’ 2i DERBY’S WHOm canned CHICKEN 3 Lb $1,49 GREENWOOD’S PICKLED beets 1 Lb 25c Lbs. 19c FANCY GH.^EN FRESH SNAP BEANS 2 MED. SIZE CROOKNECK YELLOW SQUASH 2 NEW CROP VA. RED DELICIOUS APPLES 2 29c Hard Head Green CABBAGE, 3 lbs. .. 12c TOP QUALITY YELLOW S.No.i3 Lbs. 15c FANCY FIRM RIPE SLICING TOMATOES ctn 19c DUE TO DAILY MARKET CHANGES PRODUCE PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., SEPT. 8, ONLYl No. 2 SILVER LABEL TEA 25V! C 49* Efficient Etakes O BLU-WHITE • BUY 3, GET 1 PKG. FOR 1c 4 28^ A Heiaa Processed Pill PICKLES . 31 AUNT JEMIMA Lb. 29c SOUTHERN COLD COLORED MABGARINE PURE SPEY SHORTENING 3 Lbs 85c COMSTOCK SLICED PIE APPLES No 2 18c PILLSBUBY BEST PIE CRUST MIX 9-0. 17c KELLOGG’S CRISP FRESH CORN FLAKES 13 02 I8c 6-Oz. lOc 12-Oz. 35c Pt. 29c FRENCH’S TANGY MUSTARD PEANUT BUTTER PETER PAN UQUID WAX AEROWAX TOILET SOAP SWEETHEART 2 Rea 17c TOILET SOAP WOODBURY HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER SILVER DUST MILD PURE TOILET SOAP SWAN SOAP GRITS REDGATE CUT GREEN BEANS HEINZ RICH BED TOMATO Reg. FABULOUS IFAD FOR DISHES • KETCHUP " GA. MAH) SWEET MIXED • PICKLES Peter pan crisp salted EANUTS ICTOBY PACK GRANULATED OANK UGAR ‘ 1' . I in’! ,>1. "in' i|i<^" \u STORE