Page Four THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Friday. January 12, 191 Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social fvents BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 6512 Presbyterian Circles Meet Circle 1 met with Mrs. C. C. McLean at the home of Mrs. J. I, Neal with 14 lAembers and four visitors present: Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Joe Thomas, Mrs. Agnes Canady and Mrs. W. C. Bowen. The Bible study from John 17 was present ed by Mrs. Haynes Britt and the Survey article “Our God' Is • Marching On” by Mrs. N. E. Gil liland. No. 2 was entertained by Mrs. A. H. Grant with 11 members and three visitors present: Mrs. I. W. Travell, a Presbyterian from Ridgewood, N. J., Mrs. S. C. Beal and Miss Catherine Bugbee. Mrs. James Pleasants conducted the Bible Study and Mrs. J. C. Parks, the Survey. Mrs. Beal is Mrs. Parks’ mother. No. 3 met with Mrs. Johnnie HaU, with the co-chairman, Mrs. Wayland. W. Blue, presiding in the absence of the chairman, Mrs. Charles Meares. There were 13 members present, and six visitors: Mrs. Nettie Leinkram, Mrs. Earl Clark, Mrs. Monte Grimes, Mrs. Billy Blue, Jr., little Dianne Grimes and Bobbie Hall. The Bible study was presented by Mrs. R. P. Brown and the Survey by Miss Nancy Long. No. 4’s meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Dan McNeill with 14 members and four visi tors present: Mrs. Joe Thomas, Mrs. L. L. Woolley, Mrs. Walter Harper and Mrs. Arthur W. Mc Neill. The Bible study was' con ducted by Mrs. George Heinitsh. Go-hostess was Miss Lessie Mc Neill. . No. 5 was entertained by Mrs. Harold Collins with 10 members, - including one new member: Mrs. W. H. Kirch and one visitor, Mrs. Joe Thomas, present. Mrs. Agnes Canaday presented the Bible study and Mrs. C. L. White, the Survey. This meeting was held Tuesday morning, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Tuesday afternoon, and No. 4 on Monday night. Total attendance thus far for January stands at 80, with No. 6 to meet this week (Thursday night) with Mrs. Robert Thomas, as anmouncedi. DOES INSTALL OFFICERS IN COLORFUL CEREMONY AT COUNTRY CLUB TUESDAY In a colorful public ceremony at the Southern Pines Country Club Tuesday evening. Southern Pines Drove No. 42, Benevolent Patriotic Order of Does, held its fourth annual installation of offi cers. Decorations of native greenery and red gladioli were effectively used to form a setting for the cer emony, in which all officers to be installed wore white evening dresses and corsages of red roses. Installing officers were Deputy Supreme President Mrs. Thelma Hotffman and. Deputy Supreme Conductor Mrs. Elsie Thompson. Inducted were the following elec tive officers: Mrs. Kay Page, pres ident; Mrs. Eleanor Poe, Mrs. Dorothy Pierce, Mrs. Pauline Fer guson, Mrs. Elsie Thompson, Mrs. Gay Thomas, Mrs. Gladys Doyle, Mrs. Helen Johnson, Mrs. Eileen Healy and Mrs. Vera Sitterson; and appointive officers Mrs. Helen Wallis, Mrs. Louise Johnson, Mrs Wilma Whitehead, Mrs. Dorothy Patterson, Mrs. Edith Womble, Mrs. Oly King, Mrs. Louise Wiggs, Mrs. Mildred McDonald, Mrs. Hannah Coffin, Mrs. Virginia Ormsby and Mrs. Mabel McDon ald. After the installation ceremony, Mrs. Hoffman introduced Mayor Chan N. Page and Col. Don Madi- gan, each of whom spoke briefly, Mr. Page as a representative of the town and Colonel Madigan as a representative of the Elks. Mrs. Clara Scheipers, first vice president, introduced W. A. Le- land McKeithen, attorney, of Pmehurst, who spoke on “True Benevolence.” Mr. McKeithen congratuSated the Does on their splendid work, mierttioning especially their as sistance in procuring uniforms for the school Band, their providing a drinking fountain for the town park, and their sponsorship of the Girl Scout organization here. He defined true benevolence as his more serious remarks with an- works can stem. A pleasing speak er, Mr. McKeithen interspersed his more serious remarks with an ecdotes connected with his court exp|eriences in the practice of his I^ofeSsion. Mrs. Scheipers, first president of the local organization, present ed to Mrs. Vera Sitterson, in be half of the Drove, a past presi dent’s pin. Mrs. Hnffman introduced the out-of-town Does, two of whom are distinguished officers of the Grand Lodge: Mrs. Lola Jer- genson, supreme 5-year justice, and Mrs. Mary Weeks, supreme color-beaurer to the junior cou- selor; also Mrs. Mildred Myers, president of the Wilmington BPO Does, and Mrs. Joe Flana- gen, all four from the Wilming ton chapter. ■Aifter adjoummjent ithe local and visiting Does went to the Elirg club, where they were joined by the Elks for refreshments and a party. Shower Is Given For Miss Yow, Bride-Elect Mrs. House Reviews Book For Civic Club The Southern Pines Civic club held a business meeting at 3 p. m. Monday, with Miss Charlotte Cunningham, first vice president, presiding. Reports were given by the secretary and treasurer and approved and after a few matters of business were attended to .the speaker of the afternoon, Mrs. R. L. House, was presented. Mrs. House reviewed in a most interesting way the book “Kon- Tika” by Thor Hyerdahl, giving the background of the book and of the men who worked for and undertook the amazing scientific adventure recorded therein. Tea was served after the re^ view. On the table was a charm ing arrangement of straw flowers and greens arranged by Miss Helen Butler as a contribution from the Civic Gardening club. Mrs. R. L. House and Mrs. Sidney Evert presided at the tea table. Mrs. Neill McKeithan,, hostess, gave lovely flowers for the presi dent’s table and these were later taken to Mrs. Hatfield. Miss Sarah Yow of Carthage, whose wedding to Robert F. Cam eron of Southern Pines takes place Sunday, was honored at a miscel laneous shower Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. R. L. Phillips in Carthage. Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. W. A. Wilmer of Cheirlotte were joint hostesses. Bingo and rummy were play ed, and after several progressions, the honoree was asked to sit on the divan with Mrs. Phillips. Shower gifts heaped in a decora ted clothes basket were then brought in by Mrs. Wilmer and Beth Wilmer, with Mrs. Worth McLeod and Miss Judith Wainer following with the overflow. Miss Yow received many beautiful and useful gifts. A memory book in which each guest wrote a wish for the bride was presented to Miss Yow in memory of her close girlhood friend, the late Eliza Green, daughter of Mrs. Phillips. Refreshments of ice cream roll topped with whipped cream, bri dal mints and coffee were served. There were 16 guests present. Cameron-Yow Wedding To Take Place Sunday. In Carthage Church HOLIDAY WEDDING AT EUREKA CHURCH UNITES MISS BLUE AND MR. McLEOD After Christmas and New Year l^lidays that included a wed ding and trip, the former Miss Buna Blue returned on Monday of this Week to her position with the Moore County Welfare de partment in Carthage as Mrs. Hugh Martin McLeod. The bride groom left Sunday for Norfolk, Va., where he is stationed with the U. S. Navy. Miss Blue, daughter of Mr. and MrSi Calvin Benton Blue of Car thage Rt. 3, and Mr. McLeod, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Martin McLeod of the same community, were married Saturday after noon, December 23, in the Eureka Presbyterian church with Col. Frank M. Thompson of Pinehurst performing the double ring cere mony. Nuptial music was presented by Mrs. J. D. Matthews, sister of the bride, of near Vass. Given in marriage by her fath- ea, the bride wore a street-lengtn dress of pink sheer wool jersey. White silk braid and white and gold sequins trimmed the neck line. She wore a matching hat MRS. HUGH MARTIN McLEOD and white silk mitts and carried groom. roses tied with matching ribbon. J. B. McLeod, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Ush ers were Calvin B. Blue, Jr., brother of the bride, and Hubert McLeod, brother of the bride- a bouquet of bride’s roses center ed with a purple-throated or chid. Mi§s Martha Blue of High Point attended her sister as maid of honor, wearing a dress of lime crepe with a winter white hat. Her flowers were pink and white Mrs. McLeod is a graduate of Brevard college and the Univer sity of North Carolina. The bride groom attended Presbyterian Junior college at Maxton and N. C. State college. They will make their home in Carthage. MRS. FRANK COSGROVE GIVES ANNTJAL LUNCHEON AT MID PINES FOR GUILD The naming of a nominating The wedding of Miss Sarah H. Yow of Carthage and Robert F. Cameron of Southern Pines will be solemnized Sunday afternoon, January 14, at 5:00 o’clock in the Carthage Presbyterian church, with the bride’s pastor,- the Rev. George Blount, officiating, assist ed by Dr. John Cline of Carthage. No formal invitations are being issued, but friends of both fami lies are cordially invited to be present. Missionary Will Be Bible Class Speaker Garden Club Has Interesting Program The 15 Garden Club members who assembled at the home of Mrs. D. F. Kraffert Tuesday after noon for the regular monthly meeting enjoyed a program filled with helpful ideas that made them eager to get into gardening togs and begin putting them into prac tice. Mrs. J. R. Marsh was in charge of the program, which consisted of a question and answer period, during which fine points of local gardening were discussed and ex periences exchanged. Coloied slides of flower' arrangements done by club members last fall were shown, also pictures which had been sent to Mrs. F. B. How land of gardens in England. Preceding the program there was a brief business session, con ducted by the president, Mrs. Wil liam D. Campbell. Miss Eunice Chatfield Is Feted On Birthday Mrs. W. S. Chatfield and Mrs. John Teilbert gave a canasta party at the Chatfield home Monday evening honoring Miss Eunice Chatfield on her birthday. Miss Mary Alice Tate and Miss Blanche Sherman were prize winners. Refreshments consisted of party sandwiches in card shapes, birth day cake and coffee. The honoree received many lovely gifts. Guest^ in addition to Miss Chatfield, were Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Blackwelder, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chatfield, Mrs. Roy Solomon, Miss Tate and Miss Sherman. The Learn-More Bible class will meet at 8 o’clock Monday night at the home of Mrs. Wesley Stoltz on Page street. Miss Irene Hun- gerpillar of Costa Rica, a mission ary to Latin America, will be guest speaker, and the Class in vites any who are interested to attend the meeting. At last Mondasr’s meeting, T. M. Fry of Carthage, a recent grad uate of the Moody Bible institute, spoke to the group before the regular Bible study. committee to report at the Febru ary meeting was practically all of the business transacted by St. Joseph’s Guild Tuesday when it met at Mid Pines hotel, those in charge preferring to devote the time to the full enjoyment of the third annual luncheon generously given by Mrs. Frank Cosgrove as a compliment to the Guild mem bers. Mrs. Thomas Barron of South ern Pines was named chairmsm of the committee, to prepare a slate of officers to be voted on at the next meeting. Others on the com mittee are Mrs. A. C. Aborn of Pinehurst, Mrs. Charles L. Grier of Carthage, Mrs. Neill McKeith an of Aberdeen and Mrs. C. L. Warner of Pinebluff. It was reported that an ice ma chine for the hospital had been or dered at a cost of $695; the treas urer reported a balance of $3133.47 and announcement was made of a square dance and box supper to be held at the Southern Pines Coun try club on Wednesday, February 14, at 8:15 p.m. Those attending will carry the box lunches and coffee will be provided free. Mrs. Bernice Harrington and Mrs. J. C. Goodwin, Jr., are co-chairmen of the party. The 75 Guild members who at tended gave a rising vote of ap preciation to Mrs. Cosgrove for the beautiful luncheon, which she was unable to attend because of a cold. • • • • In and Out of Town • • • • Mrs. McLauchlin Is Hostess To Auxiliary Mrs. James Prim, David and Carole Anne Prim of Brevard spent several days last week vis iting Mrs. Prim’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Chatfield. Mr. Prim and son James came Friday, and the family returned to Brevard Sunday. Mr. Chatfield accompan ied his daughter home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. King. Jr., returned Friday from a 10-day trin on which they visited friends in New York City, New Rochelle N. Y., and Packanack Lake, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Roljert M. Lewis and son James of Lebanon, N. H., were recent guests of Mrs. Lewis’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lewis. ' E. V. Walker of South Bennp++ street is recovering from an ill ness at Moore County hospital and expects to’ come home soon. Mrs. W. M. McLeod of Norman is visiting her son-in-law and Mrs. John S. McLauchlin, pres ident of the American Legion auxiliary, was hostess to the mem bers at her home on Tuesday night of this week for the January meeting of the organization. After the business session. Mrs. David McCallum and Mrs. McLauchlin presented a program on ‘■Nation al Defense and Legislation.” daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Powler, at their home on New Jersey avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smail spent the holidays in Chicago. Mrs. Foster Leads Helpful Discussion At Mothers Club Guild Meeting And Communion Next Week Mgw'H GIP-PIVOlS St. Mary’s Guild of Empianuel church will meet in the parish house on Monday, January 15, at 3 p. m. Topic: ‘‘The Bible.” On Wednesday, January 17 there will be a Corporate Com munion for the women of the par ish at 11 a. m., followed by an Epiphany luncheon in the parish house. Each person is asked to bring her own sandwiches. Coffee and cake will be provided. All women of the parish are invited. No Open House At Civic Club Today Baptist Circles Schedule Meetings The Civic Cub will not have open house this afternoon (Fri day) because of the program which it is sponsoring this eve ning: a performance in the High p. m. Tuesday with Mrs. W. L. The Circles of the First Baptist church have scheduled meetings, for next week, as follows: Willing Workers, at 3 p. m. Tuesday with Mrs. T. T. Ward, Indiana avenue. Dorothy Wonderley circle, at 3 p. m. Tuesday with Miss Mary Richardson on Bennett street. Business Woman’s circle, at 8 School auditorium by Wallace ^ Baker on Bennett street, with the Magician. Mrs. W. E. Bushby as co-hostess. CAROL ANN HOLMES Mr. and Mrs. Archie Holmes of Pleasanton, Kansas, are the pa rents of a baby girl, bom Decem ber 21 at the Fort Scott hospital. Fort Scott, Kan., weighing six pounds, 11 ounces. Th6i.,iame chosen for their first child is Carol Ann. Mrs. Holmes is the former Miss Mabel Norton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Norton of South Bennett street. Southern Pines. BARRY SCOTT JAGER Capt. and Mrs. Roland V. Jager of San Francisco have a new son, Barry Scott, bom December 24 in San Francisco, Cal. The baby weighed eight pounds, nine ounces. The Jagers have two other sons, Roland, Jr., 6, and Richard, 2, Mrs. Jager, the former Lucille Newton, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Newton of Southern Pines and her baby arrived only one day ahead of his grandmoth-! er’s birthday anniversary. ^ Fine attendance and a splen did program marked Wednesday night’s meeting of the Mothers club, held at the home of Mrs. Will Wiggs. Mrs. Constance Foster of Pine- bluff was guest leader of a discus sion of teen-ager-parent problems which proved most interesting to the mothers. Mrs. Foster, a con tributor to Parents’ ikagazine. Senior Prom and American Girl, bsised her remarks on two articles soon to appear which have as their theme “Be Kind to Teen- Agers” and “Be Kind to Dumb Parents.” Mrs. A. C. Dawson, president, conducted a brief business ses sion. The Club presented Mrs. Dawson a beautiful baby blanket. Several guests were welcomed. ' Mr. and Mrs. John V. Clarke of North May street have re turned from a trip to Myrtle Beach. Col. and Mrs. C. Wingate Reed of Asheville were guests of Mrs. Arthur W. Atherton at Braeburr Hall Wednesday night. Colonel Reed has just been recalled to ac tive duty with the Ordnance de- ;partment and was on his way to Washington to report. After a brief stay in Washington. Colonel Reed will assume the duties of Chief of the Birmingham Ord nance Procurement district. This is the army agency for procure ment of all amrpunition, arma ment, motor vehicles and other items of ordnance procured throughout the southeastern states. Mrs. Reed will visit hor family in Washington, N. C., until she joins Colonel Reed in Bir mingham. Mrs. Lewis Spillman and chil dren returned to Chapel HiU last week after a visit of several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mills. Thistle Club (Held over from last week.) Major and Mrs. Joseph H. Pat terson and baby Elaine and Capt. and Mlrs. R. E. Fishburn and daughter Mary, of Fort Bragg, were Sundlay dinner guests of Mrs. R. E. Patterson, mother of Major Patterson and Mrs. Fish- burn Major and Mrs. Robert M. Webb and children, residents of South ern Pines for the past-year, have gone to Fort Hood, Texas, to which place Major Hood has been transferred. Mrs. U. G. Bower left Sunday morning for Washington, D. C., to stay with her daughter. Miss Barbara Bower, until spring. Mrs. Ivey Norton of Maine is here for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Epps of Louisburg spent Monday night and Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. H. L. Epps. Mrs. Ethel Haight of Washing ton, D. C., spent the Christmas holidays with her sister, Mrs. S. B. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins at tended a New Year’s dance at High score winners at Wed- Pinecrest Country club, Lumber- nesday’s meeting of the Thistle club, held at Tarheelia with a 1:00 o’clock luncheon, were Mrs. Thomas Barron, Mrs. J. C. Grier, Jr., Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. Wilma Whitehead, Mrs. Jellison, Miss Marguerite Wolf, Mrs. Lucy T. Walters, and Mrs. John Buch— holz. Next Wednesday the Club will hold a dessert-bridge at 1:30. ton. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins were his sisters. Misses Miriam and Dorothy Col lins, of Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Graves were guests at a one o’clock dinner in the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Grier in Carthage, and at an evening dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Page, Jr., in Aberdeen., Father Herbert A. Harkins of St. Anthony’s Catholic church left Thursday for New York City, where he will officiate at a nup tial mass uniting Miss Mary Tag- gert and Francis Duffy of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dey of Newburgh, N. Y., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thom as B. Smith. Mrs. W. H. Kirch of Minneapo lis, Minn., is registered at Mag nolia Lodge for several weeks, also Mrs. Edna S. Shannon of Pineville, W. Va. Spending the winter at Thwin- gease are Mrs. James Keeley and Mrs. I. W. Travell, both of Ridge wood, N. J., and Miss, Elizabeth Raymond of Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Darden and daughters, Patricia and Linda, spent Christmas with Mr. Dar den’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Darden, in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Bryant and son, Paul, Jr., of Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vann and family Sunday. Mrs. John Beasley had as her guests ’Tuesday night her sister, Mrs. P. Y. Adams, and Mrs. Val- ette Harris, both of High Point. \ Miss Iris Harris returned Friday from New York, where she spent the holidays visiting her sister, Mrs. Odell. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Currie son, Edwin, Jr., of San Antor Tex., Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Mayt and son, Richard, of Toluca, Mr. and Mrs. W. K Blue, Jr., Raleigh have returned to th^ homes after visiting Mr. and W. E. Blue. Mrs. C. E. Fry had as weekej guests her Mothers, Addis Greene of New Kensington, P| and Norman Greene of India Pa. Dr. Howard Powell, pastor Edenton Street Methodist churJ in Raleigh, and Mrs. Powell spe| last week at Braebum HaU. Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Fisher | Toronto, Canada, arrived Wedne day for an indefinite stay at Brsj burn HaU. January SPECIALS New Spring SPORT SfflRTS Long sleeves, bright plaids of Dan River fabrics $3.88 each MEN^ FELT HATS Spring colors and shapes all fur felt $4.85 CLOSE-OUTS ODD LOTS — BROKEN SIZES AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES SWEATERS — SHOES — JACKETS The Tog Shop CHAS. S. PATCH. Prop. SOUTHERN PINES SCIENCE FIGHTS COLDS WITH Let us help you battle your cold with one of the new drugs devel oped by science. Depend on os lo bring you their miracles when you need them We will be open Sunday, January 14 9 a.m. till 7 p.m. Sandhill Drug Company Mrs. D. E. Bailey returned last Friday from Moore Count hospital, where she had been] patient since Christmas aftemo She is recovering nicely from operation. Miss Margaret Bailey return^ early last week from a hoUdq visit to her uncle and aunt, and Mrs. Horace Joseph, in Was| ington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthev and children of Wilmington we| guests of Mrs. W. D. Matthev from Monday until Thursday this week. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Telephone 6663 Southern Pines. N. C.