Page Ten THE PH.OT—Sottihern PineB. North Carg^»_ Friday. April 13. IS ^THEATRES:. Carolina Duke Glee Club’s Barbershop Quartet Will Sing Here BIRTHS Continuing through tonight (Friday) and Saturday, April 13- 14 at 8:15 p. m., with a Saturday matinee at 3 at the Carolina thea tre, Southern Pines, are John Wayne, Patricia Neal and Ward Bend in the exciting submarine picture “Operation Pacific.” This film keeps up its brisk pace from the very beginning, in which a group of children and some nuns are rescued by the sub from out of the jungle. There follow mis sion after mission until the grand climax is reached in which the sub finds itself in the middle of the Imperial Japanese fleet. ~'H-r X Starting Sunday, April 15 at 8:15 p. m. and continuing through Wednesday with a Tuesday mati nee at 3, is the film version of Richard Walton Tally’s stage suc cess, “Bird Of Paradise,” starring Louis Jourdan, Debra Paget and Jeff Chandler. The lyrical quality and the wealth of intriguing folk lore with whjch Delmar Daves endowed “Broken Arrow” have been lavished even more fanci fully on “Bird Of Paradise” by the same writer-director. This beautifully produced, modernized version of the South Sea Island classic is a pictorial as well as an entertaining treat for today’s au diences. Photographed in Techni color at the natural lush locales in Hawaii, the picture gives the patron an exquisite sequence of magnificent backgrounds. Fine performances and overall excel lence rnake this one filrn no one will want to miss. At the Moore County Hospital April 4—Mr. and Mrs. Dan Han cock, Aberdeen, a boy; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sands, Aberdeen, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. William Need- hami, Carthage, a boy. April 5—Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ritter, Robbins, a girl. April 7—Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Furr, Pinehurst, a boy;Mr. and Mrs. James Corner, Carthage, a boy. April 9—Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Shields, Bennett, a boy; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Preslar, Bennett, a boy. April 10—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones, Raeford, a boy. years of occupational duty rea. General Wicks was coni der of the Seventh Infentry' sion artillery. ROTARY SPEAKER Brig. Gen. Roger M. Wicks of Southern Fines was a special guest Tuesday at the Sanford Ro tary club, where he made a talk on his experiences during three Chowan college at Mua boro, founded in 1848, is Carolina’s oldest Baptist wo, college. ^ In 1935 North Carolina I, total of 699 industrial firmSj. wood as a basic element of facture. riscilla CO] and d^nhques Just like their ^-d-dads, the^Duk^ 2 the barbershop quartet. This Bai’bershop Quart J of^the D-^e U™ ^y ^ ^ ^ Sector! VernSl La™ Sston-Salem; Kenneth Kreider, Palmyra, Pa.; and Richard Nelson, Lynch- ThSuke Glee club will appear at the auditorium in a concert sponsored by the Civic Starting Thursday night, April 19 at 8:15 is the return to the Sandhills of that feast for music, lovers, “Of Men and Mdsic,” pre senting Arthur Rubinstein, the world renowned pianist; Jascha Heifetz, violin virtuoso; Jan Peerce, tenor, and Nadine Conner, the Metropolitan zona was the goal of many ex soldiers seeking further adven ture after the Civil War. And to this roaring pioneer territory came a former Confederate officer who started a rugged private war of his own. So begins the story of “Sugar- foot,” Warner Brothers epic west ern drama in color by Techni color, which b,dgins its local en gagement at the Sunrise Theatre on Sunday, April 15. j The title role of the film is handled by Randolph Scott, last seen in “Colt .45,” whose collec tion of fan letters from all over the" world is proof enough that Re is ^ps among Hollywood’s two-fisted cowboy stars. Adele Jergens, rising young actress who performed in many swank New York night clubs be Hardsurf acing Is Planned For 46.3 Miles In Moore from NC 73 in Jackson Springs south 2.3 miles to Richmond County line; from NC 27. 0.4 miles east of Montgomery County line south 1.6 miles toward Candor tc Montgomery County line. PINEHURST Our little shop is all dressed up to welcome the Sandhills’ spring guests. We have so many things which, when you buy them for a gift, you may well feel you must duplicate for yourself. NORTH CAROLINA Market Square Operr company,'and ThJ^PWlhar- fore moving west, supplies the ro- - - 'mance while Raymond Massey monic orchestra under the direc tion of the famous Conductor Di mitri Mitropoulos, with narrator Deems Taylor. Twentieth Century-Fox , has planned more pictures like this; the reception of this one will and S. Z. Sakall, masters of men ace and mirth, respectively, are also featured. Written by Clarence Buding ton Kelland, one of America’s most beloved authors, “Sugar- a xms’ introduces a wealth of have a great deal to do characters, ranging from makmg of the r Plans into reali f:„htine “Sugarfoot” himself. ties. Those who desire to hear great music now have that oppor tunity. Sunrise A territory that originated the “when men were men” line, Ari- Bids will be opened April 24 on highway projects in 29 counties, including Moore, it was announc- jed Tuesday by the State Highway Commission at Raleigh. The projects call for 468.8 miles of grading, paving, culverts, bridges and new rights of way. Many of the projects, including those in Moore, will be financed by the state road bond issue under the Scott program initiated in 1948. Moore County projects being advertised include 46.3 miles of hard-surfacing on following sec tions of county roads: From Robbins west via talc mine 1.7 miles toward NC 27; from Niagara north to Clay Road via Thagards church; from West Philadelphia on NC 27 south to NC 211 via Big Oak; from Lake- view to Knollwood Airport, from end of pavement in Eagle SPRING SAL CONTINUES-VALUES GALORH New Spring white anti colored wash goods, plain and printed rayons by the yard at lower prices than mills and manufactur ers are now offering for later. MEN! SHOP For Less At Efir< Ladies' SKIRTS FINE SHEER COTTONS tne ugnxing ougdii-wi. Aixinocix, ^ xrr’ 97* to Jacob Stint, a Quantrell raider (Springs; from talc mine to NL 2/, _ . . . lA "AT/^ 01 1 ITT H who turned to Arizona as a fruit laden tree ripe for plundering. It is between these two men that much of the action revolves. Trenton, capital of New Jersey, is named after William Trent, who bought the city’s site in 1714. from NC 211 near West End in a south direction via Maness or chard, Patterson store and Rose- land to Sand Pitt road; from Big Oak to NC 705 near Zion Grove colored church; from Clay Road via Old Bartley place to Carth- age-Vass road at Maxwell place; In gabardine, failles cottons. Priced for sale at and this PRINTED LAWNS . PRINTED DIMITIES FLOCKED VOILES 39-INCH ORGANDIES yard 59c yard 59c yard 59c yard 59c !.48 & 12.98 Nylon SWEATERS Cotton DRESSES Rayon FAILLE at CARTHAGE FURNITURE COMPANY Plain color Rayon Excellent quality. FaiUe. Women’s and Misses’ short sleeve slipover style nylon sweaters in white and pastel colors. $2.98 An extra large selection of fast color cotton dresses. Styles for wom en and misses. $2.98 97c yd. Eyelet BATISTE 36” fine quality eyelet em broidered batiste. Assorted patterns and colors. 97c yd. Boys' Long and Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS and plaids. Sizes Men's SPORT SHIRTS Men’s cotton sport shirts with long sleeves, sorted patterns on sale. $1.98 SKIP DENT BASQUE SPORT SHIRTS $1.65 97c as- Solid colors 8’s to 16’s. $1.48 Boys' Gabardine DRESS PANTS Plaids and solid colors. $2.98 Bemberg SHEERS An extra large selection o: printed bemberg sheers Spring and Summer. $1.35 for— I' ufumer furniture AT HOME indoors ) OR out... Printed RAYONS New Spring patterns in fine qual ity rayon printed crepes. 79c yd. Fruit of The Loom PRINTS Colorful patterns in these fine quality prints, also plain colors. 59c yd. L.19 yd. ORGANDY One special lot of 39” fine q organdy for curtains. 59c yd. For Your Siunmer Comfort Enjoy those wonderful sunshine days all sum mer by selecting now from among our many colorful styles purchased months ago to as sure you of LOWEST PRICES and WIDEST SELECTIONS. ‘ v Metal Chairs, Rockers, Sun-tan Cots, Gliders, Tables, Umbrellas, Rugs in all colors. Lot 15-51 NYLON HOSE First quality 51 gauge—15 denier Nylon hose in newest shades. $1.00 Men's ATHLETIC SHIRTS Men’s Super Swiss rib shirts and Hanes atb shirts for men. 48c Select yours today Carthage Furniture Co. Efird^s Department Store Phone 1 CARTHAGE We Deliver Phone 153 SANFORD'S BIG MODERN STORE Steele Street SANFORD. N.